字幕表 動画を再生する
I've been living in Los Angeles for two years, and I've never been this cold in my life.
I will pay anyone here $300 for GORE-TEX gloves. Anybody. I'm serious. I have the cash.
Before I begin, I must point out that behind me sits a highly admired President of the
United States and decorated war hero while I, a cable television talk show host, has
been chosen to stand here and impart wisdom. I pray I never witness a more damning example
ここに立って知恵を授けるために 選ばれたのです。私は二度とこれ以上にひどい例を目撃することがないように祈ります
of what is wrong with America today.
Graduates, faculty, parents, relatives, undergraduates, and old people that just come to these things:
Good morning and congratulations to the Dartmouth Class of 2011. Today, you have achieved something special,
おはようございます、そして2011年のダートマスクラスの皆さん、おめでとうございます。 今日、あなた方は特別なことを成し遂げました。
something only 92 percent of Americans your age will ever know: a college diploma. That’s
あなたの年齢のアメリカ人の 92%しか知らないこと 大学の卒業証書ですそれは
right, with your college diploma you now have a crushing advantage over 8 percent of the
workforce. I'm talking about dropout losers like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg.
Incidentally, speaking of Mr. Zuckerberg, only at Harvard would someone have to invent
a massive social network just to talk with someone in the next room.
My first job as your commencement speaker is to illustrate that life is not fair. For
私の最初の仕事は 人生は公平ではないことを 説明することです冒頭の
example, you have worked tirelessly for four years to earn the diploma you’ll be receiving
this weekend. That was great.
And Dartmouth is giving me the same degree for interviewing the fourth lead in Twilight.
ダートマス大学は私にも同じ学位を与えてくれたわ トワイライトの4番目の主役の面接のためにね
Deal with it. Another example that life is not fair: if it does rain, the powerful rich
people on stage get the tent. Deal with it. I would like to thank President Kim for inviting
ステージ上の人たちはテントを手に入れる それを処理する。を招いてくれたキム社長に感謝したい。
me here today. After my phone call with President Kim, I decided to find out a little bit about
the man. He goes by President Kim and Dr. Kim. To his friends, he's Jim Kim, J to the
K, Special K, JK Rowling, the Just Kidding Kimster, and most puzzling, "Stinky Pete."
K、スペシャルK、JKローリング、Just Kidding Kimster、そして最も不可解なのは、"Stinky Pete."。
He served as the chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard
Medical School, spearheaded a task force for the World Health Organization on Global Health
Initiatives, won a MacArthur Genius Grant, and was one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential
People in 2006. Good God, man, what the hell are you compensating for? Seriously. We get
it. You're smart. By the way Dr. Kim, you were brought to Dartmouth to lead, and as
a world-class anthropologist, you were also hired to figure out why each of these graduating
students ran around a bonfire 111 times. But I thank you for inviting me here, Stinky
Pete, and it is an honor. Though some of you may see me as a celebrity, you should know
that I once sat where you sit. Literally. Late last night I snuck out here and sat in
every seat. I did it to prove a point: I am not bright and I have a lot of free time.
But this is a wonderful occasion and it is great to be here in New Hampshire, where I
am getting an honorary degree and all the legal fireworks I can fit in the trunk of
私は名誉学位を取得しています そして、私はトランクに収まるすべての合法的な花火を取得しています
my car. You know, New Hampshire is such a special
place. When I arrived I took a deep breath of this crisp New England air and thought,
"Wow, I'm in the state that's next to the state where Ben and Jerry's ice cream is made."
"Wow, I'm in the state that's next to the state where Ben and Jerry's ice cream is made.".
But don't get me wrong, I take my task today very seriously. When I got the call two months
ago to be your speaker, I decided to prepare with the same intensity many of you have devoted
講演者になることになりました 私は準備をすることにしました あなた方の多くが捧げたのと同じような 強度で
to an important term paper. So late last night, I began. I drank two cans of Red Bull, snorted some Adderall,
重要なタームペーパーにだから昨夜遅く、私は始めたレッドブルを2缶飲んで アデロールを嗅いだ
played a few hours of Call of Duty, and then opened my browser. I think Wikipedia put it
best when they said "Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League University in Hanover,
彼らは"Dartmouth Collegeはハノーバーの私立アイビーリーグ大学であると言ったときに最高の。
New Hampshire, United States." Thank you and good luck.
To communicate with you students today, I have gone to great lengths to become well-versed
in your unique linguistic patterns. In fact, just this morning I left Baker Berry with
my tripee Barry to eat a Billy Bob at the Bema when my flitz to Francesca was Blitz
jacked by some d-bag on his FSP. Yes, I've done my research. This college was
named after the Second Earl of Dartmouth, a good friend of the Third Earl of UC Santa
Cruz and the Duke of the Barbizon School of Beauty. Your school motto is "Vox clamantis
クルスとバルビゾン美容学校の公爵。あなたの学校のモットーは、"Vox clamantisです。
in deserto," which means "Voice crying out in the wilderness." This is easily the most
in deserto," which means " Voice crying out in wilderness." This is easily most
pathetic school motto I have ever heard. Apparently, it narrowly beat out "Silently Weeping in
哀れな校訓を聞いたことがあります。どうやら、それは僅差で"Silently Weeping in
Thick Shrub" and "Whimpering in Moist Leaves without Pants." Your school color is green,
Thick Shrub" and "Whimpering in Moist Leaves without Pants." Your school color is green.
and this color was chosen by Frederick Mather in 1867 because, and this is true—I looked
it up—"it was the only color that had not been taken already." I cannot remember hearing
it up-"it was only color that was not had been been been already." I cannot remember remember hearing
anything so sad. Dartmouth, you have an inferiority complex, and you should not. You have graduated
more great fictitious Americans than any other college. Meredith Grey of Grey's Anatomy.
Pete Campbell from Mad Men. Michael Corleone from The Godfather. In fact, I look forward
to next years' Valedictory Address by your esteemed classmate, Count Chocula. Of course,
your greatest fictitious graduate is Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Man, can you imagine
あなたの最も偉大な卒業生は ティモシー・ガイトナー財務長官です想像できるか?
if a real Treasury Secretary made those kinds of decisions? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha. Now I know what you're going to say, Dartmouth, you're going to say, well "We've got Dr. Seuss."
Well guess what, we're all tired of hearing about Dr. Seuss. Face it: The man rhymed fafloozle
with saznoozle. In the literary community, that's called cheating.
Your insecurity is so great, Dartmouth, that you don't even think you deserve a real podium.
I'm sorry. What the hell is this thing? It looks like you stole it from the set of Survivor:
Nova Scotia. Seriously, it looks like something a bear would use at an AA meeting.
No, Dartmouth, you must stand tall. Raise your heads high and feel proud.
いや、ダートマス、君たちは背筋が伸びるべきだ頭を高く上げて 誇りを感じなさい
Because if Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are your self-involved, vain, name-dropping older
brothers, you are the cool, sexually confident, lacrosse playing younger sibling who knows
how to throw a party and looks good in a down vest. Brown, of course, is your lesbian sister who
パーティーのやり方やダウンベストの着こなし方を教えてくれます。 ブラウンはレズビアンのお姉さんで
never leaves her room. And Penn, Columbia, and Cornell—well, frankly, who gives a shit.
Yes, I've always had a special bond with this school. In fact, this is my second time coming
here. When I was 17 years old and touring colleges, way back in the fall of 1980, I
ここにある。私が17歳の時に 大学を見学した時 1980年の秋のことです
came to Dartmouth. Dartmouth was a very different place back then. I made the trip up from Boston
on a mule and, after asking the blacksmith in West Leb for directions, I came to this
beautiful campus. No dormitories had been built yet, so I stayed with a family of fur
traders in White River Junction. It snowed heavily during my visit and I was trapped
here for four months. I was forced to eat the mule, who a week earlier had been forced
to eat the fur traders. Still, I loved Dartmouth and I vowed to return.
But fate dealt a heavy blow. With no money, I was forced to enroll in a small, local commuter
school, a pulsating sore on a muddy elbow of the Charles River. I was a miserable wretch,
学校ではチャールズ川の濁った肘の上に 脈打つような痛みを感じていた私は惨めな浮浪者だった
and to this day I cannot help but wonder: What if I had gone to Dartmouth?
If I had gone to Dartmouth, I might have spent at least some of my college years outside
もしダートマスに行っていたら 大学時代の少なくとも一部を 外で過ごしていたかもしれない
and today I might not be allergic to all plant life, as well as most types of rock.
If I had gone to Dartmouth, right now I'd be wearing a fleece thong instead of a lace
thong. If I had gone to Dartmouth, I still wouldn't
know the second verse to "Dear Old Dartmouth." Face it, none of you do. You all mumble that
の2番目の歌詞を知っている "Dartmouth.Dear Old Dartmouth." Face it, none of you do.You all mumble that
part. If I had gone to Dartmouth, I'd have a liver
the size and consistency of a bean bag chair. Finally, if I had gone to Dartmouth, today
I'd be getting an honorary degree at Harvard. Imagine how awesome that would be.
You are a great school, and you deserve a historic commencement address. That's right,
I want my message today to be forever remembered because it changed the world. To do this,
I must suggest groundbreaking policy. Winston Churchill gave his famous "Iron Curtain" speech
画期的な政策を提案しなければならない。ウィンストン・チャーチルは、彼の有名な" Iron Curtain"スピーチをしました。
at Westminster College in 1946. JFK outlined his nuclear disarmament policy at American
University in 1963. Today, I would like to set forth my own policy here at Dartmouth:
I call it "The Conan Doctrine." Under "The Conan Doctrine":
私はそれを"The Conan Doctrine."と呼んでいます; Under "The Conan Doctrine"。
- All bachelor degrees will be upgraded to master's degrees. All master's degrees will
- 学士号はすべて修士号にアップグレードされます。すべての修士号は
be upgraded to PhDs. And all MBA students will be immediately transferred to a white
collar prison. - Under "The Conan Doctrine," Winter Carnival
襟付きの刑務所。- Under "The Conan Doctrine," Winter Carnival.
will become Winter Carnivale and be moved to Rio. Clothing will be optional, all expenses
paid by the Alumni Association. - Your nickname, the Big Green, will be changed
校友会が負担します- あなたのニックネームであるビッググリーンは変更されます
to something more kick-ass like "The Jade Blade," the "Seafoam Avenger," or simply "Lime-Zilla."
何かもっとキックアスなものに"The Jade Blade," " Seafoam Avenger," or simply "Lime-Zilla.".
- The D-Plan and "quarter system" will finally be updated to "the one sixty-fourth system."
- D-PLANと"quarter system"は最終的に"the one sixty-fourth system."に更新されます。
Semesters will last three days. Students will be encouraged to take 48 semesters off. They
must, however, be on campus during their Sophomore 4th of July.
- Under "The Conan Doctrine," I will re-instate Tubestock. And I will punish those who tried
- コナン・ドクトリンの下で、私はチューブストックを復活させる。そして、私は試みた者たちを罰するだろう。
to replace it with Fieldstock. Rafting and beer are a much better combination than a
field and a beer. I happen to know that in two years, they were going to downgrade Fieldstock
to Deskstock, seven hours of fun sitting quietly at your desk. Don't let those bastards do
it. And finally, under "The Conan Doctrine," all
と書いてあります。そして最後に、"The Conan Doctrine,"の下に、すべての
commencement speakers who shamelessly pander with cheap, inside references designed to
get childish applause, will be forced to apologize—to the greatest graduating class in the history
of the world. Dartmouth class of 2011 rules! Besides policy, another hallmark of great
commencement speeches is deep, profound advice like "reach for the stars." Well today, I
開始のスピーチは、深い、深遠なアドバイスのようなものです " reach for the stars." Well today, I
am not going to waste your time with empty clichés. Instead, I am going to give you
real, practical advice that you will need to know if you are going to survive the next
few years. - First, adult acne lasts longer than you
数年は- まず、大人ニキビが長続きするのは
think. I almost cancelled two days ago because I had a zit on my eye.
- Guys, this is important: You cannot iron a shirt while wearing it.
- みんな、これは重要なことだ。
- Here's another one. If you live on Ramen Noodles for too long, you lose all feelings
- ここでもう一つ。ラーメンばかり食べていると、気持ちが萎えてしまう。
in your hands and your stool becomes a white gel.
- And finally, wearing colorful Converse high-tops beneath your graduation robe is a great way
- そして最後に、あなたの卒業式のローブの下にカラフルなコンバースのハイトップを着用することは素晴らしい方法です。
to tell your classmates that this is just the first of many horrible decisions you plan
to make with the rest of your life. Of course there are many parents here and
I have real advice for them as well. Parents, you should write this down:
- Many of your children you haven't seen them in four years. Well, now you are about to
- あなたの子供たちの多くは4年間会っていません。さて、今、あなたがしようとしているのは
see them every day when they come out of the basement to tell you the wi-fi isn't working.
- If your child majored in fine arts or philosophy, you have good reason to be worried. The only
- 子供が美術や哲学を専攻していたら、心配するのは当然です。唯一の
place where they are now really qualified to get a job is ancient Greece. Good luck
彼らが今本当に就職する資格がある場所は 古代ギリシャです幸運を祈る
with that degree. - The traffic today on East Wheelock is going
その程度で- 今日の東ウィーロックの交通量は
to be murder, so once they start handing out diplomas, you should slip out in the middle
of the K's. And, I have to tell you this:
- You will spend more money framing your child's diploma than they will earn in the next six
- あなたは、彼らが次の6で稼ぐよりも、あなたの子供の卒業証書をフレーミングより多くのお金を費やすことになります
months. It's tough out there, so be patient. The only people hiring right now are Panera
Bread and Mexican drug cartels. Yes, you parents must be patient because it
is indeed a grim job market out there. And one of the reasons it's so tough finding work
is that aging baby boomers refuse to leave their jobs. Trust me on this. Even when they promise you for five years
高齢化した団塊の世代が 離職を拒んでいるということですこれは私を信じてください。 5年間の約束をされても
that they are going to leave—and say it on television—I mean you can go on YouTube
彼らはテレビでそれを言おうとしています - つまり、あなたはYouTubeに行くことができます。
right now and watch the guy do it, there is no guarantee they won't come back. Of course
I'm speaking generally. But enough. This is not a time for grim prognostications
or negativity. No, I came here today because, believe it or not, I actually do have something
real to tell you. Eleven years ago I gave an address to a graduating
class at Harvard. I have not spoken at a graduation since because I thought I had nothing left
to say. But then 2010 came. And now I'm here, three thousand miles from my home, because
I learned a hard but profound lesson last year and I'd like to share it with you. In
2000, I told graduates "Don't be afraid to fail." Well now I'm here to tell you that,
2000年、私は卒業生に"Don't be afraid to fail." Well now I'm here to tell you that.
though you should not fear failure, you should do your very best to avoid it. Nietzsche famously said "Whatever doesn't
失敗を恐れるべきではありませんが、失敗を避けるために最善を尽くすべきです。 ニーチェは有名な言葉です。
kill you makes you stronger." But what he failed to stress is that it almost kills you.
kill you makes you stronger."しかし、彼が強調することに失敗したのは、それがほとんどあなたを殺すということです。
Disappointment stings and, for driven, successful people like yourselves it is disorienting.
What Nietzsche should have said is "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you watch a lot of
Cartoon Network and drink mid-price Chardonnay at 11 in the morning."
Now, by definition, Commencement speakers at an Ivy League college are considered successful.
But a little over a year ago, I experienced a profound and very public disappointment.
I did not get what I wanted, and I left a system that had nurtured and helped define
me for the better part of 17 years. I went from being in the center of the grid to not
only off the grid, but underneath the coffee table that the grid sits on, lost in the shag
carpeting that is underneath the coffee table supporting the grid. It was the making of
a career disaster, and a terrible analogy. But then something spectacular happened. Fogbound,
キャリアの惨事とひどい例えですがしかしその後 壮大なことが起こりました霧に包まれた。
with no compass, and adrift, I started trying things. I grew a strange, cinnamon beard.
羅針盤もなく 漂流していた 私は色々なことに挑戦し始めた奇妙なシナモン髭を生やした
I dove into the world of social media. I started tweeting my comedy. I threw together a national
tour. I played the guitar. I did stand-up, wore a skin-tight blue leather suit, recorded
an album, made a documentary, and frightened my friends and family. Ultimately, I abandoned
アルバムを作り ドキュメンタリーを作り 友人や家族を怖がらせました最終的には
all preconceived perceptions of my career path and stature and took a job on basic cable
with a network most famous for showing reruns, along with sitcoms created by a tall, black
man who dresses like an old, black woman. I did a lot of silly, unconventional, spontaneous
and seemingly irrational things and guess what: with the exception of the blue leather
suit, it was the most satisfying and fascinating year of my professional life. To this day I still don't understand exactly
スーツを着て、私の職業人生の中で最も満足度が高く、魅力的な一年でした。 今日まで、私はまだ正確には理解していません。
what happened, but I have never had more fun, been more challenged—and this is important—had
more conviction about what I was doing. How could this be true? Well, it's simple:
There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized.
I went to college with many people who prided themselves on knowing exactly who they were
and exactly where they were going. At Harvard, five different guys in my class told me that
they would one day be President of the United States. Four of them were later killed in
motel shoot-outs. The other one briefly hosted Blues Clues, before dying senselessly in yet
another motel shoot-out. Your path at 22 will not necessarily be your path at 32 or 42.
またモーテルで銃撃戦か22歳の時の進路が 32歳や42歳の時の進路とは限らない
One's dream is constantly evolving, rising and falling, changing course. This happens
in every job, but because I have worked in comedy for twenty-five years, I can probably
speak best about my own profession. Way back in the 1940s there was a very, very
funny man named Jack Benny. He was a giant star, easily one of the greatest comedians
ジャック・ベニーというおかしな男彼は巨大なスターであり 偉大なコメディアンの一人です
of his generation. And a much younger man named Johnny Carson wanted very much to be
Jack Benny. In some ways he was, but in many ways he wasn't. He emulated Jack Benny, but
his own quirks and mannerisms, along with a changing medium, pulled him in a different
direction. And yet his failure to completely become his hero made him the funniest person
of his generation. David Letterman wanted to be Johnny Carson, and was not, and as a
result my generation of comedians wanted to be David Letterman. And none of us are. My
私の世代のコメディアンは デイビッド・レターマンになりたがっていましたそして 私たちの誰もがそうではありません私の
peers and I have all missed that mark in a thousand different ways. But the point is
仲間と私は千差万別の方法で そのマークを外してきましたしかし、重要なのは
this : It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes
us unique. It's not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right, your
perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound re-invention.
So, at the age of 47, after 25 years of obsessively pursuing my dream, that dream changed. For decades,
in show business, the ultimate goal of every comedian was to host The Tonight Show. It
was the Holy Grail, and like many people I thought that achieving that goal would define
me as successful. But that is not true. No specific job or career goal defines me, and
私は成功したと思っていますしかし、それは真実ではありません。特定の仕事やキャリアの目標が 私を定義しているわけではありませんし
it should not define you. In 2000—in 2000—I told graduates to not be afraid to fail, and
I still believe that. But today I tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappointment
will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes
が来ます。美しさとは 失望を通して 明晰さを得ることができるということです 明晰さを得ることで
conviction and true originality. Many of you here today are getting your diploma
信念と真のオリジナリティ今日ここにいる皆さんの多くは 卒業証書を取得しています
at this Ivy League school because you have committed yourself to a dream and worked hard
このアイビーリーグの学校に入学したのは 夢に向かって努力してきたからです
to achieve it. And there is no greater cliché in a commencement address than "follow your
それを達成するために。そして、開始の挨拶の中でより大きな決まり文句はありません "Follow your
dream." Well I am here to tell you that whatever you think your dream is now, it will probably
dream." さて、私はあなたがあなたの夢が今だと思うものは何でも、それはおそらくなることを伝えるためにここにいる
change. And that's okay. Four years ago, many of you had a specific vision of what your
college experience was going to be and who you were going to become. And I bet, today,
most of you would admit that your time here was very different from what you imagined.
Your roommates changed, your major changed, for some of you your sexual orientation changed.
I bet some of you have changed your sexual orientation since I began this speech. I know
I have. But through the good and especially the bad, the person you are now is someone
you could never have conjured in the fall of 2007.
I have told you many things today, most of it foolish but some of it true. I'd like to
end my address by breaking a taboo and quoting myself from 17 months ago. At the end of my
タブーを破って17ヶ月前の自分を引用して 私のアドレスを終わりにします私の最後に
final program with NBC, just before signing off, I said "Work hard, be kind, and amazing
NBCとの最後のプログラムは、ちょうどサインオフする前に、私は言った "Work hard, be kind, and amazing
things will happen." Today, receiving this honor and speaking to the Dartmouth Class
of 2011 from behind a tree-trunk, I have never believed that more.
Thank you very much, and congratulations.