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When traveling, you're more than likely to try delicious, authentic food found in the country that you're in, not fast-food chains.
I mean, who travels across the country to try... McDonald's?
But McDonald's is the second-biggest fast-food chain in the world, and it's all over.
ところが、マクドナルドは世界第 2 位の規模を誇る世界的ファストフードチェーンで、まさにあちこちで見かけることができます。
Its menu items actually differ depending on where you are, like the McFalafel in Sweden or the McSpicy Paneer in India.
メニューも国によってアレンジされており、スウェーデンでは McFalafel、インドでは McSpicy Paneer などが食べられます。
Let's take a look at what McDonald's menu items look like around the world.
You can get a really good kick of heat with Thailand's Kaprao Crispy Chicken Rice.
タイで食べられれる Kaprao Crispy Chicken Rice はなかなかの辛さが特徴です。
It's rice served with chicken curry.
It's actually really good.
It's, like, sweet and spicy, but honestly you wouldn't think it came from McDonald's.
And for dessert, try its Thai pie.
It's stuffed with black sticky rice and young coconut that oozes when you bite into it.
Canada's poutine is a can't-miss.
カナダの poutine は絶対に外せません。
It's fries topped with cheese curds and gravy.
It first appeared in Quebec in the 1950s, and you can try it at some Canadian McDonald's.
最初に 1950 年代のケベックに登場し、現在いくつかのカナダ国内のマクドナルドのメニューに入っています。
While the Big Mac may be one of McDonald's most popular beef burgers, that's not the case in India.
About 95% of the world's Hindus live in India.
世界中のヒンズー教徒の 95% がインドに住んでいます。
Cows are sacred in Hinduism, so practicing Hindus don't eat them.
As a substitution, the Maharaja Mac uses chicken and adds heat with jalapeños.
その代わりとして生まれた Maharaja Mac には、チキンにハラペーニョでスパイスを加えています。
It's also estimated that anywhere between 20 to 30 percent of India's population is vegetarian, more than any other country.
インド国民のおよそ 20~30% はベジタリアンと推測されており、その割合は世界で1番です。
And many people that do eat meat don't eat it often.
The McSpicy Paneer and McAloo Tikki are two vegetarian sandwich options in India.
McSpicy Paneer や McAloo Tikki は、インドのマクドナルドで売られているベジタリアンオプションです。
The McSpicy Paneer is fried cheese with lettuce and spicy sauce.
McSpicy Paneer は、揚げたチーズにレタスとスパイスソースが入っていて
Paneer is the common cheese used throughout the Indian subcontinent.
Paneer というのは、インド亜大陸で幅広く食べられているチーズの種類です。
The McAloo Tikki is a fried potato and pea patty with veg sauce, ketchup, tomato, and onion.
McAloo Tikki はフライドポテトと豆の練り物に野菜ソース、ケチャップ、トマトにオニオンを合わせたものです。
Like India, many Swedes enjoy the vegetarian lifestyle.
Sweden's McDonald's offers items such as McFalafel with four or nine pieces of falafel bites.
スウェーデンのマクドナルドでは McFalafel が売っており、4 個入りか 9 個入りから選ぶことができます。
It also sells the McVegan, a soy vegan burger.
また大豆で作られたビーガンバーガーである、McVegan もメニューに載っています。
One of our producers, Ju, tried it herself.
私たちのプロデューサーの1人、Ju がトライしてみました。
Here's what she thought.
It's mixed with tomato powder, onions, and peppers, so, like, what you're expecting from here is quite, like, a juicy soy-protein burger, but with quite a strong, like, vegetable taste to it as well.
It's not really, really flavorsome.
It just tastes like quite a good, standard veggie burger, like, made of soy protein.
And It certainly looks very, very impressive, like, I really like the color of it.
In Hong Kong, the company created the first McDonald's Next, a sophisticated and modern version of the restaurant with an open kitchen, hand-washing tables, and silverware.
香港では Next という洗練された近代バージョンのストアコンセプトを初めて投入し、オープンキッチンや手洗い用カウンター、銀食器などが用意されています。
At this McDonald's, you can get gourmet burgers, rich desserts, and matcha drinks, like this soy milk matcha latte and Shake Shake fries, which are also available in other Asian countries.
このマクドナルドでは、グルメバーガー、特別デザート、抹茶ドリンクが売っており、この抹茶ラテをはじめとして他の国でも売っている Shake Shake フライドポテトもここで楽しめます。
Taiwan has an extensive breakfast menu, and a lot of its breakfast sandwiches are made with toast, like this one, with pork, cheese, and cabbage.
You can also get items like corn soup, and just like Shake Shake fries, some countries in Asia have Shake Shake Chicken, too.
他にもコーンスープもメニューに載っており、Shake Shake フライドポテトのような Shake Shake チキンもアジアのマクドナルドでは目にすることができます。
Switzerland's McDonald's offers a Quinoa Curry Burger.
スイスのマクドナルドでは Quinoa Curry Burger がメニューに載っています。
It's a quinoa veggie patty topped with lettuce, tomato, garlic, and curry sauce between a ciabatta bun.
quinoa をメインにしたベジタブルバーガーで、レタス、トマト、ニンニク、そしてカレーソースがチバタのパンに包まれています。
If you're familiar with American McDonald's, you know that there's only two flavors of McFlurries: Oreo and M&M.
アメリカのマクドナルドで売っている McFlurry と言えば、 Oreo と M&M しかありませんが、
But Switzerland has Toblerone McFlurries.
スイスには Toblerone 味の McFlurry があります。
The country is known for great chocolate, and Toblerone was invented there, so it's only fair that they made their own version of a McFlurry.
スイスと言えばチョコレートが美味しい事で知られており、Toblerone もこの国発祥ですから当然と言えば当然かもしれません。
Our producer Graham tasted it.
私たちのプロデューサー、Graham が試してみました。
That's amazing.
That's so rich and creamy and sweet.
That's delicious.
I mean, it tasted kind of like a chocolate milkshake.
Very good.
I love that.
Saimin is common cuisine in Hawaii.
Saimin はハワイでは一般的な食べ物です。
The traditional noodle dish can be found at Hawaii's McDonald's.
It serves the noodles in a broth with char siu, fish cake, nori, and egg.
Spam is also a huge part of Hawaiian culture, and McDonald's offers a breakfast platter with spam, Portuguese sausage, eggs, and rice.
Spam もハワイでは人気の食べ物で、マクドナルドでは朝食セットに Spam とポルトガルソーセージ、タマゴにご飯が付いてきます。
Pair it with a taro pie made with the tropical root vegetable taro.
South Africa's menu has a Boerie Burger.
南アフリカのメニューには Boerie Burger があります。
You can get it with one or two patties, and it's served with ketchup, mustard, and grilled onions.
バーガーの数も 1 個と 2 個から選べ、ケチャップとマスタード、グリルオニオンが入っています。
Boerie is special to South Africa.
Boerie は南アフリカ特有のもので
It is short for boerewors, which translates to "farmer's sausage" in Afrikaans.
boerewors を短縮した名前ですが、アフリカーンス語で「農民のソーセージ」という意味を持ちます。
Meat pies have been a staple in New Zealand since early British settlement and can be found anywhere, from bakeries to gas stations, and even in the country's McDonald's.
The Georgie Pie is a square-shaped pastry filed with ground beef and cheese.
Georgie Pie は四角形のパイで、中にはビーフとチーズが詰まっています。
Japan has a pretty extensive menu of burgers, and among them is the Teriyaki Burger, a beef patty with lettuce and teriyaki sauce.
It also has an Ebi Filet-O, a breaded shrimp patty.
And if you're thirsty, try the Melon McFloat.
のどが乾いたら、Melon McFloat はどうでしょうか。
It's Fanta soda with vanilla soft serve.
A lot of McDonald's make you pay extra for condiments, especially their dipping sauces, but in Mexico, they do it a little differently.
Instead, it has a complimentary salsa bar.
Use it on the special breakfast platter.
It comes with sausage, scrambled eggs, and McMolletes, bread that comes with refried beans, white American cheese, and salsa.
ソーセージ、スクランブルエッグ、二度揚げした豆の入ったパンの McMolletes、アメリカンホワイトチーズ、そしてサルサのセットです。
In Mexico's McDonald's, you can also try a pay de queso.
メキシコのマクドナルドでは、queso パイも買うことができます。
It's a classic handheld pie crust filled with a sweet cream cheese.
Rice is a staple food in Indonesia.
The country produces over 60 million tons per year.
国内生産量は年間 6000 万トン以上です。
Its McDonald's offers sticky-rice balls served with fried chicken, spices, and chili sauce.
Wash it down with black currant fruit tea, which comes in this fun purple juice pouch.
McDonald's in the United Kingdom might be the best place to stop if you'd like to try food from around the world.
Yep, its limited-edition menu offers items like the Indian Chicken and the Canadian Stack.
そうなんです、期間限定で Indian Chicken や Canadian Stack といったところがメニューに加わっています。
Got some chicken in there, lettuce, tomato, onions, and of course, the naan on the outside.
If you like garlic and you like chutney, you will love this.
OK, crispy onions, and bacon, and sauce, and lettuce, and two burger patties.
That's it.
You can also just stick to classic UK flavors and get a traditional bacon roll.
It's bacon served on a roll with ketchup or brown sauce.
The bacon in there is actually quite good.
So tell us, would you consider eating at a McDonald's while traveling?
Is it an experience to add to your bucket list?
Let us know in the comments below.