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  • - Have you ever done a 60 minute, or a minute sprint?

  • It's when you hold your phone, and you just,

  • Oh, I got a match!

  • (drum beat and high hat)

  • - What do I think about dating apps?

  • - I love them,

  • because I move around to a lot of different cities,

  • and I use it to meet girls in order to meet new friends.

  • - My current girlfriend, we met on Tinder,

  • so, like, that's been awesome.

  • - I see them as a game.

  • - I didn't have the biggest school,

  • and I wanted to meet new people,

  • so yeah let me try dating apps.

  • - I prefer to meet someone in person.

  • (buzzer noise)

  • - I like to club but I also like to just watch Netflix.

  • - Binging Netflix.

  • Cool, tell me something that not everybody likes to do.

  • - If the first line of a girl's bio is

  • "I'm 5'8" and I don't like guys that are under 6'",

  • I'm usually swiping no.

  • Even though I'm a tall guy.

  • - About Kelsey, pizza, Netflix, coffee, music and puppies.

  • - The emojis with, like, lipstick and all this other things,

  • ain't gonna happen.

  • - But if you're really hot I'm still gonna swipe right.

  • (bell dinging)

  • - You need to throw something in there that shows

  • you're a real human being.

  • - If we can tell you're kind of witty,

  • and also a little bit sarcastic,

  • that's usually like, bait for me.

  • - She has to have likes that reflect mine,

  • but also that are just really interesting.

  • - I like when people are fun or weird.

  • - They need to live within five miles.

  • (laughs)

  • - Don't deceive me in your bio

  • and try to make it all cute and funny

  • and then be a really cold person.

  • (buzzer noise)

  • - Some girls will just have like, all selfies.

  • - If a girl has more than two selfies, I'm done.

  • - And I'm just kinda getting this vibe

  • that you take a lot of pictures of yourself,

  • becomes a little less attractive.

  • - You know what's a no?

  • This pose.

  • - If you have a picture, and you're doing the sorority arm,

  • you are an automatic out for me.

  • - Like she's playing the angle,

  • so you can't really tell like, what all is she working with?

  • - So another thing that grinds my gears

  • about ladies and their dating profiles,

  • is the fact that you take pictures

  • with tall, hunky men.

  • - If girls have other guys in their photos,

  • it doesn't really bother me.

  • Unless they're making out, then that bothers me.

  • (bell dinging)

  • - The pictures are very natural.

  • - Outdoor activities, I know that's super cheesy.

  • - It's not all just super makeup on, same pose,

  • over and over and over again.

  • - If you're creative with your selfies,

  • then I'm not gonna mind it.

  • - Someone that doesn't take themselves too seriously.

  • - Like this girls rock climbing, and to me that's dope.

  • - Someone that I can just wear sweat pants around.

  • - You can't really judge someone

  • purely based on their profile.

  • - What I wish girls did more of on their profile,

  • is show their sense of humor.

  • - I would love it if a girl hit me up more online,

  • because saves me the trouble.

  • - I think it's a wild, wild world out there,

  • that I am very scared by,

  • but have to be a part of.

  • - It's kinda just a self esteem game, you know.

  • You're just kinda like, okay cool,

  • somebody out there likes me.

  • - At the end of the day, yeah, we're all lonely,

  • and we're, you know, animalistic creatures,

  • but, you know, I want like bae.

  • You know, I want wifey.

  • - It's like, one out of like, 500 you'll get matched with.

  • It's insane.

  • - You can do this with your eyes closed too.

  • - No match, is just, I hate this.

  • - I got a match.

- Have you ever done a 60 minute, or a minute sprint?


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B1 中級

Guysは女の子のデートのプロフィールについて話す (Guys Talk About Girls’ Dating Profiles)

  • 27 0
    Courtney Shih に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日