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  • [music]

  • So we're doing a full press like know,

  • locking out at the top, and your shoulders go up

  • and in like that...

  • That way you're not doing that last third of the movement,

  • which is mainly triceps.

  • So you're going up, boom, like that.

  • Boom, yeah?

  • That's it.

  • Perfect, two, three, four.

  • Eight, two more,

  • nine, ten, perfect.

  • When you do this, do you want me to go down a pound

  • or just below?

  • Just to get a bit of a stretch?

  • Whatever feels comfortable, man.

  • Don't overstretch, you know?

  • I usually just bring it down, touch the delts,

  • and go back up again.

  • I don't normally go in. I normally go straight up.

  • Going up there, you're kind of taking attention off.

  • Have a bit triceps at the top, you know?

  • You might as well just keep it on the delts.

  • No need to lock out at the top.

  • All right, big Chris, come on.

  • Don't need a spots on this one, man.

  • Okay, oh, good.

  • Two, strong, man.

  • Three, four,

  • five, six, boom.

  • One more, bam, okay, good.

  • Drop 'em down, man.

  • All right, this is the one, man.

  • Let's get 'em up.

  • There's your one, okay.

  • Line 'em up, man.

  • First one, yep, first one.

  • Okay, let's go now.

  • Two, three,

  • four is yours, five's yours.

  • Come on.

  • Squeeze it up.

  • Okay, drop 'em down.

  • Good, six, man.

  • Good, good six.

  • Strong, man.

  • There's nothing wrong with pre-exhausting on shoulders.

  • Do your lat pulls first, do your presses second.

  • You don't always have to stick to exactly the same script.

  • You know, I don't like to change things too much,

  • because I like to keep a track on the poundages

  • and the exercises.

  • If you're going up in your workout weights,

  • then you're doing something right, you know?

  • Standing, up to parallel, keep your palms down, yeah?

  • Good, two, three.

  • Stop the swinging, the body's still.

  • Four, eight, two more.

  • Up, nine and again, up.

  • Keep your body moving down a little bit.

  • You got a little bit of a bad habit of doing this...

  • It's a lot less than I normally do.

  • I'm ready, brother.

  • All right, come on, then.

  • Rock and roll then, man.

  • Try it a little bit in front of you.

  • All right, let's go.

  • Good, one, two,

  • three, four is good.

  • Come on, five is good.

  • Six, nice, come on.

  • Up, seven, keep 'em tight,

  • eight, two more.

  • Keep tight.

  • Nine, and again, up.

  • Ten, halfway now, halfway up, up, come on.

  • And again.

  • One more, up.

  • Good, good.

  • Just another way of going beyond failure, half rep,

  • three-quarter reps, just to take it beyond failure.

  • I gave him a little tip on the last couple,

  • but it's hard to spot beyond that.

  • Everything you've got, yeah?

  • Everything, up and squeeze.

  • Nice, control the negative.

  • Good, that body still, man.

  • Four, that's better.

  • Five is good.

  • Come on, squeeze, six.

  • And again, up.

  • Squeeze, seven.

  • Four more, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up.

  • Okay, slow it down now.

  • Slow it down.

  • I'm taking it to the top, up, slow.

  • Last one, everything.

  • Try and stop it.

  • Try and stop it.

  • All right, maybe not.

  • Watch that form, yeah?

  • Good, two, strong, man.

  • Three, nice.

  • Four is good.

  • Come on, I'm watching.

  • Come on, five, that's yours.

  • And again, squeeze, one more.

  • Everything, everything, squeeze it up.

  • Squeeze it up.

  • Slow it down.

  • I'm gonna take you up. Hold it there.

  • One more, hold it up.

  • That's it, nothing left.

  • Once I've done a couple of forced reps and he's got no

  • positive strength left, then I'm lifting it to the top,

  • and he's just trying to control it on the way down.

  • Once you can't control it, then it's finished.

  • Game over.

  • Try and bring your elbows forward a little bit.

  • That's good.

  • Six, pull,

  • seven, and again.

  • Pull, eight,

  • two more, pull.

  • Nine, again, half reps, let's go.

  • One more, go.

  • Good.

  • It's so much harder when I pulled my elbows forward.

  • Yeah, because if you come back, you're using your lats.

  • We're working, that's a small muscle, man, you know?

  • So if you're coming straight out,

  • you're working more rear delts.

  • You don't need to use as much weight.

  • You've already done the lats, you know?

  • There's no point in duplicating what we've already done.

  • So try and isolate it on this one.

  • You don't need a ton of weight.

  • Soon as I said that and you started pulling out to the side,

  • you can see your rear delt come right out.

  • Feel like about 20 pounds heavier.

  • Rear delts, come on, think about it.

  • Good, good, perfect, man.

  • Three, four, keep that form.

  • Five, up, six, good.

  • Seven, and again, all the way up.

  • Eight, halfway, and one more.

  • Squeeze, great.

  • Job done, man, job done.

  • Sweet.

  • Thanks, man.

  • So we're gonna come from here, yeah?

  • Elbow stuck by your sides.

  • From here, lower chest, lot of people do this...

  • Push out like that.

  • I want you to keep your elbows by your side from out here.

  • Down and in there.

  • You get a much better contraction at the bottom.

  • Bring it into your legs there.

  • I'm just using triceps, but I'm keeping this locked in,

  • letting the weight come out to there, yeah?

  • Down and in, much better contraction at the bottom

  • like that.

  • Right in there in the bottom, squeeze, yeah?

  • Good, three, four,

  • five, six, seven.

  • Control that negative a little bit more, yeah?

  • Good.

  • I find it easier to balance if you've got one leg forward

  • and one leg back, instead of, like,

  • standing like this if you're wobbling about.

  • You don't want to start leaning in and letting your elbows come

  • out, because then it becomes a pressing movement.

  • Okay, don't forget to bring it right in there and squeeze

  • the [bleep] out of it.

  • Two, three, four, five's good.

  • Six, keep it tight now, come on.

  • Keep it perfect.

  • Seven, eight, keep tight.

  • Nine, and again.

  • Push, ten, two more.

  • Drive it down.

  • Drive it down.

  • Drive it down.

  • One more, keep tight.

  • Come on, push, push all the way.

  • Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, good.

  • Okay, good set.

  • From here, from that position,

  • I want you to angle back, yeah?

  • So from there, we're going back to there, yeah?

  • Letting the weight go behind your head, bring it back up,

  • but don't bring it over.

  • Keep it on.

  • That way there's more in the triceps and less strain

  • on your tendons.

  • Straighten your arms out, go.

  • Okay, from there.

  • No, don't pull it over.

  • Don't pull it over, just extend it.

  • Okay, go down, up...There, that's it.

  • Okay, now you've got it.

  • Two, three, four,

  • it's good, man.

  • Come on, eight, two more like that.

  • Keep the form.

  • Nine, one more, squeeze.

  • Got you.

  • Well, we're not trying to put all the stress on your triceps

  • without overloading your tendon, you know?

  • Lot of people get tendonitis going too heavy on this one.

  • Come on, this is the one that counts, Chris.

  • Come on.

  • The grip and the angle, everything's tight.

  • Squeeze, good.

  • Two, three,

  • four, five.

  • Come on, six, good.

  • Seven, come on.

  • I'm watching you, tight.

  • Eight, these are the ones.

  • Nine, one more.

  • Push, squeeze it up, squeeze it up, squeeze it up, all the way,

  • lock it out, triceps.

  • Good, I got you.

  • We're gonna do something directly overhead now,

  • 'cause to really activate the long head,

  • which is the biggest head of the tricep,

  • you gotta kind of get a stretch on, get it overhead.

  • Got it?

  • Nice and tight, then.

  • All the way down, all the way up.

  • Good, one, two, three, four.

  • Eight, two more.

  • Big squeeze, nine, and again, easy stuff.

  • I got it.

  • Stretch and blow, one, two, three,

  • four is good.

  • Come on, five,

  • squeeze, six.

  • Let's work, now, last exercise.

  • Seven, one more.

  • Come on, push, push, push, push, push, push, push.

  • Good, okay.

  • Look at that.

  • Blown-up triceps.

  • Look at that.

  • Don't worry about the burn, man.

  • You can do Jane Fonda classes if you want to get a burn,

  • you know?

  • As long as the muscle's going to failure,

  • it doesn't know how much is on the bar.

  • The weight's a tool, man.

  • The weight is a tool just to put stress on the muscle.

  • You know, now we're taking enough time between sets

  • in order to stay at the same weights.

  • Like, if I was doing 100-pound press--

  • That's called pacing yourself, you know?

  • That's exactly what I'm used to doing.

  • It's a big mistake. Don't pace yourself, man.

  • Just go to failure and get the job done to get out of there.

  • Six sets and three of those were warm-ups.

  • Three working sets, your triceps.

  • [music]



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A2 初級

ドリアン・イエーツのブラッド&ガッツトレーナー。デルツと上腕三頭筋 - (Dorian Yates' Blood & Guts Trainer: Delts & Triceps -

  • 43 9
    陳韋傑 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日