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  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have said that they will work to become financially independent from the royal family as they step back from their roles in the British monarchy.


  • That has raised a potentially awkward question.


  • How does the royal family fund itself in the 21st century?

    王室は 21 世紀、どうやって資金を調達するのでしょうか?

  • It's not something the royal family like to publicize, but here's what we know about their main sources of income.


  • There's something called the Duchy of Lancaster, almost 45,000 acres of commercial, agricultural, and residential properties in England and Wales owned on behalf of the Queen.

    ランカスター公領と呼ばれる土地があり、これはイングランドとウェールズにおいて、女王の名の下に管理されている、約 45000 エーカーの商用、農業用、住宅用の土地です。

  • The Duchy comprises around US$710 million in net assets, which is mostly held in trusts.

    公領の純資産は約 7 億 1000 万米ドルで、その大半は信託という形で保有されています。

  • The profit made by these sites, castles, historical land, and property at the heart of the capital goes directly to the Queen and no other member of the royal family.


  • Last year, it netted her 20.7 million pounds or US$ 26.7 million.

    昨年の純益は 2070 万ポンド、つまり 2670 万米ドルでした。

  • Next up, there's the Duchy of Cornwall.


  • Like the Duchy of Lancaster, the Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate, except this one is owned on behalf of Prince Charles.


  • In 2019, the Duchy of Cornwall paid Charles over US$28 million on almost US$1.2 billion of net assets.

    2019 年、コーンウォール公領からチャールズ皇太子が得た収益は、2800 万米ドル超で、純資産は約 12 億米ドルでした。

  • Though the profit goes directly to Charles, both Prince William and Prince Harry receive money from the Duchy through their father.


  • Last year, they got around five million pounds in total from Prince Charles' fund.

    昨年、ウィリアム王子とハリー王子は、チャールズ皇太子の基金から合計約 500 万ポンドを受け取りました。

  • There are questions whether Harry will have to give up this source of funding if he is to become financially independent.


  • Then there's the family's personal wealth.


  • That's the investments, companies, and private estates that various royals hold.


  • The value of this and what they yield in income is undisclosed.


  • For instance, the Queen privately owns the Sandringham Estate.


  • How much the royal family gains from this income is unknown, but royal biographers estimate the royal family's wealth is in the millions, not the billions.


  • That means royals in the 21st century might be rich, but they're not super-rich.

    つまり、21 世紀の王室は富裕ではあるかもしれないが、超富裕ではないということです。

  • In a move to keep this revenue stream going, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, have applied to trademark Sussex Royal, a brand which will cover a whole host of items ranging from socks to greeting cards.


  • The largest source of income for the royals is government money through a thing called the Sovereign Grant.


  • In the 1700s, the monarchy handed over revenues from swathes of land to the government known as the Crown Estate.

    1700 年代の君主制では、クラウン・エステートと呼ばれる土地一帯から得られた収入を、政府に渡していました。

  • Each year, the government pays a percentage of the profits made on those assets back to the monarchy.


  • That annual income is known as the Sovereign Grant.


  • Last year, it amounted to almost US$ 107 million and it paid for royal duties and the maintenance of palaces including Buckingham Palace.

    昨年の王室助成金は約 1 億 700 万米ドルにのぼり、そこから王室の義務関連費や、バッキンガム宮殿などの宮殿の維持費が支払われました。

  • Meghan and Harry don't appear to be ready to give up all of those funds.


  • The couple's website,, said that they expect to keep state-funded security.

    2人のウェブサイト、 では、国費による警備を継続させる意向が示されました。

  • And they want to continue to live in a cottage owned by the Queen and refurbished at a cost of US$3.1 million to the taxpayer.

    また、女王が所有する別荘に居住し続け、310 万米ドルの税金を使い、別荘の改修を希望しています。

  • The fact that such a large proportion of the royal income effectively comes from taxpayers is part of the reason why there is such public interest in this decoupling.

    王室の収入の大部分が、実質的に税金から賄われているため、2 人の王室離脱には、公からの大きな関心が集まっているのです。

  • The monarchy has spent years trying to rise above such earthly matters as how they are actually paid for.


  • And that's one of the reasons why the Meghan and Harry debacle is leaving the monarch feeling uncomfortable.

    メーガンとハリーがもたらす混乱によって、君主が不快な思いをしている理由の 1 つが、ここにあるのです。

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have said that they will work to become financially independent from the royal family as they step back from their roles in the British monarchy.


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