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Financial pundits are always quick to point out the easiest way to save lots of money.
If you stopped buying a five dollar latte every day and invested that money, you would have a million dollars when you retire.
もし毎日 5 ドルのラテを買うことをやめ、それを投資に使えば、引退するときには 100 万ドル手にすることができる。
That doesn't sound quite right.
How much coffee are these people drinking?
And more importantly, how much would you actually save if you cut out expensive caffeinated drinks?
Let's say you buy a five dollar espresso drink every day.
例えば、毎日あなたが 5 ドルのエスプレッソ飲料を買ったとしよう。
You probably don't, but the gurus think you do.
That's $35 a week, $140 a month, $1,825 a year.
すると、1 週間で 35 ドル、月に 140 ドル、1 年なら 1,825 ドルとなる。
They say to invest your money, but financial personalities sometimes grossly overestimate the stock market's annual rate of return.
So let's bring it back to Earth by assuming a more conservative six percent return.
Even with this math, it would take 14 years to have enough money to pay off the average American student loan debt.
この計算でさえ、平均的なアメリカの学生ローンの返済に十分なお金を得るのに、14 年かかることになる。
And that is assuming you're someone who buys a coffee every day of the year, even those days when the coffee shop is closed.
そして、これはあなたが 1 年のうち、コーヒーショップが閉まっている日でさえ毎日1杯コーヒーを買うと想定した場合のことだ。
So, even if you never drank coffee again, and invested all your coffee money in the stock market for 40 years, you would have about $280,000, which is nowhere near enough to retire.
もう二度とコーヒーを飲まないとして、そのコーヒーにかけていたお金を株式市場に 40 年投資したとしたら、28 万ドル手にすることになる。それは引退するには全く十分ではない金額だ。
So how much coffee would you need to cut out to save tons of money?
It would take the money from four lattes a day, every day for 40 years with a generous rate of return to end up with over a million dollars.
100 万ドルを手にするには、4 杯のラテ分のお金が毎日 40 年間必要で、良いリターンレートも必要になる。
And since that is an unhealthy amount of caffeine, it's best to think of your coffee in terms of priorities.
Do you want a latte today?
Or do you wanna save that money and buy an iPhone in 6 months?
それとも、その分のお金を貯めて、6 ヶ月後に iPhone を買いたい?
Or a cruise next year?
Or a college fund for your kid in 18 years?
それとも、18 年後にあなたの子供の大学資金にしたい?
So, don't feel bad about splurging on your next venti, unless you're buying four at a time.
ですから、4 杯のラテを一度に買っているわけではないなら、あなたのお金を次のベンティサイズのラテに使うことを気にしないで良いのだ。
And then, you should still be more worried about the caffeine.