字幕表 動画を再生する
-I'm nervous, 'cause now... I feel like Jeremiah like might actually put up a fight here. -I'm confident.
-(美咲)緊張してる (政子)今はね-自信があるからジェレマイアのような気がしますここで戦うことになるかもしれません
Yes, let's go! I have one point now, baby! I'm back in the game.
はい、行きましょう!1ポイントになったぞ! 復帰しました。
[React channel: Guess That Song.]
So, today we have a challenge for you.
-All right, I'm ready for this. -This sounds good.
We're gonna play you some music and whoever can guess the song title and the movie it's from gets a point.
-And movie? -What?
-I'm good at soundtracks. -That's different. I hope it's Disney stuff, 'cause I'm really good with Disney.
サウンドトラックが得意です。それは違う ディズニー系だといいな、ディズニーが得意だから。
So am I.
So, we're gonna make this a little bit more magical because you'll be guessing Disney songs.
-Oh, oh! we got this! -Oh, oh, oh! Oh yay, I've watched all of the princess movies and like, tons of Disney movies.
-My great grandfather wrote the opening speech to Disneyland... so, my blood is with Disney. -Well.
So, we're gonna start off by playing you just one second of the song. If neither of you know the answer, we'll play you another second and give you another chance to guess. We'll keep playing until you've heard 15 seconds of the song, at which point you guess or you give up.
では、まずは1秒だけ再生してみましょう。どちらも答えがわからない場合は、もう一回プレイして当ててみましょう。 あなたが曲の15秒を聞くまで演奏を続けます、その時点であなたは推測するか、諦めるかします。
If you guess wrong at any point, your opponent gets a chance to answer and you can buzz in when you think you know the answer.
Okay, I'm excited. I've had a pretty good like winning streak on this show, so I'm like... I can't lose. No. -I'm about to break it though, I'm about to break it.
よし、ワクワクしてきた。この番組ではかなりの連勝をしているので 負けるわけにはいかない。 今にも壊れそうです。 駄目だ
Here's the first second of your first song.
♪♪ -The Lion King.
-Oh, and the title? -Of the song.
"Nants' ingonya... ?" I don't know.
- "The Circle of Life", (The) Lion King? Ay... who know(s)? -Urgh, that's right.
-It's the opening theme to (The) Lion King. "(The) Circle of Life." There we go. -♪It's the circle of life♪
ライオンキング」のオープニングテーマです。"生命の輪" さあ、行くぞ。 ♪It's the circle of life♪
-Uh, "(The) Circle of Life", (The) Lion King. -Oh, shoot. Okay, I didn't... For a second, I didn't associate it as like "(The) Circle of Life". I was like, "It's the one song that goes 'Nants' ingonya... ' "
" (命の)輪 "ライオンキングああ、しまった。 わかった、私は... 一瞬、「(命の)輪」とは連想しませんでした。 "あーセブンヤ "って曲があるんだけど
-No! -"The Circle of Life" by uh... from The Lion King. No! That was so close.
勘弁してくれ!"ライオンキング "より「命の輪」。勘弁してくれ! 惜しかったですね。
Wow, that's intimidating. I gotta step up my game.
-Oh, I know it, I know this. -"I'll Make a Man Out of You", Mulan. Yes.
ああ、これは知っている。"I'll Make a Man Out of You" ムーラン そうですね。
-"[I'll] Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan. -Oh, I really should have gotten that.
ムーランの "I'll Make a Man Out of You"ああ、本当に出ればよかった。
-"I'll Make a Man Out of You", Mulan. Yes! -I knew as soon as you touched the buzzer.
"I'll make a man out of you" ムーランやった! あなたがブザーに触れた瞬間にわかったわ
-Really? -Exactly, I knew exactly what it was.
-What? That could have been anything. -No, no, no. I knew that one, um... "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan.
何だと?何でもありだったかもしれない いやいやいや、そんなことはありません。 それは知っていた ムーランの "I'll Make a Man Out of You"
Well, there goes my self-confidence for this episode, 'cause what the heck?
-I'm nervous, because now... I feel like Jeremiah like, might actually put up a fight here. -I'm confident.
-緊張してるんだよね だって今は-自信があるからジェレマイアのような気がするんだが、ここで戦うかもしれない。
♪All you got♪
♪All you got♪
-What? I've never heard of that before. -Uh...
♪All you got♪
♪All you got♪
-What the [bleep]? -Can we have more seconds?
Yeah, can we? I... I agree.
♪All you got♪
♪All you got♪
-Who? -I think it is "Bare Necessities" from The Jungle Book.
誰が?ジャングル・ブックの「Bare Necessessities」だと思います。
-Oh... I would have never gotten that. I don't know the intro to that song. -Oh my God. It just sounded like... it sounded a little bit old.
-何てこった-私には無理だわその曲のイントロがわからない。 なんか...ちょっと古臭い感じがした。
♪ All you got♪
♪ All you got♪
"Bare Necessities," uh, (The)Jungle Book.
"裸の必要性" ジャングル・ブック
-Really? Oh, shoot. -I recognized Baloo's voice the second after it ended.
そうなんですか?ああ、しまった。 終わった後のバルーの声に気付いたのは2回目。
Here's your next second.
♪ All you gotta do is ♪
♪ All you gotta do is ♪
-Wait. -Oh, wait, I like that's so familiar. I don't know the song title, but I think it's from Aladdin.
待ってああ、待って、それはとても身近なものです。 曲名はわかりませんが、アラジンの曲だと思います。
♪All you gotta do is♪
♪All you gotta do is♪
I got this. I think I got this. If I don't say the right thing right now, I'm gonna feel like the biggest idiot in the world. Is this "Bare Necessities" from The Jungle Book? Yes, let's go! I have one point now, baby! I'm back in the game.
私はこれを手に入れました。これは、私が持っていると思います。 今、ちゃんとしたことを言わないと、世界で一番のバカになった気分になる。 これはジャングルブックの「むき出しの必需品」かな? はい、行きましょう! 1ポイントになったぞ! 復帰しました。
♪ All you gotta do is ♪
♪ All you gotta do is ♪
-That doesn't do anything. That's no lyrics. -Urgh, that was nothing more.
♪All you gotta do is... look for the♪
♪All you gotta do is... ♪ look for the♪
Oh, oh. "Bare Necessities" um, from The Jungle Book? Yes!
おぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ"ジャングル・ブックから「必要最低限のもの」? やった!
-It might just be all, winner takes all. Oh my god. -What can I say? I know my Disney.
全てかもしれないが、勝者は全てを手に入れる。何と言えばいいのでしょうか? 私のディズニーを知っています。
♪Look at this stuff♪
♪Look at this stuff♪
-No. [bleep ] -Okay, I know it's from The Little Mermaid. "A Whole New World" [sic] by The Little Mermaid?
駄目だ人魚姫からだよね 人魚姫の "A Whole New World"[sic]?
-It is, I'm assuming, is it "Under the Sea" by (The) Little Mermaid? -Ha, no! Under the Sea is the big...
それは、推測ですが、リトル・マーメイドの「アンダー・ザ・シー」でしょうか?はっ、ダメだ! あなたは、あなたができるだけ多くのことができますようにすることができますか?
I know, that's the only one I could remember from The Little Mermaid.
♪Look at this stuff♪
♪Look at this stuff♪
-Ariel's... -Oh my God, you're so fast.
-No, no, no, I don't know the name of the song, though. "Part of that World" [sic] by The Little Mermaid? "Part of that World?" No! No! Come on. -Oh, okay, yes, yes, yes!
いやいや、曲名は知らないけどね。"人魚姫の「あの世界の一部」? "あの世界の一部?" 勘弁してくれ! - わかった、わかった、わかった- 頑張れよ。 "リトル・マーメイドより「あなたの世界の一部」。
-"Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. I just did The Little Mermaid. -I had it. I had it.
-持ってた-人魚姫をやったばかり 持っていました。
♪Look at this stuff♪
♪Look at this stuff♪
-Wait, wait, wait. -"Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid.
-(The) Little Mermaid? Oh, I didn't know that. -Ay, ya! Ya!
♪Look at this stuff♪
♪Look at this stuff♪
-Ah, no! -I gotta remember the name of the song. I know exactly what it is.
-Tick, tick, tick tick... -I have to remember the name of the song. Okay, okay, uh... uh... um... um... "Part of Your World," (The) Little Mermaid.
-それが何かは分かっている-チクタク、チクタク、チクタク...曲名を覚えておかないといけませんね。 わかった、わかった。 "世界の一部 "リトル・マーメイド
-I'm so mad. I was hoping to make you nervous. -You did make. I almost didn't get it, to be honest.
頭がおかしくなってきた。緊張させてあげたいと思っていました。 あなたが作ったのね 正直、ほとんど理解できませんでした。
♪Look at this stuff, isn't it♪
♪Look at this stuff, isn't it♪
It's the title. "Part of that World" [sic] by The Little Mermaid.
タイトルになっています。人魚姫の "あの世界の一部"
-Is "The World that I'm a Part of," [sic] The Little Mermaid. -No! (laughs)
"私のいる世界 "人魚姫(笑)
♪Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?♪
♪Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
♪ Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm a girl. A girl who has everything.♪
"私のコレクションは完ぺきだと思う?♪Wouldn't you think I'm a girl♪ ♪A girl who has everything♪
Your world. "Part of Your World" by The Little Mermaid. There you go.
あなたの世界リトル・マーメイドの "パート・オブ・ユア・ワールド" さあ、行くぞ。
What? It's the same, that world, your world, my world, everyone's world, bro.
First second, last song. Here we go.
-Wait, wait, wait. Oh, oh! Wait, wait, wait. -Oh, oh!
待って、待って、待って、待って。うわああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ 待って、待って。
-Oh, "You Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story. Yes! Yes! -Urgh!!
あ、トイ・ストーリーの「You Got a Friend in Me」。やった!
-God, no! ♪You've got a friend in me da da da♪ -Toy Story.
神よ、やめろ!♪You've got a friend in me da da da da トイ・ストーリー
"You Got a Friend in Me", Toy Story. Yes!
-He's too fast. Oh my God. -"You Got a Friend in Me", Toy Story. I guess you could say beginner's luck. But I don't know, man, those Disney movies, I had them all stored up.
彼は速すぎます。何てこった "トイ・ストーリー「君は僕の中に友達を持ってきた ビギナーズラックと言ってもいいのではないでしょうか。 でもさぁ、あのディズニー映画、全部溜め込んでたんだけどさぁ
That hurts. This is his first one and he already beat me. Not down with that.
痛いなこれは彼の最初のもので、彼はすでに私に勝っています。 気に入らないわけじゃない
Thanks for watching us Guess That Disney Song on the React Channel. Don't miss out, Subscribe. Hit that "Like" button if you like this episode. Bye, everyone.
リアクトチャンネルでディズニーの曲を当てるのを見てくれてありがとう。お見逃しなく、購読してください。 このエピソードが気に入ったら「いいね!」ボタンを押してください。 じゃあね、みんな。
Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. Did you know all these Disney songs? Let me know in the comments. Bye, guys.
こんにちは、React ChannelプロデューサーのKatieです。このエピソードを見てくださった方、本当にありがとうございました。 ディズニーの歌を全部知っていますか? コメントで教えてください。 じゃあね