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Welcome to CNN 10.
CNN 10 の時間がやってきました。
I'm Carl Azuz, and there are two points I'd like to make about Fridays.
今日も私、カール・アズスがお届けしますが、金曜日と言えば 2 つの事が言えますよね。
One, they're awesome.
1 つは、サイコーってことで、
Two, who cares.
2 つ目は、ハジケましょーってことです。
It's the last day of the work and school week, and we are thankful to be sharing it with you.
Our show starts with a logo.
There's a good chance that you've seen this one before, whether it's stacked on a cargo ship or being hauled by a tractor trailer.
Maersk is the biggest container shipping company in the world.
Maersk は世界最大のコンテナ配送会社です。
But the Danish business says demand for shipping has decreased early this year and that it's had to cancel more than 50 trips to and from Asia.
しかしデンマークに本拠を置く同社は、運送の需要は新年に入って減退しておりアジア便は特にこれまでに 50 便が欠航したと話します。
The reason? The new coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China late last year.
As the disease has spread, so has its impact, not only on people but on businesses as well, with the potential to hurt economies.
Maersk estimates that factories in China are working at 50 to 60 percent of their capacity.
Maersk は、中国の工場は通常の 50~60% の稼働率で回っているのではないかと推測しています。
This is having ripple effects around the world because so much commerce is tied into what happens with China.
In the shipping industry alone, 80 percent of the things we use every day are carried over the ocean, and China is home to seven of the world's ten busiest container ports.
運送業界だけを見ても、日常必需品の 80% が海路経由で入ってくるもので、中国には世界10大コンテナ港のうち 7 つが集まっています。
So, it's not just health officials who are concerned about this virus.
The shipping industry and the businesses that depend on it are also hoping this disease would peak and that its spread would start to slow down.
Are there any signs that's happening?
It's hard to say and hard to predict.
China just announced on Thursday that it recorded the lowest number of daily infections that it's seen in weeks.
中国政府は木曜日に、1 日の新規感染者数はここ数週間で最も少なかったと発表しましたが
But South Korea, which is located just a couple hundred miles from China across the Yellow Sea, has reported a spike in cases.
The expanding impact is not just at sea, and international trade associations says global airlines could lose a combined total of more than 29 billion USD because of the coronavirus outbreak.
影響を受けているのは海運だけでなく、国際貿易協会は国際線飛行ルートは今回のコロナウイルスの影響で、290 億ドル以上の被害を被る可能性もあると指摘します。
Car makers, luxury good makers, drug companies could all be hit, as well as toy manufacturers.
Hey guys.
Crazy hair and those layers and layers of packaging.
For whatever reason, LOL Surprise is one of the most coveted toys on the planet, but they could be harder to find this holiday season.
LOL Surprise は世界で最も人気のある玩具メーカーですが、今度のホリデーシーズンには品薄状態になることが予測されています。
There's going to be major shortage of LOL come the holidays worldwide because of the coronavirus epidemic that we have.
ホリデーシーズンには LOL 商品がかなり品薄になると思いますが、ズバリその理由はコロナウイルス感染の被害拡大のせいですね。
The coronavirus outbreak has sparked a health crisis and an economic mess, as it exposes major vulnerabilities in the global supply chain for all the sectors that reach deep into China.
Numerous companies, Apple another one, of course, impacted here.
多くの企業、Apple もそうですけど、ここでは影響を受けています。
- (inaudible) is warning that the coronavirus outbreak...
- Hyundai the South Korean car maker says as you said, that they are suspending production.
Retailers are also feeling the impact.
Anticipating the supply slowdown, Amazon is stockpiling certain made-in-China products.
供給プロセスに遅れが出ることを見越して、Amazon は一部の中国製商品を大目に在庫に抱えています。
In a statement Amazon says: "Out of an abundance of caution we are working with suppliers to secure additional inventory to ensure we maintain our selection for customers."
Amazon の説明では「十分な注意を払った上で、サプライヤーの各方面と協力してお客様にいつも通りの在庫量を保証することを実現すべく尽力しています」と発表されています。
LOL Surprise dolls are designed by MGA Entertainment in California and made in China.
LOL Surprise の人形はカリフォルニアの MGA Entertainment によってデザインされており、中国で生産されています。
The CEO says before the outbreak, they produced 1 million dolls a day.
同社の代表取締役社長は、今回の騒動以前は毎日 100 万体の人形を生産していたと話します。
Now, they're at a standstill as China struggles to get back to work.
What people don't understand is that even if the factories open, they are not able to get all the workers back.
And then, to make matters worse, what happens is that factories need raw material.
From multinational firms, this is not the first time their Asian supply chains have been tested.
In 2011, the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan hit the high-tech supply chain pushing back the launch of new devices.
2011 年に津波と原発事故が日本で発生した際は、テクノロジー関連機器の供給チェーンが打撃を受けて新商品の発表が遅れてしまった事がありました。
Later that year, devastating floods in Thailand rattled the tech and auto industries as production stalled.
But the current crisis in China is different given the unprecedented measures in place to stop the virus and the world's reliance on China as a manufacturing machine.
China accounts for more than 80 percent of all global toy production.
中国は世界中のオモチャの 80% 以上を生産しています・
So, could the outbreak prompt a rethink about China as the factory of the world?
People were already thinking about the supply chains as a result of the trade war between the U.S. and China.
And we're thinking about not being dependent so much on just one country, but the impact of this is much bigger than the U.S./China trade war.
1 つの国に依存し過ぎないようにという考えから来ていますが、それは米中貿易戦争のあおりを食らってしまう以上に厄介な問題です。
And if this goes on for a long time, then companies will have to think about relocating their supply chains.
I don't think, frankly, any company is going to be able to replace China.
China is the factory of the world.
We have to accept it.
We have to face it.
They're great at what they do.
The quality, the discipline, the infrastructure, the workforce that they have... it is going to be years before somebody else can replicate it.
10 Second Trivia.
10 秒トリビアの時間です。
Which of these mountains is the shortest?
Mont Blanc, Denali, K2, or Mount Kilimanjaro?
At less than 16,000 feet tall, Mont Blanc is the shortest on this list, and it's the tallest mountain in Europe.
モンブランは 16,000 フィートに及ばず、この中では最も低い山ですが、ヨーロッパでは最高峰です。
Mont Blanc is located in the Alps, and the Swiss part of the mountain chain is where our next story takes place as engineers there are putting the finishing touches on a new high-speed, high-capacity railway.
This is part of a project to establish better and faster rail links in the region.
The mountains have always been a major obstacle to that, but the Ceneri Base Tunnel cuts right through them.
It's nine-and-a-half miles long.
長さにして 9.5 マイルです。
It will join the remaining mountain section separating Northern Europe and Northern Italy, and it will be a complement to the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which opened in 2016.
北ヨーロッパと北イタリアを隔てている山岳地域を結び、2016 年に開通したゴッタルドベーストンネルとも連動します。
That passageway is 35 miles long.
こちらの長さは 35 マイルです。
It took 2,500 people and 11 billion USD to build.
建設には 2,500 人が携わり、費用は 110 億ドルに上りました。
And though they don't offer the same astounding views as the old mountain route, these tunnels are flatter and less curved, which allows heavier freight trains and more of them to travel through the Swiss Alps.
In fact, the biggest benefit to these projects will be the freight companies who can now send more goods and commodities in less time through the Alps.
And as far as travelers are concerned, the total trip time between Zurich, Switzerland, and Milan, Italy will be shortened from four hours to two-and-a-half hours.
旅行客にとっては、スイスのチューリッヒからイタリアのミラノまでの所要時間が 4 時間から 2 時間 30 分にまで短縮されます。
From the snowy mountains of Europe to the humid jungles of Asia, we're taking you on a trip that lets people camp out with elephants.
Here are the elephants.
Here's where travelers would be camping.
They're called "jungle bubbles."
They're air-conditioned pods with beds and showers, and they give you unbeatable views of the world's largest land mammals.
These aren't just everyday pachyderms.
Some of the elephants have been rescued from working in harsh conditions, but they're spending a relaxing retirement in a sort of elephant resort that doubles as a human one too.
The price to spend the night in a bubble starts at just over 560 USD, and you'd be in a unique and scenic part of the world.
ユニークな体験かつ絶景が楽しめるこの宿泊施設の料金は 1 晩 560 ドルからです。
This is located in a place known as the "Golden Triangle" on the borders of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.
And while there's other stuff to do besides try to sleep with elephants nearby, the animals and the efforts that go into making a better life for them are the main attraction.
ゾウと同じエリアで 1 晩を過ごす以外にも楽しめる要素はたくさんありますが、動物にとって暮らしやすい環境を整えている努力の様子を実感できるのが一番の見どころです。
10 out of 10
(10 out of 10)
Start with a flying suit.
Strap a wing on your back that has four jet engines, and you have what's being called a "jet-man suit."
背中に羽根を装着します。エンジンは 4 つ搭載されているこの装置は「ジェットマン・スーツ」と呼ばれるものです。
Last weekend in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, a pilot got off the ground with one, and that's significant because previous jet-man flights have launched from helicopters and elevated platforms.
The pilot eventually rose more than 4,900 feet in the air before parachuting back down.
パイロットはその後 4,900 フィート上空まで上昇して、パラシュートで地上に戻ってきました。
Want one? Me too.
But prices of similar jet powered wings have reportedly cost around 150,000 USD, and that would take some serious "bling" and "wing" up quite a tab for a "wing suit" that might "wing" you a "fascinatwing" view.
ただし、この手のジェット飛行翼は 15 万ドルほどしますから、素敵な景色を楽しみたいからと言って購入するのはちょっと「トンじゃってる」人じゃないと無理でしょう
But who can "swing" all the "chacwing" just to get on the "wing."
You can't just "wing" it.
You might have to "wing" the lottery and it might leave you "winging" your hands over "spendwing" all your "wingings" like you're throwing a "winging" "wingding."
I'm Carl Azuz.
Shout out to our friends in Coeur d`Alene, Idaho where there's a "Idawhole" lot of Vikings watching today.
I don't personally pick the schools we mention, but for your chance, be sure to subscribe and comment on our YouTube channel.
Have a great weekend from all of us at CNN.
CNN のスタジオから、皆さん素敵な週末をお過ごしください。