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Hi, I'm Dr. Michael Breus.
Some of you may know me as The Sleep Doctor.
I've spent the last 19 years seeing patients, doing research and educating everyone on the benefits of a good night's sleep.
私はこれまで 19 年間、患者さんを診ながら、調査研究を行い、夜しっかり眠ることのメリットを皆さんにお伝えしてきました。
Today I'm going to dispel a myth that surrounds the two most abused substances worldwide, caffeine and alcohol.
The truth is, there are a lot of stories about the effect of both of these products on sleep.
本当のところ、この 2 つが睡眠に与える影響については諸説あります。
Caffeine is the most popular fast-acting stimulant in the world today.
Coffee accounts for 54% of all the caffeine consumed in the world, tea accounts for the other 43%.
コーヒーは世界で消費されているカフェインの 54% を、一方紅茶は 43% を占めています。
So, 97% of all the caffeine taken daily around the world comes from these two products.
ですから、世界で日常的に摂取されているカフェインの 97% はこの 2 つから来てるということ。
On any given day, 85% of all Americans use at least one caffeinated product.
どんな日でも、アメリカ人の 85% がカフェインを含む製品を少なくとも一つは摂取しています。
In fact, the amount of caffeine consumed on an average day by adult Americans is about 300 milligrams per person.
実は、成人アメリカ人の一般的な一日のカフェインの消費量は、一人当たり、およそ 300 ミリグラム。
That's about three times higher than the world average.
世界の平均の 3 倍以上なんです。
But before we go and condemn the Americans for ingesting too much caffeine, that's only half of the daily caffeine consumed in heavy tea-drinking countries, like England and Sweden.
Now, most people think caffeine doesn't stay in their body system very long.
"I can drink a cup of coffee after dinner and I'll be fine to go to sleep."
「私は夕食後にコーヒー 1 杯飲んだとしても、睡眠に問題ないですよ。」
That's what lots of people tell me.
Well, that's a very popular myth.
The half-life of caffeine in your body is between six and eight hours.
体内でのカフェインの半減期は 6~8 時間ほど。
That means if you consume 100 milligrams of caffeine in the morning, six to eight hours later, you're still going to have 50 milligrams that's impacting your system.
ということは、100 ミリグラムのカフェインを朝消費した場合、6~8 時間後もまだ 50 ミリグラムのカフェインが残っていて、体内組織に影響を及ぼすということです。
We know that when you have about half of your total daily intake, it does not affect the ability to fall asleep.
1 日の総摂取量の半分ほどなら、睡眠への影響がないことは分かっています。
So if you want to go to bed at 10:00 pm without having caffeine affecting your sleep habits, you need to stop drinking caffeine by about 2:00 pm.
ですから、カフェインの影響を受けることなく午後 10 時に就寝したいなら、午後 2 時までにはカフェインの摂取をやめておく必要があります。
Now, for those of you working in high-paced jobs, the idea of giving up caffeine so early in the day is quite surprising.
But if you want to achieve optimum sleep, it's important to remove the stimulant, like caffeine.
While you may feel like the buzz from a cup of coffee or tea only lasts for an hour or two, in fact, its impact lasts much longer.
コーヒーや紅茶を飲んで得られる興奮状態が続くのは、せいぜい 1、2 時間程くらいに感じていたかもしれません。ですが、その影響はもっと長く続くのです。
Okay, so then what if you can't sleep?
Alcohol is the number one sleep aid in the world.
You'd think that would be a good thing, but alcohol also deprives you from feeling the effects of deep sleep, mainly stages three and four which can have the most important impact on your body.
それはいいんじゃないかと思うかもしれませんが、アルコールもまた、主に、体に最も重要な影響を及ぼす睡眠段階 3~4 の深睡眠時に得られる効果を奪ってしまいます。
So, you need to give your body time to absorb the alcohol before allowing yourself to go to sleep.
It takes the average human body approximately one hour to absorb one alcoholic beverage.
平均的な人の身体がアルコール飲料 1 本分のアルコールを吸収するまでにかかる時間は 1 時間ほど。
So if you're going to be drinking in the evening and have, say, three glasses of wine, you need to make sure to give your body at least three hours after the last glass before going to sleep.
つまり、夜お酒を飲もうという場合は、ワイン 3 杯程度なら、最後の 1 杯は少なくとも就寝時間の 3 時間前に飲み終えていなければなりません。
This will allow your body to recover so it can provide you with the best sleep possible.
So the problem isn't necessarily alcohol itself, but how we process it.
It's okay to drink alcohol, but the key is timing.
Timing is critical in terms of how it affects your sleep, your health and your next day.
So, no alcohol.
Then you might be wondering, what can I do for a good night's rest?
Exercise is a simple way to improve the quality of your sleep.
As little as 20 to 25 minutes of daily exercise will improve the length and depth of your sleep.
最低でも 20~25 分の運動を日常的に行うことで、睡眠時間の長さ、深さともに改善されるでしょう。
However, if you exercise too close to bedtime, it might affect your ability to fall asleep.
A good rule is not to exercise within four hours of your desired bedtime.
正しいルールは、眠りたい時間の 4 時間前を過ぎたら運動をしないようにすること。
Otherwise, you may actually find sleep more difficult.
Another big thing is the negative impact of using your phone or tablet when you're going to bed at night.
もう 1 つ覚えておきたいことは、就寝前のスマホやタブレットの使用は睡眠に悪影響を及ぼすということです。
Your exposure to light can cause a whole host of sleep problems.
Getting some form of light within 30 minutes of waking up is usually one of the best things you can do for your circadian rhythms in the morning, but you don't want that blue light at night.
一般的に、起床の際に何らかの光を 30 分以下浴びることは、朝の体内時計を調節できるのでとても良いんです。でも、夜にブルーライトを浴びるのはよくありません。
Doing something like going out to get the morning paper or taking your dog for a walk is a wonderful way to help your body establish this new waking pattern.
But what we're talking about is blue light.
That's the type of light that is emitted from either your mobile phone or your tablet.
What people don't realize is that blue light is like caffeine for the brain.
It causes a reaction in your body that suppresses the melatonin, which is what helps regulate your sleep cycles.
So if you want to develop healthy sleep patterns, it's important not to use your phone in bed.
Because when you turn your phone on and surf even for as little as five minutes, it can have a dramatic effect on your system, and it's kind of like taking a shot of caffeine.
スマホでネットサーフする時間が 5 分足らずだとしても、身体への影響は驚くほど大きく、カフェインショットを飲むようなものなのです。
And that's definitely not what you want to be doing late at night.
So to sum it up, don't drink caffeine past 2:00 pm, don't drink alcohol right before bedtime.
ではまとめてみましょう。午後 2 時以降にカフェインを取らないこと、就寝直前にアルコールを取らないこと。
The rule is if you have two glasses of wine, you need to give your body at least two hours before going to sleep.
飲酒のルールは、ワイン 2 杯なら、少なくとも就寝前 2 時間は時間を空けること。
Exercise 20 to 25 minutes a day will give you a better night's rest, and put that phone away just before bed.
1 日に 20~25 分ほどの運動は、夜の睡眠を改善してくるということ。そして寝る前はスマホを使わないこと。
If you want to learn to sleep like a champion and optimize your sleep for increased energy and productivity, sign up for my upcoming Masterclass with Mindvalley.
I'll have you sleeping like a baby in no time.
See you in the Masterclass.