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- Hey hey fruit lovers!
It's your boy Little Apple.
I'm here with Grapefruit.
And today we're taking on the Sour Candy Challenge!
- A challenge might not be the right word for it.
This is gonna be a breeze for me.
- Okay then.
So I bought a bunch of different sour candies.
Lemonheads, Atomic WarHeads, Sour Patch Kids,
What did you bring, Grapefruit?
And also, why is that pail next to you
glowing green so ominously?
- (laughs) I'm glad you asked.
I take you don't know about Extreme Danger Goo.
- No. Never heard of it.
- Little Apple, prepare to have your mind blown
and your lips pursed.
Extreme Danger Goo is only the sourest
candy in the known universe.
Just look at the warning label.
"Use with extreme caution.
May dissolve your intestines.
May dissolve your tongue.
May dissolve materials of any kind."
- The what the what?!
Why would anyone want to put this stuff in their body?
- For greatness, of course.
To achieve something that's never been achieved before.
- You mean, no one's ever eaten Extreme Danger Goo?
- Not without getting irreparable stomach ulcers,
they haven't.
And yours truly is the gonna be the first.
- Ha! I guess if that floats your boat.
I take it you've been training or something?
- Oh you silly. Silly, silly Little Apple.
Of course I haven't been training.
Do you understand how tough I am?
I'll be able to handle it.
- Okay. But-
- Don't you worry abut me little buddy.
I've got abs of steel
and a small intestine to match it.
Shall we begin?
- All right.
First up we got Lemonheads.
Mmm! Very delicious.
Only mildly sour.
I'm gonna give these 1 Pucker. Grapefruit?
- Oh, I mean these things are at least
an 8 or a 9 on the Pucker Scale.
Nothing I can't handle but, wow, my cheeks
are practically touching each other on the
inside of my mouth!
- Gah! Are you serious?
Lemonheads aren't even that sour.
- They aren't?
What does the warning label on the box say?
- Dude! There is no warning label.
- Like I'm gonna take your word for it.
You're illiterate.
- Aaah! For the last time I am not illiterate!
Dude, if you can't take Lemonheads,
I don't think you're gonna be able to handle that
Danger Goop stuff that you brought.
- It's Danger Goo, thank you very much.
And I will absolutely be able to stand it.
I just gotta ease the old taste buds into it.
Warm 'em up first, that's all.
What do we got next?
- Okay. Next up are Atomic WarHeads.
- Okay. Sounds...
- Whoa. This thing's at least 6 Puckers.
- Really? You give it a 6?
- What? You don't think it's sour?
- Not in the slightest. I give it
1 Picker.
Heck, I give it 0 Puckers.
That's just how tough I am.
- So if it's 0 Puckers, why is your entire face
puckered right now?
- I have no idea
what you're talking about.
- Whatever. So I guess you'll have no problem
with the most intense candy I brought,
Toxic Waste.
- Toxic what now?!
- Toxic waste.
Go ahead, have some since you're so tough.
I bet it's nowhere near as sour
as that Danger Goo you brought.
- Okay, let's take it easy.
Let's just take a minute and think about what we're doing.
Is it hot in here?
Can we open the window? (laughs)
- Whoa! That's the sourest candy yet.
I'm gonna give it 10 Puckers.
- 10? That's all of the Puckers.
- Go ahead, tough guy.
Pucker up.
- Oh, oh that's not so bad. (screaming)
yeah, it barely even registered to my
super tough taste buds.
I'm gonna give it 0 Puckers.
- Is that why you puckered so hard
your entire body turned inside out?
- Let's go with, yes?
- So, should we even continue?
- No, no, I'm all puckered out for the day.
- Probably for the best. That Danger Goo stuff
dissolved straight through it's packaging.
And the counter.
- Oh, oh, thank goodness.
My stomach is screaming in pain right now.
- Holy Toledo! That hole's super deep.
I wonder how far down it went.
- I mean that stuff is pretty darn sour.
It could have gone straight down
to the earth's core for all we know (laughs)
- (laughs) That's funny.
I mean, it's a joke, right?
You don't think it actually could have gone
all the way down to the- (rumbling)
Was that your stomach?
- It was not.
(upbeat guitar music)