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  • Did you notice this? There's "filter by flair".

  • Meme, My Performance,

  • Comedy, Mod Announcement,

  • Miscellaneous, Arts and Creations.

  • Can we filter by whether the creator...

  • ...practiced?

  • The only time you can browse r/lingling40hrs

  • is when you practiced 40 hours.

  • D U H ! ! !

  • (The most talented subreddit ever!)

  • (Ling Ling 40 Hours, unite!)

  • (Ling Ling wannabes!)

  • (*shriek*)

  • (Practice, practice!)

  • (Did you practice today?)

  • (Ling Ling 40 hours!)

  • (Ling Ling 40 hours!!!)

  • Hahaha!

  • Shostakovich!

  • "Children's notebook".

  • They even wrote an English translation.

  • What part is that?

  • "Corno in F".

  • Corno in F refers to horn, in F.

  • - Ohh. - French horns.

  • I wanna see the recording.


  • Dude, what? Are you serious?

  • *snickers*

  • 7 bars, 8 bars.

  • Ohhhhhh!!!!!

  • We saw that!

  • I don't think you should be talking during the tacet,

  • - but, we appreciate it. - Yeah, exactly.

  • Yeah, are you still counting? *chuckle*

  • Ahh, it's 'cause you're talking!

  • Congratulations!

  • - That was perfect! - Beautifully played.

  • - Beautifully played. - Yeah.

  • No mistakes.

  • I really enjoyed the uh...

  • Artistic interpretation.

  • Yes, the rhythmic integrity.

  • You are feeling the pulse

  • along with the rest of the orchestra,

  • - during your... - Yeah.

  • ...beautifully expressed tacet part.

  • I'm not sure about the talking during it.

  • Although I appreciate the sentiment very much.

  • I don't think Shostakovich intended for

  • the French horns to be speaking.

  • But apart from that...

  • ...beautiful performance.

  • I rate it 40/40.

  • Oh, man!

  • - That's right guys, gonna pay back the HECS. - Sad days...

  • - Yeah... - All those fees...

  • ...for studying.

  • For those of you that don't know,

  • HECS is the Australian equivalent of student loans.

  • Ohhhhh!!!!!!

  • Two in a row!!!

  • - Ohhhh! What a burn! - Are they made by the s—

  • Are they made by the same people?

  • They're not!

  • - Dude...! - Wow!!! What a burn!

  • Sad days...

  • That's very sad days.

  • I mean the real secret is...

  • I'm waiting.

  • - Practice a lot! - What's the secret?

  • - Don't just study but practice! - Yes.

  • I mean, we always practice.

  • Sounds like something a trap would say!

  • Ohhhh!!!

  • To be fair I feel like that's not

  • just music degree, but like

  • Most degrees out there, I guess.

  • Life these days.

  • There's a lot of traps in life guys.

  • That's very considerate.

  • I wish...

  • the same thing could be done during conversations.

  • Just like, "Stop."

  • *chuckles*

  • The silence is here for you to start a new conversation.

  • - Yeah. - More properly.

  • - Oohhhhh!!! Can you see this? - Woahhhh!!!

  • First prize!

  • - Woo!!! - Congratulations! Nice.

  • First and second.

  • Oh first prize and second prize! Both!

  • Whoa, first prize for Children Class E.

  • And second prize Chopin class.

  • - Whoa!!! That's legit! - Wow!!!

  • Legit!

  • That's what practice does!

  • But can you play 15 notes a second?

  • Change the first prize to Guinness World Records.

  • Told you, this is the most talented subreddit!

  • Dude, that's actually so good.

  • - Congratulations. - Nice work, uh...

  • "Blue-squiggle" Jing Shan. *chuckle*

  • "Blue-squiggle" Jing...

  • Yeah, they blocked their name out.

  • - Classekal! - *chuckles* Look at the hand!

  • How many minuets are there in...

  • - In... - A...

  • In a...

  • - Trying to find uhfind a form that like... - Holst?

  • *laughs*

  • - That's the worst! That's the worst...! - That one failed...that was so fail.

  • And that's why you guys make the memes,

  • - and we react to them. *chuckle* - Yeah...!

  • Woo!

  • Dude, the eyes are red as hell.

  • That's like me sightreading in a dark orchestral pit.

  • But bassists usually have stools, no?

  • - That's true. But they can still play standing. - They can play standing, yes.

  • Cellos are just...

  • Oh cellos you can play standing, but it's just not so...

  • - Not so...yeah... - ...orthodox, and not so good.

  • Actually, now that I think about it,

  • it was always annoying, back in the busking days.

  • The violins,

  • we could just rock up with a violin and stand,

  • - and the cellos always had to bring a chair. - Yeah.

  • And that's why you should learn the violin.

  • Most transport friendly.

  • And not the viola.

  • 'Cause you get busted for airlines. *chuckle*

  • *chuckle*

  • Oh, wow!

  • If you've ever done grocery shopping,

  • that's what it feels like.

  • It's "baroquen".

  • *dry chuckle*

  • * S H R I E K *

  • Has your mom have asked you to practice

  • with your door opened?

  • I always close my door.

  • If anything, my mom tells me to practice

  • with my door shut.

  • - Yeah, too noisy. - She's like, "Too noisy."

  • She's like, "I don't want to hear...all those...

  • ...failures, in the practice room."

  • I guess yeah, that's so true,

  • as a musician we're so used to hearing like

  • "Good luck with your concert",

  • there's rarely like a feeling of

  • "Yayyyyyyyyy!"

  • it's always like "Crap. Concert."

  • I know.

  • You're hoping all your preparations are worth it.

  • 'Cause it all comes down to that one moment, right?

  • Is luck really an element?

  • Things always happen.

  • You just have to practice as much as you can, so...

  • ...luck is on your side.

  • Dude, even back then,

  • people hated coughing audiences.

  • I remember when we went to watch, um,

  • Kavakos...

  • It's literally like, end of the first movement...

  • *heavy coughing*

  • Yeah, everyone's like held it up,

  • *heavy coughing*

  • *laughs*

  • - It's like, "Turn around! Go back! Go back! Go back!" - Nooooo!!!! *boom*

  • That's so true.

  • - Ohhh!!! - 'Cause you don't know where the um,

  • - where to start from. - Yeah.

  • And then once it goes back, sometimes you doesn't—

  • - It jumps to the very end. - Mm-hmm.

  • - Oh my god. I can't believe I— - Whoa!

  • Oh my god, wow.

  • Edwina, yeah.

  • Dude, Edwina looks

  • Killing it.

  • Dude, even the hair looks much better back then.

  • Which one's your favourite?

  • Tiger mom.

  • (HUHHHH????!!!!!)

  • *chuckle*

  • The birth of Ling Ling.

  • Yeah, I like Edwina and Viola King.

  • Iconic.

  • But nice!

  • Nice work for compiling that.

  • *snicker*

  • It's the same face.

  • That feeling when you don't practice

  • and perform out of tune.

  • No, that feeling when you practiced

  • and didn't play in tune.

  • *chuckle*

  • Like "Whaaaaat?!"

  • - Nice! - "The Muse".

  • That's pretty sick.

  • Even the hair looks better than my haircut.

  • I like the um, pink.

  • So talented.

  • - Thank you. - I "limeb" you.

  • My "flexes".

  • My "reflexes".

  • So true.

  • 'Cause the bow is so sensitive.

  • Snap, it's gone.

  • - It's so prone to damage. - It's delicate.

  • Most of the time the bow breaks

  • when you put the bow in the violin case

  • without tying up.

  • Always gotta... *clicks tongue*

  • Put the seatbelt on, guys!

  • If you're holding your newborn baby,

  • and a Strad in one hand,

  • and then you trip,

  • and you have to save one,

  • which one would you save?

  • I mean, what should I say on camera?

  • - The truth! - The truth is...

  • Should test it.

  • Newborn baby.

  • We tested it. Go off-screen, it helps.

  • Truth comes out.

  • Stradivarius.

  • - What did you say, Eddy?! - *laughs*

  • Dude, I didn't say that!

  • - What did you say? Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!! - I didn't say anything!

  • - It really depends, I think baby, though. - Dude, that's a hard one.

  • But that means you owe 10 mil.

  • Like your baby basically has to get sold anyway.

  • Now it depends how it drops.

  • If they both drop,

  • instinctively I'll probably side on the baby, and just like...

  • Yeah, I think I will go baby.

  • I'll go baby.

  • And then instrument will just be like uh, afterthought.

  • But what if they're all three years old?

  • They can run around.

  • Yeah.

  • - The baby's fine. - The Strad. *laughs*

  • If the head is first, no.

  • But if it's feet...

  • You're at the edge of a cliff.

  • Yeah, nah, I'll hold the baby.

  • There's no question.

  • That's no question.

  • It's not that I'm out of key,

  • it's a B flat sus 6 sharp fourth

  • "Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuu—"

  • I know how that feels,

  • because I have perfect pitch, did you know that?

  • What note is it? *sings note*

  • G.

  • - F sharp. - Dammit.

  • That is awesome!

  • Dude that's so epic!

  • - I love the colors. - Mmm...! Mm-hmm.

  • - Dude, that is awesome! - Dude!

  • - Thank you so much. - Thank you.

  • And guys keep an eye out,

  • the tour is happening this year,

  • things will be out soon.

  • - Well, that's cool. - *gasp*

  • Oh, yeah, Happy NewChinese New Year!

  • It's bit late, guys!

  • Oh we made the guzheng video

  • in case you haven't seen it.

  • But Happy New Year, everyone!

  • That's pretty cool.

  • - Dude, look at our dance! - What's—

  • Wait, let's do it.

  • - Ohhhhhh!!!! - Ohh I'm sorry, let me do it again!

  • Do it again.

  • Oh wait, I thought we're doing this first!

  • *groan*

  • Subscribe!

  • Oh, yes. Wait, you're off the shot.

  • But it's okay, guy, please subscribe.

  • Check out the merch.

  • Thanks so much for the support,

  • and we'll see you guys...

  • time.

Did you notice this? There's "filter by flair".


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

金管楽器奏者は誰もがこれに関連することができます (Brass Players Can ALL Relate to This)

  • 12 2
    李芷凝 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日