字幕表 動画を再生する
Internet news: The armed conflict between Ecuador and Peru
has been prolonged and the tension is growing.
The U.S. expressed a stance to strengthen the military presence in Colombia.
(ネットニュース音声) エクアドル ペルー間の交戦が長期化し
Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Venezuela protested against it.
The president of Argentine, Ricardo, stated,
コロンビアの駐留米軍 増強を 表明したアメリカに対し
"We must regard the decision made by the U.S."
キューバ ボリビア ニカラグア ベネズエラが共同で抗議声明を発表
"as a sign of intervention by military forces."
また アルゼンチンの リカルド大統領も
I heard Venezuela will declare war against Columbia
“米国の判断は軍事介入の予兆と 見なすしかない”と
once the U.S. troops step into Peru.
So it would be a disaster if they found out where we are now.
(レブナー) ペルーに米軍が踏み込めば
At this rate the world may sink into chaos.
ベネズエラはコロンビアに 宣戦布告するとさ
It might be something inevitable in history.
(フェルナンド)つまり 俺たちの居所が バレたら 大惨事ってわけだ
But if there is a different future,
(ボウマン) このまま 世界は
tonight will be a watershed moment.
混とんに 沈むのかもしれない
We'll take out the enemy in the shadows.
The world will never find out about this battle.
我々には あらがえないのかもしれない
I just want to prove my own pride.
だが もし 違う未来があるとしたら
I'd risk my life for it.
今夜は その分水嶺だ
Ready to fly.
我々は影に潜む敵を 影の中でたたく
No strategy better than analysis, no tactic better than discipline.
世界が この戦いを知ることはない
And the advantage of strategy and tactics can never be overturned by numbers.
We've waited for seven years to deliver the outcome today.
Bowman: All the Ravens have landed.
Bowman: Three minutes of delay.
(降下システム音声ガイダンス) 減圧10秒前
Catch up! Move!
(ロードマスター) ドア開放準備完了
Squadsmen: Aye, sir!
(降下システム音声ガイダンス) 減圧開始
Miyajima: Damn! They've moved up the plan.
Fernando: What should we do?
(ボウマン)分析に勝る戦略はなく 鍛錬に勝る戦術はない
No choice but to deliver it immediately.
そして戦略と戦術の優位は 決して数では覆せない
We can make it.
7年に渡った雌伏の成果を ついに示す時が来た
Loewner: Changing clothes in front of the enemy?
(降下システム音声ガイダンス) 高度12000フィート
Bowman: Cool it, marine! Remember the training.
Raven to FedEx.
Requesting express delivery of Package-02.
Sending delivery location.
Divide into two teams. I will infiltrate their line.
Raven 2, follow me.
(ボウマン) レイブン各機 目標地点に着陸
Miyajima: Aye, sir. Right behind you.
(ボウマン) 予定を3分オーバーだ
Bowman: They're quick!
ここから取り戻す 飛ばすぞ
Miyajima: Is it the Outcast Brigade, just as we thought?
(隊員) 了解!
Bowman: They're too good to be Ecuadorian troops.
It has to be.
(ミヤジマ)まずいぞ 奴ら 予定を繰り上げた!
Miyajima: Shit!
(フェルナンド) どうする?
We're in deep shit, aren't we?
やむを得ん 今すぐ配達を手配する
Bowman: No. Don't let them retreat.
Fight to your last breath, marine!
(レブナー) 敵の目の前で着替えを?
Bowman: Shit. We're facing the limit.
(ボウマン) びびるな 訓練どおりやればいい
Fernando: Did you miss me?
こちら レイブン! フェデックスへ
Miyajima: That was a close call.
パッケージ02 速達要請
Bowman: Let's finish them!
Miyajima: Aye aye, sir.
2機が先行し かく乱する
Loewner: Sniper!
レイブン2 俺に続け
Fernando: Damn! Hole in the radar!
(ミヤジマ) 了解 お供します
Use it as a shield! Move!
Fernando: Damn! I remember seeing this in an ANIME.
Loewner: Have they gone?
(ボウマン) こいつら 素早い!
Bowman: No. It's just begun.
(ミヤジマ)やはり アウトキャスト・ブリゲード?