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Tim Cook is worth an estimated $625 million.
ティムクックは、推定 6 億 2,500 万ドルの値打ちがあります。
As the CEO of Apple, he's the first openly gay CEO in the Fortune 500.
Apple の CEO として、彼は全米上位 500 社のランキングするフォーチュン 500 に載せられたで最初の同性愛者と公表した CEO です。
And in 2018, Apple became the first U.S. company ever to be worth $1 trillion.
そして 2018 年に、Apple は 1 兆ドルの価値を持つ史上初の米国企業となりました。
But compared to his counterparts in the tech world, his net worth is pretty modest.
Google founder and Alphabet CEO, Larry Page, is worth $53 billion.
Google の創設者兼アルファベット CEO のラリー・ペイジは、530 億ドルの値打ちがあります。
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is worth just under $70 billion.
フェースブックの CEO、マーク・ザッカーバーグは 700 億ドル弱の値打ちがあります。
And Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos is the first person in modern history to accumulate a fortune north of $100 billion.
Amazon の CEO であるジェフ・ベゾスは、現代史上初めて 1,000 億ドルの財を築いた人物です。
Cook doesn't lead a lavish lifestyle, and has said, "I like to be reminded of where I came from, and putting myself in modest surroundings helps me do that."
The Alabama native had a humble start in life as the son of a shipyard worker and pharmacy employee.
When he was promoted as Apple's CEO in 2011, his base salary was $900,000, and has risen to $3 million in 2017.
2011 年に Apple の CEO に昇進したとき、彼の基本給は 90 万ドルでしたが、2017 年には 300 万ドルに上がりました。
He also receives a cash incentive based on the company's performance, which pushed his total pay for 2017 to over $12 million.
また、彼は会社の業績に応じて現金の奨励金を受け取るので、2017 年の総給与は 1200 万ドル以上にのぼりました。
But his net worth consists mainly of $622 million worth of Apple's stock and options he has collected since becoming CEO.
しかし、彼の純資産は、主に 6 億 2,200 万ドル相当の Apple の株式とオプションで構成されており、CEO になってから集めたものです。
And $3.4 million of Nike stock options he gets as a member of Nike's board of directors.
そして、彼が Nike の取締役会のメンバーとして獲得する Nike ストックオプションは 340 万ドルになります。
So, how does Apple's leader spend his fortune?
では、Apple のリーダーはどのように彼の財産を使うのでしょうか?
Quite differently than other CEOs of tech giants.
ハイテク大手他社の CEO とは、まったく異なります。
In 2012, he bought a 2,400 square foot home in Palo Alto, for $1.9 million.
2012 年、彼はパロアルトにある 2,400 平方フィートの家を 190 万ドルで購入しました。
The median cost of a home in Palo Alto in 2018 is $3.3 million.
2018 年のパロアルトの家の平均費用は 330 万ドルです。
And his frugality doesn't stop at the housing market.
He reportedly buys his underwear at Nordstrom's semi-annual sale.
But Cook does splurge when it comes to donating to good causes.
A philosophy that differs from that of his predecessor, who lacked a record of public giving.
He encourages his employees to give and has led Apple into many philanthropic endeavors.
彼は従業員にも寄付することを奨励し、Apple を多くの慈善活動に導いてきました。
In 2011, he instated a company-wide, nonprofit donation matching program.
2011 年、彼は全社的な非営利寄付マッチングプログラムを宣言しました。
Over the past 10 years, Apple has contributed $130 million to help RED fight AIDS.
過去 10 年間、Apple はエイズ対策プログラムを支持するプロダクト(RED)が AIDS と戦うために 1 億 3,000 万ドルを寄付しました。
$100 million to advance diversity in tech, through President Barack Obama's ConnectED initiative.
そしてオバマ大統領の ConnectED イニシアチブを通じて、技術の多様性を促進するために 1 億ドル、
$50 million to hospitals and more.
病院などに 5000 万ドル以上も寄付しています。
Cook practices what he preaches, too.
He's donated to civil rights efforts.
And in 2018, he donated more than 23,000 shares of his Apple stock, valued at just under $5 million to an undisclosed charity.
そして 2018 年、彼は非公開の慈善団体に 500 万ドル弱の Apple 株を 23,000 株以上寄付しました。
He also regularly makes campaign donations.
He's hosted fundraisers for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
And in 2016, he donated $236,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund.
そして 2016 年、彼はヒラリー勝利基金に 236,000 ドルを寄付しました。
Cook's altruism even applies to his future financial plans.
He intends to use his wealth to put his nephew through college.
And upon his death, he plans to give away all his money to good causes.
He told Fortune magazine, "You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change."
Windows 8 shipped about a year before Mavericks, and it's at 14%.
Windows 8 は Mavericks の約 1 年前に出荷され、それは 14% になります。