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  • I mean, we're just helpless at the moment.

  • We're losing hundreds and hundreds of koalas to these fires.

  • So we have to manage around the fire itself and that will take consultation

  • with rural fire service, national parks;

  • roundtable discussions to come up with plans so that we can

  • actually manage this threat.

  • Because although we got a lot of other threats, you know,

  • we've got diseases and dogs and it's the same,

  • it hasn't been the front of my mind because we've been dealing with

  • all these other threats for koalas.

  • But when these fires come through at this scale, you know,

  • these other threats are minuscule in comparison to the impact

  • it's having on all of these populations.

I mean, we're just helpless at the moment.


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A2 初級

私たちはどうしようもない」:数千頭のコアラが山火事の後に死んだと思われる ('We're helpless': thousands of koalas probably dead after wildfires)

  • 74 2
    Courtney Shih に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日