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Hi there, it's J.T., and today, I'm going to explain how to know if it's time to find a new job.
こんにちは、J・T です。今日は仕事を変えるタイミングの見極め方について話をしたいと思います。
By the end of this video, you're going to have a simple framework to help you determine if it's time to make a change in your career.
The strategy I'm about to share with you has helped thousands of our Work It Daily clients figure out if they should stay where they are or make a shift.
これからお知らせする方法は、これまでに Work It Daily の多くのクライエントの方々に今の仕事を続けるべきか動くべきかを見極める上で役立ってきました。
I'm gonna break this down into three easy steps.
このプロセスを 3 つのステップに分けて見ていきます。
We're gonna start with step one, which is understanding the "experience-plus-learn equals-grow" equation for success.
ステップその 1 は「経験+学習=成長」の図式を頭に入れておくことです。
So, the reality is, if you aren't growing in your job today, you're dying.
What I mean by that, is that the experiences that you have should be something that's building up your skill sets.
And it's really important that every few months, we take a step back.
ですから、数か月に 1 回は現状を遠くから俯瞰して見て、
We look at the work that we've done, and decide whether or not the experiences we had are helping us learn and grow into better professionals.
If you wanna learn more about the "experience plus learn equals grow" model, check out the video that we've got up here, which really goes into greater detail.
So, let me give you an example.
Imagine you were assigned a really unhappy client at your company, and you worked very hard to turn the situation around.
And the good news is, is at the end of it, the client was giving rave reviews about their experience with you, and even renewed their contract with the company.
This is an example of an experience where you would step back, analyze the steps and methodology you took to turn the client around.
And then share with your manager how you were gonna use that methodology to help other clients.
This is a sign of professional growth.
If you have experiences like this in your current job, then you are some place with lots of opportunities to help you succeed.
You're growing, not dying.
So, now I wanna hear from you.
In the comments below, tell me about a time where you were really able to learn and grow from an experience you had on the job.
So, now that you have that understanding, it's time to move onto step two, which is analyzing and making sure the experiences you're having are helping you grow in three particular ways.
それを理解した上で、ステップその 2 に移りますが、ここでは分析したり経験したことが成長に寄与しているかを確認することになります。
The best way to move forward in your career is to make sure that you're having experiences that let you learn and grow in three ways.
仕事において前に進むための 1 番の方法は、3 つの要因で学び成長をすることができるかどうかです。
Via financial, influence, and skills.
3 つの要因とは経済面、影響度、そしてスキルが当てはまります。
So, let me break that down for you.
So, you want opportunities in an organization that will let you build up your income.
Opportunities to get raises for cost of living, or promotion.
If this is things that are important to you, then you have to make sure that this company is giving you the opportunities to do that.
The second one was influence, and by this, I mean power and control over your career.
2 つ目は影響度ですが、これはキャリアにおいてパワーとコントロールがどれだけあるかです。
The more influence you have in terms of the respect and the support from your peers and your managers, the better.
So, these experiences where you have success is going to help you earn that trust and respect.
And the last one is the skills themselves.
Because the reality is, you have to stay relevant to your work.
Just like we gave in that previous example, as you're building up your skill sets, you're more valuable to an employer.
So, if you feel like you're hitting a dead end in any of these areas, then it's time to make a change.
And let's talk about that in step number three.
ステップその 3 で詳しく見てみましょう。
So, the last step in the process is to make the decision of whether or not to leave, and then stick with it.
Once you've done the first two steps, you know that you've hit roadblocks.
And if you have, you really only got two options here.
もし、行き詰ったら 2 つ選択肢があります。
Option A is to sit down with your boss and have an honest conversation to see what you could do to get back on track.
Option B is to make the decision to leave.
もう 1 つのオプションは、離職です。
And if you do do that, it's really important that you go all in and build a job search plan to execute on that.
Studies show that people who are mentally checked out on the job, but not proactively looking for new work can end up becoming underperformers.
And in worst-case scenarios, actually get fired for poor performance.
And I don't want that to happen to you.
So, if you're looking for more tips on how to conduct a proactive job search, I really encourage you to check out our video up above.
It's a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to actually find work today.
And the reality is, job search has changed a lot in the last couple of years.
This video's gonna help you unlock the secrets to success with that.
In the end, it's up to you to make the decision as to whether or not to stay at this job.
It's your choice.
But hopefully, this framework that I've outlined will give you the ability to make an informed decision as to whether or not to stay or go.
Okay, so, if you wanna land a new job, then I highly encourage you to check out the Work It Daily subscriptions.
さて、新しい仕事を探している方は、Work It Daily のチャンネル登録をすることを強くお勧めします。
Depending on the package, you can get access to all of our course content and our trained one-on-one coaches, who can help you with your resume, your LinkedIn profile, interview prep, your cover letter, and a heck of a lot more.
パッケージによっては全てのコースコンテンツへのアクセスが得られるほか、1 対 1 で経験豊富なコーチのサポートを得て、履歴書や LinkedIn のプロフィールを調整したり、面接の準備やカバーレターの書き方、その他の面で助けを得られます。
These subscriptions are really, really affordable, so, I encourage you to click the link and check them out.
You won't be disappointed.
So, did you find today's video helpful?
If so, then do me a favor.
Hit the like button, and go down and comment below.
Tell us what your favorite tip was.
And heck, if you've got a question that you'd like answered, make sure that you post it down in the comments below as well.
We may choose yours to highlight in one of our upcoming videos.
Speaking of which, if you wanna make sure that you get all of our videos, then subscribe to our channel right now, and click the little bell.
That way, you'll get instant notifications every time we upload something new.
If you feel like you still need some more help with this subject, then I encourage you to check out the videos that we've put together here for you that you can watch next.
And lastly, remember, you're not alone in your career and job search.
So, come back and visit us.
Because if you wanna win, you've gotta Work It Daily.
成功のカギは Work It Daily にあります。