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Welcome back to Top Words!
今回も Top Words へようこそ!
My name is Alisha, and today we're gonna talk about the 10 most romantic things to do on a date.
私はアリーシャ。今日はロマンチックなデート ベスト10 をご紹介します。
So let's go!
candlelit dinner
The first phrase is "candlelit dinner," a candlelit dinner.
1 つ目の表現は 「Candlelit Dinner」です。キャンドルディナーですね。
So there's a candle and that's the light, so candle lit refers to that your dinner is lit, or you see your dinner by a candle, like, so it's very very dim, the light is very low, that's the image of a candlelit dinner.
In a sentence, candlelit dinners make me nervous.
英文では、「Candlelit dinners make me nervous. (キャンドルディナーは緊張する。)」というふうに言います。
That's true.
When I came home there was a candlelit dinner on the table.
他にも「When I came home there was a candlelit dinner on the table. (家に帰ったらテーブルにキャンドルディナーの準備がされていた。)」など。
go for a long walk
「Go for a long walk (ゆっくり散歩する)」
The next expression is "go for a long walk."
次の表現は、「go for a long walk」です。
Go for a long walk, this could be a good thing.
So it's just as it sounds, on your date, you go for a walk somewhere, presumably in a nice location or in a quiet location.
It's a little strange to go for a long walk down, like, a busy street.
The idea of go for a long walk is that you have a chance to speak to the person that you're on a date with.
In a sentence, I think going for a long walk can be nice sometimes.
英文では、「I think going for a long walk can be nice sometimes. (たまにはゆっくり散歩するのもいいかも。)」などと言います。
In this sentence, we went for a long walk around the city at dusk.
他にも、「We went for a long walk around the city at dusk. (私たちは、黄昏時にゆっくり街中を散歩した。)」とか。
go bowling
「Go bowling (ボーリングに行く)」
The next expression is "go bowling."
次の表現は、「go bowling」です。
So if you like, maybe, very, very casual or kind of even sport-ish dates, you can go bowling for your date.
So in a sentence, I don't think I've ever been bowling on a date.
例文は、「I don't think I've ever been bowling on a date. (デートでボーリングってしたことないと思う。)」です。
Maybe I have... I have been bowling, I don't know if I have been on a bowling date.
I don't know, I feel like I'd be too preoccupied with wanting to win the game, and I wouldn't be focused on my date.
We go bowling every Sunday.
「We go bowling every Sunday. (私たちは毎週日曜日にボーリングに行きます。)」
go to the aquarium
「Go to the aquarium (水族館に行く)」
Yeah, okay, the next expression is "go to the aquarium."
はい、次の表現は、「go to the aquarium」です。
Ah! That's kind of a nice idea!
I would say go to the aquarium or like maybe go to a museum, both of those are maybe nice ideas.
So it's just a place you go, maybe you can learn something with the person you're on the date with, or you can see something you're both interested in.
ただの目的地なんだけど。デート相手と一緒に何か学べるし、2 人が共通して興味のあるものを鑑賞することができますよね。
So I think going to the aquarium sounds like a fun idea for a date.
In this sentence, oh!
I pet a stingray at the aquarium.
Have you ever done that?
Like, in those little petting pools, like the stingrays, they had like stingrays...
This is my stingray impression, by the way.
I think they have stingrays kind of like hanging out in there, and as you, as they kind of stingray by, as they swim by, you can touch them and they kind of feels like slimy, but like, they're like...
- Aren't they dangerous?
- 危なくないの?
Mmm... they have, well, there's the manta rays, and they're stingrays, but I think with the stingrays, the ones that are poisonous... this is their tail.
My stingrays are awesome, let me tell you!
But I think that they removed the stingers from them so that like they can't actually hurt anybody, or, I don't know, there's something they've done.
They've also got like other like weird touchy things for kids to feel, in those little like touchy ponds.
But anyway, that's a cool idea for a date.
Let's go!
go to the opera
「Go to the opera (オペラを見に行く)」
The next expression is "go to the opera."
次の表現は、「go to the opera」です。
Go to the opera sounds like a very formal date idea.
I think, I would be very nervous if I went on an opera date.
So, to go to the opera you have to, like, you know, be nicely dressed, and you go listen to people sing in a language that you probably don't understand, and then you are like, wow, that's pretty much how I would experience an opera, I think.
So let's see, in a sentence, I think going to the opera could be really interesting, but I don't know if I would enjoy it for a date.
では例文。「I think going to the opera could be really interesting but I don't know if I would enjoy it for a date. (オペラに行くのはすごく興味深いとは思うけど、デートとして楽しめるかは分かりません。)」
In this sentence, we got dressed up and we went to the opera.
他にも、「We got dressed up and we went to the opera. (私たちはドレスアップしてオペラに行きました。)」など。
go to the zoo
「Go to the zoo (動物園に行く)」
The next one is "go to the zoo."
次は、「go to the zoo」です。
Go to the zoo... going to the zoo is probably a popular date idea, I imagine.
All right, in this sentence, I don't like going to the zoo because of the smell.
英文では、「I don't like going to the zoo because of the smell. (においがイヤなので、動物園に行くのは好きじゃありません。)」などと言います。
have a picnic
「Have a picnic (ピクニックをする)」
The next expression is "have a picnic."
続いての表現は、「have a picnic」です。
Have a picnic is kind of like a classic date thing, I think.
I don't know that I would do this now, necessarily, like, I have picnics with my friends, I've had picnics one-on-one with my friends.
私は今は、絶対ピクニックって感じでもないかな。友達とはするけど。友達なら 1 対 1 でしたこともあるけど、
I think it was because they were my friend that I was comfortable.
I think a date, a picnic date with wine, cheese, and meat, and dessert would be fantastic.
We hiked up the mountain and had a picnic at sunset.
例:「We hiked up the mountain and had a picnic at sunset. (私たちは、山にハイキングに行って、夕焼けを見ながらピクニックをしました。)」
have dinner and see a movie Ah!
「Have a dinner and see a movie (夕食を食べて、映画を観る)」
The next one is probably the most classic date idea, which is "have dinner and see a movie."
So you go to dinner and then you see a movie, or vice-versa, you see a movie and then have dinner together.
Especially, in my mind, if you see the movie first and then go to dinner, then you have something you can both talk about, right?
Or if you go to dinner first, you know, you can speak to each other a little bit and then go see the movie and not talk to each other, which is fine.
But I feel like seeing the movie first and then going to dinner seems to make more sense to me because then you can actually talk to the other person.
I don't know, that's my idea.
What are you doing next week?
例:「What are you doing next week? (来週は何してる?)」
Do you want to have dinner and see a movie with me?
「Do you want to have dinner and see a movie with me? (一緒にご飯食べに行って、そのあと映画でも観ない?)」
In this sentence, how about dinner and a movie?
または、「How about dinner and a movie? (ご飯食べに行って、映画なんてどう?)」
take a ferry ride
「Take a ferry ride (フェリーに乗る)」
The next one is "take a ferry ride", or "take a boat ride," I guess.
次の表現は、「take a ferry ride」です。 「take a boat ride」でもいいと思います。
So you just, you get on a boat together and you go somewhere - sounds a little bit old-fashioned to me but whatever.
In a sentence, let's take a ferry ride this weekend.
英文では、「Let's take a ferry ride this weekend (週末、フェリーに乗ろうよ。)」と言うことができます。
In this sentence, we took a ferry ride around the Statue of Liberty.
他にも、「We took a ferry ride around the Statue of Liberty. (私たちは自由の女神周辺を回るフェリーに乗りました。)」など。
walk on the beach
「Walk on the beach」
The next expression is "walk on the beach," another very classic date idea.
次の表現は、「walk on the beach」です。これもすごく典型的なデートですね。
So you just walk together on the beach, maybe it's a long walk on the beach, I don't know.
2 人でただ浜辺を歩く。ゆっくり時間をかけて、とかかな。
So a long walk on the beach or just a short walk on the beach, even, can be very nice.
In a sentence, let's take a walk on the beach.
英文では、「Let's take a walk on the beach. (浜辺を散歩しよう。)」と言います。
In this sentence, I like long walks on the beach.
他にも、「I like long walks on the beach. (私は浜辺をゆっくり歩くのが好きです。)」など。
So that's the end!
Those are 10 romantic ideas for a date.
ロマンチックなデート ベスト 10 でした。
If you have different date ideas, please be sure to tell us about them in the comments - that was weird.
If you have different ideas for a date, leave us...
If you have different ideas for a date, please leave us a comment and let us know about it.
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And we will see you again soon. Bye!