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  • Going abroad?hmm, so you have to prepare yourself. In this video lesson, I'm going to show you

  • 7 very common questions immigration officers ask at the airport and how to answer them

  • confidently. Hey friends, teacher Prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime

  • in English thank you so much for joining me on another video. I hope you enjoy this lesson

  • and make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of my weekly videos. But here we go, the

  • first thing you need to know about these questions is wherever you go, ok every airport you go

  • around the world these are very common questions, so you probably need them everywhere you go,

  • ok so the nice thing about this video is, this video doesn't only prepare you to go

  • through immigration in The United States but in England, in Canada, in Australia, ok the

  • second thing you need to know is short answers you don't need to talk about all your dreams

  • and plans and how excited you are and how happy you are. No! Give short answers, answer

  • the question correctly and quickly, ok. And third keep calm! If you get too tense the

  • immigration officer can get a little suspicious ok if you get too nervous too tense they can

  • ask you more questions not the other way around, alright? Nice! Now let's get down to business.

  • So here we go, question number 1: May I see your passport? This is pretty obvious, they

  • wanna see your document, your passport. You can just give the passport to the immigration

  • officer or you can say "here it is" or "here you are" these are the most common ways to

  • answer this question. Number 2 how long do you intend to stay?there are, there may be

  • some different ways to ask this question but the idea is the same "how long will you be

  • staying in the United States?" or how long will you be staying here?ok, how long do you

  • intend to stay?Remember, short answers. For a week, for a month, for two weeks, a week,

  • a month, as long as you give the information they are asking you don't need to give long

  • answers about that. Nice, number 3 What's the purpose of your visit? hmm another very

  • common question. In this question, they want to know why you are traveling. There are 2

  • main reasons why people travel, well, actually 3 - tourism, business, study, ok? So, you

  • have to say what you're doing in the United States or in Canada or Australia, you have

  • to explain what you're doing there.ok, so I'm here for a business conference, that's

  • something you can say.I'm here on a business trip. I'm here to go to an Exchange school

  • or I'm here to study English for a month or I'm here on vacation, I'm going to Disney!

  • Ok, so these are some possible ways to answer this question. And remember, you don't need

  • to give a long explanation ok? Just say the main reason why you're staying in that country.

  • Nice! are you enjoying this video? yes?I hope so! So far 3 questions, I have 4 more questions

  • to show you but before that how about sharing this video with someone who is about to travel

  • or maybe with your friends on facebook, I'm pretty sure you can help someone with this

  • video. But here we go, question number 4 what do you do? what is your occupation?Basically

  • here, I want to know about your job so all you can say is "I'm a..." and the occupation.

  • I'm a teacher, I am a doctor, I'm an engineer, I'm a student. If you say you are not working

  • they will probably ask you more questions ok, so just try to say what you do and if

  • they ask you where you work, you will have to say. They asked me this question the last

  • time I went there (USA) they asked me what I did and where I worked, ok? Number 5 are

  • you traveling alone? if the answer is yes, awesome! so you say "yes, I'm alone" if the

  • answer is no my friends, all you have to say is who you are traveling with so then you

  • say "no, I'm not. I'm traveling with" my brother, I'm traveling with my parents, I'm traveling

  • with my boyfriend, with my girlfriend, with my husband, with my wife, you need to say

  • who you're traveling with but not the name, I'm traveling with Jack. Who is Jack?ok, say

  • the connection, the relationship you have with the person, I'm traveling with my sister

  • not with "patricia", I'm traveling with my sister. I'm traveling with my husband, I'm

  • traveling with my boyfriend, ok? Number 6 do you have any family here? hmm, they basically

  • want to know if you have a family member living in the United States or in England or wherever

  • you're going. This is a tricky question, if the answer is no, awesome!so, no, I don't!

  • if the answer is yes, you will say Yes, I do. But you'll probably have to say who lives

  • in that country. Yes I do, I have a cousin who lives here, Yes I do. I have a sister

  • who lives here or I have an uncle who lives here. Be prepared to answer more questions

  • about this family member. They will probably ask their name, their phone number, their

  • email, their address, their occupation, what they are doing in America or in whatever country

  • they are, so if the answer is be prepared to answer more questions about this family

  • member. Number 7 have you ever been here before? Basically they want to know if it is your

  • first time in the USA or in another country or if you have been to that place before.

  • So if the answer is no, No, It is my first time here! If the answer is yes, then you

  • can say when more less when so Yes, in 2010 or Yes, about two weeks ago or yes, last year

  • so say more less when you went to that place. ok? They can ask you what you were doing and

  • you can say well, I was on vacation, ok or I was here on business, or I was studying

  • English so these are some possibilities to explain the purpose of your previous visit

  • if they ask you remember, you don't need to say this, only if they ask you, ok? And I

  • know I said 7 but I have one more, bonus question! where will you be staying? ok, this is a common

  • question too. So it is interesting to say where you're staying, if for example you're

  • staying at a hotel, you can say the name of the hotel you're staying.I'm staying at the

  • Pacific Hotel on Times Square or I'm staying at the Pacific Hotel in Manhattan. Sometimes

  • they can sometimes ask you for the address, but it is not always the case, ok? but this

  • is a common question they can ask and in many cases they will ask this question. Nice, there

  • you go now you are ready to go through immigration anywhere ok around the world because with

  • English you can talk to anyone anywhere anytime, thank you so much friends and I'll see you

  • next time, bye!

Going abroad?hmm, so you have to prepare yourself. In this video lesson, I'm going to show you


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A2 初級

Customs & Immigration 7 QUESTIONS|空港で英語を学ぼう! (Customs & Immigration 7 QUESTIONS |English At The Airport!)

  • 447 10
    Courage に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日