字幕表 動画を再生する
One of the kingdom's most prosperous merchants
ある王国で 最も富裕な商人が
has been exposed for his corrupt dealings.
Nearly all of his riches
are invested in a collection
of 30 exquisite Burmese rubies,
and the crowd in the square
is clamoring for their confiscation
それを押収して 被害者たちに弁済しろと
to reimburse his victims.
But the scoundrel and his allies at court
しかし この悪党は仲間と共に裁判で
have made a convincing case
that at least some of his wealth
少なくとも 財産の一部は
was obtained legitimately,
合法的に しかも
and through good service to the crown.
王様への奉仕によって 得たものだというのです
The king ponders for a minute
王様は しばらく考え込み
and announces his judgment.
Because there's no way to know
which portion of the rubies were bought with ill-gotten wealth,
不当に得た財産で買ったったものかを 知る術がないので
the fine will be determined through a game of wits between the merchant
商人に課す罰金は 頭脳ゲームで決めることとし
and the king's most clever advisor – you.
対戦相手は王様の一番賢い忠言者 そう あなたになりました
You're both told the rules in advance.
The merchant will be allowed to discreetly divide his rubies
商人は ルビーを3つの箱の中に 慎重に分配することができる
among three boxes, which will then be placed in front of you.
そして その箱は あなたの目の前に置かれる
You will be given three cards,
あなたには3枚のカードが 渡されるので
and must write a number between 1 and 30 on each,
各カードに1から30までの 数字を書いて
before putting a card in front of each of the boxes.
各々の箱の前に1枚ずつ 置かなくてはならない
The boxes will then all be opened.
そして すべての箱が開かれる
For each box, you will receive exactly
as many rubies as the number written on the corresponding card,
カードに書かれた数以上の ルビーが入っていたら
if the box has that many.
その数字の分だけ ルビーを受け取れる
But if your number is greater than the number of rubies actually there,
しかし カードの数字が箱の中の ルビーの数より大きかった場合
the scoundrel gets to keep the entire box.
The king puts just two constraints on how the scoundrel distributes his rubies.
悪党が ルビーを分配するにあたり 王様は2つだけ制限を与えた
Each box must contain at least two rubies
それぞれの箱には ルビーを2個以上 入れること
and one of the boxes must contain exactly six more rubies than another—
ある箱には 別のある箱に入れた数より ちょうど6個 多くルビーを入れること
but you won't know which boxes those are.
しかし それがどの箱になるか あなたは知らない
After a few minutes of deliberation,
商人は しばらく考え込んだ後 宝石を入れ
the merchant hides the gems, and the boxes are brought in front of you.
その箱が あなたの 目の前に運ばれてきました
Which numbers should you choose
in order to guarantee the largest possible fine for the scoundrel
悪党から取り上げて 被害者たちに弁償させるには
and the greatest compensation for his victims?
あなたは どの数字を 選べばよいでしょう?
Pause the video now if you want to figure it out for yourself.
[ここで動画を停止して 自分で考えてみてください]
Answer in 3
Answer in 2
Answer in 1
You don't want to overshoot by being too greedy.
欲張りすぎて 数を超過したくないですよね
But there is a way you can guarantee
でも 悪党の宝の半分以上を
to get more than half of the scoundrel's stash.
The situation resembles an adversarial game like chess –
この状況は チェスのような 対戦ゲームに似ていますが
only here you can't see the opponent's position.
ここでは相手の状況が わかりません
To figure out the minimum number of rubies you're guaranteed to win,
確実に得ることが出来る ルビーの最小の数を知るには
you need to look for the worst case scenario,
最悪のケースを 知らべる必要があります
as if the merchant already knew your move
and could arrange the rubies to minimize your winnings.
あなたの獲得数を最小にするように ルビーを分配したような場合です
Because you have no way of knowing which boxes will have more or fewer rubies,
あなたは ルビーが多い箱も 少ない箱も 知らないのですから
you should pick the same number for each.
Suppose you write three 9's.
あなたは3枚とも 9と書くと想定して
The scoundrel might have allocated the rubies as 8, 14 and 8.
悪党はルビーを8個 14個8個と 入れているかもしれません
In that case, you'd receive 9 from the middle box and no others.
この場合 あなたは真ん中の箱からのみ 9個のルビーを受け取れます
On the other hand, you can be sure that at least two boxes
一方で 少なくとも2つの箱には
have a minimum of 8 rubies.
Here's why.
We'll start by assuming the opposite,
まず 逆のことを考えてみます
that two boxes have 7 or fewer.
2つの箱に入っているのが 7個以下だとします
Those could not be the two that differ by 6,
これらは数の差が6である ペアとはなり得ません
because every box must have at least 2 rubies.
各箱には少なくとも 2個以上の入っているべきだからです
In that case, the third box would have at most 13 rubies—that's 7 plus 6.
この場合 3番目の箱は 7+6となり 最大でも13個 です
Add up all three of those boxes,
and the most that could equal is 27.
Since that's less than 30,
this scenario isn't possible.
You now know, by what's called a proof by contradiction,
that two of the boxes have 8 or more rubies.
2つの箱には8個以上のルビーが 入っていることが分かります
If you ask for 8 from all three boxes
you'll receive at least 16—
あなたは少なくとも ルビーを16個を受け取れます
and that's the best you can guarantee,
それが 保証される 最大のルビーの数であることが
as you can see by thinking again about the 8, 14, 8 scenario.
再び 8個14個8個の場合を 考えることで分かります
You've recovered more than half the scoundrel's fortune
as restitution for the public.
市民への弁済分として 取り返すことができます
And though he's managed to hold on to some of his rubies,
彼は手元に いくぶんか ルビーを残すことができましたが
his fortune has definitely lost some of its shine.
彼の財産は輝きの一部を 明らかに失いました