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  • At 407 ETR, a lot goes on behind the scenes

  • to provide you with a fast, safe and reliable drive.

  • We pay for all the policing and road maintenance and improvements on our highway

  • and complete construction projects overnight to keep you moving.

  • We move more people daily than the regional transit system

  • so naturally, traffic management is an important part of what we do.

  • Since 2001, we've virtually doubled our capacity

  • and now there are more than 125M trips on our highway each year.

  • Over the years, 407 ETR has increased capacity to accommodate more traffic

  • and now more than 80% of the highway is at its maximum number of lanes.

  • Our experts study traffic patterns year-round

  • to ensure your driving experience remains fast, safe and reliable.

  • We know it's busy out there, and we're taking care of the traffic

  • so that you can focus on what matters most

  • your business, your friends and your family.

At 407 ETR, a lot goes on behind the scenes


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407 ETR|一年を通してあなたを動かし続ける (407 ETR | Keeping you moving all year long)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日