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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Translator: Helene Batt Reviewer: Reiko Bovee

    翻訳: Shigeto Oeda 校正: Naoko Fujii

  • I am a magician for over 45 years.

    私は45年以上にわたり 手品師をやっています

  • When I was 23 years old,


  • I met former US presidential candidate Ross Perot,

    アメリカの大統領候補だった ロス・ペローと会い

  • and I ended up working for him for 10 years.


  • Ross made me promise that I'd figure out a way


  • to integrate magic and business,

    統合する方法を見つけ出せると 請け合ってくれました

  • and I've been working at that for the last 30 years.


  • So tonight, I'm here to share with you, one of the greatest secrets

    今夜は この30年間の旅で得た 最も大きな秘密のひとつを

  • that I discovered on that 30-year journey.


  • Tonight we're going to pull back the curtain

    今夜私たちは これまで隠されていた

  • and I'm going share with you one of magic's greatest secrets.

    手品の偉大な秘密のひとつを 公開したいと思います

  • This is so secret that most magicians don't know it.

    本当に秘密なので ほとんどの手品師も知らないことです

  • This is a real treasure to me.


  • When I first discovered it, I didn't want to share it with anyone.

    最初見つけたとき 誰にも教えたくありませんでした

  • Seriously, I wanted to keep it for myself,

    本当に 自分だけの秘密に したかったのです

  • but it had such a big impact on my life,

    けれどもこの秘密は私の人生に あまりにも大きな影響を与えました

  • and as I started to share it with other people,

    そしてその秘密を 他の人と共有し始めると

  • people were telling me how it was impacting them.

    その影響力がどれほど大きいか 教えられました

  • So, It's clearly one of those ideas worth sharing,

    これは明らかに共有する価値のある アイディアのひとつです

  • and that's why I'm here tonight.

    そしてそのことが 私が今夜ここにいる理由です

  • The secret is a magic word, that has transformational power.

    その秘密とは魔法の言葉のことで 物事を変容させる力をもっています

  • In fact, it's the universal magic word, you all know it.

    それは実はだれでもよく知っている 魔法の言葉です

  • What's the universal magic word?


  • Abracadabra.


  • (Laughter)


  • "Please" is the very good magic word.

    「お願いします」はまさしく いい魔法の言葉です

  • (Laughter)


  • And "thank you".


  • So, I never used the word "abracadabra" in my magic performances.

    手品をしているとき 「アブラカダブラ」なんて言ったことはなく

  • I thought it was goofy, some nonsense word.

    それは間抜けな 意味のない言葉だと思っていました

  • But one day I was sitting and reflecting,

    ところがある日 物思いに耽っていたとき

  • and I thought, "Where does abracadabra come from? What does it mean?"

    「アブラカダブラ」がどこの言葉で どんな意味なのか気になりだしました

  • So I started to do some research


  • which led me to the department of linguistics at MIT.


  • I sent an email,


  • and I had a follow-up phone conversation a couple days later.


  • One of the faculty called and said, "You aren't going to believe this."

    電話をくれた教授は 「信じられないでしょうが」と前置きしてから

  • "Abracadabra" is an Aramaic word.


  • I said, "What's Aramaic?"


  • He said Aramaic is an ancient sacred language that predates Hebrew.

    ヘブライ語の前の 古代の神聖な言語だと 彼は言いました

  • Some people say Aramaic is the language that Jesus spoke.

    イエスが使っていた言語だ とも言われています

  • He said,


  • "Hold on because you're never going to believe what abracadabra means."

    「いいですか 信じてもらえないでしょうが アブラカダブラの意味とは―」

  • It means:


  • "What I speak is what I create."


  • What I speak is what I create.

    私が話すことが私の現実を 創り出すということです

  • Let me give you an example of abracadabra in action.


  • We're going to start, "What I speak is what I create".

    「口にしたことが現実になる」について 話そうとしているのですから

  • We have to begin with words.

    まず何か 口にする言葉が必要です

  • So we're going to take a simple word.


  • The word "ball".


  • And let's just add another word.


  • The word "bowling".


  • Abracadabra!


  • (Sound of bowling ball dropping)


  • (Applause)


  • Truly, what I speak is what I create.


  • Words are one of our most powerful sources of creative power.


  • Words can ignite a movement.


  • Words can inspire us to rise above adversity.

    言葉は逆境から抜け出すようにと 私たちを鼓舞してくれます

  • Words can connect our hearts.


  • On the other hand, words can destroy creativity.

    その反面 言葉は創造性を壊すことも出来ます

  • Words can take us down a rathole with self-doubt,

    言葉は私たちを自己疑惑に 陥らせることも出来ます

  • and words can destroy relationships.


  • We all know how powerful words are,

    私たちは皆 言葉がいかに 力をもっているかを知っています

  • and yet it's scary how little attention we pay to our words.

    にもかかわらず 恐ろしいことに あまり言葉に注意を払いません

  • We don't realize how powerful our words are,


  • in terms of influencing the results that we are getting in life.

    言葉がどんなに力を持つか 私たちには分かっていません

  • Words are so powerful.


  • So, tonight, I'm going to equip you


  • by using this idea of abracadabra,

    アブラカダブラの考え方によって 皆さんが言葉を

  • to use your words more consciously,


  • so that you can move toward what you want to create,


  • so that you can become more collaborative,


  • more innovative, more creative,


  • you can look at obstacles in different ways,


  • and so that you can transform your life,

    さらには人生や人間関係 それから

  • your relationship, your teams, your workplace.

    チームや仕事場を変えていけるように なってもらいたいと思っています

  • Abracadabra is a powerful tool for doing this.


  • I want you to think about your words in two ways.

    あなたの使っている言葉を 2つの面から捉えてみてください

  • Creative or limiting.

    創造的か 制約的か

  • Are your words creative? Are they uplifting?


  • Are they inspiring? Are they generative?


  • Or are they negative? Are they destructive?


  • Are they demoralizing?


  • Now, just understanding this distinction


  • between being creative and limiting


  • can be a really powerful tool for you.


  • It may sound really elementary. But just being conscious.

    初歩的なことのように見えますが ただ意識的でいるだけでいいんです

  • Are my words that I am using right now moving me towards what I want?

    今使っている言葉が 望む方向に自分を向かわせているか

  • Or are they moving me towards what I don't want?

    それとも 望まない方向に自分を向かわせているか

  • And just by being conscious,


  • you can do kind of an abracadabra on yourself and say,


  • "Wait a minute. What I speak is what I create,"

    「ちょっと待て 口にしたことが現実になる」

  • "I want to be using words


  • that are moving me towards what I want to create."

    自分を向けてくれる言葉を使いたい」 と思えるようになります

  • So, let's look at this idea of abracadabra on three levels:

    では3つのレベルで アブラカダブラの概念を見てみましょう

  • On a personal level, on an interpersonal level,

    個人のレベル 個人間のレベル

  • and from a leadership perspective.


  • First, the personal level.


  • Raise your hand if you talk to yourself.

    頭の中で自分と会話をする人は 手を上げてください

  • Now, you hesitated for a moment.

    あなたは一瞬 躊躇しましたね

  • I kind of saw you look up


  • and that leads me to believe that you were thinking,

    きっとこんなことを 考えていたのではないでしょうか

  • "Do I talk to myself?"

    「僕 自分と会話してるかい?」

  • (Laughter)


  • Of course you do.


  • We all do. We all talk to ourselves.

    皆 自分と会話するんです

  • We have this constant churning, constant stream of thought going.

    私たちはこのように絶え間なく ぐるぐると思考し続けています

  • If you don't believe me, just try meditating.


  • You get quiet, you close your eyes, and immediately it starts. (Snap)


  • "Did I leave the coffee maker on?" It starts.

    「僕 コーヒーメーカーの電源を切った?」

  • And we just have that constant stream going on.

    こんな自分との会話の流れを 私たちは常に経験しています

  • In the world of magic, the magician's script is called "Pattern."

    手品の世界では 手品の台本は「パターン」と呼ばれます

  • It's carefully designed words


  • that influence what you believe and what you see.

    あなたが何を信じ何を見るかに 影響を与えます

  • That internal pattern that we all have going on is similar.

    私たちの 内なる会話のパターンも これと似たようなものです

  • It's there to influence what we believe and what we see,


  • and consequently what we end up creating in life.

    そして結果的には人生で何を創造するかに 影響を与えるものです

  • Let me tell you a story about that internal pattern.

    内なる会話のパターンについて あるお話をしましょう

  • When I was a kid growing up, practicing magic in our farmhouse


  • in the basement in Michigan,


  • I learned about an organization called the Magic Circle in London.

    ロンドンにマジックサークルという 団体があることを知りました

  • Magic Circle is the oldest society of magicians in the world,

    マジックサークルは 世界で一番古い手品師の団体です

  • and I set a goal at age 14 to become a member.

    14才のときそのメンバーになるという 目標を決めました

  • 25 years later, I was invited.


  • Now to become a member, you have to pass an audition

    メンバーになるためには オーディションに合格しなければなりません

  • in front of 140 of the best magicians in the world

    その人がどのように 何をやっているかを熟知している

  • who know how you're doing and what you're doing.

    世界中で最も優れた 140名の手品師の前でです

  • Very intimidating.


  • About 2 weeks before my audition,


  • I was doing a workshop for a company in Chicago.

    シカゴで ある会社のために ワークショップをしていました

  • And it was a two-day workshop with about 100 people,

    100人ほどが参加する 2日間のワークショップです

  • and I thought this was a perfect opportunity


  • for me to rehearse for my audition.


  • So, first day, I step out in front of a group,

    最初の日 参加者の前で手品をしましたが

  • and I start to perform a trick, and I screw it up royally.


  • I mean so bad that the audience were going,


  • "Oh, so that's how you do that!"


  • And it shook me up a little bit,


  • but I just rolled with it and went on with the workshop.

    何事もなかったように ワークショップを続けました

  • Day 2, I stepped out again, a different trick.


  • I started to perform it and I failed again.


  • Now I was really shaken up this time.


  • It was two weeks before the audition of my life,


  • and I had failed at two magic tricks


  • that I'd performed my entire life for decades,


  • I was so shaken that I stepped aside


  • and asked one of my colleagues to step in for me.

    同僚にワークショップの進行を 引き継いでもらうように頼みました

  • He gets up in front of a 100 people and looks over at me and says,


  • "What's going on with you? I've never seen you fail at a trick,"

    「どうしたんだい 君が手品に失敗するなんて いままで見たことがないのに」と言いました

  • And I was very humbled by having failed.


  • And I took his question to heart, and I just thought for a moment.

    そして彼の質問を 心の底から受け止めて考えました

  • And I realized, and I announced it to everyone and said,

    するとあることに気付き それを ワークショップの参加者に言いました

  • "I don't believe I'm good enough to become a member of the Magic Circle,"

    「マジックサークルのメンバーになれるほど 自分が優秀だと思っていない」

  • and my friend lovingly looked over at me and he said,


  • "Abracadabra. What you speak is what you create."

    「アブラカダブラ 口にしたことが現実になる」

  • I had this script running in my head

    私の頭の中にはこの思い込みが 流れ続けていたんです

  • that was so powerful that it worked its way


  • out of my head and into my hands.

    頭だけにとどまらず 手にまで作用していました

  • So, I set to work rewiring my brain.

    そこで私は自分の頭のなかを 組み直し始めました

  • I spent the next two weeks, every morning I'd take 20 minutes,


  • and I would sit and write a first-person accounting


  • of what my audition was going to look like,


  • what it was going to feel like,


  • and it was all as positive as it could be.


  • I could feel the energy from the group.


  • They want me to succeed. That kind of thing.

    彼らは私に成功してほしいと思っている といったようなことです

  • I did that everyday for two weeks.


  • I went to London; I did my audition.


  • And I am happy to say that I have been

    以来14年間 マジックサークルの メンバーであると

  • a member of the Magic Circle for the last 14 years.


  • (Applause)


  • Thank you.


  • I'm kind of a big deal. (Laughter)


  • And so, you know skills and knowledge are required.

    ご存知のように技術と知識は 必要なものです

  • But often times they are not sufficient.

    しかし往々にしてそれだけでは 十分ではありません

  • Often times it's the inner game that gets in the way.

    往々にして 自分の内側の いろいろなことが障害となります

  • You still need to have the skills and the knowledge.


  • But sometimes, what we have going on up here works its way out.

    いまお話ししたようなことが 突破口になることがあります

  • And what we speak is what we create.


  • Now, that story points out another aspect of abracadabra,

    この話はアブラカダブラの 別の面も示しています

  • and that's using it on an interpersonal level.

    それは個人間のレベルで アブラカダブラを利用するということです

  • My friend, by simply saying,


  • "Abracadabra, what you speak is what you create,"

    「アブラカダブラ 口にしたことが現実になる」

  • made me awake.


  • It was something I was blind to


  • and suddenly, thanks to a friend, I was aware of it.

    友達のお陰でそのことに 気付くことが出来ました

  • And that's what we could do for each other.

    このようなことは私たちが お互いに出来ることです

  • Think about if you had that kind of relationship


  • with people at work where we would help each other

    私たちが得てして使ってしまいやすい 自己制約的な言葉や考えを克服できるよう

  • overcome these self-limiting words and thoughts that we tend use.

    一緒に働く人たちと互いに助け合う関係を 持っていたらと考えてみてください

  • My wife Jennifer created these wristbands.

    家内のジェニファーは このリストバンドを作りました

  • They say, "Abracadabra, what I speak is what I create."

    「アブラカダブラ 口にしたことが現実になる」 と書かれています

  • And I wear mine all the time.


  • I'll be working and I'll look down and notice it.


  • It's a chance for me to just kind of check.

    このリストバンドはちょっとチェックをする チャンスをくれます

  • I took the first quarter of this year, and I'm writing a book.

    今年に入って3ヶ月のあいだ 本を書いていました

  • So I would write every morning. And there was a morning


  • when I was writing, and I was stuck --


  • the classic writers block -- and I looked down


  • and I saw my abracadabra wristband, and I just paused

    下を見ると アブラカダブラと書かれた リストバンドが目に入り

  • and I thought, "What am I running in my head right now?"

    一息置いて頭のなかの自分との 会話内容を確認しました

  • And I realized that I had this belief that I didn't have anything worthwhile

    すると 人々が聞きたくなるような話を 自分は何も持っていないと

  • that anyone wants to hear.


  • And I just thought, that's not getting me towards what I want to get,

    その考えは望んでいる方向に 私を向けてくれないと思ったので

  • and I just did a quick shift.


  • Jennifer and I use it at home with each other.

    家ではよくジェニファーと これを使っています

  • One of us will go down a rathole,


  • and the other one would will say, "Abracadabra."


  • It's just lighthearted and it's quick, it's fun and easy.

    気楽だし 即効性があって 楽しく簡単です

  • It doesn't take years of therapy and it's just quick like that.

    何年もセラピーに通う必要もなく すぐに出来ます

  • Jennifer says that I am rather condescending

    ジェニファーによると 私の言い方は ちょっと恩着せがましい感じだそうです

  • when I use it, "Abracadabra."


  • So that interpersonal kind of helping each other,

    このように 個人間で お互い助け合うということに関して

  • Jennifer and I work with an amazing organization

    ジェニファーと私は バージニア州のアレキサンドリアにある

  • in Alexander, Virginia, called "Friends of Guest House"

    「フレンズ・オブ・ゲストハウス」 という素晴らしい組織に参加しています

  • and the guesthouse is a home for women coming out of prison.

    このゲストハウスは刑務所から出てきた 女性のための家です

  • They go there; they stay for 2 or 3 months and find housing, get jobs,

    2-3ヶ月そこで暮らしながら 住むところや仕事や

  • and get their support communities established.


  • Women who are coming out of prison have a 70% chance of going back to prison.

    出所してきた女性の 70%が刑務所に戻ります

  • Women who go through the guesthouse program...7%.

    ゲストハウスのプログラムに 参加した女性の場合は7%です

  • It's an amazingly effective program.


  • So we do workshops once a quarter with these women.

    私たちはそこで3ヶ月に1度 ワークショップを行っています

  • And one of the things we help them with is understanding the influence


  • that your words have on your outcomes.

    口にする言葉が結果に 影響を及ぼすということです

  • And so we were at a social event.


  • A bunch of us were standing around,


  • and a young woman comes up,


  • -- they call them "guests" because of "the Guest House" --

    ゲストハウスなので彼女らは 自分たちを「ゲスト」と呼んでいますが

  • one of "the guests" came up to us and she said,


  • "You know I'm taking my GED for the 3rd time tomorrow,

    「明日 高卒の認定試験があります 3回目ですけど

  • I'll probably fail it again."


  • And one of her housemates reached over the wristband


  • the young woman's wearing on her wrist and snaps it,


  • and she says, " Abracadabra, honey. What you speak is what you create."

    「アブラカダブラ 口にしたことが現実になる」 と言いました

  • And this young woman's eyes got really big and she said,


  • "Oh, yeah. You know. I've been studying a lot.

    「その通りだわ たくさん勉強をしたのを思いだした

  • I will pass this time."


  • And she did. What she spoke is what she created.

    そして実際に彼女は合格しました 彼女は口にしたことを現実にしたのです

  • On a leadership level, words are so critical

    リーダーシップのレベルでは 言葉は非常に重要なものです

  • because leaders, I think, in my experience,

    私が30年間 改革の最中にある組織と

  • I've been working with organizations going through transformations


  • for the last 30 years. That's what I do.


  • I use magic to teach leadership and help people shape

    手品を使って リーダーシップを教え

  • really positive organizational cultures.

    人々が真にポジティブな組織文化を 形作るのを手助けしています

  • As I have worked with leaders, one of the most important things


  • I have come to understand is that a great leader creates hope.

    私が悟った最も重要なことの1つは 偉大なリーダーは希望を作り出すということです

  • One of the ways that they do that is they tell a story that's inspiring

    希望を作り出す方法のひとつは その組織がどこに向かっているかについて

  • about where the organization is going


  • and they enable people to understand their role in the story,

    さらにその話のなかでの人々の役割を 理解させることです

  • where they fit in, how their contribution is helping us

    どのような役目があり 彼らの働きがいかに

  • create this amazing future.

    驚くべき未来を作り出すのに 役立っているかを伝えます

  • If you're a leader and your people don't understand and aren't inspired

    もしあなたがリーダーで 周りの人が方向性を理解せず 鼓舞もされず

  • about where you're going, and they don't see their place in it,


  • then you're not leading.


  • Jack Dorsey is one of the cofounders of Twitter

    ジャック・ドーシーは Twitter社の共同創始者のひとりで

  • and the current CEO of Square. --


  • you know, the mobile device where you swipe credit cards.

    クレジットカードを読み取ることができる モバイルデバイスを開発している会社です

  • He says that one of his primary jobs


  • is to be the editor in chief of the square story.

    Square社の未来のストーリーを作る 編集長を務めることだと言っています

  • He is the stewer of moving that story forward in such a way

    彼はそのストーリーで 人々が鼓舞され

  • that the people are inspired by it,

    自分たちもそれに関与していると 感じてもらえるよう

  • and that they feel connected to it.


  • In closing, I want to give you some action steps

    最後に アブラカダブラがうまく働くように

  • for putting abracadabra to work.

    いくつかのアクションステップを 示したいと思います

  • First of all, just simply be aware.


  • Are the words you're using creative or limiting? Just be aware.

    あなたの使う言葉は創造的か制約的か ただ意識するだけでいいんです

  • Second, monitor your internal language

    2番目に あなたの内部の言葉を

  • as well as your external language.


  • Use abracadabra as a quick tool to notice

    望む未来に自分を進めてくれる言葉を 使っていないときに

  • when you're not using words that are moving you towards the future


  • that you want to create,


  • and just Abracadabra. Make a shift.

    そして「アブラカダブラ」と唱えて 流れを変えてください

  • Fourth, when you see results that aren't the results you want,

    4番目に もし望まない結果に なっているのであれば

  • just do a little reflection, do a little examination under the surface


  • and consider whether or not the words


  • that you're running the pattern


  • that's going on maybe is getting in the way.


  • And last, journal about what it is that you're trying to create.

    そして最後に 実現したいことを書き出してみてください

  • Do like I did with the Magic Circle audition.

    私がマジックサークルの オーディションのときにしたように

  • Write about what your future looks like in vivid detail.

    あなたの望む未来がどのようなものか 詳細まで具体的に書き出してみてください

  • Write about it until it makes you smile.


  • That's kind of a task.


  • In closing, I want to leave you with one word.

    では最後に1つの言葉で 話を終わりにしたいと思います

  • That word is "prosperity."


  • Prosperity comes from Latin: Two words, "pro" and "spera."

    この言葉は2つのラテン語 "pro"と”spera"が語源です

  • It means "toward hope."


  • By choosing your words carefully,


  • -- the words you use with yourself and with others --

    自分自身や他の人に対して使う言葉を 注意深く選ぶことで―

  • you can move towards hope; and I say that with a final "Abracadabra."

    あなたは希望に向かっていくことが出来ます では最後に「アブラカダブラ」

  • (Applause)


Translator: Helene Batt Reviewer: Reiko Bovee

翻訳: Shigeto Oeda 校正: Naoko Fujii


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