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With his harebrained schemes and asinine dealings with the gods,
King Midas ruled the ancient kingdom of Phrygia with an uneven hand.
ミダス王は 古代フリギア王国を 不公正なやり方で支配しました
He was known in Greek mythology as a rogue ruler
ギリシャ神話において ならず者の王として知られるミダスは
whose antics bemused his people and distracted the gods.
奇妙なふるまいで国民を困惑させ 神々には厄介がられていました
Midas spent his days in a stupor of splendor,
spoiling himself and his beloved daughter and gorging himself on feasts and wine.
自分と愛する娘を甘やかし ごちそうとブドウ酒をたらふく飲み食いしました
Unsurprisingly, he felt an affinity with Dionysus,
驚くに足りませんが ブドウ酒 豊穣 演劇の神であるディオニュソスに
god of wine, carnival, and performance.
One day, Midas discovered a satyr
ある日ミダスは バラの庭で 有り余る香りに誘われた―
dozing in his rose garden and drunk on more than the scent of flowers.
1人の精霊サテュロスが酒に酔って うたた寝しているのを見つけました
Midas recognized the satyr as one of Dionysus's followers
ミダスは そのサテュロスが ディオニュソスの従者だと気づき
and let him nurse his hangover at the palace.
Pleased with the king's hospitality, Dionysus offered to grant him one wish.
ディオニュソスはミダスのもてなしを喜び 望みを1つ叶えようと申し出ました
Midas cast a greedy eye over his surroundings.
Despite the luxury in which he lived,
no amount of precious jewels, finest silk or splendid decor felt like enough.
高価な宝石 高級なシルク 華麗な装飾品が いくらあっても物足りなく感じていました
His life, he thought, was lacking luster; what he needed was more gold.
人生に輝きが足りない 黄金がもっと必要だとミダスは思いました
The god sent the power to turn anything the king touched to gold
ディオニュソスは 触れたもの全てを黄金に変えられる力を
surging through Midas.
Ecstatic, he turned to his possessions.
ミダスは有頂天になって 自分の家財道具の方を見ました
At his lightest touch, the palace walls transformed,
手で軽く触れただけで 宮殿の壁は一変し
stone statues shone,
and goblets glittered.
He galloped through his home in a frenzy,
handling each item until it took on a lustrous sheen.
1つ1つの物に手を触れていき その全てが 輝きを帯びていきました
Soon the palace heaved with gold,
and Midas's delirious laughter echoed off the walls.
ミダスの狂ったような笑い声が 壁に響いてこだましました
Exhausted and hungry from his rampage,
あばれ回ったので 疲れ果てて空腹になり
Midas picked up a bunch of grapes from his newly gilded fruit bowl.
黄金に変えたての器から ブドウを1房 手に取りました
But he nearly shattered his teeth,
for the fruit had turned to metal in his mouth.
When he picked up a loaf of bread, the crumbs hardened in his hand.
パンを手に取ると パンくずが手の中で硬くなりました
Flinging himself onto his bed in frustration,
Midas discovered his plush pillows had morphed into solid gold.
ビロードの枕が硬い黄金に なっていることに気づきました
Hearing his cries of frustration, his daughter entered the room.
ミダスが苛立って泣き叫ぶのを耳にして 娘が部屋に入ってきました
But when Midas reached out to her,
he saw with horror that he had frozen her into a golden statue.
ミダスはゾッとしました 娘を黄金の像にしてしまったのです
Horrified at what he had done,
Midas begged the gods to rid him of his power.
黄金に変える力を取り除くよう ディオニュソスに請いました
Taking pity on the foolish king,
Dionysus told Midas to wash his hands in the River Pactolus.
When Midas reached into the river, the gold drained from his fingertips.
ミダスが川に手を入れると 黄金が指先から流れ出ました
Midas returned home to find his daughter alive
and his palace back to normal, and he rejoiced.
辺りが元通りになっていることに気づき ミダスは喜びました
You'd think he would've learned his lesson,
ミダスはこれでもう懲りたと 思うでしょう
but just a few weeks later, Midas blundered again,
しかしたった数週間後 また失態を犯しました
insulting the music and sun god Apollo when he declared Pan a greater musician.
音楽・太陽神アポロンより牧神パンの方が 偉大な音楽家だと言い放って侮辱したのです
Apollo scornfully declared that the king must have the ears of an ass
そのような誤った判断をするとは ミダスにはロバの耳がついているに違いないと
to make such a misjudgment, and transformed Midas accordingly.
アポロンは馬鹿にして言い放ち ミダスの耳をそのとおりロバの耳に変えました
Once again regretting his behavior,
Midas kept his hairy ears hidden in public.
毛むくじゃらの耳を 人目から隠しつづけました
They were seen only by his barber,
who was sworn to secrecy during a very awkward grooming session.
非常に気まずい髪の手入れの最中に 理髪師は秘密を守るよう誓わせられました
The barber stifled his laughter and fought the desire to tell someone,
理髪師は笑いをこらえ 誰かに言いたいという欲求をぐっと抑えました
yet the secret consumed him.
One day, he walked outside the city and dug a hole in the ground.
ある日 理髪師は郊外に歩いていって 地面に穴を掘りました
Plunging his head into the earth,
the desperate barber whispered, “Midas has ass's ears.”
理髪師は衝動を抑えきれず小声で言いました 「王様の耳は ロバの耳」
Soon after, a clump of reeds sprang up
その直後 理髪師が 言ったことを埋めた場所に
in the spot where the barber had buried his words.
When the wind blew, they carried the echoes of his whisper through the breeze:
風が吹くと 葦によって理髪師のささやきが 反響し そよ風にのって運ばれました
"Midas has ass's ears."
「王様の耳は ロバの耳」
At the sound, donkeys in the fields raised their heads in recognition
それを聞いて 草原にいたロバは顔を上げました
and people chuckled to themselves at the follies of their king.
With his golden touch and ass's ears, Midas was not the most respected ruler.
黄金に変える手とロバの耳のため ミダス王はあまり尊敬を集めませんでした
And where other leaders were honored through statues and temples,
他の指導者たちは彫像や殿堂を建てて 名誉をたたえられましたが
his people remembered him a little differently:
フリギア国民はミダス王のことを 少し異なった形で思い起こしました
in the depths of the glittering river and the rustle of the Phrygian wind.
きらきら輝く川底や さらさらという フリギアの風音によってです