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Today was a lot more emotional than I thought.
I feel that I found a connection with snowboarding.
理解できた気がするんだ 真のスノーボードを
We were up at 4:30 this morning.
But you see the mountains, and you see the landscape.
だけど この美しい山々や 景色を見ると
It gives you energy.
The challenge of it, physically, mentally, emotionally,
そこは肉体 精神 そして情熱が試される場所
I like to push the boundaries.
Climbing up was tough, actually.
実際 山を登るのは過酷だったよ
We're quite high up with, obviously, altitude.
It took a minute to get used to it, but I couldn't not enjoy this.
慣れるまで少しかかったけど この試練さえ楽しめたよ
I actually don't mind being a student.
新しい扉を開けることは いつだって魅力的なんだ
- Are you nervous? - No.
- 怖い? - いや
- Not at all? - A little bit!
- 全然? - 少しだけね
The mountains, the snow, everything about it is spectacular,
山々 雪 すべて最高さ
so you enjoy it.
As soon as I'm on the slopes, I feel 18 again.
スロープに立つと 18歳の頃に戻った気分だ
It's a great thing to try and learn from a world-class athlete.
ワールドクラスのアスリートとともに 新たな挑戦ができる
It's been an incredible experience and I want to do more.
これは 何にもかえがたい 経験だよ もっとやりたいくらいさ
What do we do next? I don't know.
It's like we say, born to dare.
ひとつだけ言えることは 常に BornToDare であるということさ
So, we'll see.