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  • hi my name's Chris for Guerrero in this short video I'd like to help you cut through

  • all the confusion about how to really lose weight

  • and boost your energy quickly safely and in a way to get you noticeable

  • results fast now these are the same Quixtar tactics I

  • shared with millions of Boost your metabolism and get rid of your belly fat people across

  • the globe from all walks of life the health and to

  • finally dropped way locally this key question what would it

  • mean to you to have a powerful metabolism to me a powerful metabolism means being able

  • to live life with out happy to die all the time and

  • without having exercise like man just drop a few pounds it means living without having

  • to worry about what my stomachs gonna look like when

  • I'm on the beach or from the Boost your metabolism and get rid of your belly fat have enough

  • willpower succeed on my current diet what about you if US sum it up what you picture

  • when you see yourself having a powerful metabolism you see you can't

  • motivate yourself words you have to have a great picture

  • in your mind to really motivate yourself and when

  • I think that having a powerful metabolism I see myself enjoying life in a

  • tight leaving youthful looking body a body that's

  • full of energy now that's me in yes plane with my kids is a major part

  • in my life and one of the biggest reasons for

  • knowing how to stay healthy Boost your metabolism and get rid of your belly fat and in shape

  • without having spent hours in the gym reading tastes foods come on you

  • know what I mean and that's not to say that you could jump from where

  • you are right now to that kinda lifestyle that a little work on your part

  • but what I'm about to share with you here has been proven time in time again to

  • work so that you never again after doubt whether or Boost your metabolism

  • and get rid of your belly fat not you're doing the right

  • things get the kind results which are looking for let me tell you a little about my past

  • and why I know that I could help you my goal for the

  • past 18 years has been to create simple systems that help people to lose a combined 10

  • million pounds each year and although there's been years where r

  • barely reach that goal i've been fortunate enough to reach out

  • and touch a lot of amazing people through programs like the energy factor

  • television show which is a show where I help people

  • stripped layers of fat of week after week after week and also my speaking events across

  • the globe Andrew my books and audio programs to

  • but the foundation for all this is the National melon baller in longevity

  • Research Center and in the research center we study each in every program comes out

  • every single year we rip apart and what we're looking for

  • is a try to find out what really works every single time it's

  • used and as we're going through these programs we sift through Roman we get rid

  • of all the fluff the neville be finds its way into

  • the books in the journals in the diet programs out there that fluff that makes

  • it very confusing for most people to get the results they're

  • trying to get and when we find it if that works we tested

  • and weary tested and we re test and we we tested on different populations

  • a people and again we're looking for only those

  • tactics to get noticeable results every time by everyone who uses them people who thought

  • Boost your metabolism and get rid of your belly fat they could never lose

  • weight are now living life in the body's that they always wanted people who needed coffee

  • to wake up in the morning now have only energy they need

  • all day every day the tactics that we teach works so well that

  • we've been featured in 100 the web sites out there in in books and TV and and

  • on national magazines like these but more importantly a lot of these magazines

  • featured our readers who got into the program and transform

  • their bodies using the simple tactics that they discovered and today in just a few short

  • minutes you're gonna know the top three foods to

  • boost your metabolism and to melt pounds of fat of love your

  • body before we go over all that we to put on

  • our science hats for just a second and think about foods in two basic

  • categories because if we really wanna make this

  • simple and that's the truth behind all this it has to be simple so if we really wanna

  • make this simple is really only two main kinda foods out there

  • his life foods and there's depth roots life foods are

  • things like fruits and vegetables debt foods are things that man touched

  • and pasteurized and processed and bad too and canned shelf and everything else to

  • it now life whose have to really important things inside of them they have micronutrients

  • that's one other things and micronutrients a things like

  • move will buy diamonds minerals are things like micronutrients as

  • probably the easiest way for most people think about this now micronutrients

  • they do something very very special inside the human body they

  • supply your body with the substance is needed for your metabolism to remain healthy

  • now watch the words an amusing here they supply your body with the substance is needed

  • for your metabolism to remain healthy because your metabolism has to be healthy

  • if we want to be able to burn fat when we tell it to burn fat but then there's something

  • else there's something called macronutrients and macronutrients are

  • things like proteins and carbohydrates and fats macronutrients either help you burn fat

  • for energy or they cause your body to store fat what are the other depends on the

  • choices that you make depends on the macro nutrients that you

  • choose you choose fried chicken you choose greasy hamburgers re choose lean

  • proteins like fishes and and lean chickens in lean red meat and

  • aches all foods are like drugs and the sooner we begin

  • to understand that and think about foods like drugs the easier it's gonna be for you to

  • quickly and seamlessly understand beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what's gonna and

  • wait your body and what's going to help you naturally strip that fat from your

  • system because everything that you eat or everything that you drank causes a very specific

  • effect to occur in your body and most the time that effect

  • occurs within minutes I've ingesting it some foods

  • cause your body to release chemicals that force it to

  • store fat there's no choice but he has no choice

  • as soon as you eat those kinda food or drink those kinda drinks your body releases chemicals

  • that make it impossible for your body to drop fat but

  • then there's other foods that the city should begin eating them a fortune what

  • happened to burn stored fat for energy now if you had a choice which one of

  • these would you choose would you choose to eat foods that make that stick to

  • your body or would you choose to eat a few with

  • the foods that help your body to simply and easily shed way to me it's a

  • rhetorical question obviously your goal is the eat mostly foods that

  • make weight loss easy so the mishaps and gets stronger day after de after day and your body

  • sheds fact day after de after day so let's go over the top three

  • foods to maximize your metabolism because now that you know there's really

  • only two main categories a foods out there and that was sort of a basic place to

  • start let's get slightly more advanced the top three foods to maximize your

  • metabolism or the first one this protein but there's a

  • few things that we wanna know about proteins because you don't mind just

  • throw proteins and your system you want to be able to know which ones

  • are the best choices when it comes to weight loss or energy for longevity because those

  • are the three main results that happen that we could

  • look at and say yes unhealthy on the inside because I'm not storing

  • a lot of that because I have a lot energy because I look

  • young and I look healthy and I look vibrance the top

  • protein sources to get those kind results or wild salmon or fresh sardines that's

  • the number one thing that I like to choose with my clients in with myself and eight whites

  • and rains that I know most people categorize greens in the carbohydrate

  • section I know it but just humor me for a couple minutes

  • here because the amount of protein you put in your body is not the most important thing

  • we're talking about protein when we're talking about

  • protein the most important thing to think about as hell

  • much %uh that protein is gonna be absorbed and used by your body so that

  • it is a benefit to your metabolism into your health

  • into your energy level and the Amana protein in greens they can be absorbed by

  • your body is significantly higher than the amount of protein

  • that's in any other source that i could think of now why

  • is that so important that's so important because no number one thing that

  • stops most people from dropping weight is that they crave

  • sweets but all physical craving for sweets is caused by a

  • lack of absorbable protein and as soon as we increase the

  • absorbable protein it goes into our clients the faster they

  • begin enjoying life in getting the kind results they're

  • looking for and it feels easier because they don't have those normal cravings that knocked

  • them off a ball the other dice in the past but after proteins

  • then we look at facts an unhealthy balance up the omega fats the

  • omega 3&6 is and nines cause mental fogginess and they cause

  • our bodies to gain weight because when we feel mentally lethargic in

  • their thinking then we don't wanna go an exercise or we don't want

  • to think about dieting so it's like a double-edge sword that on

  • healthy balance to the omega three sixes and nines not only cause our body to gain weight

  • but it also makes it so much easier for us to fall into that

  • lifestyle that makes it easier for us to gain weight now most people eat way too much omega

  • 6's which are the commercial oils that we find the most the fried foods out there so

  • the top fat sources that we want to look at what we're

  • talking about balancing out the threes in the nines is organic Mediterranean cold-pressed

  • extra virgin olive oil not as regular olive oil but if

  • your gonna do it if you gonna eat nice raw olive oil then get the organic kind

  • and if you gonna do that you gonna get the organic olive oil think the organic Mediterranean

  • cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil because that we see all of that on the label

  • that's healthy oil for your body but also flax oil and also wild Alaskan salmon

  • or sardines are anchovies or walnuts all we're talking about before we're talking a

  • protein sources wild salmon was on the air so wild salmon fulfills to categories

  • that we really need a clean source of protein and it also

  • helps us the phallus are fast so their body and drop weight when we tell it to drop

  • weight but you have to understand again there's a warning to all this when you take any this

  • oiling you cook it when you throw into the pan you put onto

  • the hot stove and you cook it it converts the chemical

  • structure that that into a very on healthy one and when that

  • happens no matter what kind of that you're choosing it turns toxic to your system and

  • it makes it so your body hezbollah difficulty dropping wait now

  • let's go into the third food that we have to focus on what we're talking about

  • maximizing metabolism now we're talking about vegetables this

  • certain facts that you need to know about vegetables in order to really improve

  • the health of your system on the inside improve your health on a cellular level for mental

  • energy for physical health and so that you look and

  • feel young at the same time the certain power vegetables that we wanna go over the first

  • one is garlic the garlic as just so many amazing benefits just adding

  • garlic to our foods the so many terrific things on our inside and also spinach

  • and KL and cruciferous vegetables also these are things that are just so %uh massively

  • abundance around us but we're not putting enough for them into our system

  • the warmer creating their diets no matter how you're creating a no matter what

  • your goals are at the foundation on that site has the

  • health so your goal should be to eat a rainbow up these vegetables

  • different colors vegetables Reds and purples and greens look for all the different colors

  • and throw them into your diet three times a day

  • if you can't do that if you actually hate vegetables or

  • you lead such a busy lifestyle that you can sit down and make sure that you're

  • having trash vegetables three times a day and

  • get yourself a nice greens drink a drank the heat in almost any health

  • food store that has a lot of this stuff in it now if you're talking about real

  • results if you're looking for true noticeable results results that not

  • just you notice in the air but he's also other people notice around you and i'm

  • talking about. result I'm not just talking about shedding weight but i'm talking about.

  • converting the excess body fat that you've got into mental

  • and physical energy so that you can enjoy life re talking about those

  • kinda results they never happen from learning what

  • to do real results come from following a proven

  • system a system makes everything easier a system does most of the work for you a

  • system gives you a map to follow and it includes multiple proven tactics that's the system

  • this now think about this for a second in order to understand this just picture your

  • metabolism sorta like a tabletop sorta like just the top up a table now most

  • people support their metabolism with one technique and that would

  • be like to get a table and he supported with

  • one leg so if you have one Lake supporting your table Howell

  • balanced is that table gonna be well we've all seen tables out there with

  • one leg in the center and that table is sorta strong but if you lean on a little bit too

  • hard if you pull that Lake out obviously tables gonna

  • drop now that he got somebody is really smart people because that

  • one leg maybe diet it may be hey you know what I just watch this great video

  • the Chris grow put together that showed me these three foods if I

  • just focus on these three food is going to improve the health of my metabolism

  • so much that my metabolism is gonna automatically because the burn more fat

  • and that's true when you have wasn't healthy any time of the day whether it's day or

  • night metabolism is burning more calories which can just do it using

  • one tactic people do do that and that's called insanity because they're chained to

  • that diet because at that one leg that one told that

  • they're using sporter mattel's is diet that forces you to stick to a very

  • strict diet all the time so then there's some really smart people come around and they say

  • you know when I'm not just gonna diet I'm gonna diet and I'm gonna exercise

  • so now they have to Lake supporting their table now understand

  • that by just adding exercise to a good diet you can increase the

  • results she getting by up to 33 percent so that's a great thing these people

  • begin to get significantly faster easier results why is it easier

  • because they don't have to diet as hard if they're also exercising the

  • combination of those two make it easier it's a synergistic effect the exercise boosts the

  • man if that your body's burning from the diet that you're

  • finally synergistically they work together in combination to get

  • you faster easier results but what if what if you had multiple lakes not just one not

  • just to not just three what he had 10 11 or 12 different legs supporting

  • your metabolism 12 over eleven or ten different tactics

  • that you were doing it synergistically works together they

  • worked in combination to get you faster easier salts multiple

  • Lake supporting your metabolism means that you have to work for less and

  • means the results that you get are along term results you're no longer dealing

  • with just one lake which again like I said before is sorta like the definition of insanity

  • attempting to stick so strictly to a diet or so strictly

  • to just an exercise program but when you combine these

  • things just combining exercise with diet made it so you're

  • getting 33 percent faster results at all these tactics are gonna

  • give you that much of a boost but let's say they all

  • gave you 20 percent faster so then I let's say

  • they all gave you just 10 percent faster results how about that what if we were conservatively

  • said well that's why these tactics boosts the fat loss

  • capabilities at my body and the energy building capabilities in my body

  • by just 10 percent if we had 10 small tactics simple tactics it was boosting your

  • metabolism building your health on a cellular level

  • from the inside out if he had all that going for you what

  • would you have let tell you what you have your system and this kind of a system makes

  • it so that you now have a lifestyle so you could go out on vacation

  • maybe and while you're on vacation most people don't wanna diet most

  • people don't want to exercise so you pull those two legs out and if you pull

  • two legs out at this picture we have he saw the lake supporting your

  • metabolism so when you get back from their vacation you're leaner you're healthier your

  • weight loss wasn't stunt it was in slow down in fact he kept

  • moving what happens when most people go away on

  • vacation most people when they go away on vacation comeback heavier most people work

  • out so hard before they go on vacation so they look sorta good but

  • then they have to do the same thing all over again it's depressing come back from

  • vacation sometimes and now have two get back in the gym

  • really really hard this is called setting your metabolism

  • up on autopilot and it's what we teach in maximize your metabolism inside that book

  • I give you a step-by-step diet listing the exact foods

  • that boost your metabolism and I give you all the foods that

  • limit metabolic efficiency because you've got

  • a boy those foods at all cost because if you know no matter beyond a shadow of

  • a doubt your folly that exercise program you're following a good I but you're

  • still eating certain foods they're killing your results the no matter how hard you diet

  • or exercise its always going to be an uphill

  • battle for you and these are not the foods that most

  • people bank are causing them so much turmoil their foods that most

  • people think it's not that that if you just take those out you're not

  • gonna miss him that much in your results you get will be so much faster and so much

  • easier and then we talk about how to train your metabolism to speed up in a

  • matter of days and we talk about how to sweep your body

  • clear above all the impurities in the poisons and toxins that are clogging up

  • your metabolism and literally making fat stick to your body and we go over how to know

  • if you've damage amid house in the past plus the only way to reverse that

  • metabolic damage and we can be simple tricks the burn

  • more calories every day even when you're sleeping even while

  • you're sleeping you're burning calories and we go over the five critical factors

  • that determine the health and the speedy a mad house because by knowing that's then you

  • could actually see the path that you need to walk and then set your stay

  • a so that you're on that path we go over how to build so much

  • healthy metabolism he can even treat yourself to your

  • favorite foods like ice cream and brownies or cookies that's it yourself back and we

  • teach you how to know how much is too much so the Hugo

  • of the diet and play around and enjoy a night out with you

  • fran where your friends are enjoying a glass a wine or whatever it is that you

  • really crave so you don't drive yourself crazy but

  • you know what that limit is so that you just don't pass that limits

  • and everything will be OK because your metabolism is now so healthy is burning up those excess

  • calories without you even having to do anything extra

  • and we go over the five easiest ways to control the emotions that lead to overeating

  • and most people and which exercises have a major effect

  • on increasing your metabolism which ones only have a minimal effect on

  • it have you ever seen people who go to the gym an exercise hard year

  • after year after year and they barely change their body shape this because

  • they're focusing on exercises that they've been mistakenly

  • told helps them to lose weight or helps and have a great body but those exercises have

  • such a small effect on their body thereby making a simple shift and doing

  • a few different exercises their body shaper change in a matter of

  • weeks instead of the year since taking them now to get results and we go over complete

  • strength training program strictly for fat loss including

  • the best routine and sets and wraps and form and speed and pounded everything

  • explained in detail for you and then in the back to the book I give you

  • something call the seven days to reshape your life in your body it's a fast

  • results one week QuickStart program that launches your results into orbit

  • from day one you get everything in this book everything that you need to drop weight and

  • to feel great and to reshape the areas that you want to minimize most and on

  • this page we put a discount this particular page I put a 50 percent discount

  • plus new bonuses for this program in fact the

  • actual discount is even more than fifty percent of what maximize your metabolism

  • sells for an most website right now and in the stores it's more than 50

  • percent off this is the only page you get this offer

  • but you have to understand something that's that's a lot of the bonus is that

  • we put in here came straight from the National about longevity Research Center

  • we can't give away too many of them so this offer and the new bonuses are

  • limited I will come down soon here's what you get: you get a

  • step-by-step diet and fitness program you'll hear stories about other readers

  • as they shed wat with you and I'll walk you through all the steps

  • of the process and I'll show you how to do everything I'll show you a complete system

  • to burn fat and boost your energy I'll explain it

  • in careful step-by-step exhaustive detail if I you something to improve

  • my health if I see something to boost my metabolism

  • buy you something to work with my personal clients to get them great results

  • I detail for you his which received today you get the full maximize your

  • metabolism system which sells online every day for $39 dollars you get

  • lifetime updates which is something that we normally offer to our clients for ninety seven

  • dollars yet lifetime access to the full maximize your metabolism weight loss library now the

  • weight loss library includes another one my books which is a 135 secrecy

  • get that fast it includes reports like the 10 biggest

  • fat loss lies out there so that you could see the truth about what's really working

  • out there you get from fat to fit which is a special mega report bonus combo you get

  • the boost your body special power report series yet the unleash the power

  • of your mind reports the other non workout fitness reports

  • you get the age-related special reports because as we age different things affect

  • us differently that's three hundred eight dollar

  • value see it all that plus real support real support meeting in the

  • back of the book when you get this book you flip the tobacco booking a fine my

  • email address so you could send the email to me with

  • your 3 hottest questions if you go through this program

  • how great would it be to be a reach out and get your questions answered and said

  • I just getting a book and being left alone you're not you will not be left in

  • the dark with this and if I'm on the road if I'm traveling

  • speaking or find in the studio filming another TV show then one my team Lancer you but you'll

  • still get support you'll get the top three questions answered the

  • email in this and I getting started today you get a

  • lifetime updates absolutely free you'll get the full weight loss library

  • absolutely free you'll get the real support free and like I said before on

  • this page on this discount page not gonna be thirty nine dollars how

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  • areas that you want to minimize most today only for 17 hours just 17 dollars and your

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  • change and you'll begin to get results the not just you'll

  • notice the others are gonna notice to people's lives are changing

  • as we speak clients are dropping wat by using the

  • exact tactics to chill learning maximize your metabolism she's gotta ask you some question

  • are you next use the button underneath this video

  • right now grab the entire maximize your metabolism system and all the bonuses for just seventeen

  • dollars I really look forward to hearing from you the email

hi my name's Chris for Guerrero in this short video I'd like to help you cut through


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あなたの新陳代謝を高め、あなたの腹の脂肪を取り払って下さい (Boost your metabolism and get rid of your belly fat)

  • 334 26
    Freda に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日