字幕表 動画を再生する
You're on the trail of a werewolf
あなたは町を恐怖にさらしている 狼人間の追跡中です
that's been terrorizing your town.
あなたは町を恐怖にさらしている 狼人間の追跡中です
After months of detective work,
you've narrowed your suspects to one of five people:
the mayor,
the tailor,
the baker,
the grocer,
or the carpenter.
You've invited them to dinner with a simple plan:
you'll slip a square of a rare werewolf antidote
into each of their dinners.
各人の料理に こっそりと入れるのです
Unfortunately, your pet goat just ate four of the squares,
あいにくペットのヤギが そのうち4つを食べてしまい
and you only have one left.
Luckily, the remaining square is 50 grams,
and the minimum effective dose is 10 grams.
If you can precisely divide the square into fifths
もし その正方形を正確に 5等分することができれば
you'll have just enough antidote for everyone.
辛うじて十分な量の解毒剤を 全員に分け与えられます
You'll have to use a laser-cutting tool to cut up the square;
正方形を分割するのに レーザー切断機器を使わなければなりません
every other means available to you isn't precise enough.
他の方法は どれも正確ではないからです
There are 8 points that can act as starting or ending points for each cut.
各切断の始点や終点となりえる地点は 8か所あります
To use the device, you'll have to input pairs of points
機器を使うには 各切断の始点と終点となる ―
that tell the laser where to begin and end each cut,
2点の組を レーザーに指示することで
and then the laser executes all the cuts simultaneously.
It's okay to cut the square into as many pieces as you want,
as long as you can group them into 10 gram portions.
それらをまとめて 10グラムずつにしなければいけません
But you can't fold the square or alter it otherwise,
それに 折り畳んだり 変形させてはいけませんし
and you only get one shot at using the laser cutter.
レーザー切断器を 作動できるのは1度きりです
The full moon is rising,
and in a moment someone will transform and tear you all apart
直ちに誰かが狼人間に変身して みんなが八つ裂きにされてしまいます
unless you can cure them first.
あなたが先に狼人間を 治せない限りにおいてです
How can you divide the antidote into perfect fifths,
cure the secret werewolf, and save everyone?
隠れ狼人間を治し みんなを救うことができるでしょうか?
Pause the video now if you want to figure it out for yourself.
[自分で答えを考えたい場合は ここで停止してください]
Answer in 3
Answer in 2
Answer in 1
When it comes to puzzles that involve cutting and rearranging,
it's often helpful to actually take a piece of paper
and try cutting it up to see what you can get.
切ってみて何ができるか 試してみることです
If we cut BF and DH we'd get fourths, but we need fifths.
BFとDHを切断すると4等分になりますが 必要なのは5等分です
Maybe there's a way to shave a bit off of a quarter to get exactly one fifth.
おそらく4分の1より少し小さめに切断して ぴったり5分の1を得る方法があるはずです
Cutting BE looks good at first, but that last cut
BEの切断は一見 良さそうに見えますが 最後の切断部は
takes a off a quarter of a quarter,
4分の1の 4分の1を 切り取ることになり
leaving us with a portion of 3/16: just smaller than a fifth,
残った部分は5分の1より 若干少ない3/16となるため
and not enough to cure a werewolf.
What if we started with BE instead?
That would also give us a quarter.
And is there a way to shave just a bit more off?
これらを ほんの少し 小さくする切断法はあるでしょうか?
Both DG and CH look promising.
If we make one more cut, from A to F,
AからFまで もう1か所切断すれば
we may start to notice something.
With these four cuts—from B to E, D to G, F to A,
これら4つの切断 ― BからE、DからG、FからA、HからCで
and H to C—we've got four triangles
and a square in the middle.
But the pieces that make each triangle can also be
しかし この個々の三角形は
rearranged to make a square identical to the middle one.
真ん中の四角形と同じ四角形を 形成するように再配置できます
This means that we've split the antidote into perfect fifths!
つまり解毒剤をぴったり5等分に 分割したということです
What's interesting about this sort of problem
is that while it's possible to solve it by starting from the geometry,
幾何学から考えはじめて 解決することも可能ですが
it's actually easier to start experimenting and see where that gets you.
試してみて何が起こるか見てみる方が 実はもっと簡単だということです
That wouldn't be as viable if the square had, say, 24 cut points,
もし正方形に24か所の切断地点があったら 実行するのに適していませんが
but with just 8 there are only so many reasonable options.
8か所だけなら限られた数の 妥当な選択肢しかありません
You secretly dose each of the townspeople
空に満月が現れる時に こっそりと解毒剤をみんなに服用させます
as the full moon emerges in the sky.
空に満月が現れる時に こっそりと解毒剤をみんなに服用させます
And just as you do, a terrible transformation begins.
まさにそのタイミングで 恐ろしい変身が始まりますが
Then, just as suddenly, it reverses.
突然 元の姿に戻っていきます
Your measurements were perfect,
and the people and animals of the town can rest a little easier.
町の住人や動物たちは 一安心することができました