字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント This is a Day in a Life of a Japanese Game Programmer. 今回はゲームプログラマーの1日に密着すっぞ! This is Masa. 彼の名前はMASA 23 year old programmer living in Tokyo and working for one of the largest video game companies in Japan. 東京の住む23歳のプログラマーだ And this is how he starts his workday. 日本で最も大きなゲーム会社の一つに勤めてるんだ He lives alone in a typical Japanese apartment. 彼の1日はこうして始まる Which are known for their efficient use of space like this enclosed unit bath with built-in sink facilities. MASAは一人暮らし。 日本ではよく見る作りのマンションに住んでる Masa, how long does it take for you to get ready for work? 日本のマンションはスペースを最大限に生かした作りになっているんだ Like most salaryman in Tokyo, he commutes to work by train, door-to-door about 40 minutes, so it's not bad. 例えば、このユニットバス。シンクと一体化してるだろ But, more than half of his trip is walking to and from the train station. MASA、仕事の日は準備に何分くれぇかかるんだ? Not pleasant on rainy days like this. 一般的なサラリーマンと同じくMASAは電車通勤だ Alright, so Masa should be coming soon, but the typhoons these months have been really, really crazy. ドアtoドアで40分だから悪くねぇな Dang! Look! The trains are super packed! でもその通勤時間のほとんどが歩きなんだ Crazy typhoon, right? 今日みてぇに雨の日は大変だ So, Masa works for Bandai Namco Studios, which is the network entertainment unit of Bandai Namco group. もうすぐMASAが到着する頃だ They're known for developing popular game paddles like Tekken, Mario Kart, and even Pac-Man. でも今月は台風がすごくてさ And, there's about a thousand employees in the Tokyo office spread across five floors. あ、めっちゃ満員電車だぞ That's his digital timecard. 台風凄かっただろ He's officially clocked in now. MASAが働くのはバンダイナムコスタジオ Also, common in many Japanese companies is for employees to change into slippers for the work day. バンダイナムコグループのネットワークエンターテイメントユニットの会社だ So, this is Masa's office. 鉄拳やパックマン、マリオカートの開発にも携わったすげー会社なんだ! Very common Japanese tile-desk with low dividers. ここのオフィスは5フロアあって、大体1000人ほどの人が働いてるんだって So, Masa keeps his desk area simple like many of his coworkers. デジタルタイムカードを押したぞ It's very different when compared to Western desks which are often littered with decorations and family pictures. これで正式に仕事スタートだ First thing in the morning, he checks his email as well as the internal company's social network for updates, while also having a quick breakfast. 日本の会社ではスリッパに履き替えるのは割とよくあるんだ Masa, where did you buy a juice? これがMASAのオフィス。低めのディバイダーがついたデスクは日本でよく見るスタイルだ What is that? どのデスクもそうだけど、MASAのデスクはシンプルにまとまってるだろ So, Masa is doing his morning task right now. 欧米とは全然違うよな。飾り付けはしねぇし、家族写真も日本では置かねぇんだ It's gonna be some time before he has kind of like a break, because he's pretty focused. MASAは朝一にメールと社内SNSのチェックをする So, let's go walk around the office and see what kind of facilities they have! で、その間にパパッと朝メシを済ませんだ So, right behind Masa's desk, they have a game corner kind of placed right here. そのジュースどこで買ったんだ? And they have the Switch, they have the PlayStation, they have Xbox, and they even have some virtual reality gear! それはなんだ? I guess you get to play games anytime you want which is pretty cool! MASAは朝の業務で忙しそうだな Wow! 一息入れられるまで少し時間がかかりそうだから And just below here, there's a big, big computer! オラはオフィスの探検でもすっか! I think it's an alienware MASAのデスクのちょうど後ろにさ、 ゲーム置き場があるんだ computer. スウィッチとかプレステ、Xボックス Looks like one powerful machine. バーチャルリアリティのやつもあるぞ All right, so this is the break room area on the second floor. 好きな時にゲームができるなんて最高だな! Let's see what they have! すぐ下には巨大なパソコンが置いてある Separate all of the trash. Alien wareかな They have burnables, you have the cans, and the bottles and you also have the non-burnables like plastic. パワフルな機械に違いねぇ They have a hot water pot and microwave. ここは2階の休憩スペース So, this behind me is their snack corner but it runs on the honor system. 何があるか見てみるぞ So, basically at the top, you have a place where you deposit money. ゴミの仕分けをするのか All the different chocolates or candies, they have a price for it. 燃えるゴミにカン、ペットボトル And even the refrigerator has the frozen treats like ice cream and whatnot. それから燃えないゴミ And you just need to pay on the honor system. ポットに電子レンジもあるぞ And then you take what you actually paid for. これはスナックコーナーなんだけどさ I don't know how would this do in your country's office? 自分で清算するシステムなんだ All right, and so, let's check what's down here. 上にお金を入れるところがあって So, this place says library, but in fact, it's not a library of books! It's a library of games! チョコや飴、それぞれ値段が書いてある Check this out! 冷蔵庫にはアイスクリーム とかのフローズンスウィーツが入ってんだ So, they have all these different consoles all the way from like Nintendo to PC Engine. 自分が欲しいものの金額を自分で払うってシステムだ I don't even know what it is. みんなのオフィスでこのシステムは成り立つと思うか? An original NES here. 下の階にきた。何があるか見てみっぞ Gamecube. 今オラが入ってきたのはライブラリー An original Sega. でもここは本のライブラリーじゃねぇ。 ゲームのライブラリーなんだ!! Sega Saturn. いろんなゲーム機が置いてあるぞ Even a Family Computer. 昔の任天堂から They have like every single game ever! PCエンジン?オラこれは聞いたことねぇ And it's not just in this aisle! ゲームキューブにオリジナルのセガ They have this aisle and they have this aisle. セガサターン And then they have this aisle but... ファミリーコンピューターもある But this aisle actually looks like books. 思いつくもんはなんでもあんぞ! They even have all kinds of game cartridges from back-in-the-day. しかもここの列だけじゃねぇ Nintendo DS. こっちにもあるし They even have like a baseball game. こっちにも Sim City. まだあるぞ I wonder how many years it would take to play all of these games. でもこの列は本が置いてある What's your favorite old-school console? 歴代のゲームソフトもいっぺー並んでんだ Because I'm sure they probably have it here. ニンテンドーDS So, this area here is their administration section of the office. 野球のゲームもあるぞ It's kind of like the business side of the company. これはシムシティ And this behind me is where all of the executives stay. ここにあるゲームを全部遊ぶのに何年くれぇかかるんかな? So, this area is a lot nicer than the common area. みんなの好きな歴代ゲーム機は何だ? But as you can see, the office are fairly reasonable. きっとそれもここに置いてあるはずだ The president's room is fairly the same size as the other executives. このエリアは運営側の人たちが座ってる Finally! ビジネスサイドを管理する社員の人達だな Lunch Time! この辺のエグゼクティブの部屋が並んでる So, he's Masa's Douki, which means the co-worker who started working at the company at the same time. 一般社員の席と比べるとかなりいい感じだけど In fact, it's common for many Japanese companies to do mass hiring once-a-year for college graduates. やりすぎじゃないのが好感度が高いよな Just outside this dope cafeteria, food trucks come during lunch time. 社長室の大きさも他のエグゼクティブとあまり変わらないし Apparently, the trucks vary each day. やっと昼メシだ! But damn, it doesn't look like a pleasant experience waiting in line during this typhoon. 彼はMASAの「同期」 Masa, do you always eat here? 同期っていうのは、同じ時期に同じ会社で働き始めた人のことだ So, is this the only office in Japan? 日本の大きな会社は、年に一度、新卒を大人数雇用するのが一般的なんだ That's a decent option for lunch! 昼休みには、このいい雰囲気のカフェテリアの外に、フードトラックが来るんだ Itadakimasu is a customary term used by Japanese before each meal. 毎日違うトラックが来るんだって Meaning: "Let's Eat." or "Thank you for the Meal!" 台風の日に外に並ぶんは大変だな Looks like they have a little time before their lunch break finishes. I wonder where they're going. MASA、いつもここで食ってんのか? What is that? この会社のオフィスはここだけなのか? Oh wow! うまそうな昼メシだな They take their Pac-Man serious here! 日本人はメシを食う前に「いただきます」っていうのが文化がある And like all the games here, it's also free-to-play anytime. Let's EatとかThank you for the mealって訳されることが多いな Masa, so what are you doing now? 昼休みが終わるまで少し時間があるな So, kinda got some free time while Masa is working. どこに行くんだろう? So, why don't we spend this time and maybe go meet some people. それはなんだ? So, apparently, they have all their different teams working in different parts of the office. パックマンに関しては本気だ We're actually on a different floor right now. それにここにあるゲームはいつでも好きな時に使っていいんだ Excuse me. MASA、今からは何すんだ? So, what kind of work do you do? MASAが仕事中、オラは暇だから What's Code Vein? 他の社員さんに話を聞きに行こうぜ So, Code Vein is a dramatic, exploration, action RPG. オフィス内には色々なチームがあるみてぇだ With animated-out characters in a challenging and dangerous dungeon environment. 今オラは違うフロアに来てる So, can you show me? おっす! I think he was ready to show it. どんな仕事をしてるんですか? He want the game right now. コードヴェインってなんだ? But, he's just asking some of those guys to prepare the game for me and they're gonna put it on the screen. コードヴェインは、ドラマチック探索アクションRPGで So yeah, I'm kind of excited to see what kind of game it is. 魅了的なキャラクターが危険で難しいダンジョンをするゲームなんだって Wow, this is an attractive looking game. How long did it take to develop this game? オラ、そのゲーム見てぇ! He also said that at one time, there was about 200 people involved in developing the game. 無理なお願いしちまったかな And even when it's released, development is still not complete as they update the game based on user feedback and create new downloadable content. 今、チームの人とゲームの準備をしてくれてる Alright, this is kind of fun. Let's go ask more people what they're doing. このスクリーンで見せてくれるみたいだ It looks like just over there, the people are having a meeting. Let's see what they're doing. どんなゲームなんだろう?楽しみだな Excuse me. Can I ask you guys some questions? スッゲー面白そう! So, what do you do? 開発にはどのくれぇかかったんだ? What were you guys doing just now? 一時期はゲームの開発に200人もの人が関わってた時もあるんだって Can I get a peek at what you're working on? それに、ゲームが完成した後も Oh wow! ユーザーの声を聞きながらアップデートしたり They have a real-deal Tekken 7 machine! ダウンロードコンテンツを作ったりするんだって Found that game-centers are right next to their work-desk! 面白かったな!他の人にも話を聞きに行こうぜ I guess testing character functionality is part of a days work for these developers, or maybe this is how they settle arguments in the office. そこでミーティングしてる人達がいんぞ So, it looks like Masa is not in his seat right now. あの人たちに話しかけようぜ He's supposed to be here, but I guess not. おっす!質問してもいい? Maybe he went somewhere. Let's go find out where he is. 何の仕事をしてるんですか? Oh, there's Masa! He's having a scrum meeting! たった今何をしてたんだ? I believe he has this meeting everyday for 30 minutes. They review what they programmed the previous day. それちょっとだけ見てぇな〜 What needs to be done today and share and discuss problems for the future. おーすげー!本気の鉄拳7ゲーム機が置いてある! And they use software to manage all the tasks and display it on the screen during their meeting. ゲームセンターに置いてあるようなやつがデスクの隣にあるぞ! Oh, are you going to code again? ゲームをテストするのもディベロッパーの仕事なのかな So, where are we now? それか、意見が分かれた時はこれで決着をつけるのかも Okay. あれ、MASAは席を離れてるみてぇだな So, Masa has a full-on employee nap space at his office. ここにいるはずなんだけど And he even brought his own heated-steamed eye mask. 探しに行こうぜ He sure doesn't mess around when it comes to his naps. あ、MASA!スクラムミーティング中だ What is that? 毎日30分スクラムミーティングをするんだ Now he's back to his coding again, so basically this is what Masa does all day. 前日の作業内容の確認、作業の問題点の共有、そして今日行う作業の確認をし合うんだ I mean from morning till the afternoon till the evening before he goes home. タスクはソフトウェアで管理してて、それをするクリーンに映しながら話し合う He is programming like this in front of a black screen. またコーディング作業すんのか? Oh! He's going to the finance department to ask about expenses. ここは一体何なんだ? So, this is the second scrum meeting. MASAのオフィスには昼寝スペースがあるんだ The Sprint Review: Held once every two weeks. しかもスチームアイマスク持参だぞ! Usually, they combine it with their first scrum meeting but due to scheduling issues with one of the other members: they have to break up the meeting today. MASAは昼寝する時も本気だ It is interesting though that they use post-it notes to do their final review. これはなんだ I guess sometimes...analog is just better. またコーディング作業に戻る By the way, the meeting rooms can be booked from this digital panel here. That's pretty convenient. 基本的にMASAはほとんどコーディングしてる Now, he's finishing up his tasks: checking emails that he missed during the meeting and writing a log of today's activities. 朝も、午後も、帰る前まで Yay! Finally, work is done! Just a little over 8 hours! 黒いスクリーンの前でずっとプログラムしてるんだ But Masa says he does have to do overtime once-in-a-while during large projects. 経理部に経費の質問をしにきたぞ Overall though, that's pretty good for a Japanese company as many other places require their staff to work a lot of overtime hours, which is often unpaid. これはスプリントレビューするスクラムミーテイング Now, Masa is meeting up with his work friends for dinner. 2週間に1回するミーティングだ Otsukaresama-desu is another customary office-term. いつもは1回目のスクラムミーテイングを合わせてするんだけど Often used to greet your co-workers. 今日はスケジュールが合わなくて2回に分けたんだって A difficult translation, loosely translated to mean: "Thank You For Your Work." ポストイットを使って最終レビューをするのはおもしれぇ And today is payday and it's Friday as well so time to let loose a bit. たまにはアナログの方が勝手が良いこともあるもんな Usually in Japanese drinking culture, everyone orders drinks at their own pace, while everyone shares the food. 因みに、ミーティングルームはこのデジタルパネルで予約ができるんだ Group splits an entire tab equally at the end, no matter how much each person drank or ate. なんて便利なんだ! Also, smoking indoors in Japan is fine as long as the restaurants are okay with it. そろそろ1日の業務のまとめる時間 Which is usually the case with Izakaya drinking restaurants. ミーティング中に確認できなかったメールをチェックしたり So Masa, what else do you do in your free time? 今日のログを書いたりする Even after-work, his PC desk is his go-to-spot. やったー仕事終わり! Masa, do you watch YouTube? 8時間ちょっとくれぇか Well, I don't know much about Gundam, but I can tell from looking around he sure loves it. MASA曰く、大きなプロジェクトの期間は忙しくて残業が増えるけど So, what are you gonna do for the rest of the night? 全体で見ると、全然悪くないんだって So, Masa's gonna be doing this for another couple hours. It looks like he'll be doing this until midnight. サービス残業が必須の日本の会社は多いからな So yeah. This is what he does at the end of the night. 晩めしを食いに会社の友達と待ち合わせだ All right. So, that's a Day in the Life of a Japanese Game Programmer. 「お疲れ様です」は会社でよく使われるフレーズ What did you guys think? 職場の人同士の挨拶に使うんだ I actually have quite a few Day in the Life videos. 訳すのはちょっと難しいんだけど So, if this is your first time: I'll leave a link to the playlist. ざっくり言うとThank you for your workってとこかな And you guys can check that out. 今日は給料日、しかも金曜日だ And as always, if you want to help support the channel then definitely check out the Tokyo merch. 楽しむぞー And if you want to see more Day in the Life videos, then I have so much more coming. 日本の飲みの席では、ドリンクは自分のペースで注文すんだけど、食いもんはシェアするんだ So hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one. 飲み食いした量は関係なく、会計は折半するのが一般的
A2 初級 日本語 米 ゲーム ミーティング デスク 日本 会社 オフィス 日本のゲームプログラマーの一日 (Day in the Life of a Japanese Game Programmer) 47 5 ayane に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語