字幕表 動画を再生する
What's going on Coyote Pack?
Coyote Pack は今何をしているでしょうか?
Right now we're in Costa Rica filming episodes at a location called Kids Saving the Rainforest, and today I met an animal that I absolutely must introduce you to.
今、私たちはちょうどコスタリカで来て、Kids Saving the Rainforest で撮影をしており、皆さんに是非とも紹介したい動物に遭遇しました。
Get ready to meet the most adorable animal in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, say hello to B-rad.
皆さん、B-rad にあいさつをしてください。
This creature is just unbelievably adorable.
That's a hat.
Oh, goodness...
Selfie' with the sloth.
Now, B-rad is a baby Three-Toed Sloth.
B-rad はミツユビナマケモノの赤ちゃん。
Yeah, you want to give me a high-three?
High-three, there you go.
What's really interesting about these creatures is they're called three-toed sloths, but actually the front feet are the fingers.
Now, they use these three claws to help them climb around in the tree tops.
This is an arboreal species.
- He looks like a little yeti.
That's a hat.
You've probably never seen a cowboy hat before.
He's like, "Hmmm, maybe I should climb up here."
But I don't think we're going to let you go up there, little buddy, why don't you stay down here on your stuffed sloth.
- Is that a sloth teddy bear?
Yeah, this is a stuffed sloth, a plush sloth, and a real sloth.
I love the gray and whitish coloration of the fur and that very distinct raccoon looking mask on the face.
And you know what I love about the hair of the sloth?
It all kind of grows from the sides backwards and that's so when they're hanging upside down from tree limbs, if it rains the water runs right off of them.
You see that? It's like...
It all grows up towards the spine instead of the spine down.
Now, B-rad is smaller than most baby sloths, and the staff here at the sanctuary believes that he many have been malnourished when he was out there in the wild, and it could be part of the reason that he fell out of a tree.
B-rad は他のほとんどのナマケモノの赤ちゃんよりも小さく、この保護区にいるスタッフは自然界にいる時に栄養失調になり、そしてそれが彼が木から落ちた一つの理由ではないかと考えています。
Fortunately, he was brought here to the sanctuary, and they're going to provide him with all the nourishment that he needs so he can grow bigger and stronger and eventually be released back out into the wild.
Now, baby sloths make a really interesting noise and B-rad's not making it, but they do go...
今、B-rad は出していませんが、赤ちゃんナマケモノたちが非常に興味深い音を出しています、しかし。。。
I'm talking to you, I can speak sloth.
That right there is a cecropia leaf.
Let's see if B-rad is hungry.
B-rad がおなかすいてるか見てみましょう。
Oh, he's going for it.
Oh, goodness.
Do you see that?
I don't know what's cuter, the baby sloth itself or the baby sloth eating a leaf.
Now, sloths have a very specific diet.
As you can imagine, being up in the tree top canopy, they're consuming leaves, mainly leaves.
These are cecropia leaves right here.
And the sloth has a very slow digestive system.
All that plant matter builds up in their digestive tract, and every seven days they climb down from the tree tops to the forest floor, find a nice little spot, dig a hole with their tail.
すべての植物物質は消化器官に蓄積され、そして 7 日に 1 回の周期で地面に降りてきて、こじんまりとしたいい場所を探し、尻尾で穴を掘るのです。
Yeah, the tail, this little tiny nubbin.
It kind of looks like a shovel.
They dig a hole, they do their business, and then, as long as predator doesn't catch and eat it, the sloth climbs back up its tree, goes about its business eating leaves, and waits another seven days before it makes its next number two.
彼らは穴を掘り、排便をします、そして捕食者に捕まり食べられない限り、ナマケモノは木に戻り、普段通りの葉っぱを食べるという生活に戻るのです、そして次の排泄は 7 日後ということになるのです。
B-rad, is it almost time for you to go number two?
B-rad そろそろ2枚目を食べるころかな?
He's like, "Don't bug me, I'm eating my salad."
B-rad I'm going to just...
B-rad 僕はただ。。。
- Save that for later.
You know what, I think I could spend my entire afternoon hanging out with a sloth.
Just you and me B-rad, we could go on little walks together.
B-rad と僕だけで、少し一緒に散歩でも出来たらいいね。
I bet you'd fit in my pocket.
I don't think they'd want me to put you in my pocket, but you would look really cute in my front shirt pocket.
You like that? Do you like that idea?
気に入った? この考え気に入った?
I think he's signing to me right now.
He's saying, "Man, I would love to hang out."
You could come on adventures, you could meet the crew.
You could meet Mario, you could meet Mark.
We could all be buddies, what do you think?
Now, here at the sanctuary they oftentimes have sloths come in almost on a daily basis, especially during the time of year when baby sloths are being born.
And it is sad that sometimes these babies fall out of the tree, and a lot of times they become victim to predators, but every once in a while you have a human that comes along and finds a sloth first and then ends up here at a place like Kids Saving the Rainforest where they can be rehabilitated, taken care of, given lots of love and nourishment, and eventually released back out into the wild.
そして悲しいことに、これらの赤ちゃんはしばしば木から落ちて、多くの場合捕食者の餌食になります、しかし、時折やってくる人間がナマケモノを先に見つけ、最終的に自然界に戻れるように、看病し、たくさんの愛と栄養をもらえる Kids Saving the Rainforest のような場所にやってきて、そして最後には自然界に放たれるのです。
And that eventually will be the story for B-rad.
これが最終的に B-rad の物語になるのです。
Another incredible success story here at Kids Saving the Rainforest, and in just probably a few months, you'll be back out there in the rain forest living the sloth life.
また Kids Saving the Rainforest での信じられないサクセスストーリーは、数か月のうちにここに戻り熱帯雨林でナマケモノとしての生活を送ることができる点です。
Well, how cool was this, spending just a few moments getting up close with B-rad, the adorable three-toed sloth.
えっと、ちょっとだけですが一緒に過ごして愛らしいミツユビナマケモノ B-rad と親しくなれて、とてもクールな体験でした。
I'm Coyote Peterson - be brave, stay wild, we'll see you on the next location.
僕は勇敢でワイルドな Coyote Peterson です、次のロケ地でお会いしましょう。
Oh, look at that yawn.
Who's ready for a nap?
If you thought B-rad was adorable, make sure to go back for a double dose of sloth cuteness as I compared the three-toed and two-toed sloths.
B-rad を愛らしいと感じていただけたなら、僕がミツユビナマケモノとフタユビナマケモノをご紹介したいようにナマケモノの可愛さをぜひ見返してみてください
And don't forget, subscribe, so you can join me and the crew on the next location!