I think, I wouldbeverynervousif I wentonanoperadate.
So, togototheoperayouhaveto, like, youknow, benicelydressed, andyougolistentopeoplesingin a languagethatyouprobablydon't understand, andthenyouarelike, wow, that's prettymuchhow I wouldexperienceanopera, I think.
Solet's see, in a sentence, I thinkgoingtotheoperacouldbereallyinteresting, but I don't knowif I wouldenjoyitfor a date.
では例文。「I think going to the opera could be really interesting but I don't know if I would enjoy it for a date. (オペラに行くのはすごく興味深いとは思うけど、デートとして楽しめるかは分かりません。)」