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Hey everyone it's Morgan Yates and today I'm back to an a Trader Joe's holiday mall
I did one of these back in the fall showing all of the pumpkin and fall items at Trader Joe's have gotten in and
Now it's finally Christmas time
My Trader Joe's was a little behind
Getting in all of the new festive peppermint things and everything like that based on you guys telling me when you're Trader Joe's got them
But it's fine because we finally have it
I'm not bitter so lots to show in this video if you're new and this is the first video you're seeing
I would love if you would subscribe. I know where that better lighting. It is raining right now
I'm gonna post videos every Saturday and I'm also doing vlogmas every single day over my blog channel
So if you want to see some daily vlogs, make sure you're checking those out. So we will just jump right in I have to
Overflowing bags some new items if I've messed up on any of these and something for some reason isn't new
I don't know I base all this off of
My Trader Joe's they put these like snowflake little things beside like the names of the items if it was like a winter thing
So I made the assumption. I don't know
I'm gonna go through a few frozen and refrigerated items first that we can get them back in the fridge
First of all, I picked up two frozen appetizers
I'm real excited about these because I love to host
Like little holiday gatherings and things like that
If you have seen vlogs than you guys probably know but one thing that I love to make
Kind of from I guess just like the bear ingredients are these bacon-wrapped goat cheese stuffed dates, and they are so good
So I haven't tried these yet. We're having a Christmas little gathering here tomorrow
So maybe I'll whip these out and we'll see because these are always the crowd favorite
So I'm almost nervous to it. Try these but if they end up being good
Then it'll save me a lot of time from having to like whip all of these up though
I don't know if you guys have made these let me know and then right beside that I also saw this Trader Joe's pimento cheese
Puffs little pastry thing so filled with the cheese uncrewed bacon and caramelized onion
So I don't know a little bit more of a savory option. I'm, ashlyn anything cheese and bacon is gonna be pretty good
Yeah, maybe I'll let those up
I don't know normally when I post things I do like a big cheese
Spread like veggie boar cool little appetizers and like lots of desserts
but tomorrow I think I'm gonna cater this is the most dramatic thing about reception Kim Williams saying this I think I'm going to get
sushi from catch
My favorite restaurant in LA. I just think that would be that would make me so happy but I think a beautiful sushi just
I'm crazy
Okay, but we might make these tuned into Instagram stories and tomorrow's vlog mice to see what we do with that next up
I just got to frozen desserts first. I recently discovered in general these mini hold the cone little ice cream treats
They're just these mini ice cream cones originally
I just gotten like the regular coconut vanilla ice cream and then like the little chocolate part on top and there's tiny bit of chalk
On the bottom. It's amazing the best part
So so excited when I saw that they had these peppermint ones because not only is it peppermint ice cream
But it's a chocolate cone and I prefer chocolate all day long
Anyways, you get eight in a pack as you see yeah done some damage and it's another fun little treat
I usually eat one every other night. They're really good and then next initially
I thought this was just gonna be like, well, it says candy cane Joe Joe's ice cream from afar
I saw this and I thought no peppermint ice cream. I was like typical like whatever
I love that they spiced it up because Joe Joe's are basically they're Oreos if you're unfamiliar
And they already make like a peppermint or candy cane Joe Joe's this time of year that are so good
so this is gonna be like a
Minty cookies and cream type vibe I think and then the last item that goes in the refrigerator
Is this cocoa peppermint almond creamer? So dairy-free this actually thinks pretty flavorful
It's not too often that I make my own like straight-up coffee
Although I got some like winter cake hub type things and I'll show you in a second
So maybe this would be good in that typically at home
I'm making some kind of like latte situation and - fresco
So it'll just be like oat milk and then like the little pod of like the espresso shot
but this time of year is good -
Almost just like instead of sweetening out some stevia or something cuz then it's a little too sweet
I'll just pour in a little bit of this. It adds a nice like slightly chocolate peppermint flavor
I just think it's fun holiday item. I don't know. It's not life-changing life-changing
But if it's enough to keep you making your coffee at home versus buying it out as is the case with me
I'm trying to make myself feel excited about this. So there's been less money on coffee. Although here. We are. Yeah
Those are the cold things next up. I've been eyeing this
I'm thrilled about the existence of this boozy chocolate truffle package
There are four different kinds it shows they have them with gin whiskey rum and Prosecco
I always say it and I got card it like this things taped up
I got carded when I bought it and I was like why I think this also just look super fancy like this would be a
Great, like little gift to give someone you open it
It's a wrapped up all nice and fancy and oh and you get a lot
So there's nine of each kind and you better believe I'm gonna stay here and sample each of them right now. All right
Well, how do I know from which this one is London gin?
I want to spread it out
Maybe if you'd like Jen, that would be okay. All right next Prosecco
It's better for sure, but it's not life changing and I really like white chocolate though next this one has rum effectiveness
It's like my job right now is tasting chocolate on camera
I'm made up I slightly taste rum
Emotionals good, then lots of Muslims the whiskey one. No, it was about one
Mmm-hmm. Well, that was fun
Overall, I would still recommend getting that for like a fun little thing or even just like a gift for someone in front of similar
No, this is the one item that I'm not confident if this is in their like winter collection if you will
But I love it. So I'm showing it because this could also be like a really cute gift Bank
It's called this chocolate passport and it's wrapped evoke you basically it's just a stack of chocolate bars from all of these countries
I think this is so creative
If you have anyone in your life who likes chocolate
It's just like a fun little sampling and it's in like a really nice box
So that's just like a cute little almost gift item
I guess next time I picked up a couple tees because I do every now and then like to drink a tea at night this
Perplexed me the most it's called candy cane green tea
I have had like mint green teas from Trader Joe's before they're like Moroccan mint green tea one so I can't imagine this taste all
That different but I like it's decaf so it'll be perfect for before bed then
Secondly, I got this winter wake up to you, which says a spicy black tea blend with cinnamon and ginger
So those are definitely like winter little spice flavors and says it has orange peels and licorice. I don't know but one clove
Yeah, so I can already like taste so this gun tastes like next to like cake or like Lord loaf
We have a chocolate loaf mix. This is their chocolate peppermint loaf and baked cake mix and then we have it this gingerbread cake mix
Says that it has crystallized ginger pieces in us. I think that'd be interesting
I think I would like that because I like ginger
So for this one, you just need the mix a large egg vegetable oil and water
and then for this one the
ingredients are
The mix 2 large eggs 1/3 of a cup of oil and 1/2 cup of powdered sugar if you have tried them
Let me know it always does I just realize this says that it makes great cookies - and there's a recipe on the side
Oh, that's the recipe for the cookies false alarm. So what's the recipe for the regular?
So if you're making this in like a loaf type thing, it's the mix egg water melted butter. That's what you need
Ok, so you can spice it up multi-purpose mix here maybe in vlogmas. I will make one of those at some point next
Why did I think these were peppermint anything pink? I just assumed peppermint, and I clearly don't read it. I thought these were peppermint
Marshmallows, but they're just mini marshmallows. So still be cute for hot chocolate next up a little like snacky dessert item
I picked up the peppermint pretzel slim. So it says they have a creamy coating and
Sprinkles. All right taste does
Break up not my favorite. But again, I'm not a big white chocolate girl, and that's what you're mostly tasting
Although you do taste the peppermint in there. It's more sweet than in too salty. It's fine
I just wouldn't reach for that over other things like those ice cream cones
Those are the best moving on I'm very intrigued by this. I've never seen anything like this
Maybe I've been living under a rock
But this is called the double chocolate hot cocoa
stirring spoon with
Marshmallows and what you do with this is you just put this spoon into and it says 8 ounce cup of hot milk
Or steamed milk steaming hot milk. That's what it says. And then you stir it until the chocolate melts
So this light creates your hot chocolate so this could even be cool
If you're like, you just want it like once you don't to buy a big pack of like in chocolate or anything like that
So I'm excited to try that next up you guys these are so good
I can crush these I can literally go through this whole thing in like one second. These are elevated Oreos
They're better than the original
I wish they had these year-round or these hat like candy cane pieces and every bite like in the filling is so good
I love these next you can imagine my shock when I returned home and it was going through a hold of this and discovered
The gluten free version was also in my bag
I'm sure I did not buy this because the other day I only I didn't like
Christmas I was looking for these JoJo's and they only had gluten-free once so I bought the glue and free ones not the same hate
To say like I can get on board with a lot of gluten-free stuff
I think a lot of stuff tastes exactly the same. I even prefer some gluten-free things sometimes, however,
This something about it like the cookie. It just did not do it for me
So I in no world would be buying a second box of these
So I've tried to like take inventory of everything here and I think what happened?
I mean you tell me how this happened, but I don't have
Something I thought I'm just picking up off the shelf which were these like gingerbread?
crackers that are so cute and yummy they have like a very like light layer of like
Icing on the back and then they're little mini gingerbread. I think those are really good again
I wouldn't like sit here and like
crush a ton of them at once, but they're fun little festive treat to have around they I
Assume these boxes were somehow beside each other
I know they were kind of far back on the Shelf and like laying down and I guess I didn't pay attention and I picked
Up. This will be returning that but next time I'm there and then lastly on the jojomo
Now you like feel sort of like a sugar crash coming after this
These are dark chocolate covered peppermint jojo's they're try lines. So people look like this they are thick. Oh
My god, it's like a thin mint but better Wow, oh my god
Mmm, alright. Well, yeah that gets a 10 out of 10 for me next
I picked up these gingerbread crisps that I thought could be fun but says these are good for complimenting cheese breads dips and toppings
I kind of thought these would be fun just unlike a cheese board to like toss in as an alternative like
Cracker option if you will they aren't quite large as you can tell then next up back in the fall
I tried they're a little like pumpkin spice coffee and thought it's pretty good
So I thought we would take a chance on their festively flavored coffee celebration coffee cup celebration. I don't know whatever
Oh, it's a variety. I
Was wondering why this box was huge. I'm seeing now that we have five varieties
So you get four of each of all of these flavors. Oh my goodness chocolate mint caramel wintery blend
That's a good one french vanilla and gingerbread. Oh, they're trying to buy coffee is vomit. This makes me so happy chocolate mint coffee
Hello, we're gonna see how that is right next a couple little tins of pink
They're peppermint bark and then jingle jangle
Which is like a little like mix of popcorn and like probably why it looks like pretzels and probably something chocolaty in there
Yeah, milk and dark chocolate mini peanut butter cups dark chocolate enrobed chocolate
Vanilla, Joe Joe's cookies, if anyone understands that let me know milk chocolate candies and then we've got like pretzels
This is the little visual it shows of what it looks like
I got these dark chocolate stars, which are just chocolate covered shortbread cookies. They look really good
I love dark chocolate milk. Chocolate is a white chocolate is no and dark chocolate amazing. So this what we got just some little guys
Mmm a little more bitter than I expected wait
Not that I thought mixed dots mixed thoughts. If you're not into like a really sweet thing. I mean, this is a good thing
I feel like my taste buds are also thrown off from like everything
I've been eating these I feel like you could actually like eat some of and like not
Be sick of it after the first couple bites
But I don't think it's life-changing like the cookie didn't really taste like anything at all another cookie option
I don't typically pick up things from like the little like baked goods area
If you will, these are just their little twinkly tree cookies that look like they have ample
Sprinkles supply on top and they are very thick. They're just sugar coated cookies. Let's see
Actually, these are okay but again, I feel like it's not what I would reach for
They are cute to like set out if you're like having a little gathering or something since they're so festive and like who wants to
Make their own cookies like this. I don't know. I mean, is it very sweet? It's fine. I don't know
It didn't Wow me clearly I guess I'll just leave it at that. They were down to our final two items first
We have peppermint bark popcorn. I was very intrigued because it looks just like gumballs or some dates try
Was it my favorite at all, I mean, this is my least favorite thing
I don't mean to be such a critic you guys but let me know what you think
Tell me I'm wrong
If you love some of the stuff this is just you know
Popcorn that like that you buy from people or send stuff like this
It just tastes like stale ball burns and it's been wrapped in peppermint for a while
But that the outside isn't even that good either. I would rather eat straight-up peppermint bark really pass on that
I think then lastly I got these mini peppermint meringues so haven't had anything like this in a while just little look like this
Pretty good, actually, I'm not very familiar with like the meringue
market because I don't like to people like
you want something sweet and you grab this over like a cookie because I can't like fatten that like
I don't know whit when I would eat this but I do think this tastes good
I like this over a lot of other things. That's not too sweet
But my favorite items are for sure the Jo Jo's the dark chocolate covered Cho's let's hold the cone little things. I don't know
I'm excited for the coffee's that Jo Jo's ice cream
The tea's are fun and simple and the coffee cream is a good thing to have and the addition of those frozen appetizers
I think's really like stepping up the Trader Joe's frozen game. What did you guys think about everything at Trader Joe's?
I know. I'm also missing a few items because my Trader Joe's was sold out of some things
Let me know what I missed. And which items are your favorite?
I don't we've been doing these seasonal grocery videos, but as we get to the year
I'd love to do another like easy one-person meals video
So let me know if you don't see that head over to Instagram to see our Christmas car
We just posted and I would see all of you guys in my next video