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  • This is Anna; she just graduated from college in the United States.


  • And this is Sophia.


  • She also just graduated from college in Finland.


  • Anna and Sophia both want to be middle school teachers.


  • But it turns out, there's a good chance their experiences will be very different.

    ですが、2 人はこれからまったく違う経験をすることになりそうです。

  • So different that Anna is twice as likely as Sophia to leave teaching for good.


  • That's causing a problem.


  • The supply of new certified teachers in the United States is shrinking, but the number of public school students keeps growing.


  • Massive teacher shortages.


  • Warnings about teacher turnover.


  • Educators call Colorado's teacher shortage a crisis.


  • So, what makes Sophia stay and Anna leave?


  • And how can the United States keep more of its teachers in the classroom?


  • In the US, teachers work about nine and a quarter hours a day.

    アメリカの教師の労働時間は 1 日あたりおよそ 9 時間 15 分です。

  • That's an hour and a half longer than the average for teachers in other countries in the Organization for Economic Development or OECD for short.

    他の経済開発機構加盟国(OECD)の教師の平均労働時間と比べて 1.5 時間長いのです。

  • That's a group of mostly wealthy countries that economists often compare to one another.

    OECD の加盟国はほとんどが裕福で、経済学者たちがよく比較の対象とする国々です。

  • Teachers in the US work more than two and a half hours longer than their colleagues in South Korea, Finland, and Israel.

    アメリカの教師は、韓国・フィンランド・イスラエルの教師と比べると 2.5 時間以上長く勤務しています。

  • There are some countries with similar teacher work hours to the United States, like New Zealand, Singapore, and the UK.


  • Teachers in Japan, for example, work nearly two hours more per day than teachers in the US, but in all of these countries, teaching hours are much lower.

    日本の教師の 1 日当たりの労働時間はアメリカよりも 2 時間弱長いのですが、授業時間に関して言うと、どの国もアメリカよりもずっと短いのが現状です。

  • Of the nine and a quarter hours that American teachers work every day, they spend about five and a half of those hours actually teaching.

    アメリカの教師は日々の 9 時間 15 分の労働時間のうち、およそ 5.5 時間ほどを授業時間に費やしています。

  • That's more than the OECD average and significantly more than teachers in New Zealand, the UK, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore.

    これは、 OECD の平均を上回っており、ニュージーランドやイギリス、韓国、日本、シンガポールと比べると相当の差になります。

  • Teachers in these countries get more time for planning, grading, and collaborating with each other.


  • So, do all those extra teaching hours translate to better results?

    では、授業時間が長いことは良い結果につながっているのでしょうか ?

  • Students in the US score slightly above the OECD average on the PISA exam, which tests 15-year-olds all over the world in reading, science, and math.

    世界各国の 15 歳が受ける、読解力・科学・数学のテストであるPISAのアメリカの生徒の平均は、OECD の平均をわずかに上回ります。

  • But they score lower than students in countries like Finland, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore, where teaching hours are much lower.


  • If we look inside Anna and Sofia's classrooms in the US and Finland, we'd see Anna teaching an hour and a half more per day than Sofia.

    アメリカのアナとフィンランドのソフィアの教室を見てみると、アナが毎日ソフィアより 1.5 時間長く教えている様子を目にすることができるでしょう。

  • Anna also spends more time planning lessons, grading student work, and leading extracurricular activities.


  • But those extra hours aren't necessarily reflected in Anna's paycheck.


  • If you compare Sofia to other people in Finland with college degrees, she makes about 98 cents for every dollar that they make.

    ソフィアとフィンランドの他の大卒者を比較すると、ソフィアの収入はフィンランドの大卒者の収入の 98 % ほどです。

  • That's on par with the pay ratio between teachers and college graduates in similar countries.


  • But Anna and other American middle school teachers only make about 65 cents for every dollar that their college-educated peers make.

    ですが、アナを含めアメリカの中学校教師は、大卒者の収入の 65 % ほどしか稼ぎがありません。

  • Still, as politicians in the US never tire of pointing out,


  • - ... we spend more... - We spend more per student than almost....

    アメリカは1 人 1 人の生徒にお金を費やしています。

  • - ... any country I think... - ... than nearly every other country in the developed world.

    - ...どの国もそうだと思いますが... - ... 先進国のほぼすべての国よりも。

  • But that figure varies a lot by state.


  • New York spends twice as much as California on each student.

    ニューヨークでは 1 人 1 人の生徒に費やす費用はカリフォルニアの 2 倍です。

  • Mississippi spends less than half as much as Alaska.


  • And American schools generally spend a lot more on security and other non-instructional costs than schools in other countries.


  • Plus, if you look at the share of its national wealth, or GDP, that each country spends on education, you can see there are plenty of countries spending a bigger share than the US.


  • There's one other difference between Anna and Sofia.

    アナとソフィアにはもう 1 つの違いがあります。

  • When they're asked whether people in their country value teachers, two out of three Finnish teachers say yes.

    教師たちに「教師は人々に大切にされているか」と聞けば、フィンランドなら 3 人に 2 人は「はい」と答えます。

  • But just one in three American teachers agree.

    しかし、アメリカの教師が同意するのは 3 人に 1 人だけです。

  • There are a lot of reasons why teachers like Anna leave the classroom, but if the US wants to keep more of them around, we might want to take a few pages from Finland's book.


This is Anna; she just graduated from college in the United States.


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