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  • Can I help you?

  • Why, yes. Yes, you can.

  • I'm here to report a terrible crime.

  • And what terrible crime is that?

  • This one.

  • Aw, shit.

  • I told this all wrong. Quick history lesson.

  • This all started when the Joker and I broke up.

  • It was completely mutual.

  • And soon enough, I was back on my feet,

  • ready to embrace the fierce goddess within.

  • It's oh so quiet

  • Now that I've cut ties with Mr. J...

  • I'm about to learn that a lot of people want me dead.

  • You're all alone

  • And at the top of that list...

  • is this guy.

  • And so peaceful until

  • But it turns out...

  • Mmm.

  • ...I wasn't the only dame in Gotham

  • looking for emancipation.

  • You fall in love zing, boom

  • He's after all of us.

  • -♪ Sky up above ♪ - The kid just robbed him.

  • Zing, boom

  • You betrayed him. You killed his BFF.

  • Wow, bam! ♪

  • What?

  • You are so cool.

  • And you're dumb enough to be building a case against him.

  • So, unless we all want to die very unpleasant deaths...

  • we're gonna have to work together.

  • - Sure. - Yes!

  • Psychologically speaking,

  • vengeance rarely brings the catharsis we hope for.

  • Yeah.

  • Are we ready?

  • You blow a fuse

  • Zing, boom

  • The devil cuts loose

  • Zing, boom

  • So what's the use? ♪

  • Wow, bam

  • Whoo! Turn it up!

  • The sky caves in

  • The devil cuts loose

  • You blow blow blow blow your fuse

  • When you fall in love

  • Oh, shit. Is that a hyena in a bathtub?

  • I named him Bruce after that hunky Wayne guy.

Can I help you?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

Birds of Prey - 公式予告編2 - ワーナー・ブラザース UK (Birds of Prey – Official Trailer 2 – Warner Bros. UK)

  • 36 0
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日