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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 382. The title of today's lesson is

  • when company means companionship it is uncountable or it is an uncountable noun.

  • Okay. Let's take a look at the note here. Company as a noun has many meanings. If

  • the word "company "means someone or something that keeps someone, meaning

  • another person, from getting lonely or refers to one or more people visiting

  • one's home, it is an uncountable noun. So again here, with the X, all the X's they're

  • wrong and then the second one will be the correct one. So first one. Many senior

  • citizens who live alone will get a dog as a company. Yeah. You would never say a

  • company here. A company actually almost sounds like a business. Like you're

  • getting a dog as a business. That doesn't quite make sense. So of course what you

  • would what you should say is "many senior citizens who live alone will get a dog

  • as company". No "a." Okay. And the second one, well this is one where we would

  • invite somebody to our home. I invited a co-worker to dinner. So we will have a

  • company tonight. No definitely not. You would say I invited

  • a co-worker to dinner, so we will have company tonight. And of course if it were

  • you know a couple of people like you know I'm invited two friends over for

  • dinner. So we will have company tonight. That would be the correct way of saying

  • it. You wouldn't say that we have companies or anything like that. All

  • right. And the last one here. Again with the X, this part is wrong. I enjoy when

  • you visit. You are always a good company. Again it makes it almost sound like they're

  • a business company. Now you should say I enjoy when you visit you're always good

  • company. So remember anytime if company means companionship or somebody who's

  • visiting you or you know, keeping you from being lonely,

  • it is uncountable in that sense. Okay. Anyway,

  • I hope you got it. I hope it was clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 382. The title of today's lesson is


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

英語講師ニックPレッスン(382) 会社が仲間を意味するとき、それは数え切れない。 (English Tutor Nick P Lesson (382) When Company Means Companionship it is Uncountable)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日