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  • (chiming music)

  • Food is design.

  • It is design when you compose plates,

  • but it is amazing, even better and most delightful design

  • when it's about the units.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Pasta comes from Latin.

  • And it means paste.

  • It's about putting together water and some powder

  • so that you can actually shape it.

  • There are cultures in the world that use rice powder,

  • others use soy powder.

  • In Italy, we tend to use durum wheat.

  • Pasta existed for centuries,

  • but it really blossomed during the Renaissance.

  • And it's only later on in the 17th century

  • that it became more mass produced.

  • Whenever you design an object of any kind,

  • you think of how you want it to perform.

  • So think about the same for pasta.

  • Do you want it to be ribbed, or you want it to be smooth?

  • The ribbed ones absorb the sauce better.

  • Do you want them to be round

  • or do you want them to be square?

  • They have a different feel on the palate.

  • Everything is for a reason.

  • In the amazing taxonomy of the pasta species,

  • there are many different ways to divide it,

  • but one of the basic divisions

  • is between fresh pasta and dry pasta.

  • Dry pasta is always durum wheat flour and water.

  • Fresh pasta could be either that

  • or it could be flour and eggs.

  • Just think of having a dough

  • that you can shape in any way you want.

  • I mean, really.

  • Wouldn't you go crazy?

  • So fresh and dry, but then there's also long and short.

  • And then within those families, there's even more diversity.

  • Let's talk about some really classical types of short pasta.

  • Penne, we all know them right?

  • They are cut at a slanted angle,

  • perfect to pick up some of the sauce.

  • Farfalle means butterflies, or how do you call it here,

  • bowties, because they are like, pinched in the middle.

  • Orecchiette means little ears.

  • And they're typical from Pulya and they are delicious.

  • And conquilla, shells, and of course, they look like shells.

  • They are ribbed, so they scoop up the sauce on the outside

  • and they are smooth on the inside.

  • Pasta is definitely gorgeous.

  • But the form also is about how it touches the palate,

  • how it touches the tongue.

  • So it's never just about giving it a shape.

  • When you hone one object across centuries,

  • standards become really, really high.

  • Many so-called great designers failed miserably

  • because they tried to impose a shape onto pasta.

  • The great Philippe Starck tried mandala.

  • Some parts of it, the walls were very thick

  • and the others were thinner,

  • so when you would boil the pasta,

  • some of it would be completely mushy

  • while part of it is too crunchy and uncooked.

  • So really wrong, but they were not women from Bologna,

  • they were not chefs from Naples,

  • they were not centuries of families of grandmothers

  • that were trying to improve on

  • the thinness of the walls of the pasta.

  • There's no way to trace pasta back to one designer,

  • one inventor, and that's the beauty of it.

  • It belongs to the people.

  • And if you think about it,

  • this simple mixture of a carbohydrate and water

  • becomes the scaffold for a whole culture to be built.

  • (upbeat music)

(chiming music)


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パスタはなぜいろいろな形や大きさがあるのか|TEDシリーズ「Small Thing Big Idea(スモールシング・ビッグアイデア (Why pasta comes in all shapes and sizes | Small Thing Big Idea, a TED series)

  • 54 4
    Seraya に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日