字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント It's about 6:30, and we are off to niigata again. Let's go 今、朝の6時半くらいだ。 今からまた新潟に行くよ。 Little [Old] right now. I need a miracle hurry up now. [I] need a miracle じゃあ行ってみよう! Reaching now. I'll call you I say mainly 2時間かけて、 新潟県の弥彦村にやってきました。 So two hours later. We [finally] made it to 今から探索するよ!弥彦村についての ビデオを2週間後くらいに制作しないといけないんだ。 Yahiko Village here in Niigata Prefecture 今からロケハンをするんだ。 [and] we're going [to] go explore a little bit [arounds]. We have a video. We have to make later in about two [weeks] 今からみんなに弥彦村をお見せするよ。 [so] we're gonna look around on what kind of spots. We can actually take here in this area 今、やひこ競輪場についたぜ So we're gonna show you guys around this village, and I hope you guys enjoy 乗馬とか、 カーレースの場所みたいな感じ。 So right now. We are at the inside the bicycle race 好きな競輪走者を選んで賭けれるんだ。 [stadium] I think you would say which is really cool このトラックを走るんだ。 It's kind of like horseback riding stadium or car racing one and you can basically bet for your favorite すごいよね。 初めて見たけどめちゃくちゃ速いんだ。 [cyclist] I guess and they go around this like track thing over here 普通の人は自転車で走れないくらい勾配が急らしい。 Which is really cool? 普通の人だったら慣れてないから 倒れちゃうと思う。 I've never actually seen it before and I'm seeing I just I just took a look at it, and they go so [fast] and supposedly 普通の自転車のタイヤは薄いからね。 Like the normal cyclist cannot actually go in here because the bank it. It's how do you say it's like みんなにどんな感じ見せるね。 Planted a lot like really slanted, so I think typically if you're not used to it やひこで最近この競輪場を作ったから 訪日外国人、そして日本人にPRしようとしてるんだ。 You [just] like tip over because you use the bicycle wheels [they're] little thin ones, right? だから今回僕たちがきたんだよ。 [so] I'm going to show you guys what it looks like and yahiko village [behaved] just actually made this beautiful beautiful stadium じゃあ、お見せするね So they're really trying [to] これがレース場だ。 すごく大きくてかっこいいよね! Promote the stadium to foreigners as well as [japanese] people. Which is why we're here to check it out ここをすごいスピードで走るんだ。 So let's show [it] to you guys ルールがたくさんあるんだ。 So that's what it looks like how big is that how cool is that they go so fast around here? 緑のレーンにいないといけないんだ。 So basically there's a lot of rules with this 青は絶対に入ってはいけないレーン。 Game or sport I guess 緑のレーンの上には黄色と白い線があるんだ。 So basically you're supposed to stay in the green if you go in the red 二つの白い線の間は セーフティーゾーンと呼ばれている。 It's kind of like the zone you're not supposed to be going in blue you 競輪ではお互いを押すことができるんだ。 Definitely can't go in and if you see on the green there's actually a yellow line 僕はプロの競輪走者じゃないからあれだけど、 かなりこわいよね。 And it's also a white line so in between the two white lines is calling called the safety Zone so basically 例えばセーフティーゾーンで誰かが僕を 押したとして僕が赤いレーンの上で転んだとすると If someone pushes you actually [this] sport you can push each other which is kind of interesting 僕を押した走者が失格となるんだ。 It's kind of I feel kind of dangerous, but you know I'm not a professional bicyclists or cyclists だからセーフティーゾーンでの 押し合いはかなり難しいんだ。 But I'm in a safety zone you can push the person セーフティーゾーンでは押し合いは普通はない。 But say I'm in the in between the white lines 黄色い線もセーフティーゾーンで 例えば誰かが僕を黄色の線の外まで追い出したら And some guy pushes me and I go into the red and I fall damage the guy who pushed me is automatically out 押し出した人は失格となる。 He is disqualified 黄色の線より上は勾配がめちゃくちゃ急だから 行くのはかなり危険なんだ。 So in between [a] white lines. It's very difficult to push someone and get away with [it] ほとんどの走者は黄色の線の間の 緑のレーンの上にいるんだ。 [so] typically [people] know in between the white lines are not pushed それが大体のルールだよ。 The yellow Line is like a safety Zone 競輪場は日本全国にあるけど So if someone pushes you outside the yellow, then that person is automatically out so it's really dangerous to to go up ここ弥彦の競輪場はすごく新しいんだ。 but above the yellow line simply because it's slanted so much after the yellow line, so ぜひ、みんな弥彦村に遊びにきて チェックしてみてね! basically people stay in the green in between the yellow and the white lines is a 彼はプロの競輪走者だよ! basically the rule わあ、すっごく強そうだ。 So they have like many of these stadiums actually all across Japan レースをみたけど めちゃくちゃ速かった。 But yahiko this one like really really new so she doesn't check it out in [Geico] Village 前ゴーカートやったけど それでも相当速いと思ったけど You know that's a professional cyclist right there, whoa. He's so strong これは比べものにならないよ。 ヘルメットつけてても倒れたらめちゃくちゃ危険だ。 [alright], so we just saw that race that [rose] absence a these guys come so fast around that course like I'd be like like I 券を買ったよ。 行ってみよう! Redid the go-kart one time and I felt like I was going crazy and out like you know patting at least there's no padding like たったの100円だよ。 They wear a helmet, but if you fall down that must hurt but um I got a little ticket right here でもギャンブルはおすすめしないよ。 Let's go only 100 yen, so only hundred yen. Don't gamble though はまりすぎると良くない。 Not good for you でも楽しいよね。 But it's really fun. I if I I bet this thing where there's many ways to win 戦略をねって勝ち方を考えるんだ。 すごく面白いよね。 It's kind of cool actually it's Kinda like a strategy game 6番、4番、8番走者を選んだ。 1位、2位、3位の順位予想だ。 So if my people get it correct これが当たれば100円が 25万円になるんだ。 I've got number six racer number four racer number a tracer so it's being that order for a second third place 今日は普段の仕事とは違うけど、 こういうことも今の仕事ではするんだ。 I put 100 yen one dollar I can get out 日本の様々な地を見にいって $25,000 その地をPRするための ビデオの企画を考えるんだ。 So this is kind of like だから、このやひこ競輪場にやってきたんだ。 not a typical day, but something that I would do part of my job basically just look around different areas of Japan and もっとビデオのアイデアをGETできるように もうちょっと他の場所も見てみるよ! See kind of make a video idea to promote the area so that's why we're checking out this 9月17日、18日にクールなYouTuberたちと またここに撮影で訪れるんだ。 cycling stadium so to speak 他の場所もこれからお見せするね。 we're going to try to check out a little bit more around the area so that we can get some kind of idea [of] 今、弥彦村を歩いています。 a cool video create a video that we can do which would be ロケハンをしてるんだ。 見ての通り、自然がいっぱいだ。 will be going back here on september 17 and 18 with a bunch of cool youtubers so stay tuned for that and 自然が好きなら絶対来るべきだ。 都会と違ってすごく静かでリラックスできる。 Yeah, so I think we'll take you guys around here 東京とは全然違う。 今朝東京にいたのが不思議だ。 And I'll show you guys what else this area has to offer so right now. We are just walking through yahuveh village 今夜また東京に戻るんだ。 新潟は東京から結構離れてるからね。 We are scouting out some more areas as you can see. It's place is really really nature if you like nature 今日は相棒のリョウタと一緒だ。 Definitely come here. It's really really peaceful quiet away from the city 同僚なんだ。前の弥彦村のビデオにも 彼はメインで出演してるんだ。 Very different from talk. It's kind of weird that I was just until here this morning. [yeah], I'm going back to tokyo tonight 農家の人にインタビューしてくれたんだ。 Kind of [weird] good because I mean Ii got [that's] pretty far from tokyo actually and I'm walking my buddy guilty' hey では弥彦を散策してみよう! So we're colleagues 新潟はお米で有名なんだ。 特にこしひかりというブランドが有名だ。 here これはこしひかりのソフトクリームだ。 because of my other yahiko village video Odigo47が終わってもまだソフトクリーム食べてるよ。 Called the best unknown Village in Japan. He was like one of the main guys that was in the video. [he's] the interviewer アイスの中にお米が入ってるんだ。 interviewing all the farmers yeah, so こんな感じだ。 見た目は普通だね。 Yeah, so [I] guess follows around おっと! びびった... So if you guys didn't know niigata prefecture famous for [its] rice especially Koshihikari. Which is a famous branded rice here, and this is Koshihikari 本当にお米の粒が入ってる Soft cream though I got more soft cream a knife down the odigo47 stove 香川県のビデオを見た人はわかると思うけど香川はうどんが有名だからうどんが実際にアイスに入ってるんだ。 But I start in soft cream and all these different prefecture Sophie it has rice 食感はクッキーみたいにサクサクしてたよ。 in the ice cream これにはお米の粒が入ってるから 食感がサクサクしてて面白い It looks like this looks pretty normal お米のクッキーみたいだ。 They're like little 今、駅でご飯食べてる Grains of rice gum as if you guys saw one of my other videos in Athens [Kagawa] チキンカツカレーだ。 Yo, who don't prefecture he had like little boxes? 朝の5時50分です。 [adorning] inside a soft cream ちょっと撮影しなきゃいけないんだ。 and it made it like a crunch it made a nice crunchy [philips] with like you're eating like a cookie kind of 僕の朝のルーティーンを見せるね frozen cookie this smells [like] little grains of rice 6時に駅に向かって6時45分には 会社に着くからそれから撮影を始める So it's a nice little crunch to whenever you bite into it actually feels like [a] little rice cookie 今日はオフィスの中を撮影するんだ。 僕がオフィスで何を普段やってるか見せるね。 We're eating again at the train station. It's 昨日はちょっと特別で 新潟県にロケハンに行ったんだ。 with a chicken 9月にPRビデオを制作するためにね。 cutlets curry with rice looks amazing 特別ってわけじゃないけどあっても 1ヶ月に1回か2回くらいだ。 dudes, [it's] 今日はたくさん会議があるんだ。 5:45 right now. It's 550. We have some filming to do 会社に着きました。 今7時くらいです。 That's why I'm up so early, but I want to show you guys what I do in the morning, usually oh 見て!誰もいないよ。 Yeah, all right. It's six o'clock. [I'm] gonna head to the train and dip in the office by 6:45 to start filming and みんなが出社してくる様子を撮影しようと思って。 Today's your lucky day. We're going to be filming inside of my office. It's Gonna be like an office [uh] 見て、すごく広いでしょ。 what I do in the office on a normal day um すごく広いでしょ。 このオフィスは親会社とシェアしてるんだ。 Yesterday was a little bit unnormal we went to a [different] was it me at the prefecture to check out ここの机にはデスクトップPCはないよ。 あっちの机にはPCが置いてある。 Some places in areas of some spots for a sponsored デスクトップPCがない机に関しては どこでも好きなところを使っていいんだ。 Promoted thing that we should do later in September この茶色のデスクは ラウンジスペースだ。 So that's kind of not a special book more like happens once every other week possibly once every month maybe いいでしょ。 スタジアムのシートみたいだ。 So this is more of a normal day. I have a lot [of] meetings today actually so ウェンビンも向こうで撮影してるよ。 Yeah, not looking for that ここで素敵な景色を眺めながらランチを食べるんだ。 豊洲エリアだから、すごくいいエリアだよ。 Yeah, so we made it to the office it is about お台場みたいな感じだね。 I wasn't around [seven] look no one's here. We're trying [to] take a video company video kind of thing 飲み物も置いてある。 where [we] show the 分別できるようになってるゴミ箱 Like people coming in just be pretty cool. So look at that. Look how big it is look 向こうに会議室があって廊下がある。 How big the offices so what's cool about this office? Is that we share it with our parent company and いいでしょ。 All of the these tables with no desktop computers on it おっと、押すんだった。 So there's desktop over there so any place with no desktop computer is free space you can go work wherever you want 素敵な会議室でしょ。 Any of these [brown] tables? ここに置いてあるのは ちょっと高級なお水なんだ。 are basically 今日は忙しい日で 5つくらい会議が入ってるんだ。 The Lounge area is kind of cool マーケティング会議だ。 それからビデオの編集もしなきゃいけない。 It's like a stadium seating [like] [up] also that looks ミリーもくるから楽しみにしておいてね。 there's women over there helping any film and now yeah, here's just your lunch nice view outside some toyosu so ウェンビンが撮影のセッティングしてるよ。 Choice is kind of a cool hip area バナナ食べた? Think it's in like a [diaper] kind of place of course we have these あ、忘れてた very Japanese, so ウェンビンは横にいるよ。 Got your drinks drinks drinks 僕の横なんて彼はすごくラッキーだね。 More drinks of course you got a separate your trash here over here. We have ここにデスクトップがある。 Meeting [rooms] and this is the hallway 僕はラップトップを使ってる。 It's kind of cool. Oh 彼はデベロッパーのダレンだ。 Whoa open this way? 調子はどうだい? Nice meeting room right here this water right here suppose like expensive 誰がきたと思う? Water or decorate [closer] ミリーが会社にいるよ。 Yes, [generally] pretty busy. [I] think I'm like five or four meetings 彼女は日本語学習のための動画シリーズを作ってるから 気になる人はぜひチェックしてみてね。 On the marketing side and then I have to do some editing on some videos 日本の挨拶についてだよね? New Lee's coming in this morning ウェンビンのスケボの上に カメラを設置したよ。 So stay tuned [famiglia] should be here soon. There's women at work. This is nice. Sony camera go in もうちょっと撮影するよ。 今、会議が2つ終わった。 Go in there. Yeah, did you have your banana? [oh]? 僕はウェンビンの横でずっといるんだよ。 信じられる? So right now. We are waiting for 彼は本当にラッキーだよね。 [Tom] [lap] to finish. I'm gonna check some emails and write Samia was back to my balls [women's] right next to me 今、ウェンビンがマニュアルで タイムラプスを撮影しようとしている。 I'll lucky's win, but he gets us it. Thanks to me すべての会議が終わりました。 12時間くらい起きてるから疲れたよ。 this one [oh] もうちょっとビデオ撮影するよ。 most people have like a あと編集ちょっとして 家に帰ろうと思う。 Desktop computer, [I] just have my laptop right here Yeah, yeah, this is Darren right here. He is our developer How you doing big boy for the engineer? So look who came with a surprise visit? The mill stirrer is in the office today She made a ceramic a video series about learning Japanese, so interesting that check it out It's pretty good [right] those greetings greetings Japanese greetings Okay, there's my camera on top of women skateboard when I shoot some more stuff. Just finished two meetings Can you imagine [I] got [so] [next] to women all day? Every day. He swims lucky. There's one been right there trying to took a manual time lapse And see how he does so all meetings finished. It's about 6 p.m.. You've been up for 12 hours now I'm tiring it at the office luckily We are still filling for the video. I've got to edit some videos, and yeah, I think I've already heading home soon
A2 初級 日本語 米 撮影 レーン 会議 すごく ゾーン ビデオ MY DAILY TOKYO LIFE ROUTINE |JAPANESE OFFICE AND TOKYO WORK LIFE EP. 2 (MY DAILY TOKYO LIFE ROUTINE |JAPANESE OFFICE AND TOKYO WORK LIFE EP. 2) 71 2 Mayu Okuuchi に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語