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(upbeat music) (screeching)
(smashing) (screeching)
(laughing) (screaming)
- How are we gonna knock? No hands.
- Did you check for a doorbell?
- Of course I checked for a doorbell.
I'm not a complete ding dong.
(laughs) (groaning)
Ooh, I have an idea, knock, knock.
- Dude, that's not gonna work. (thumping)
- Ooh, I hear someone coming. (thumping)
Knock, knock. - [Mr. Peterson] Yeah?
Who's there? - Neigh.
- [Mr. Peterson] Neigh who?
- Neighborhood welcoming committee.
(laughs) (sighing)
- [Mr. Peterson] I see. (creaking)
- Hi, Mr. Peterson, welcome to the neighborhood.
I'm Pear and this is Orange.
We just wanted to drop by and say
- [Pear And Orange] Hello, neighbor.
As soon as we saw you moving in,
I turned to Pear and I said,
"We simply mustache our new neighbor over
"for dinner sometime."
- Oh, yeah, 'cause I have the mustache.
- Anyway, that's why we're here.
We would glove to have you over sometime.
- Oh, woopsie, forgot I was
still wearing these. (muffled yelling)
- Mr. Peterson? (muffled yelling)
I think there's a noise coming from your basement.
- Nah, it's nothing.
- Yo, whatchu talkin' 'bout?
I don't even have ears and I can hear it.
- I said it's nothing. (suspenseful music)
- Okay, yeesh, we'll stop talking about your basement.
- Yeah, we're over it.
- How did the two of you get inside my fence?
- Oh, about that.
Yeah, the Homeowner's Association
doesn't allow fences that high,
so they're having it removed.
- Huh? (record scratching)
(smashing) (clattering)
- But if you come to our monthly meeting,
you can give your de-fence.
- Wow, didn't expect you people
to be such sticklers about the covenants.
- Oh, we're sticklers all right.
- We also like saying the word stickler.
- Okay, well, very nice meeting you both.
Okay now, buh-bye.
- Aw, don't go just yet.
I made you a butt cake.
- Sorry, a what now?
- A butt cake.
- Dude, I told you that's not what it's called.
- I believe you mean Bundt cake.
That's a pretty traditional thing to bring a new neighbor.
- Oh, is that what it's called?
Yeah, you definitely don't wanna eat this cake.
(whooshing) (laughs)
(farts) - Okay, guys, here's the deal.
I don't wanna be welcomed to the neighborhood.
I don't wanna have my dinner with you.
And I certainly don't want whatever a butt cake is.
What I want is to be left alone, got it?
Okay, then. (slamming)
- Wow, he really slammed the door
on any neighborhood outreach.
I'm gonna figure out what he's hiding.
- Orange, don't be nosy, let's go.
- I'm not nosy.
Just look at my face.
How can I be?
(laughs) (groaning)
- Yo, I'm just sayin',
if Mr. Peterson is up to something illegal in there,
then someone should throw a wrench
(smashing) in his plans.
- Dude, why did you just do that?
- Come on, while he's distracted.
- Hey, you two.
(yelling) (slamming)
- Orange, help. (whooshing)
- Don't worry, I've been saving this for a rainy day.
(laughs) (grunting)
- You two get down here right now.
- No thanks, that doesn't sound very fly.
- Orange, look, we could see in all the upstairs windows.
- Hey, don't you look in those windows.
- Gee, Mr. Peterson, you sure own a lot of bear traps.
You're in the suburbs now.
What kind of grizzly situation
could you possibly need those for?
- Oh, would you just go already?
These bad jokes are giving me a headache over here.
- A headache? You know what they say.
Staying high-drated is key. (clinking)
(laughs) (gurgling)
- Hey, ow. (smacking)
(grunting) That's it.
I'm gonna give you a very simple choice.
You come down to me or I'm climbing up to you.
- I'm gonna have to go with the ladder.
(laughs) (whooshing)
(smashing) (yelling)
- Listen, you have no right to wreck my house like this.
I don't owe you an explanation for anything.
I'm a very private person.
I'm sorry if I'm not--
- Open? - Yes, I'm sorry
if I'm not open enough for you nosy neighbors, but--
- No, open. - Huh?
(smacking) (yelling)
(whooshing) - Aw man, free at last.
It smelled like butt cake down there.
- Wow, well that's not gonna help his headache.
Goodbye, neighbor. (laughs)
(whimsical music)