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  • Happy new year! (Japanese and Portuguese)


  • These are all ways that we say "Happy New Year" to each other.

    英日葡の3言語で 挨拶しました

  • And we really mean it to youwe want you to have a really happy new year.

    2020年も良い年になるよう お祈りしています

  • I want to share with you 7 ways to have a happy new year.

    今日は良い1年を過ごす為の 7つの法則をご紹介します

  • I plan on doing these things, and I hope you will too.

    私も皆さんと 実践したいと思います

  • So number 1: Do the right thing.

    1. 正しい事をする

  • Oftentimes the right thing isn't what feels good at the moment.

    正しい事が分っていても 面倒に感じる事があります

  • It's not always the easy thing to do.

    常に正しくあるのは 難しいですよね

  • You've heard it said "No pain, no gain." It's that same kind of idea.

    "労力なくして得るものなし"と 同じですね

  • If we think about what is the long-term win in situations, then we can think about what is the right thing.

    長期的に何が得られるか考えてみると 正しい行動が見えてきます

  • What is going to be good for me. What is going to be good for my family, for my friends.

    自分や 家族や 友達にとって 何が良い事か気付きます

  • Number 2: Take a break.

    2. 休息を取る

  • In society today we run, we go, it's from one thing to another.

    現代社会は忙しいです 1つ終わったら次が始まります

  • It's really easy to get drained.


  • We have to be more proactive than ever about taking a break.

    だからこそ積極的に 休む事が大事です

  • Where it's like "OK, I'm not going to work, I'm not going to worry about all these different things I have to do."

    "今は仕事をしない" "ToDoを一旦横に置く"

  • "I'm going to take a break. I'm going to enjoy time with the family."

    "僕は休むと決めた" "家族との時間を楽しむ"

  • "I'm going to get out and do something."

    "外に出掛けて 何かしよう"

  • When I do, I'm renewed.

    これによって リフレッシュします

  • My creativity starts flowing again, I have good, new ideas.

    創造力が湧き出て アイデアが生まれてきます

  • And I start enjoying life again.


  • Number 3: Try something new.

    3. 新しい事に挑戦する

  • Trying something new is the way that we grow as people.

    挑戦することで 人として成長します

  • It's the way that we find out things that we like that we didn't know we liked before.

    挑戦することで 好きな事が見つかります

  • It's the way we enjoy new experiences that we never thought we could try before.

    自分にはできないと思っていた事を 体験できるかもしれません

  • But if we don't let ourselves think outside the box, and let ourselves try something new, then we don't experience those things.

    新しい視点から物事を考えないと そうした体験を見逃すかもしれません

  • Number 4: Make new friends with people you respect.

    4. 尊敬できる人と友達になる

  • It's easy to run around with the same crowd that you always have,

    顔なじみといることは 楽かもしれません

  • And that's good. We need those good relationships with people.

    そういう深い関係も 必要です

  • But then there's people that we respect,

    でも尊敬する人と 時間を過ごすのも大事です

  • People that we see that are doing something that we really admire.

    行動が尊敬に値する 人達です

  • And they have a lifestyle that we admire.

    生き方が尊敬に値する 人達です

  • They're doing things the way that we would like to do them.

    自分にとって 模範となる人達です

  • Those are people that I want to reach out and connect with.

    私はそういう人達と 繋がりたいと思います

  • So I can have a friendship with them, so I can learn from them.

    友達になって彼らから 学ぶためです

  • And it helps me grow as a person.

    それによって 人として成長したいと思います

  • Number 5: Be present.

    5. 今を生きる

  • Oh boy! In this day in age, we have these things everywhere, right?

    難しいですよね 今の時代はこれがありますから

  • They're in our pockets, we have our smartphones.

    スマホを常にポケットに 入れてしまいます

  • And let me tell you what — I love my smartphone.


  • But it can be one of the biggest distractions to enjoying a moment together with friends, with family.

    でもこれが友達や家族との時間を 妨げる場合があります

  • It's so easy to be somewhere, but not be present.

    物理的には一緒でも "心ここにあらず"ですね

  • Not be engaged with the people there, with what's going on.

    大事な人や目の前の事に 集中できなくなります

  • So this year I'm going to make a focused effort to be present where I'm at.

    だから今年は一瞬一瞬を 大切に生きたいと思います

  • And to be interacting with people.

    人と意味のある 交流をもちたいです

  • Number 6: Be generous.

    6. 寛大になる

  • Society says that time and money are most important commodities.

    現代社会ではお金と時間の 重要性が強調されます

  • But I would say they are not.


  • They are extremely important,


  • But the most important commodity we have is our relationships with others.

    最も大事な財産は 人との関係だと信じています

  • It's other people.


  • And time and money should be leveraged towards other people.

    時間とお金を人の為に 投資すると価値が倍増します

  • Towards building our relationships.

    関係を築き上げるために 使います

  • Towards building, also, our own lives.

    それによって自分の人生も 豊かになります

  • And to do that, we need to be generous.

    そのためには寛大になる 必要があります

  • To be able to give to those who have a need.

    必要としてる人に 与えることです

  • To be able to invest in others.

    他人の人生に 投資をすることです

  • That is a very gratifying thing.

    私はとても やりがいがあると思います

  • And that leads into the last thing.

    これは最後の法則に 繋がります

  • Number 7: Help others succeed.

    7. 他人の成功に貢献する

  • We naturally think, and I naturally think, how can I succeed?

    誰でもまずは 自分の成功の事を考えますね

  • What can I do to improve myself?


  • What can I do to get ahead?


  • And those are fine things to think.

    それを考えることも 良いことですが

  • But something very interesting happens when we start thinking about "how can I help others succeed?"

    他人の成功に貢献したいと 考え始めると興味深い事が起きます

  • How can I help my wife succeed?


  • How can I help my kids succeed?


  • How can I help my friends succeed?


  • How can I help other people that I don't even know succeed?

    見知らぬ人の成功に どう貢献できるか?

  • When we start thinking that way, we look at what is the need that people have.

    この様に考える習慣がつくと 周囲の必要が見えてきます

  • Is there something that I have that I could help with that need?

    自分がその人の必要に 応えられるかもしれない

  • I'll tell you what:


  • The best businesses,


  • The most amazing ministries and churches,


  • The best colleges and universities were started this way.

    優秀な大学は全て この動機から始まったものです

  • Looking at what the need was, and how can I fulfill it.

    人の必要を見出して 応答しようとしたのです

  • I'm going to fill that need.


  • And all of a sudden, as we fill that need, as we're helping others succeed,

    他人の必要に応え 成功に貢献すると

  • It, in turn, makes us a success.

    私達も成功に 導かれます

  • Because we're helping, we're enabling other people.

    誰かの為に 仕えることを通して

  • And that's the kind of person that I want to be.


  • Well, I hope this list has been great for you!

    この動画が少しでも お役に立てたら嬉しいです

  • I wish you a happy new year as well!

    どうぞ良い1年を お過ごしください

Happy new year! (Japanese and Portuguese)



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