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  • London, 1928: a group of mold spores surf a breeze through a lab.

  • They drift onto a petri dish, and when they land,

  • they germinate a medical revolution.

  • This lab belongs to Alexander Fleming, a Scottish scientist

  • investigating the properties of infectious bacteria.

  • At this time, Fleming is away on vacation.

  • When he returns, he finds a colony of mold growing on a petri dish

  • he'd forgotten to place in his incubator.

  • And around this colony of mold is a zone

  • completely and unexpectedly clear of bacteria.

  • In studying this mysterious phenomenon,

  • Fleming came to realize that the mold was secreting some kind of compound

  • that was killing the bacteria.

  • The mold was a species in the Penicillium genus,

  • so Fleming dubbed the antibacterial compoundpenicillin.”

  • What Fleming stumbled upon was a microbial defense system.

  • The penicillium mold constantly produces penicillin

  • in order to defend itself from threats,

  • such as nearby bacterial colonies that might consume its resources.

  • Penicillin destroys many types of bacteria

  • by disrupting synthesis of their cell walls.

  • These walls get their strength from a thick, protective mesh of sugars

  • and amino acids,

  • that are constantly being broken down and rebuilt.

  • Penicillin binds to one of the compounds that weaves this mesh together

  • and prevents the wall from being reconstructed at a critical phase.

  • Meanwhile, penicillin stimulates the release of highly reactive molecules

  • that cause additional damage.

  • Eventually, the cell's structure breaks down completely.

  • This two-pronged attack is lethal to a wide range of bacteria,

  • whether in petri-dishes, our bodies, or elsewhere.

  • It's not, however, harmful to our own cells,

  • because those don't have cell walls.

  • For a decade or so after Fleming's discovery,

  • penicillin remained a laboratory curiosity.

  • But during World War II,

  • researchers figured out how to isolate the active compound

  • and grow the mold in larger quantities.

  • They then went on to win the Nobel Prize for their work.

  • Teams at Oxford and several American drug companies continued development,

  • and within a few years it was commercially available.

  • Penicillin and similar compounds quickly transformed the treatment of infections.

  • For the time being,

  • they remain some of the most important, life-saving antibiotics used in medicine.

  • However, the more we use any antibiotic, the more bacteria evolve resistance to it.

  • In the case of penicillin,

  • some bacteria produce compounds that can break down the key structure

  • that interferes with cell wall synthesis.

  • As antibiotic use has increased,

  • more and more bacteria have evolved this defense,

  • making these antibiotics ineffective

  • against a growing number of bacterial infections.

  • This means it's essential that doctors not overprescribe the drug.

  • Meanwhile, 5 to 15% of patients in developed countries

  • self-identify as allergic to penicillin,

  • making it the most commonly reported drug allergy.

  • However, the vast majorityover 90%— of people

  • who think they're allergic to penicillin actually are not.

  • Why the misperception?

  • Many patients acquire the allergy label as children,

  • when a rash appears after they're treated for an infection with penicillin

  • or closely related drugs.

  • The rash is often blamed on penicillin,

  • while the more likely culprit is the original infection,

  • or a reaction between the infection and the antibiotic.

  • However, genuine penicillin allergies,

  • where our immune systems mistake penicillin for an attacker,

  • do occur rarely and can be very dangerous.

  • So if you think you're allergic but don't know for sure,

  • your best bet is to visit an allergist.

  • They'll complete an evaluation that'll confirm

  • whether or not you have the allergy.

  • Even if you do have a penicillin allergy,

  • your immune cells that react to the drug may lose their ability to recognize it.

  • In fact, about 80% of people who are allergic to penicillin

  • outgrow their allergy within ten years.

  • This is great news for people who currently identify

  • as allergic to penicillin;

  • the drug may one day save their lives, as it has done for so many others.

London, 1928: a group of mold spores surf a breeze through a lab.


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B2 中上級

世界を変えた事故-アリソン・ラムゼイとメアリー・スタイク (The accident that changed the world - Allison Ramsey and Mary Staicu)

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    Taka に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日