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On a cold winter night in 1916,
Felix Yusupov anxiously prepared to pick up his dinner guest.
フェリックス・ ユスポフが 不安げに招待客を迎える準備をしていました
If all went as planned, his guest would be dead by morning,
全てが計画通りに行けば 朝までに招待客は死ぬはずでしたが
though four others had already tried and failed to finish him off.
既に別の4人による その招待客の暗殺計画が 未遂に終わっていたのです
The Russian monarchy was on the brink of collapse,
and to Yusupov and his fellow aristocrats,
the holy man they'd invited to dinner was the single cause of it all.
招待したその聖職者こそが 全ての元凶でした
But who was he,
しかし それはどんな人物で
and how could a single monk be to blame for the fate of an empire?
なぜ1人の僧が 帝国の運命を左右する 根源となりえたのでしょうか?
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin began his life in Siberia,
グリゴリー・エフィモヴィチ・ ラスプーチンは
born in 1869 to a peasant family.
1869年にシベリアの農夫の家に 生まれました
He might have lived a life of obscurity in his small village,
1890年代にロシア正教に 改宗しなければ
if not for his conversion to the Russian Orthodox Church
in the 1890s.
Inspired by the humbled monks that wandered endlessly
彼は 聖地を巡り歩く
from holy site to holy site,
he spent years on pilgrimages across Russia.
On his travels, strangers were captivated by Rasputin's magnetic presence.
その途上で ラスプーチンの存在に 人々は引き付けられました
Some even believed he had mystical gifts of prediction and healing.
彼には 予言能力や癒しの力があるとまで 信じる者もいたのです
Despite Rasputin's heavy drinking, petty theft, and promiscuity,
ラスプーチンの酒乱 窃盗や乱交にもかかわらず
his reputation as a monk quickly spread beyond Siberia
彼の僧としての評判は またたく間にシベリアを越えて広がり
and attracted both laypeople and powerful Orthodox clergymen.
一般信者も ロシア正教の 高位の聖職者も惹きつけたのです
When he finally reached the capital, St. Petersburg,
ラスプーチンがついに首都である サンクトペテルブルクに到達した時
Rasputin used his charisma and connections
to win favor with the imperial family's spiritual advisor.
皇帝一家の霊的な相談役に 気に入られたのです
In November 1905,
Rasputin was finally introduced to Russian Tsar Nicholas II.
ラスプーチンは ついに ニコライ2世に紹介されました
Nicholas and his wife Alexandra devoutly believed in the Orthodox Church,
皇帝ニコライと妃のアレクサンドラは 正教だけではなく
as well as in mysticism and supernatural powers,
and this Siberian holy man had them transfixed.
このシベリアの聖人に 2人は 驚倒したのです
It was a particularly tumultuous period for Russia and their family.
当時は ロシアや皇帝一家にとって 特に波乱に満ちた時期でした
The monarchy was barely clinging to control
after the Revolution of 1905.
Their political struggles were only intensified by personal turmoil:
政治的な困難だけではなく 個人的な深い悩みもありました
Alexei, the heir to the throne,
had a life-threatening blood disease called hemophilia.
When Alexei suffered a severe medical crisis in 1912,
1912年にアレクセイが 重い病状に苦しんでいた時
Rasputin advised his parents to reject treatment from doctors.
ラスプーチンは 医師団の治療を やめるよう皇帝夫妻に進言しました
Alexei's health improved, cementing the royal family's belief
すると アレクセイの健康は回復したため
that Rasputin had magical healing powers,
ラスプーチンには 神秘的な治癒力があると 皇帝一家からの信頼を高め
and guaranteeing his privileged place on the royal court.
Today, we know that the doctors had prescribed aspirin,
今では この医師団は血友病を悪化させる
a drug that worsens hemophilia.
アスピリンを処方していたことが 分かっています
After this incident, Rasputin made a prophecy:
この事件の後 ラスプーチンは こう予言しています
if he died, or the royal family deserted him,
「もし自分が死んだり 皇帝一家が 彼を見捨てたりすれば
both their son and their crown would soon be gone.
ほどなく皇子も皇帝の地位も 失ってしまう」と
Outside the royal family, people had mixed views on Rasputin.
皇帝一家以外の人々にとっては ラスプーチンに対する見方は様々でした
On one hand, peasants regarded him as one of their own,
農民たちは ラスプーチンを 彼らの声なき声を
amplifying their often-unheard voice to the monarchy.
君主に届けることができる 仲間であるとみなしました
But nobles and clergymen came to despise his presence.
しかし 貴族や聖職者たちは 彼の存在を嫌いました
Rasputin never ceased his scandalous behavior,
ラスプーチンは 不品行を改めることはなかったため
and they were skeptical of his so-called powers
彼らは 彼の力というものに 疑問を抱いており
and thought he was corrupting the royal family.
皇帝一家に悪影響を及ぼしていると 考えたのです
By the end of World War I,
they were convinced the only way to maintain order
彼らは 秩序を取り戻すための 唯一の方法は
was to eliminate this sham of a holy man.
この偽聖人を排除することだと 確信していました
With this conviction,
Yusupov began to plot Rasputin's assassination.
ユスポフは ラスプーチンの暗殺計画を 立て始めました
Though the exact details remain mysterious,
詳細は 謎に包まれたままですが
our best guess at how it all unfolded comes from Yusupov's memoirs.
He served Rasputin a number of pastries, believing they contained cyanide.
彼は 青酸カリ入りだと信じる菓子を ラスプーチンに出しました
But unbeknownst to Yusupov,
しかし ユスポフが知らないうちに
one of his co-conspirators had a change of heart,
and substituted the poison with a harmless substance.
To Yusupov's shock, Rasputin ate them without ill effect.
ラスプーチンが食べても効果は表れず ユスポフは驚愕しました
In desperation, he shot Rasputin at point-blank range.
破れかぶれになった彼は ラスプーチンを至近距離で撃ったのです
But Rasputin recovered, punched his attacker, and fled.
ところがラスプーチンは起き上がり 攻撃したユスポフを殴って 逃げていきました
Yusupov and his accomplices pursued him,
ユスポフと共犯者たちは ラスプーチンを追いかけ
finally killing Rasputin with a bullet to the forehead
and dumping his body in the Malaya Nevka river.
But far from stabilizing the monarchy's authority,
しかし これが君主制の権威を高めるどころか
Rasputin's death enraged the peasantry.
ラスプーチンの死により 農民たちは激怒しました
Just as Rasputin prophesied,
his murder was swiftly followed by that of the royal family.
彼が殺されてほどなく 皇帝一家が殺害されたのです
Whether the downfall of the Russian monarchy
was a product of the monk's curse,
or the result of political tensions decades in the making,
あるいは 数十年にわたる 政治的な緊張の果てによるものなのかが
well, we may never know.