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- [Anya] My name's Anya, and I'll be taking you through
a scene from The Witcher, shot by shot.
(ominous music)
(horse whinnies)
- [Man] The witch got them!
- So I play Yennefer, and she is a sorceress.
She has elven blood in her and actually becomes one of the
most powerful mages on the continent.
- In the scene, Yennefer is escorting
the Queen back to Lyria.
They are attacked.
We had Alex, the director shout one, two, three, four!
And we just had to look.
At how these knives coming through the carriage.
That's actually really hard.
To get the timing right with both of us.
- I remember we both looked different ways to begin with.
And it was so funny.
Leniza put in CGI later.
- Oh my goodness, that baby!
We had this doll which was REALLY light.
And actually, to get the weight of a baby was so hard!
And we didn't actually rehearse that scene 'cause we thought
we were gonna get real ones, we wouldn't need to act that.
But she kept crying!
So we couldn't have her!
(baby crying)
This scene was shot in Budapest.
It was actually after a scene that I'd shot in the same area
and we were just in a little alleyway?
A little, like a little track?
- That was all there for us.
All the blood in the snow, and the fake
limbs all scattered around the place.
I remember it was freezing outside,
and it was snowing, actually.
And the crew had to stand there for
ages while we filmed this scene.
And we were cold in the carriage as well,
so I can't imagine what it was like outside.
- But this carriage was just sat on this track.
And the crew must've been rocking it or something?
I don't know what was rocking it.
(dramatic music)
They are attacked by a rolling mage.
So this is the first encounter with him.
We ran so many times.
I thought I was gonna faint by the end of it.
We had to keep changing our shoes as well.
Like, I had heels on to begin with.
You know, I had to change them to like, snow boots
because like, we kept slipping over.
- [Yennefer] Go!
I'm creating a portal in that moment.
Yeah, it was all CGI, but actually with the snow,
it was like a hoover pipe?
And like a really big hoover pipe, like I can't explain it.
It's probably just a wind machine?
I just don't know what it's called.
- They put it on that track so when they blew air out of it,
it would move and would go right with
the amount of air that was coming out.
So like, we'd just, yeah.
(baby crying)
We are in the Canary Islands at this point.
It's crazy, walked into, we walked into this hotel,
and at the back of the hotel was these huge sand dunes.
It was hot in my heavy costume.
- Hails an assassin.
Alex, the director played with music.
I can't remember what song he put on for this,
but it was something very dark and
(imitating intense music)
- I was there when that shot happened.
They splashed him with blood and he faked his death.
(intense music)
I hope you enjoyed going through the scene shot by shot,
please check out The Witcher on Netflix.