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  • I am 98

  • My greatest accomplishments,

  • just staying alive.

  • hehe...

  • They asked the distance

  • we were from the moon.

  • And uh,

  • there's a guy in the office

  • who was studying

  • whether or not we could grow plants

  • on the moon.

  • I don't know what he found out.

  • Uh,

  • he said,

  • that (if) we

  • could grow plants

  • there ...

  • we could live there.

  • I don't-

  • really think he ever found out.

  • .. an award by the President ...

  • And to be KISSED by the President

  • That was a thrill

  • cause' I wasn't expecting

  • to receive it.

  • Just lined up

  • on the stage

  • and there

  • everything was.

  • Oh, I don't know if they were expecting 50 people there and they had a

  • hundred and fifty people.

  • she was like a typical working mother

  • we had to do what we were supposed to

  • we knew there were consequences if we didn't

  • and so that's how we functioned

  • What I remember is the things she was able to do

  • she sewed so she made all of our clothes

  • and they were always very special

  • She cooked and made wonderful dishes

  • desserts, she could cook anything

  • Oh, I'll do anything for anybody that I can do.

  • It's a pleasure.

  • She always taught us to do our best

  • I think the work ethic that she taught us

  • is something that would really add to someone's life

  • I can't understand if you don't want to do anything.

  • They just want to sit.

  • That's not right.

  • You should always be interested in something.

  • We couldn't be idle

  • There was never a Saturday that she let us sleep

  • You get up and do your work first

  • then you can take a nap

  • We knew that she was working obviously at NASA on the space program

  • but when you work in a secret environment you don't bring your work home

  • so it was just what you would see in the newspaper

  • and we have learned, as we're still learn today

  • the particular importance of what she did

  • and I can literally say it was from the newspaper

  • I was a freshmen in college in North Carolina

  • and got in the library and on the front page

  • of the Pittsburgh Courier was this picture of

  • I forget the headline but it was almost like "math genius"

  • and I said "That's my mother!"

  • and everybody came running in the library

  • and it read through and talked about what she had just

  • done. It was like we knew she worked

  • but we didn't know that the world was going to know

  • what she did and it was just amazing

  • then all amazing, there was ordinary things

  • at the time

  • and I knew them over

  • I would

  • I think now that the world is finding out who

  • she is and what she did

  • that it gives hope to young girls

  • who might think that they can't do something

  • because she never ever thought she couldn't do something

  • find that dream and work at it

  • because if you like what you're doing

  • you will do well

I am 98


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

NASAの数学者キャサリン・ジョンソン氏がピープルズの「世界を変える25人の女性」リストに掲載されました。 (NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson Makes People's List of 25 Women Changing the World | People)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日