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  • At this point, preflight preparations are routine.


  • Prior to takeoff, we'll need all baggage to be stowed properly.


  • Your seats move to the upright position and your seat belts securely fastened.


  • Thank you.


  • Once everyone's set, the plane lurches away from the terminal and the lights inside the cabin go out.


  • It happens without mention.


  • You may not have even fully noticed that it does happen.


  • One reason has to do with what's called "the 90-second rule."

    ライトが消える理由の 1 つが、「 90 秒ルール」と呼ばれるものです。

  • It's a guideline that dictates many of the mundane, but absolutely crucial in-flight procedures.


  • In the 1920's, the preflight routines we now know by heart were nonexistent.

    1920 年代には、現在私たちがそらで覚えているような飛行前のルーティンは、存在していませんでした。

  • Basically, pilots would tell passengers to put on a parachute and briefly show them how to use it.


  • During that time, commercial air traffic saw a death for every 13,500 miles flown.

    当時の民間航空機においては、1 万 3500 マイルあたり 1 人の死亡率を記録していました。

  • It's not good.


  • But there was one airline that performed much better than the industry median.

    しかし、業界における平均値よりも、ずっと良い業績を誇っていた航空会社が 1 つありました。

  • That was the government-owned air-mail system and it was run with an eye on safety.


  • Pilots were selected after careful medical examinations, engines were checked once every 100 hours of flight time, and after every single flight, there was a 180-point inspection checklist.

    慎重な健康診断の後にパイロットが選出され、エンジンはフライト 100 時間毎に点検され、毎フライト後には、180 項目にわたる点検チェックリストがありました。

  • Because of that thoroughness, the air mail system saw a fatality for every 789,000 miles flown.

    この徹底度のおかげで、航空便システムにおける死亡率は、78 万 9 千マイルあたり1人でした。

  • The industry took notice and things started to change.


  • By 1935, the Aeronautics Branch, now called the Bureau of Air Commerce had a list of new safety regulations.

    1935 年までには、現在の航空通商局の前身である航空部門において、新しい保安規定のリストが作成されました。

  • Some of those new rules for planes were the requirement of co-pilots, two way radios, limits on the hours pilots can be in the air, and that planes needed to have multiple engines, get the ability to fly on one engine in the case of an emergency.


  • By 1937, the number of pilots increased from 1927 by 700 times.

    1937 年までに、パイロットの数は、1927 年と比べて 700 倍に増加しました。

  • Meanwhile, deaths went down 10 times over that same time period.

    また、同期間中、死者数は 1/10 に減少しました。

  • In 1967, the Bureau of Air Commerce became the Federal Aviation Administration.

    1967 年、航空通商局は、連邦航空局となりました。

  • Soon after, they required all airlines to include oxygen masks, flotation devices, and emergency exit markings making it clear to passengers where the closest exits are.


  • All part of what's called the 90-second rule.

    これら全ては、「90 秒ルール」と呼ばれるものの一部です。

  • The 90-second rule requires airlines using planes with a capacity of 44 people or more to be able to demonstrate the ability to conduct an emergency evacuation in 90 seconds or less.

    「90 秒ルール」は、44 人以上を収容できる機体を使用する航空会社に対し、90 秒以内に緊急避難を行えることを示すよう、求めています。

  • Even if half the exits are blocked.


  • Even today airlines have to run tests to prove to the FAA that they comply.

    今日でも航空会社は、この要件を満たしていることを FAA に証明する、テストを行わなければなりません。

  • The Discovery Channel filmed a 90-second test for an Airbus A380.

    ディスカバリーチャンネルでは、エアバス A380 機における、90 秒テストが収録されました。

  • It's dramatic stuff.


  • Believe it or not, one of the major hurdles to being successful in the 90-second rule is people trying to grab their belongings to take with them.

    驚くべきことに、「90 秒ルール」を守れるかどうかにおける大きな障害の 1 つは、人々が手荷物を持って逃げようとすることです。

  • Leave your stuff.


  • So, that leads to our initial question, why do planes turn off their lights within the cabin at takeoff and landing?


  • The lights inside the cabin are turned off because of the time it takes for eyes to adjust to the dark.


  • If an emergency during takeoff or landing caused the lights to suddenly go out, no one's eyes would be adjusted making it harder to evacuate, especially in 90 seconds.

    離陸中や着陸中の非常事態により、突然ライトが消えると、目が暗さに慣れていないため、特に 90 秒以内に避難するのに時間がかかります。

  • The retina at the back of the eye has two kinds of cells, rods and cones, which take light in turning them into neural signals.

    目の奥にある網膜には、桿体と錐体という 2 種類の細胞があります。これらが光を取り込み、神経信号に変換しているのです。

  • The cones help when it's light out and rods handle seeing at night.


  • When the lights go out, the cones adjust fasterwithin nine to 10 minutes.

    ライトが消えると、錐体はより早く― 9 から 10 分以内に適応します。

  • While the rods whose job it is to handle low light can take as long as 30 minutes to see as well as they'll be able to.

    桿体の役目は、光の少ない状態で機能することなのですが、桿体が本来持つ能力まで見えるようになるには、長くて 30 分ほどかかります。

  • There's a good reason why the lights are turned off specifically at takeoff and landing.


  • That's when most plane accidents occur.


  • Boeing looked into accidents that led to fatalities from 2006 to 2017.

    ボーイングは、2006~2017 年にかけて、死者を出した事故を検証しました。

  • They found that 13 percent happened within the first three minutes of the flight, which is takeoff in the initial climb, while 48 percent of accidents that caused fatalities happened during the final descent and landing, which are the last eight minutes of the flight.

    すると、事故の 13% は、フライトの最初 3 分以内―機体上昇中に発生していました。しかし、死亡事故の 48% は、機体降下中と着陸時、つまり、フライトの最後 8 分間に起きていました。

  • Along with the lights being dimmed, the whole pre-flight routine is providing passengers with the directions to get to safety as fast as possible.


  • The only thing that the 90-second rule can't plan and test for is that during an emergency, people are going to panic.

    「90 秒ルール」で唯一、計画、テストできないことが、緊急時における乗客のパニックです。

  • Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for watching.


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  • We have so much fun stuff coming, please keep watching.


At this point, preflight preparations are routine.


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