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What we know about the coronavirus, called 2019 nCoV, changes hour by hour, making it hard to predict how far the virus might spread and how many people could become infected.
コロナウイルス、2019NCOV とも言われますが、このウイルスに関する情報は時がたつにつれ変化を続けています。そのため、どこまで感染が拡大するのか、どれくらいの人が感染する可能性があるのか予測が難しくなっています。
One Chinese government expert, Zhong Nanshan, says the epidemic may peak towards the second week of February.
中国政府の感染症専門家、鐘南山(チョン・ナンシャン)氏によると、感染拡大のピークは 2 月の第 2 週にかけてだろうとされています。
But academics from the University of Hong Kong, think that's more likely to happen sometime in April or May.
これに対し、香港大学の学者たちは 4 月か 5 月頃の可能性が高いと考えています。
There is so much uncertainty about this new virus, that it's almost impossible to make accurate predictions.
First of all, we don't know how many people have the virus right now.
Reported cases have surged in the last few days, but that could be down to increased surveillance and testing.
There could still be thousands who aren't coming forward, either because they have mild symptoms or because they feel safer waiting it out at home.
Next, we don't know how easily the virus spreads.
On average, it looks as though each infected person has the ability to infect two or three more.
感染者が他の人に移す'人数は、平均 2 人から 3 人以上のようです。
This is known as the reproduction number, and it's significant.
Up until now, the number of infections is thought to have doubled every six days.
ここまでの時点で、感染者数は 6 日ごとに倍増していると考えられています。
That gives us some really big numbers.
Mass quarantines, the extended public holiday, plus putting the public on high alert may slow the spread of disease from person to person, but it's hard to know how effective these measures will be because of another big unknown.
We don't yet know how long it takes for an infected person to show symptoms, nor whether that person can pass the disease on before showing any signs of illness.
This raises doubts over the value of temperature screening, which has been a key control so far.
Finally, we don't know how severe the virus is.
It seems to be spreading faster and wider than SARS, which infected 8,000 people over eight months.
8 か月で 8,000 人の感染者が出た SARS よりも感染スピードが速く、感染範囲も広いと見られてはいます。
This coronavirus has gone past that number in less than two months.
今回のコロナウイルスの感染者数は、2 か月足らずで SARS の感染者数を超えてしまいました。
Around 20 % of patients progressed from fever and a dry cough to more severe symptoms such as pneumonia and organ failure with around 4% dying.
患者の約 20% ほどが、発熱と乾いた咳から、肺炎や臓器不全などの深刻な症状へと進行しており、約 4% が死に至っています。
But at the start of an outbreak serious cases tend to appear first—like the tip of an iceberg.
So the rate of severe illness may drop as milder cases turn up.
In SARS, the death rate was about 10%.
SARS の場合、死亡率はおよそ 10% でした。
But even if this new virus has a lower mortality rate, it could still kill more people because it causes more infections.
ただ、新型ウイルスの死亡率が SARS より低いとしても、大勢の人が亡くなる可能性はいまだ否定できません。感染者数が多いからです。
And while it's spreading, it might also mutate to become more or less virulent.
We are better prepared than we were in 2003 during the SARS epidemic, but this still looks like a monumental global health challenge.
2003 年の SARS の大流行のとき以上に体制を整えておくべきだと思いますが、それでも今回の新型ウイルスの流行は、世界の健康において途方もない挑戦のようです。
And until we know more about the virus itself, its final impact will be hard to predict.