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  • Translator: Csaba Lehel Reviewer: Ellen Maloney

    翻訳: Eriko T 校正: Masaki Yanagishita

  • Coronary artery disease is the leading killer


  • of women and men in Western civilization.


  • Yet the truth be known, it is nothing more

    しかし真実を知れば これは牙の無いはりぼての虎のように

  • than a toothless paper tiger that need never exist.


  • And if it does exist, it need never ever progress.

    もしそれを患っても 病気は全く進行しなくて済むのです

  • This is a food borne illness.


  • My story begins, actually, in the late 1970s, early 80s,

    私の話は1970年代後半あるいは 80年代前半に始まります

  • when I was chairman of the breast cancer task force at the Cleveland Clinic.

    私がクリーブランド・クリニックの 乳がんタスクフォースを率いていた頃です

  • My frustration was that no matter for how many women

    私はどれほど多くの女性の乳がん手術をしても 次なる患者が生まれるのを

  • I was doing breast surgery, I was doing nothing for the next unsuspecting victim.

    未然に防ぐことはできない ということに焦りを感じていました

  • This led to a bit of global research.


  • It was quite striking to find that breast cancer rates in Kenya


  • were something like 30 or 40 times less frequent than in the United States.

    米国でのそれの30〜40分の1だったことが 分かりました

  • And if you looked at breast cancer rates in rural Japan in the 1950s,


  • it was very infrequently identified.


  • And yet as soon as the Japanese women would migrate to the United States,


  • by the second and third generation.


  • they now had the same rate of breast cancer


  • as their Caucasian counterparts.


  • But even more powerful perhaps was data on cancer of the prostate.

    さらに驚異的なのは 前立腺がんのデータでしょう

  • In 1958, in the entire nation of Japan,


  • how many autopsy proven deaths were there from cancer of the prostate?

    前立腺がんで死亡したと解剖で証明された 例はいくつだったと思いますか?

  • 18.


  • That's the most mind-boggling public health figure I think I've ever heard.

    これは今までに聞いた中でも 最もびっくり仰天する公衆衛生の数値です

  • But I made a decision then,

    ただ そこである決意をしました

  • that I was concerned that my bones would long be dust

    栄養とがんの関係については 答えを見つけ出すより先に

  • before I could really get answers between nutrition and cancer.

    人生を終えてしまうのではないかと 考えたからです

  • And so I chose to deal with cardiovascular disease,

    そこで 西洋で男女を問わず死に至る 疾患として主要な―

  • which is the leading killer of women and men in Western civilization.


  • And it was quite striking that in this global review


  • there were a number of cultures, by heritage and tradition,

    いくつかの文化では 伝統的な生活様式によって

  • that simply lack any cardiovascular disease.

    心血管疾患がみられない ということでした

  • They were plant-based.


  • And so with that information I came back to Cleveland.


  • And my wife and I decided to go on this plant-based diet for a year.

    妻と私は菜食を 1年間続けてみることにしました

  • And then I asked cardiology if I could have


  • about 24 patients, which is the number

    患者を24人程 担当させてもらえないかと提案しました

  • that I can handle and still carry out my surgical obligations.


  • And the 24 patients that I received,


  • were, as my late brother-in-law used to say, the walking dead.

    今は亡い義理の兄が言ったような 「歩く屍」でしたが

  • But they were most cooperative


  • and it was within about, say, 15 months of starting this program


  • that we had something striking develop.


  • I was treating a 52-year-old gentleman who, in addition to his heart disease,

    私が担当した52歳の男性は 心疾患に加えて

  • had a partially blocked artery in his right thigh.

    右大腿の動脈が部分的に 詰まってしまっていましたが

  • And he told me about the fact


  • that when he was crossing the skyway to my office, he had to stop five times

    私の診察室に来る時に通る廊下で 5回は立ち止まらなければならなかったと

  • because of pain in this calf, because of this blocked artery.

    ふくらはぎの痛み 詰まった動脈が原因です

  • So I had him go to the vascular lab and we got his pulse volume.

    彼を血管疾患専門の検査室に送り 脈波を測ってもらいました

  • And then I forgot all about his leg, so focused on his heart.

    それから私は彼の心臓に専念するあまり 脚のことは忘れていました

  • Eight months later, he said, "Dr. Esselstyn do you recall

    8ヶ月後 彼が言いました 「エセルスティン先生

  • when I first started seeing you,


  • I had to stop five times crossing the skyway here to your office?

    先生の診察室に来るのに5回も 廊下で立ち止まらなければならなかったでしょう

  • This last month, it got to be four times, then it was three, two, one,".

    先月は4回になってそれから 3、2、1回と減っていったんですよ

  • He said, "I don't stop anymore, the pain is gone".

    もう立ち止まらなくて良いし 痛みも無くなりました」

  • "Don, back you go to the vascular lab."

    「ドン 検査室で再検しよう」

  • I think if you look here, you can see the difference in pulse volume


  • when I first saw him, and here we were eight months later,

    彼に最初に出会った頃と そして8ヶ月後

  • it was now almost two times greater.


  • So the thing that was so exciting about this was,


  • in science we had demonstrated what we call "proof of concept."

    我々は科学で 「概念実証」 ということを成し遂げたんです

  • Not only that, but this occurred one year before the invention of the statin drugs.

    それだけでなく これは スタチン製剤が生まれる1年前のことだったので

  • So this was so powerful, because it showed us that indeed with nutrition,

    これは(薬を使わず) 栄養管理でこの疾患を抑制したり

  • we can actually not only halt this disease, but we could reverse it.

    それどころか逆転させられることを 劇的に示したのです

  • And not shortly thereafter, what occurred, we saw this now in the heart.

    その後 心臓で この現象が起こるのを見ました

  • This is a 54-year-oold security guard where our angiography core laboratory

    これは54歳の警備員の血管で 血管造影検査室の報告では

  • described this as a 30% improvement.


  • But what really got our attention was a fellow surgeon at the clinic

    1996年に44歳で 胸の痛みを訴えるようになった

  • who, at age 44 in 1996, began to get chest pain.

    クリニックの同僚外科医の 事例が我々の注意を惹きました

  • He did not have hypertension, he did not have diabetes,


  • he did not have a strong family history, he was not overweight

    これといった家族歴も無く 肥満もなく

  • and cardiology worked him up in October of 1996, could find nothing.

    1996年の10月の心臓の検査では どこにも悪いところは見つかりませんでした

  • Three weeks later, he was finishing his surgical schedule.

    3週間後 彼は予定の手術を終え

  • Sat down to write post-operative orders.


  • Splitting headache, immediately followed by this crushing elephant in his chest,

    激しい頭痛の直後に 象に押し潰されるような胸痛

  • pain in his shoulder down his arm.


  • Joe was having a heart attack.


  • Whipped down to the cath lab, start the catheterization, cardiac arrest,

    カテーテルラボへと搬送され カテーテル検査を始めると一旦心停止し

  • resuscitate, and finish the catheterization.

    蘇生処置をし カテーテル検査を終えました

  • And then he was sent up to the floors


  • and discharged three days later, but very depressed.

    3日後には退院できましたが 彼はとても落ち込んでいました

  • Why?


  • Because what they identified was that


  • his left anterior descending coronary artery, in the front of the heart,


  • the entire lower third was moth-eaten and diseased,


  • over too long a segment to have stents, too far down the artery to have a bypass.

    その部位はステントを入れるには長過ぎて バイパスをするには位置が下過ぎたのです

  • So he was very depressed about this,


  • so my wife Anne and I had him out to the house with his wife for supper,

    それで妻のアンと私は 彼と奥さんを我が家での夕食へと誘いました

  • two weeks after his heart attack.


  • "Joe you've been eating this typical Western diet.

    「ジョー きみはこんな典型的な 西洋の食事を食べてきたから

  • You've got the typical Western disease.


  • We've got 10 years of data, how about going plant-based?"

    私たちには10年のデータがある 菜食主義を試してはどう?」

  • "Okay Ess, I'll give it a shot, they couldn't offer me anything else."

    「分かった 試してみるよ 他には何の選択も無いし」

  • He became the absolute personification of commitment to plant-based nutrition.

    彼は菜食ベースの栄養摂取を 絶対的な忠実さで守りました

  • And over the next thirty months he then had another angiogram.

    30カ月の食事療法後 再度の血管造影検査を受けました

  • You know, up in the surgical suites, our offices are three doors apart.

    外科の私たちのオフィスは 3部屋隔てたところにあります

  • And at noontime of the day that I knew earlier that morning


  • he had his follow-up angiogram,


  • I found myself letting myself into his office.


  • There he was sitting behind his desk,


  • "Joe, I understand you had the follow-up angiogram this morning,

    「ジョー 今朝の血管造影検査は

  • Mind sharing with me, how did it go?"


  • Got up from around his desk, put his arms around me, "I think we're doing okay."

    彼は立ち上がり私をハグして言いました 「良好みたいだ」

  • "Well, any chance I could see the follow-up angiogram?"


  • "Yeah!"


  • It was really quite striking and exciting to see what actually can happen;

    肉体に可能な限りのチャンスを与えたときに 実際に何が起るかを見るのは

  • when you give the body every opportunity it can.


  • The healing capacity is incredible.


  • So now let's talk a little bit about how do you injure the artery

    では そもそもどのように 動脈が傷つくのかを 少しお話ししましょう

  • in the first place, what seems to be going wrong.


  • Now on the right, there is a seriously diseased artery.

    右側は 重い疾患を患う動脈です

  • You're probably saying, "That's going to have a heart attack."

    こう思うでしょう 「心臓発作を起こしそう」

  • No, that only causes about 10% of heart attacks,

    でもこのような状態が引き起こす心臓発作は 全体の約1割ほどです

  • but it certainly will cause chest pain and shortness of breath.

    確かに胸の痛みや息切れは 引き起こします

  • What I really want you to notice is on the left,

    気づいて欲しいものは 左側にあります

  • and here, on the inside of this artery,


  • there's a very, very, tiny, little dark single layer of cell "magic carpet",

    非常に小さな濃い色の 「魔法のじゅうたん」細胞層があります

  • that all experts would agree is where the inception of this disease occurs.

    これが疾患が始まる場所だと 専門家なら皆が同意するところでしょう

  • This magic carpet is called the endothelium.

    この魔法のじゅうたんは 「内皮」と言います

  • And the endothelium has an absolutely magic molecule that it produces.

    そして内皮は 魔法の分子を生成します

  • It's a gas, nitric oxide.

    それは気体であり 一酸化窒素です

  • Nitric oxide has a number of wonderful functions.

    一酸化窒素には数々の 素晴らしい機能があります

  • Nitric oxide keeps our blood flowing smoothly

    一酸化窒素のおかげで 血液はスムーズに流れ続けます

  • like Teflon, rather than velcro.

    マジックテープではなく テフロンのように

  • Two, nitric oxide is the strongest vasodilator in the body.

    次に 一酸化窒素は体内に存在する 最強の血管拡張剤です

  • When you climb stairs, the arteries to your heart dilate,

    あなたが階段を登るとき 心臓へ繋がる動脈は拡張し

  • the arteries to your legs dilate.


  • Nitric oxide inhibits inflammation from the wall of the artery,


  • protect you from getting hypertension, and most importantly

    高血圧からあなたを守り そして最も重要なことに

  • nitric oxide, in plentiful amounts,


  • will protect you from ever developing blockages or plaque.


  • Alright, how do those 90% of heart attacks occur?

    では心臓発作の90%は どのようにして起こるのでしょう?

  • You will see here the artery is divided.


  • And what you're looking at in the first serial on the left,


  • is that when you start eating that cheeseburger,


  • the pizza, the milkshake, your blood flow gets sticky.

    ミルクシェイクを食べ始めると あなたの血流はくっつきやすくなり

  • And certain elements like your endothelial cells get sticky,

    そして内皮細胞もLDLコレステロールに つきやすくなります

  • your LDL cholesterol gets sticky, and then the LDL bad cholesterol

    LDLコレステロールが結合し 悪玉コレステロールとなり

  • migrates into the sub endothelial space,


  • where it sets up this absolute cauldron of inflammation.


  • And that cauldron of inflammation begins making inflammatory enzymes


  • that gradually begin to thin out this delicate cap over the plaque.

    それが徐々にプラーク上にある 繊細な線維性被膜を薄くします

  • It gets thinner and thinner until it's as thin as a cobweb,

    被膜はどんどん 蜘蛛の巣のように薄くなり

  • and then the sheer force of blood going over that thinned out plaque ruptures,

    その後 血流の力によって プラーク破裂(ラプチャー)が起こり

  • and now we have spillage of plaque content into the flowing blood,


  • which activates our platelets, our clotting factor.

    それが血液凝固因子や 血小板を活性化します

  • Now we are at the beginning of a clot, a thrombosis,


  • which is in and of itself, self-propagating.

    血栓自体に 自己増殖する性質があるので

  • So in a matter of minutes, now we have an artery that is totally blocked,


  • and all the downstream heart muscle has been deprived of oxygen and nutrients

    下流の心筋はすべて 酸素と栄養を奪われ

  • and starts to die.


  • That's the heart attack.


  • But there is something absolutely magically exciting about this series,

    しかし何か魔法のような 素晴らしい情報があります

  • because if I can convince you that all you have to do

    皆さんがすべきことは 食事を見直すことだけだと

  • is change your nutrition,


  • so your internal biochemistry is such


  • that you will not injure or thin out the cap over your plaque,

    プラークの線維性皮膜が 傷つけたり 薄められてしまわないように

  • you will actually diminish your plaque,


  • and you will strengthen the cap over the plaque.


  • Alright, how do we do this?

    さて ではどうすればいいのでしょう?

  • It's very easy, we avoid the foods that injure the endothelium.

    非常に簡単です 内皮を傷つける食べ物を避けるんです

  • What are they?


  • Even pure virgin olive oil, corn oil, soybean oil,

    ピュアバージンオリーブオイル コーン油、大豆油

  • safflower oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, palm oil, dairy.

    ベニバナ油、ヒマワリ油 ヤシ油、パーム油、乳製品

  • Anything with a mother or a face, meat, fish.

    母親がいて 顔があるものは何でも—肉や魚もです

  • (Laughter)


  • Meat, fish, chicken, and turkey, and also caffeine in coffee, and fructose.

    肉、魚、鶏肉、七面鳥 またコーヒーのカフェインや果糖も

  • Alright what are you going to eat?

    一体 何を食べればいいのでしょう?

  • (Laughter)


  • All those marvellous whole grains for your cereal, bread and pasta.

    素晴らしい全粒粉の シリアル、パンやパスタ

  • 101 different types of legumes, vegetables,


  • which are red, yellow, and green leafy, and fruit.

    黄色、赤色野菜 緑の葉野菜、そして果物です

  • But especially the green leafy vegetables are like water on the fire.

    特に緑の葉野菜は 火に水を撒き鎮火するようなものです

  • What green leafy vegetables?


  • Bok choy, swiss chard, kale, collards, collard greens, pink greens,

    チンゲンサイ、スイスチャード ケール、コラード類、ピンクの野菜

  • mustard greens, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro,

    マスタードグリーン、芽キャベツ ブロッコリー、カリフラワー、コリアンダー

  • parsley, spinach, and arugula and I'm out of breath.

    パセリ、ほうれん草、ルッコラ… もう息切れです

  • (Applause)


  • But remember, no oil!

    覚えておいてください 油はダメですよ!

  • (Laughter)


  • Now conventional cardiology,


  • with all those procedures and all that expense,

    数々の処置 そして費用がかかるわりには

  • is high mortality, high morbidity, and sadly it does not cure the disease,

    死亡率や罹患率が高く 悲しいことに病気を治癒させません

  • and the expense is unsustainable.


  • However, when you're treating causality with plant-based nutrition,

    ですが 菜食をベースとした食事で 原因に取り組めば—

  • no mortality with the diet, no morbidity with the diet.

    それによる死亡例はありませんし 病気になった例もありません

  • And what happens with the passage of time, the benefits just continue to improve.

    そして時間の経過とともに そのメリットはただ増進し続けます

  • And lastly nobody has greater fear of another heart attack

    そして最後に 既に心臓発作を起こした本人以上に

  • than somebody who's already had a heart attack.

    心臓発作の再発に 恐怖を感じている人はいません

  • And how empowering it can be for them and their family to know

    そして患者とその家族にとって 今や彼ら自身がこの疾患を統制し

  • that they themselves can now become


  • the locust of control for this disease, destroying it.


  • Whereas in the past, it had been trying to destroy them.

    今までは 病気が彼らを攻撃していたんですから

  • And that, lastly, I want to just share with you,


  • this isn't just that original earlier study.

    この根拠は以前の オリジナルの 研究データだけではありません

  • But what we're about to publish another 200 patients.

    我々は新たに患者200人のデータを 公開しようとしています

  • And the reason we have 91% compliance

    そして我々が91%の コンプライアンスを誇っている理由は

  • is because we have a very strong intense single five hour counselling seminar.

    非常に強烈な5時間、1度の カウンセリングセミナーのお陰です

  • That's the same amount of time the cardiac surgeon has,

    これは心臓外科医が 手術に要する時間です

  • but I have the patient when they're awake.

    違いは 私の患者たちは 目を覚ましているという点です

  • (Laughter)


  • So how do we do?


  • If we look at the vertical axis,


  • what you're seeing here is the average of about three independent

    これは3つの主要な心臓病学の コホート研究の平均です

  • cohorts cardiology studies that are quite well known.

    これは3つの主要な心臓病学の コホート研究の平均です

  • And the recurrent cardiac events, after four years,


  • run about 20% on average.


  • Our own, which is called "Treating The Cause,"

    私たち自身が 「原因を治療する」と呼ぶ方法では

  • is a half of one %, that means roughly a 40 fold difference.

    0.5パーセント つまり 平均値の約40分の1という差異です

  • So in summary, it is so exciting what happens

    結論は 病気の原因を治療すると

  • when you treat the causation of disease.


  • Because it is not only prompt,


  • it is powerful, and it is persistent.


  • And for those who, in the future,


  • are coming down with cardiovascular disease,


  • I hope it is going to be unconscionable not to inform them

    この選択肢で健康を取り戻す可能性があるのを 知らせないことは

  • of the power of this option from which they can thrive.

    不当だとみなされるようになることを 願っています

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


Translator: Csaba Lehel Reviewer: Ellen Maloney

翻訳: Eriko T 校正: Masaki Yanagishita


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