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  • Translator: Maria Boura Reviewer: Rhonda Jacobs

    一般的なアメリカ人が出すごみは 年間1トンです

  • The average American generates one ton of waste annually.

    我が家は2008年以降 年にひと瓶です

  • My family: one jar of waste per year since 2008.


  • Our journey started back in 2006;

    何冊か本を読み いくつかのドキュメンタリーを観て

  • we read some books, watched some documentaries.


  • And what my husband and I found really made us sad


  • thinking about the future we were going to leave behind for our kids.


  • So it gave us the will to change our ways.

    私はごみを出さない代替手段を 躍起になって探しました

  • I got super motivated in trying to find waste-free alternatives.

    ビン詰め保存を始め 色々試しました

  • I tried lots of things like canning and those -


  • some things were good ideas;


  • others, not so much.


  • Canning was a good idea,

    ボリュームアップリップの代わりに イラクサを使うのは

  • but I do not recommend using stinging nettle on your lips


  • in lieu of lip plumper.


  • It really hurts, believe me.

    苔をトイレットペーパーの代わりに 使うのも薦めません

  • I do not recommend using moss in lieu of toilet paper either.

    苔は乾いてしまうので 翌日には残念な結果に—

  • You see, moss dries, so the next day you end up with -


  • you know those scouring pads?


  • Yes, not very pleasant.


  • I don't recommend that.


  • I also tried using "no poo,"


  • which is a way of washing your hair without shampoo.


  • You're supposed to wet your scalp, massage some baking soda in,

    リンゴ酢で すすぎます

  • and then rinse it with apple cider vinegar.

    でも6か月後 髪の油分が ここまで移動して

  • But after six months, let's just say that the oil of my hair migrated down to here,


  • and I ended up with frizzy ends.


  • Not quite the hairstyle I was looking for.


  • But I think I hit rock bottom,

    ある晩の出来事です 夫の隣に横になると

  • when one night I went to lay down next to my husband,

    夫は私を見て あきれた顔で 言い放ちました

  • and he looked over, rolled his eyes, and said,

    「ニシンの酢漬けの匂いには うんざりだよ ベア

  • "I am so tired of you smelling like pickled herring, Bea.


  • (Laughter)


  • It's really not sexy."

    私は 自分が行き過ていたと気づき

  • So that's when I realized that maybe I had gone too far,

    何か他のシャンプー代用品を 探した方がいいと思いました

  • and maybe I should find another alternative to shampoo.

    試行錯誤の末 バランスを見つけました

  • After all this trial and error, we found balance.

    「ゼロ・ウェイスト生活」 (ごみを出さない)を

  • We found that for Zero Waste to be sustainable


  • in our household in the long run,


  • all we had to do was follow five rules in order.

    私たち家族が 裏庭にごみを埋めたり

  • Now, don't you guys even dare think that we bury our waste in our backyard,

    他人のごみ収集箱や公共のごみ箱に 捨てていると思ったら間違いです

  • or we throw it in other people's cans, or in the public bins.

    最初のルールは 「必要ないものを断ること」です

  • The first rule is to refuse what we do not need.


  • We've simply learned to say "no";


  • we say no to junk mail,


  • we say no to single-use plastics,


  • we say no to freebies.

    今日 大量消費社会において 私たちは消費財の標的になっています

  • For today, in this consumerist society, we're the targets of many consumer goods.

    毎回それらを受け入れていたら さらに需要を生むことになります

  • But every time we accept them, we create a demand to make more.

    会議のたびプラスチック製の ペンを持ち去ることは

  • Every time we take a free plastic pen from a conference,


  • it's a way for us to say,

    「お願いだから ペンを補充するのに 石油をもっと掘って

  • "Please, drill more oil from the ground to create a replacement,

    そうすれば替えができるから」 と言っているようなものです

  • and the replacement will be created."

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活の 2番目のルールは

  • The second rule of the Zero Waste lifestyle


  • is to reduce what we do need.

    我が家では順を追って 断捨離をしました

  • So in our home, we've gone through a decluttering process.

    断捨離の良い点は あまり必要でないものを

  • The beauty of decluttering is that it lets you share the things

    必要とする人に 分け与えられることです

  • that you do not really use or need with other people.


  • It boosts the second-hand market,

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活のこれからに 非常に重要なことです

  • which is extremely important for the future of Zero Waste.

    かつて 我が家の台所には 調理用具でいっぱいの瓶がありました

  • In my kitchen in the old days, I used to have a jar filled with utensils.

    木製の調理ヘラは 10本も持っていました

  • I had about ten wooden spoons,

    手が2本しかないことを 忘れていたのです

  • until I realized that I only have two hands.


  • And when I stir, I only need one hand.


  • What's the point of having ten wooden spoons?


  • One is enough.


  • This is a picture of underneath my sink.

    このスペースは かつて掃除用品で 溢れていました

  • This is a space that used to be filled with cleaning products


  • because I was listening to what the marketers tell us.

    場所によって異なる製品が 必要だなどという口上です

  • They tell us that for each application, we need a different product.


  • To clean the windows, we need a product;


  • to clean the floors, a different product;


  • the bathroom, a different product;

    そうして収納場所が 不要で 有毒な製品で

  • and we end up with a cabinet filled with toxic products


  • that we don't actually need.

    でも 家全体を お酢と 液体石けんで掃除できると知りました

  • We found that we can clean our whole house just with white vinegar and castile soap.


  • This is our bathroom,


  • and our medicine cabinet.

    浴室に必要なものは これですべてです

  • So this represents all the products that we need in our bathroom.


  • For example,


  • to brush our teeth, we simply sprinkle baking soda on a wet toothbrush.

    アイメイクアップには 炒ったアーモンドを使い

  • On my eyes, I use burnt almonds;


  • on my skin, I use cooking oil;


  • and on my cheeks, I use cacao powder.


  • The only problem with using cacao powder on your cheeks

    まだ遭遇したことはありませんが 通りを歩くときに

  • is that you have a chance of getting attacked by dogs


  • when you walk down the street, but it hasn't happened yet.


  • This is the master bedroom.


  • And this, the closet that I share with my husband.

    クローゼットの服は20%しか 着ないと言われています

  • Now, in a normal closet, people only use 20% of their clothes.

    残りの80%は「もしも」のために 持っているのです

  • They keep the other 80% for the "what if."


  • "What if...?"


  • What if we have a job interview?


  • What if we have a wedding to go to?


  • What if we are going to lose weight?


  • What if we're going to gain weight?


  • What if, what if, what if?

    そこで 20%にあたる服を特定し

  • What we've done in our home is figure out what our 20% is,


  • and we've let go of the other 80%.

    私の場合 ショートパンツ1枚と スカート2枚、ワンピース2着

  • So in my case, I have one pair of shorts, two skirts, two dresses,

    ズボン2本、トップス7枚 セーター1枚

  • two pairs of pants, seven tops, and one sweater.

    服を減らしても 選択の幅を 狭めることにはなりません

  • Having less does not mean that you have less options.


  • As a matter of fact,


  • these 15 pieces allow me to create more than 50 looks.


  • My kids are minimalists too.


  • This is my youngest son's bedroom.

    ご覧の通り 洋服はすべて 旅行鞄に収まります

  • And as you can see, all of his wardrobe can fit in a carry-on.


  • As a matter of fact,

    家族全員の服がそれぞれ 旅行鞄に収まるのです

  • each of our wardrobes can fit in a carry-on.


  • You know what the beauty of that is?


  • If we want to go away for the weekend, a week, a month;


  • all we have to do is pull out our carry-ons,

    洋服を放り込んで 鞄を閉めて 玄関を出るだけです

  • we throw our wardrobes in it, we zip it, we're out the door,


  • then a cleaning service comes in,


  • cleans the house, and then we have people that come,

    人に家を借りてもらうことで 休暇代を払うのです

  • rent the house out, and end up paying for our vacations.

    他のクローゼットにモノを隠しているとか 隠そうとしていると思ったら間違いです

  • Don't go thinking that we're trying to, or we hide things in other closets.


  • This is our linen closet,

    これが うちの車庫です

  • and this is our garage.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活の 3つ目のルールは「再利用」です

  • The third rule of the Zero Waste lifestyle is to reuse.

    我が家における再利用とは 使い捨てのものを

  • And in our home, reusing means swapping anything that's disposable


  • for a reusable alternative.

    ハンカチでいっぱいの このガラス瓶は

  • So this glass jar filled with handkerchief


  • is what has replaced the tissue box.

    使い捨てスポンジや ペーパータオルは不要で

  • No need for disposable sponges, or paper towels.

    単純に ぼろきれや木製ブラシ 金属ブラシを使います

  • We simply use rags, a wooden scrubby, and a metal scrubby.


  • No need for disposable food storage items.


  • We've replaced them all with glass jars.


  • And we also have been able to eliminate food packaging


  • simply by going to the store with a kit made of reusables.


  • So we shop the bulk aisles of the grocery store.


  • And then once I'm home, I transfer the dry goods into glass containers


  • so this is what our pantry looks like.


  • And this is what our refrigerator looks like.


  • We even buy our wine in bulk;


  • we just get our bottles refilled at a winery.

    再利用の2番目のルールは 「中古品を買うこと」です

  • The second rule of reusing is to buy second hand.


  • All our wardrobes are purchased second hand.

    そうです 靴もです

  • Yes, even my shoes.


  • Five bucks.


  • Thank you, thank you.


  • (Applause)

    我ながら よくやったと思います

  • I know I scored on these, I'm aware of that;


  • I definitely scored.

    さて 中古店で見つからない物は

  • Now, for the items that we cannot find in a thrift store,


  • then we fall back on places like the flea market.


  • That's where I bought these chairs.

    あるいは 時々eBayで

  • Or sometimes eBay


  • for the really specific items that we need.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活の 4つ目のルールは「リサイクル」で

  • The fourth rule of the Zero Waste lifestyle is to recycle

    断ったり 減らしたり 再利用できないものです

  • only what we cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活とは リサイクル量を増やすのではなく

  • So the Zero Waste lifestyle does not mean recycling more,

    実際は 減らすことを意味します

  • it actually means recycling less,

    そもそも ごみを出すこと自体を防ぐのです

  • thanks to waste prevention in the first place.


  • With this lifestyle,

    プラスチックは何が何でも 避けるべきだと学びました

  • we've learned that we should avoid plastics at all costs,


  • because not only are they toxic to our health


  • when they are being manufactured,


  • they're also toxic to our health when we are actually using them.

    食品包装材の多くは 食品の中に溶け出します

  • A lot of the food packaging actually leaches into our food.

    リサイクルされるプラスチックは ごくわずかだということも知りました

  • We've also learned that very few plastics have the chance of being recycled,


  • and the ones that do have a chance of being recycled

    できた製品はもはや リサイクル不可能だということも

  • are turning into an item that's no longer recyclable.

    それ故 私たちはプラスチックを 埋め立ての材料と見なします

  • So we consider plastics as a material that is meant for the landfill.

    だから 是が非でも避けようと

  • So we try to avoid it at all costs.


  • And instead we pick glass, metal, cardboard, paper,

    時には 先ほど お見せした 歯ブラシのように木製のものを選びます

  • and sometimes wood, like the toothbrush you saw earlier,


  • because we can compost them.


  • Rot is the last rule to the Zero Waste lifestyle.

    現在 私たち一家は 果物くずや野菜くずだけではなく

  • Today we not only rot - compost fruit and veggie scraps


  • but we also compost our butter wrappers.

    バターは私たちが包装されたものを買う 唯一の食品です

  • Butter is the only food that we buy in packaging.

    我が家では 堆肥にできる ワックスペーパー包装のものを買います

  • Now we buy it in a waxed paper packaging because we can compost it.

    床のチリや 乾燥機の糸くず 髪さえも堆肥にします

  • But we also compost floor sweepings, dryer lint, even our hair.


  • Actually, it's more my boys' hair.

    私の髪は堆肥にせず リサイクルします

  • I don't compost my hair, I recycle my hair.


  • I let it grow down to here, and then I get it cut,

    がん患者のために かつらを作る団体に送ります

  • and then I send it to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients.

    少し前だったら ゼロ・ウェイストを 実践する家族の話を聞いても

  • Not so long ago, had I heard about a Zero Waste family,


  • I would have thought to myself,

    「あらぁ 環境保護好きの ヒッピーに違いないわ

  • "Oh boy, these people must be total granola.

    辺ぴな所に住んでいて 毛剃りなんてしないんでしょ」と思いました

  • I'm sure they live in the boondocks, and I'm sure she doesn't shave."

    今日 私はスカートを履いているので 皆さんの目でご確認いただけるでしょう

  • Well, I wore a skirt today for you guys so you can check for yourselves.


  • I don't have hair on my legs.


  • (Applause)


  • I would maybe also have thought,

    「どうせ時間を持て余した 専業主婦でしょ」とか

  • "Well, she must be a stay-at-home mom with way too much time on her hands;

    「一日中ごみの心配を しているのでは」とか

  • she probably worries about her waste all day,

    「何でもゼロから 作っているのではないか」とか

  • or makes a bunch of things from scratch.


  • That's not the case;


  • I'm a full-time professional,


  • and the only things I make are my cosmetics,

    それも ごくわずかです

  • and very few of them.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活は 環境に良いだけではなく

  • We found that the Zero Waste lifestyle is not just good for the environment


  • but it's also been great for our health,

    生活から すべての有害物質を排除でき

  • because we've been able to eliminate all toxins from our lives,

    以前よりも ずっと 病気になりにくくなりました

  • and we're way less sick than we used to be before.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活は 大幅な倹約にもなりました

  • We also found that this Zero Waste lifestyle saves a ton of money -


  • 40% on our overall budget.

    これは消費量が以前より はるかに減ったということです

  • This is due to the fact that, one, we consume way, way, way less than before.


  • But when we buy something,


  • it's only to replace something that needs to be replaced -

    穴が空いた靴だとか 小さくなったTシャツなど

  • a shoe that has a hole in it, or a T-shirt that's too small.


  • And when we buy that replacement,

    中古店で買うので 当然 安いわけです

  • we buy it second hand, which by definition, costs less.


  • But we also buy our food in bulk.


  • Did you know that when you buy an item in a package,

    価格の15%が包装代であることを ご存知でしたか?

  • 15% of the price covers the cost of the packaging?

    量り売りで買えば その15%が節約できます

  • So when you buy in bulk, you make an automatic 15% savings.


  • But finally,

    我が家にある使い捨てのものは すべて再利用できるものに交換しました

  • we've replaced anything that's disposable in our home for a reusable alternative.

    つまり お金がもう使い捨て用品や 埋め立てに使われないということです

  • So that means that our money is no longer invested in throwaways, in a landfill.


  • We no longer throw our money away.


  • We've instead, invested in reusables.

    すると時間とともに 節約したお金が貯まっていきます

  • And they've translated into cumulative savings over time.

    節約したお金で 屋根に太陽電池パネルまで設置し

  • They've even allowed us to install solar on our roof


  • which allows us to save even more.

    この暮らしの最も良い点は シンプルさが自然に身に付くことです

  • But to me, the best aspect of this lifestyle is voluntary simplicity.

    人生において最も重要なことに 時間を掛けられるのです

  • Because it's made time in our life for what matters most:

    物ではなく 経験に基づいた暮らし

  • a life based on experiences instead of things.

    所有することではなく 人としてのあり方に基づいた暮らし

  • A life based on being instead of having.

    この暮らしのおかげで 以前は絶対不可能だと思っていたことに

  • As a family, thanks to this lifestyle, we've been able to do things


  • we would have never thought possible before.


  • We've been able to snorkel between two continents.

    サンフランシスコとロサンゼルス間を 自転車で走ったり

  • We've been able to ride our bikes between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

    氷河の上での アイスクライミングもできました

  • We've been able to go ice-climbing on a glacier.

    でも 一番のお気に入りは 息子の笑顔が写った この写真

  • But my favorite picture is probably this one.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活の まさに象徴とも言えます

  • I believe it represents the Zero Waste lifestyle to a T,

    この上ない幸せに満ち溢れた 生活を表しているからです

  • because it's translated into a lifestyle filled with absolute happiness.


  • And if you have a teenager,

    思春期の子の笑顔を引き出すのが どれほど難しいかご存知ですよね

  • you know how hard it is to put a smile on their faces.

    結局のところ ガンジーが言うように

  • After all, you know, Gandhi said,

    「幸福とは 考えること 言うこと することが

  • "Happiness is when you think,


  • what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活は 私にとって まさにこの通りでした

  • The Zero Waste lifestyle has done exactly that for me.

    私はフランス人のオペアとして 18歳でアメリカに来ましたが

  • Now, the little French au pair who came to the US at the age of 18

    自分がいつか世界的な活動を始めるとは 考えもしませんでした

  • would have never thought that one day she'd be launching a global movement.

    しかし今日 世界中で何千もの人々が

  • Because today, thousands and thousands of people


  • throughout the world have embarked on this lifestyle.


  • My book and my blog have even inspired people

    ゼロ・ウェイストの店も 至る所で開店されています

  • to open Zero Waste stores everywhere.

    マリーは ドイツで最初の ゼロ・ウェイスト店を出しました

  • Like Marie, who opened the first Zero Waste store in Germany.


  • And there is Gerard,

    私の著書を読み 返却可能な容器に入った商品を

  • who, after reading my book, realized that there was a need

    市場に復活させるというニーズが あることに気づきました

  • to bring back on the market products sold in returnable containers.

    それから アン

  • And then there is Anne,


  • I mean, look at that store.

    なんて可愛らしい移動販売車でしょう 小さなゼロ・ウェイスト店です

  • How cute is this mobile, little Zero Waste store?


  • And you know what we all have in common?

    なぜもっと早く始めなかったのか という後悔です

  • Simply the regret of not having started earlier.


  • So I would encourage you guys to think about this.

    ゼロ・ウェイスト生活を始めることで 失うものはあるでしょうか

  • What do you have to lose by embarking on the Zero Waste lifestyle?


  • Who knows what you might discover about yourselves?


  • Maybe... absolute happiness?


  • Thank you.

Translator: Maria Boura Reviewer: Rhonda Jacobs

一般的なアメリカ人が出すごみは 年間1トンです


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