字幕表 動画を再生する
After months of travel, you've arrived at Duonia,
何カ月もの旅の末 ドゥオニアの町に 到着しました
home to the famous temple that's the destination of your pilgrimage.
今回の巡礼の目的地として 有名な寺院がある町です
Entering from the northwest,
you pass through the city gates and the welcome center,
where you're given a map and a brochure.
The map reveals that the town consists of 16 blocks,
formed by five streets that run west to east,
intersecting five more that run north to south.
南北に走る5本の道と 交差しています
You're standing on the northernmost street facing east,
あなたは 今 最も北にある道の上に 立っています
with the two blocks containing the gate and the welcome center behind you.
門から2区画分 東に進んで 案内所を後にした所にいます
The temple's only entrance lies at the very southeast corner.
It's not a long walk, but there's a problem.
遠くないのですが 厄介な問題があります
As you learn from the brochure,
パンフレットによると ドゥオニアの町では
Duonia imposes a unique tax on all visitors,
which must be paid when they arrive at their destination within the city.
目的地到着時に 支払わなければなりません
The tax begins at zero,
increases by two silver for every block you walk east,
東へ1区画動く度に 銀貨2枚の税が課され
and doubles for every block you walk south.
南へ1区画歩く度に 税が倍になります
However, a recent reform to make the tax fairer
一方で 公正化を目指した 税法改正の結果
halves your total bill for every block you walk north
北へ1区画歩く度に 税金が半分になり
and subtracts two silver for every block you walk west.
西へ1区画行くと 銀貨2枚の減税になります
Just passing through the gate and the welcome center
means you already owe four silver.
As a pilgrim you carry no money and have no way of earning any.
巡礼中は所持金ゼロで 収入を得る術もありません
What's more, the rules of your pilgrimage forbid you
また 巡礼の規則により
from walking over any stretch of ground more than once during your journey—
同じ道を2度歩くことは 禁じられています
though you can cross your own path.
通った道を横切ることは 問題ありません
Can you figure out a way to reach the temple without owing any tax
さて 寺院にたどり着くのに 税金を課されずに
or walking the same block twice in any direction?
しかも 同じ区画を 2度通ることのない方法を見つけられますか?
Pause here if you want to figure it out for yourself.
(動画を一時停止し 考えてみましょう)
Answer in: 3
Answer in: 2
Answer in: 1
You look at the map to consider your options.
Walking towards the temple always increases the tax,
寺院に近づく方向へ歩くと 必ず税金が上がり
and walking away decreases it,
so it seems like you can never reach it without owing silver.
But what happens when you walk around a single block?
1つの区画の周りを歩いて進むのは どうでしょうか
If you start out owing four silver and go clockwise starting east,
銀貨4枚分の税金から始めて 時計回りで東へ歩くと
your tax bill becomes six,
then 12,
次に 12枚になり
then 10,
then five.
そして 5枚になります
If you looped again, you'd owe seven,
and six.
It seems that each clockwise loop leaves you owing one extra silver.
時計回りに1周するごとに 税金は銀貨1枚分増えます
What about a counterclockwise loop then?
では 反時計回りではどうでしょう
Starting owing four again and going south first,
同様に4枚から始まり 南へ歩くと
your bill changes to eight,
and three.
Looping again you'd owe six,
もう1回りすると 6枚
and two.
Each counterclockwise loop actually earns you one silver.
反時計回りでは 1周につき 銀貨1枚分 税金が減ります
That's because any tax doubled,
仕組みはこうです まず税金が2倍になり
plus two,
and minus two,
always ends up one smaller than it started.
最初よりも1枚分 税金が少なくなるのです
The key here is that while the different taxes for opposite directions
課税の仕方が 逆向きに進むことに対して それぞれ異なることで
may seem to balance each other out,
税額の増減を 相殺するように見えますが
the order in which they're applied makes a huge difference.
課税される順序の違いが 大きな違いをもたらすことがポイントです
You start off owing four silver,
so four counterclockwise loops would get you down to zero.
反時計回り4周で 税金がゼロになる計算です
Unfortunately, it's not that simple, since you can't walk the same block twice.
残念ながら 同じ道を2度通ることは 禁止なので それほど単純ではありません
But there's another way to reduce your bill:
実は税金を減らす方法が もう一つあります
walking one large counterclockwise loop through the city.
反時計回りに町を 大きく1周する方法です
From your starting position, walk three blocks south.
You need to leave the southernmost street clear for the final stretch,
最南の道は寺院到着に必要になる為 残しておく必要があります
so continuing counterclockwise means going east.
東へ歩いていくことで 反時計回りを続けます
Walk two blocks to the eastern wall and you owe a whopping 36 silver.
2区画歩き 東側の壁まで進むと 税金は36枚にまで膨れ上がります
But now you can start reducing your bill.
Three blocks north and one block west cuts it to 2.5.
北へ3区画 西へ1区画で 2.5枚になりました
You can't go west from here —that would leave you with no way out.
八方塞がりになるので これ以上西へは行けません
So you go one block south, and the remaining three blocks west,
ここで 南へ1区画 西へ3区画進みます
leaving you with a debt of -1 silver.
税金は銀貨マイナス1枚分 つまり貸しができることになります
And since doubling a negative number still gives you a negative number,
負の数字は倍にしても 負数のままですので
walking the three blocks to the south wall means the city owes you eight.
南へ3区画行くと 銀貨の貸しが8枚出来ます
Fortunately, that's exactly enough
ラッキーなことに これで
to get you through the final blocks to the temple.
寺院に到着した時に 税金がちょうど帳消しになります
As you enter, you realize what you've learned from your pilgrimage:
寺院へ入った時に 今回の巡礼での 教訓が頭に浮かびました
sometimes an indirect route is the best way to reach your destination.