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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • There ain't no place, ain't no place like you

    ♫ There ain't no place, ain't no place like you ♫

  • Action!


  • We can count and clap.

    We can count and clap. 数えられるし、手も叩ける。

  • At the same time!

    At the same time! 同時にね!

  • So talented.

    So talented. すごい才能!

  • Hey guys, it's Chika!

    Hey guys, it's Chika!

  • You'll never guess who's on the channel today!

    You'll never guess who's on the channel today! 今日は信じられないゲストが来てます!

  • Although, they're right here

    Although, they're right here ここにいるから見えてると思いますがw

  • so you can see them...

    so you can see them... ここにいるから見えてると思いますがw

  • It's the Backstreet Boys!

    It's the Backstreet Boys! バックストリート・ボーイズです!

  • I have been the biggest fan for the longest time.

    I have been the biggest fan for the longest time. 昔から大ファンで

  • Everyone! You guys all know that!

    Everyone! You guys all know that! みなさん、知ってますよね!

  • I never would have thought

    I never would have thought まさかこんな日が来るとは。

  • that this day would come.

    that this day would come. まさかこんな日が来るとは。

  • ...Am I dreaming?

    ...Am I dreaming? これ夢?

  • Ah thank you.

    Ah thank you. ありがとう。

  • It's good to see you!

    It's good to see you! 会えて嬉しいよ!

  • Can somebody pinch me?

    Can somebody pinch me? 誰かつねってくれる?

  • Okay, yeah.

    Okay, yeah. はい!

  • It's real. They're here.

    It's real. They're here. 現実です!本当にいます!

  • The Backstreet Boys are here in Japan right now

    The Backstreet Boys are here in Japan right now 今BSBは日本で

  • and they're promoting their new album

    and they're promoting their new album アルバムのプロモーションしています。

  • that's coming out called DNA.

    that's coming out called DNA. 新しく発売されるDNAというアルバム。

  • I did a video a little while ago

    I did a video a little while ago 少し前に

  • sharing with you guys

    sharing with you guys 歌詞の解説動画をアップしたのですが

  • what the lyrics mean in the video.

    what the lyrics mean in the video. 歌詞の解説動画をアップしたのですが

  • So I hope you guys got to see that

    So I hope you guys got to see that 見てもらえましたか?

  • and now we're gonna do an interview.

    and now we're gonna do an interview. そして今日はインタビューです!

  • Cool.

    Cool. いいね。

  • Okay, let me breathe...

    Okay, let me breathe... ちょっと呼吸させてください。

  • You got this, you got this!

    You got this, you got this! 大丈夫!できるよ!

  • I'll give you guys some room.

    I'll give you guys some room. ちょっと狭いと思うので

  • I'll move over here.

    I'll move over here. こっちに移動しますね。

  • So you guys can squeeze in.

    So you guys can squeeze in. キュッと集まってください。

  • I've got a million subscribers

    I've got a million subscribers 100万人の登録者がいるのですが

  • on my YouTube channel.

    on my YouTube channel. 100万人の登録者がいるのですが

  • A lot of them are huge fans of you guys.

    A lot of them are huge fans of you guys. 多くの方はみなさんの大ファンです。

  • Everyone knows who the BSB are

    Everyone knows who the BSB are BSBのことは、みんな知ってます。

  • and your songs.

    and your songs. 曲のことも。

  • But I have a feeling that

    But I have a feeling that でも、一部の方々は

  • some of them may not know

    some of them may not know メンバーのことはあまり知らない気がして

  • each Backstreet Boy as much as they should.

    each Backstreet Boy as much as they should. メンバーのことはあまり知らない気がして

  • So I thought we could start off the video

    So I thought we could start off the video 今日は一人一人の紹介で始めたいなと。

  • with an introduction,

    with an introduction, 今日は一人一人の紹介で始めたいなと。

  • but rather than introducing yourselves,

    but rather than introducing yourselves, でも、自己紹介ではなく

  • I thought you could introduce one another.

    I thought you could introduce one another. お互いを紹介する形で。

  • So for example,

    So for example, 例えば、

  • if Howie could introduce Brian.

    if Howie could introduce Brian. HowieにBrianを紹介してもらって。

  • Let us know what kind of personality he has

    Let us know what kind of personality he has Brianの性格、そして

  • and what his role is in the group.

    and what his role is in the group. グループでの役割を教えてください。

  • Well, we've lasted this long.

    Well, we've lasted this long. これまで続いてきたからね。

  • We're getting to know how

    We're getting to know how お互いどのように思ってるかわかるね。

  • we think of each other.

    we think of each other. お互いどのように思ってるかわかるね。

  • This is Brian-san, ladies and gentlemen.

    This is Brian-san, ladies and gentlemen. みなさん、こちらはブラインさんです。

  • He is the a...

    He is the a... 彼は...

  • Like I always say

    Like I always say いつも言うのですが

  • he is like the boy next door

    he is like the boy next door 隣のお兄ちゃんみたいな感じです。

  • in the group.

    in the group. 隣のお兄ちゃんみたいな感じです。

  • He's like the all-american...

    He's like the all-american... ザ・アメリカンな感じで

  • He's definitely not the boy next door

    He's definitely not the boy next door 私の近所には、こんなお兄ちゃんいなかったw

  • in my neighborhood.

    in my neighborhood. 私の近所には、こんなお兄ちゃんいなかったw

  • He is great at sports.

    He is great at sports. 運動神経が良くて

  • He brings lot of comedy with his personality

    He brings lot of comedy with his personality 楽しい性格で笑いと

  • and his energy.

    and his energy. エネルギーを与えてくれる。

  • At the event last night,

    At the event last night, 昨日のイベントでも

  • you were goofing off the whole time.

    you were goofing off the whole time. ずっとふざけてたよね!

  • Oh, yeah! I like to have fun!

    Oh, yeah! I like to have fun! もちろん!楽しむのが好きだから!

  • He's got a lot of spunk.

    He's got a lot of spunk. 勢いがあるよね。

  • This is like a dating profile!

    This is like a dating profile! 出会い系のプロフィールみたい!

  • I want to do Kevin.

    I want to do Kevin. ケビンの紹介は僕がやりたい!

  • Kevin is...

    Kevin is... ケビンは...

  • we like to call him the older brother.

    we like to call him the older brother. 大きいお兄ちゃんと呼んでるんだ。

  • He analyzes a lot of things.

    He analyzes a lot of things. 色んなことを分析するタイプ。

  • He is highly intellectual, very sensitive

    He is highly intellectual, very sensitive とても知的で、非常に繊細。

  • which people might not necessarily know.

    which people might not necessarily know. あまり知られてないかもしれないけど

  • He is very sensitive.

    He is very sensitive. とても繊細なんだ。

  • He's our big brother.

    He's our big brother. 僕たちの兄貴。

  • and he cares about everything

    and he cares about everything 僕らの全てのことに関心を持ってくれる

  • that happens in our career and our lives.

    that happens in our career and our lives. 仕事のこともプライベートのことも。

  • That was a good one, Nick.

    That was a good one, Nick. ニック、上手いね。

  • I'm gonna do AJ's.

    I'm gonna do AJ's. 僕はA.J.をしようかな

  • Oh boy. Here we go.

    Oh boy. Here we go. あら、やっちゃうか。

  • My dating profile.

    My dating profile. 俺の出会い系プロフィールね。

  • This is A.J.-san.

    This is A.J.-san. こちらはA.J.さんです。

  • He probably has the biggest heart

    He probably has the biggest heart A.J.は一番優しいかな

  • out of any Backstreet Boy that sits here.

    out of any Backstreet Boy that sits here. ここに座っているメンバーの中で

  • I would say that.

    I would say that. そうだと思う。

  • The other three are like "...What?"

    The other three are like "...What?" 三人は、「え?!」ってなってません?w

  • Well, you know... they're heartless lol

    Well, you know... they're heartless lol まあだって、彼らは冷たいから 笑

  • He loves life.

    He loves life. 生き生きしていて

  • I'm gonna go out there and reach out

    I'm gonna go out there and reach out ちょっと言い過ぎに聞こえるかもだけど

  • and say that he is

    and say that he is ちょっと言い過ぎに聞こえるかもだけど

  • somewhat addicted to this lifestyle.

    somewhat addicted to this lifestyle. この生活が中毒になってるかも

  • I think in a good way.

    I think in a good way. 良い意味で。

  • He thirsts on being an entertainer.

    He thirsts on being an entertainer. エンターテインすること、

  • He thirsts on being a character,

    He thirsts on being a character, BSBのA.J.というキャラクターであること、

  • being AJ from the Backstreet Boys.

    being AJ from the Backstreet Boys. それに対してとてもハングリーなんだよね。

  • He's a great singer and great performer as well.

    He's a great singer and great performer as well. 歌手としてもパフォーマーとしても最高だ。

  • We used to know A.J. as the rebel.

    We used to know A.J. as the rebel. 昔は、ちょっと「ワル」なイメージでしたが、

  • Is that still there?

    Is that still there? 今でもそうですか?

  • Not as much anymore.

    Not as much anymore. もうそうでもないかな。

  • It's kind of more of a myth

    It's kind of more of a myth あれは神話みたいなもんかなw

  • It's a myth lol

    It's a myth lol 神話w

  • There's a great mystery!

    There's a great mystery that nobody knows! 誰も知らないミステリーがあるんだ!

  • Rebel in disguise.

    Rebel in disguise. ワルが変装してるのかな。

  • I think I'm gonna do Howie's.

    I think I'm gonna do Howie's. じゃ、俺がHowieを紹介しようかな。

  • Okay. Perfect.

    Howie is...

  • Howie is...

    I would also say has a very big heart Howieのハートもものすごく大きいよ。

  • I would also say has a very big heart

    and this is gonna come out wrong そして、勘違いされそうだけど

  • and this is gonna come out wrong

    but he also has a very big stomach. お腹も大きいんだ!

  • but he also has a very big stomach.

    He is a foodie. He likes to eat. 食通で。食べるのが大好き。

  • He is a foodie. He likes to eat.

    He likes to try different food 色んな国の食べ物を試すんだ。

  • He likes to try different food

    from different countries. 色んな国の食べ物を試すんだ。

  • from different countries.

    He is probably the most daring 新しい食べ物に関しては一番の冒険家。

  • He is probably the most daring

    when it comes to trying new things. 新しい食べ物に関しては一番の冒険家。

  • when it comes to trying new things.

    like he's had scorpion before... サソリも食べたことあるし。

  • like he's had scorpion before...

    all that kind of stuff. そういうのをね。

  • all that kind of stuff.

    ...which I will never do but 俺は絶対無理だけど。

  • ...which I will never do but

    hats off to you. すごいな〜と感心するよ。

  • hats off to you.

    New food that you found in Japan on this trip yet? 今回、日本で新たな発見はありましたか?

  • New food that you found in Japan on this trip yet?

    Last night, 昨日の夜、

  • Last night,

    I think we had one of my ultimate favorite dinners. 今までで一番のディナーを食べたかも。

  • I think we had one of my ultimate favorite dinners.

    Kevin and I had a chance to go out ケビンと一緒に、

  • Kevin and I had a chance to go out

    with some of the great people レコード会社の方々と、

  • with some of the great people

    from the label here that work at Sony. 出かけたんだけど

  • from the label here that work at Sony.

    They took us out to eat some Shabu Shabu 「しゃぶしゃぶ」と「すき焼き」を食べに

  • They took us out to eat some Shabu Shabu

    and Sukiyaki. 連れていってくれたんだ。

  • and Sukiyaki.

    Kevin and I were in heaven. もう天国だったよ。

  • Kevin and I were in heaven.

    With enough sake we were on cloud number nine. 日本酒も飲んで、超幸せだった。

  • With enough sake we were on cloud number nine.

    Howie also is a very very good family man, Howieはとてもいいお父さんと旦那さんで

  • Howie also is a very very good family man,

    father, and husband. Howieはとてもいいお父さんと旦那さんで

  • father, and husband.

    He loves to perform as well. パフォーマンスをするのも大好き。

  • He loves to perform as well.

    He's got an amazing voice. すごいいい声をしてて

  • He's got an amazing voice.

    I'm super envious of how high his voice is. 彼の声の高さには嫉妬しちゃうよ。

  • I'm super envious of how high his voice is.

    I have no falsetto. 俺は裏声を出せないから。

  • I have no falsetto.

    Mine comes out, sounds like four voices. 4つ別々の声が出てるようになっちゃう

  • Mine comes out, sounds like four voices.

    Howie is truly truly sweet D. 本当にスイートDだよ (昔からのあだな)

  • Howie is truly truly sweet D.

    He is one of the sweetest people こんな優しいやつなかなかいないよ。

  • He is one of the sweetest people

    you'll ever ever ever meet. こんな優しいやつなかなかいないよ。

  • you'll ever ever ever meet.

    and I've known him for probably the longest. 多分Howieとの付き合いが一番長いかな。

  • and I've known him for probably the longest.

    Almost 30 years. そろそろ30年。

  • Almost 30 years.

    Is he the original Backstreet Boy? 彼が最初のバックストリート・ボーイ?

  • Is he the original Backstreet Boy?

    That would be me. それは俺。

  • That would be me.

    Oh that's you. それはあなたなのね。

  • Oh that's you.

    But I'm the OG 俺が一人目のメンバーで

  • But I'm the OG

    He's the second original. 彼が二人目のメンバー。

  • He's the second original.

    Are you done? 終わった?

  • Are you done?

    I'm the last. 俺が最後だな。

  • I'm the last.

    Are you finished? 終わりましたか?

  • Are you finished?

    I'm gonna do Nick's. ニックの紹介は僕が。

  • I'm gonna do Nick's.

    Nick is also very intellectual. ニックも同じとても知的で

  • Nick is also very intellectual.

    He is a thinker. He is very creative. 思想家だ。想像力も優れいている。

  • He is a thinker. He is very creative.

    He loves to create all the time. 常に何かを作ってるよ。

  • He loves to create all the time.

    His mind is always thinking about creative things. いつも面白いことを考えているし

  • His mind is always thinking about creative things.

    What was the most recent thing you created 最近クリエイトしたのは何?

  • What was the most recent thing you created

    besides the album and the songs? アルバムとか曲以外に。

  • besides the album and the songs?

    and his son? あと息子以外?笑

  • and his son?

    Back home, I've been painting a little bit. 家では、絵画を描いたりしてるよ。

  • Back home, I've been painting a little bit.

    He is a good artist. 上手だよ。

  • He is a good artist.

    You know, it's funny because 面白いのは

  • You know, it's funny because

    I don't believe I'm a good artist at all. 自分では全然上手いと思わないし

  • I don't believe I'm a good artist at all.

    But that's not what it's about. そもそも、そういうことじゃないんだよね。

  • But that's not what it's about.

    It's about that moment of trying something 新しいことをやってみることが大事で

  • It's about that moment of trying something

    and if it looks good or if it sounds good. それが自分的にいいのかどうかで

  • and if it looks good or if it sounds good.

    That's what art is all about. それがアートだよね。

  • That's what art is all about.

    It's not about what other people think. 他の人がどう思うかとかじゃなくて。

  • It's not about what other people think.

    It's about how you feel when you're doing it. 作っている時に自分がどう感じるか。

  • It's about how you feel when you're doing it.

    Subjective. 主観的だからね。

  • Subjective.

    Exactly. その通り。

  • Exactly.

    Then a lot of times, people are like, そしたら、よくみんなが

  • Then a lot of times, people are like,

    "Oh I actually like your painting!" いい絵だね!と言ってくれたり

  • "Oh I actually like your painting!"

    I'm like" Really? " 本当に?って感じ。

  • I'm like" Really? "

    We are all extremely creative. 全員とてもクリエイティブだよ。

  • We are all extremely creative.

    That's why we're in the Backstreet Boys だからBSBにいるわけで、

  • That's why we're in the Backstreet Boys

    and why we work together. 一緒に仕事ができるんだ。

  • and why we work together.

    Because when we're together, みんなが集まると

  • Because when we're together,

    we create this force 色んなアイディアをぶつけ合えて

  • we create this force

    that we can bounce things off 色んなアイディアをぶつけ合えて

  • that we can bounce things off

    one another and we help each other. お互い助け合えるんだよね。

  • one another and we help each other.

    We are each other's ying and yang . 陰と陽のようにバランスが取れているんだ。

  • We are each other's ying and yang.

    He is very spontaneous on stage. ステージでは自発的に色々とチャレンジして

  • He is very spontaneous on stage.

    He is fearless on stage. 怖いもの知らずだ。

  • He is fearless on stage.

    He's got a great voice, 良い声をしてるし

  • He's got a great voice,

    He has relative pitch. 音の高さを識別できる才能も持ってるんだ。

  • He has relative pitch.

    It's in my DNA. 遺伝 (DNA)なんだ。

  • It's in my DNA.

    It's in his DNA. そう、DNAに入ってるんだって。

  • It's in his DNA.

    It really is. 本当にそうなんだよ。

  • It really is.

    He is a great dad and a great husband そして、素晴らしいお父さんと旦那だ。

  • He is a great dad and a great husband

    and I love him. 大好きだよ。

  • and I love him.

    Thanks, Dawg. ありがとう!

  • Thanks, Dawg.

    We can stay together for another 25 more years. あと25年一緒にいられそうだね。

  • We can stay together for another 25 more years.

    Yeah, it was good! うん、よかったよ!

  • Yeah, it was good!

    Could have gone south. まずい方向に行ってた可能性もあるよね。

  • Could have gone south.

    It could have went bad. まずい方向に。

  • It could have went bad.

    It's like renewing your vows kind of. 「誓いの更新」みたいだね。

  • It's like renewing your vows kind of.

    We're married essentially. 結婚してるようなもんだよね。

  • We're married essentially.

    This was my first wives... 僕の初めての奥さんたちだよ。

  • This was my first wives...

    all of these guys. 彼ら全員が。

  • all of these guys.

    You've been together 25 years and 25年間一緒に活動されて

  • You've been together 25 years and

    it's just incredible that you are nominated 今グラミーを取るなんて凄すぎます。

  • it's just incredible that you are nominated

    for a Grammy for "Don't Go Breaking My Heart". 今グラミーを取るなんて凄すぎます。

  • for a Grammy for "Don't Go Breaking My Heart".

    How does that feel? どんな気持ちですか?

  • How does that feel?

    It was a lovely surprise. 素敵すぎるサプライズだったよ。

  • It was a lovely surprise.

    It's our 8th nomination. 8回目のノミネーションなんだ。

  • It's our 8th nomination.

    Yeah, we were woken up early in the morning ある朝、沢山のメールやチャットで起こされて

  • Yeah, we were woken up early in the morning

    on our cell phones to emails and text messages ある朝、沢山のメールやチャットで起こされて

  • on our cell phones to emails and text messages

    from friends and family like, 友達や家族から

  • from friends and family like,

    "Oh we saw the announcement! Congratulations." 見たよ!おめでとう!!って。

  • "Oh we saw the announcement! Congratulations."

    We were blessed with an amazing song 素晴らしい曲に恵まれたよ。

  • We were blessed with an amazing song

    from Stuart Crichton. スチューワート・クライトン

  • from Stuart Crichton.

    He's a Scottish guy that スコットランド人の作曲家なんだけど

  • He's a Scottish guy that

    grew up listening to our music as well BSBの音楽で育って

  • grew up listening to our music as well

    was a fan of the BSB 僕たちのファンだったんだよね。

  • was a fan of the BSB

    and was kind of inspired by our Vegas show ラス・ベガスの公演にインスパイアされて

  • and was kind of inspired by our Vegas show

    and went back in the lab スタジオに戻って

  • and went back in the lab

    and specifically wrote "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" "Don't Go Breaking My Heart"を書いてくれたんだ。

  • and specifically wrote "Don't Go Breaking My Heart"

    for what he felt like the BSB needed to be 2018年、2019年のBSBをイメージして。

  • for what he felt like the BSB needed to be

    in 2018 and 19. 2018年、2019年のBSBをイメージして。

  • in 2018 and 19.

    We unanimously chose that song 全員が、これが初シングルであるべき

  • We unanimously chose that song

    as the first single, と賛成したんだ。

  • as the first single,

    which doesn't normally happen all the time. 普段はそうすんなりいかないよ。

  • which doesn't normally happen all the time.

    You get all five guys that say "This is the song!" 5人全員が「この曲だ!」ってなることは。

  • You get all five guys that say "This is the song!"

    and it's been really the catalyst for the DNA album この曲がDNAを勢い付けてくれて

  • and it's been really the catalyst for the DNA album

    to basically set the bar for where the work このアルバム、そして僕たちの活動の

  • to basically set the bar for where the work

    and the records should be. 期待値を高く設定してくれた。

  • and the records should be.

    and the song should be. 期待値を高く設定してくれた。

  • and the song should be.

    So we're very excited and very surprised. ワクワクもしているし、びっくりもしている。

  • So we're very excited and very surprised .

    Thank the Academy as well グラミーにも感謝だね。

  • Thank the Academy as well

    for throwing our hats in the creek. 参戦させてくれて。

  • for throwing our hats in the creek.

    You are definitely keeping us fans busy. ファンも大忙しですよ。

  • You are definitely keeping us fans busy.

    TV appearances and radios... テレビやラジオ出演も沢山

  • TV appearances and radios...

    It's not that you ever went away BSBがいなくなった訳ではないんですけど

  • It's not that you ever went away

    and you know, we say the Backstreet is back 最近BSBが戻ってきた、と言うじゃないですか。

  • and you know, we say the Backstreet is back

    you guys have always been here. これまでもずっと活動されていたけど

  • you guys have always been here.

    But still it feels nostalgic, kind of. 昔のあの気持ちが蘇ってくる気がして。

  • But still it feels nostalgic, kind of.

    It brings me back to when I was in high school 高校生の時に

  • It brings me back to when I was in high school

    and like going back home 家に帰って

  • and like going back home

    and I had to press record on all these different TVs 複数のテレビで色々と録画して

  • and I had to press record on all these different TVs

    because you're on so many shows. 出演が多すぎて。

  • because you're on so many shows.

    It's kind of like that all over again for me. それをまた体験している感じです。

  • It's kind of like that all over again for me.

    It feels good for us. いい気分だよね。

  • It feels good for us.

    That's a good feeling. 気持ちいいよ。

  • That's a good feeling.

    To be creating music that is resonating ポップカルチャーに浸透する音楽を作れて

  • To be creating music that is resonating

    in popular culture. ポップカルチャーに浸透する音楽を作れて

  • in popular culture.

    Like you said, we've continued to make music 仰った通り、音楽は作り続けていたけど

  • Like you said, we've continued to make music

    and sometimes it resonates on a large scale. 大きなスケールで浸透することもあれば

  • and sometimes it resonates on a large scale.

    Sometimes it doesn't. しないこともある。

  • Sometimes it doesn't.

    But that's what happens when you have a career. それが音楽のキャリアを持つことだよ。

  • But that's what happens when you have a career.

    and that's what we've always wanted. 昔からそうありたいと思っていた。

  • and that's what we've always wanted.

    If you could go back and relive a day 25年間のキャリアを振り返って

  • If you could go back and relive a day

    in the last 25 years of your career, 1日だけもう一度体験できるとしたら

  • in the last 25 years of your career,

    what day would it be? どの日に戻りますか?

  • what day would it be?

    Like for me, 25 years down the road, 例えば、私だったら25年先に

  • Like for me, 25 years down the road,

    this would be the day I'd want to relive. この日をもう一度体験したいかと。

  • this would be the day I'd want to relive.

    For me, the day that I remember the most is 僕にとって一番心に残っている日は

  • For me, the day that I remember the most is

    the day we met Brian. ブライアンと会った日。

  • the day we met Brian.

    Because I feel like that was the magic moment for us 僕たちにとって奇跡的な瞬間だったから。

  • Because I feel like that was the magic moment for us

    It started right on that day その日に始まったんだよね。

  • It started right on that day

    when he visited us 彼が会いに来てくれた日に。

  • when he visited us

    in this house that we were living in. 僕たちが当時住んでいた家に来て

  • in this house that we were living in.

    I just remember things clicking 全てがハマったのを覚えてる。

  • I just remember things clicking

    from that moment. その瞬間から。

  • from that moment.

    It's like that magical... 魔法のような

  • It's like that magical...

    Like you met that person 一生この人といるんだろうな

  • Like you met that person

    that you're gonna be with. と思える人に出会った感覚。

  • that you're gonna be with.

    Yeah, we talk about the marriage thing. 結婚の話をしてたけど

  • Yeah, we talk about the marriage thing.

    Like you've met the person you're 運命の人を見つけた感じ。

  • Like you've met the person you're

    gonna fall in love with. 運命の人を見つけた感じ。

  • gonna fall in love with.

    So we met the group 運命のグループが見つかったんだ。

  • So we met the group

    we were gonna fall in love with. 運命のグループが見つかったんだ。

  • we were gonna fall in love with.

    That was April 20th, 1993. 1993年4月20日だった。

  • That was April 20th, 1993.

    Wow you remember the date. 日付まで覚えてるんですね。

  • Wow you remember the date.

    Yeah. I mean, I would agree with you うん、そうだね。同感だ。

  • Yeah. I mean, I would agree with you

    I would pick that particular day to relive 僕もその日を選ぶかな。

  • I would pick that particular day to relive

    just because it was like a whirlwind of emotions. 色んな感情が駆け巡ってたよ。

  • just because it was like a whirlwind of emotions.

    I was traveling from my hometown ケンタッキー州の地元から

  • I was traveling from my hometown

    in Kentucky down to Orlando. オーランドに移動して

  • in Kentucky down to Orlando.

    I met these guys for the first time. 彼らに初めて会って。

  • I met these guys for the first time.

    They were busting on my country accent 田舎なまりでからかわれてたよ

  • They were busting on my country accent

    at that time. 当時は。

  • at that time.

    It was scary. 怖かった。

  • It was scary.

    It was extremely scary to be away from home. 家から離れるのもね。

  • It was extremely scary to be away from home.

    But I knew that I had my cousin with me でも、いとこもいたし

  • But I knew that I had my cousin with me

    so if there was anything that went down, 何かがあったら

  • so if there was anything that went down,

    I had somebody to lean on. 頼れる人はいたから。

  • I had somebody to lean on.

    Then we ended up leaning on each other そしたら結局、お互い頼る関係になって

  • Then we ended up leaning on each other

    for the past 26 years. もう26年も経つんだ。

  • for the past 26 years.

    I would say for me personally, 個人的には、

  • I would say for me personally,

    outside of the group, グループ外の話だったら

  • outside of the group,

    I would love to relive my wedding 結婚式をもう一度体験したいな。

  • I would love to relive my wedding

    because everybody always says it goes by so fast. よく言うけど、本当にあっという間だから。

  • because everybody always says it goes by so fast.

    Blink your eyes and you're like 瞬きしたら終わってる

  • Blink your eyes and you're like

    "What happened?" 何が起きたの?って感じで。

  • "What happened?".

    But internally within the group, グループ内だと

  • But internally within the group,

    for me, one of the days that 僕にとって印象に残っている日は

  • for me, one of the days that

    stands out in my mind 僕にとって印象に残っている日は

  • stands out in my mind

    is the day we got our star ハリウッドのウォーク・オブ・フェイムに

  • is the day we got our star

    on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 名前が刻まれたときかな。

  • on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Because I remember it being 僕たちのとってものすごい瞬間だったんだけど

  • Because I remember it being

    a really big moment for us. 僕たちのとってものすごい瞬間だったんだけど

  • a really big moment for us.

    But at the same time, I think for some reason, 同時に、なぜか

  • But at the same time, I think for some reason,

    I didn't take it as big of a thing 僕はそこまで思い入れがなくて

  • I didn't take it as big of a thing

    that I should have, by... 僕はそこまで思い入れがなくて

  • that I should have, by...

    like some of other guys inviting 他のメンバーのように

  • like some of other guys inviting

    their family members to come. 家族を誘ったりしなかったんだよね。

  • their family members to come.

    I think I had my mother-in-law 義理の母と

  • I think I had my mother-in-law

    and my brother-in-law came. 義理の弟は来てくれたんだけど

  • and my brother-in-law came.

    But I didn't really go out of my way 妻には無理してこなくていいよ、って感じで。

  • But I didn't really go out of my way

    to push my wife to try to come out. 妻には無理してこなくていいよ、って感じで。

  • to push my wife to try to come out.

    And she surprised me. でも、サプライズしてくれたんだ。

  • And she surprised me.

    I remember just seeing her and 彼女を見た瞬間

  • I remember just seeing her and

    just breaking down in tears, 号泣してしまい

  • just breaking down in tears,

    and I've never done that before. そんなことしたことないのに。

  • and I've never done that before.

    I was just so overwhelmed with joy. 幸せな気持ちが溢れてきて

  • I was just so overwhelmed with joy.

    I just started crying like a baby 赤ちゃんのように泣いちゃったんだ。

  • I just started crying like a baby

    in front of all these guys. このメンバーの前でね。

  • in front of all these guys.

    and they're like "what the heck?" みんな、いきなりどうしたの?って感じで。

  • and they're like "what the heck?"

    It was a really emotional day for all of us. 全員にとってとても感情的な1日だったよ。

  • It was a really emotional day for all of us.

    It just really made me feel so proud ものすごく誇らしかった。

  • It just really made me feel so proud

    of what we do, our fans 自分たちがやってきたこと、ファンも

  • of what we do, our fans and the speech

    and the speech that was given to us マックス・マーティンのスピーチも

  • that was given to us by Max Martin

    by Max Martin マックス・マーティンのスピーチも

  • the gentleman who put all of our

    the gentleman who put all of our これまでのヒットを生み出して作曲家。

  • amazing hits together

    amazing hits together これまでのヒットを生み出してくれた作曲家。

  • over the years as well.

    over the years as well. これまでのヒットを生み出してくれた作曲家。

  • We picked a fan to do a speech for us.

    We picked a fan to do a speech for us. あるファンにもスピーチをしてもらって

  • Yes... for us as well.

    Yes... for us as well. あるファンにもスピーチをしてもらって

  • Just all the love and support we had there

    Just all the love and support we had there みんなからの愛と応援に

  • from everybody was just overwhelming.

    from everybody was just overwhelming. 圧倒されたよ。

  • I would go back to

    I would go back to 俺がある日に戻れるとしたら

  • one of our very first actual shows

    one of our very first actual shows 本当に初期の頃のライブに戻るかな。

  • when we were doing this

    when we were doing this 中学校・高校を回ってた時。

  • middle school/high school tours.

    middle school/high school tours. 中学校・高校を回ってた時。

  • Going into these gymnasiums

    Going into these gymnasiums 体育館とかに入って

  • and nobody knew who the heck we were,

    and nobody knew who the heck we were, 誰も俺たちのことを知らず

  • we had no record deal.

    we had no record deal. レコード会社との契約もなく

  • We had two or three songs

    We had two or three songs オーランドで作った曲が2,3曲だけ。

  • that we had cut back in Orlando

    that we had cut back in Orlando オーランドで作った曲が2,3曲だけ。

  • and then we did some covers

    and then we did some covers あとはカバーとかを歌って

  • And to just... seeing that size of a show

    And to just... seeing that size of a show その規模のライブから

  • and then to think here we are right now

    and then to think here we are right now 今みたいに日本に来たり

  • back in Japan

    back in Japan 今みたいに日本に来たり

  • and the fact that we did the Tokyo Dome.

    and the fact that we did the Tokyo Dome. 東京ドームでショーをやって

  • Three nights in a row sold out.

    Three nights in a row sold out. 3日間、連続で満席とか。

  • That's unbelievable.

    That's unbelievable. 信じられないよ。

  • and hopefully we can come back and do that again.

    and hopefully we can come back and do that again. またやりたいよね。

  • We're waiting. We're waiting for the dates!

    We're waiting. We're waiting for the dates! 待ってますよ!日程を待ってます!

  • We're like "where is Japan on the list?"

    We're like "where is Japan on the list?" 日本はいつ??って感じでしたよ。

  • We're working on it.

    We're working on it. 今調整してます。

  • It's definitely coming.

    It's definitely coming. 必ず来るよ。

  • We're penciling in as we speak.

    We're penciling in as we speak. こう話してる間にカレンダーに書き込んでるよ。

  • Kevin?

    Kevin? ケビンは?

  • I might go back to...

    I might go back to... 僕だったら...

  • There were a lot of great moments

    There were a lot of great moments 沢山の素晴らしい瞬間があるけどね

  • that would be fun to relive over.

    that would be fun to relive over. もう一度体験できたらいいなと思う

  • But maybe that first time we hit the stage in...

    But maybe that first time we hit the stage in... でも、初めてステージで歌った時かな。

  • Was it Nordenberg?

    Was it Nuremberg? ニュルンベルクだっけ?

  • First time we ever performed

    First time we ever performed 初めて大きな観客の前で歌った時。

  • in front of a big audience.

    in front of a big audience. 初めて大きな観客の前で歌った時。

  • We released the single in the U.S.

    We released the single in the U.S. アメリカでシングルをリリースして

  • which was called

    which was called "We've Got It Going On"という曲。

  • "We've Got It Going On"

    "We've Got It Going On" "We've Got It Going On"という曲。

  • and it made it to like number 60 something

    and it made it to like number 60 something ダンスチャートで60位ぐらいで

  • on the dance charts only.

    on the dance charts only. ダンスチャートで60位ぐらいで

  • It didn't really chart

    It didn't really chart ポップチャートとかには載らなかったんだよね。

  • on the pop radio charts or anything.

    on the pop radio charts or anything. ポップチャートとかには載らなかったんだよね。

  • But we heard that in Germany

    But we heard that in Germany でも、ドイツ、オーストリアやスイスでは

  • and Austria and Switzerland

    and Austria and Switzerland でも、ドイツ、オーストリアやスイスでは

  • they were loving the song.

    they were loving the song. すごい流行ってると聞いてて

  • and so we just went over there.

    and so we just went over there. 行ってみたら

  • They're like "you're gonna do this radio show

    They're like "you're gonna do this radio show 色んなアーティストが出演する

  • with a bunch of other artists".

    with a bunch of other artists". ラジオ番組に出ることになって。

  • We had no idea that the song

    We had no idea that the song でも、僕らの曲が大ヒットになっているとは

  • was already a smash hit.

    was already a smash hit. 全く知らず。

  • When we hit the stage,

    When we hit the stage, ステージに出たら

  • the crowd went berzerk

    the crowd went berzerk 観客が大興奮

  • They went insane,

    They went insane, 狂ったかのような歓声で

  • bananas, crazy.

    bananas, crazy. もうクレージーだったよ。

  • We couldn't believe it.

    We couldn't believe it. 信じられなかった。

  • We couldn't even hear ourselves singing.

    We couldn't even hear ourselves singing. 自分たちの歌声も聞こえなかった。

  • That was a pretty exceptional moment

    That was a pretty exceptional moment ものすごい瞬間だった。

  • where I, finally for the first time, was like,

    where I, finally for the first time, was like, その時に初めて

  • "You know what?

    "You know what? これってもしかして

  • This thing is gonna happen."

    This thing is gonna happen." 行けるかも。って思ったんだよね。

  • This might work. This ain't no joke.

    This might work. This ain't no joke. 成功するかも。これはおふざけじゃない。

  • Going forth, what are your dreams?

    Going forth, what are your dreams? 今後の夢はなんですか?

  • You guys have done so much like

    You guys have done so much like 既に色々と達成されているので...

  • what's something that you dream about

    what's something that you dream about どんな夢があるんですか?

  • or you wish would happen in the future for you?

    or you wish would happen in the future for you? 将来こういうことがあったらいいな、とか。

  • Winning a Grammy would be nice.

    Winning a Grammy would be nice. グラミーをもらえたらいいよね。

  • That would be nice.

    That would be nice. それはいいね。

  • That dream would be nice to have.

    That dream would be nice to have. その夢を叶えられたらいいよね。

  • The Grammys are next month, right?

    The Grammys are next month, right? グラミーは来月ですよね?

  • Yes. February 10th.

    Yes. February 10th. そう、2月10日。

  • It would be nice to be able to continue

    It would be nice to be able to continue 今後も一緒に音楽を作ってられたらいいよね。

  • to make music together

    to make music together 今後も一緒に音楽を作ってられたらいいよね。

  • hopefully for 25 more years.

    hopefully for 25 more years. もう25年間。

  • I think now that we're all fathers and husbands.

    I think now that we're all fathers and husbands. 今は全員お父さんで旦那さんで

  • We base our schedule a little bit differently now

    We base our schedule a little bit differently now スケージュールの立て方が変わってきた。

  • around our personal lives to try to make it easier,

    around our personal lives to try to make it easier, プライベートも優先しながら調整して

  • have that healthy balance between

    have that healthy balance between パーソナルライフとワークライフの

  • home life and work life.

    home life and work life. バランスを取るようにしてる。

  • But to be able to continue to make music

    But to be able to continue to make music でも、これからも音楽を作って

  • and to continue to travel the world and tour

    and to continue to travel the world and tour ツアーで世界を飛び回って

  • and bring our shows

    and bring our shows 世界中のファンのみんなに

  • to all of our fans around the world

    to all of our fans around the world ライブを持っていけたら

  • would be a blessing.

    would be a blessing. 本当にありがたいよね。

  • So hopefully we can keep doing that.

    So hopefully we can keep doing that. だから、そうできたらいいな。

  • I think this is the first album

    I think this is the first album 今回のアルバムが

  • where you're all dads, right?

    where you're all dads, right? 全員お父さんになって作った初のアルバムですよね?

  • Yeah.


  • So how has that been?

    So how has that been? それはどうでしたか?

  • I know you have been working on it for two years.

    I know you have been working on it for two years. 2年ぐらい掛けて作ったみたいですが。

  • Thankfully there is FaceTime

    Thankfully there is FaceTime ありがたいことに今はフェイスタイムとか

  • and there's all these different ways

    and there's all these different ways 色んな形で繋がれるから。

  • you can connect.

    you can connect. 色んな形で繋がれるから。

  • We've been away for four or five days now.

    We've been away for four or five days now. 今も4, 5日ぐらい離れているけど

  • We'll be away a little bit longer

    We'll be away a little bit longer 今後はもう少し長めにいなかったり

  • and there's gonna be times

    and there's gonna be times 時には子供達の側にいてあげられない

  • when we can't be there

    when we can't be there 時には子供達の側にいてあげられない

  • for our children when we want to.

    for our children when we want to. こともあるんだけど、

  • Thankfully though, recently we've been in Vegas

    Thankfully though, recently we've been in Vegas 幸い、最近はラスベガスの定期公演が多く

  • and some of the guys live in LA

    and some of the guys live in LA 一部のメンバーは L.A.に住んでいるので

  • and they've been able to bring their families to Vegas.

    and they've been able to bring their families to Vegas. 家族をラス・ベガスに連れてきたり

  • I live in Vegas so.

    I live in Vegas so. 僕自身もラス・ベガスに住んでいるので

  • We've been able to be a part of our families,

    We've been able to be a part of our families, 家族と一緒にいられることが多いんだ。

  • which is really really important to us.

    which is really really important to us. 僕たちにとってものすごく大事なことで

  • We're gonna bring them out on the road

    We're gonna bring them out on the road 今度のツアーにも家族を連れていったり

  • when we go, this next tour, over in Europe.

    when we go, this next tour, over in Europe. ヨーロッパとかにね。

  • I would like to say it's like a worldwide..

    I like to say it's like a worldwide... グローバルな...

  • What do you call it? Like a school for them.

    What do you call it? なんだろう?

  • it's gonna be the first time

    Like a school for them. 学校みたいな感じだね。

  • for me and my son to do this.

    it's gonna be the first time 僕と僕の息子にとっては

  • But you know, we miss them

    for me and my son to do this. 今回は初めてなんだ。

  • and we try to stay connected with them

    But you know, we miss them でも、恋しくなりますよ。

  • when we are away.

    and we try to stay connected with them 離れている時もなるべく話すようにしてます。

  • I was gonna add to that.

    when we are away. 離れている時もなるべく話すようにしてます。

  • I was the first Backstreet Boys Dad

    I was gonna add to that. それに加えて僕からちょっと。

  • So when Baylee was young - my son,

    I was the first Backstreet Boys Dad 僕が一番にお父さんになったんだけど

  • it was kind of this give-and-take situation

    So when Baylee was young - my son, ベイリー、僕の息子が小さい頃は

  • because being a father for the first time

    it was kind of this give-and-take situation ギブアンドテイクが難しくて

  • and not really knowing how or what to expect.

    because being a father for the first time 初めてお父さんになるわけだし

  • But I remember being out on the road and on tour,

    and not really knowing how or what to expect. どうなるかもわからなくて。

  • and Baylee growing up on the tour bus

    But I remember being out on the road and on tour, でも、覚えてるのが

  • on the Never Gone tour in 2004, many years ago.

    and Baylee growing up on the tour bus ベイリーは、ツアーバスで過ごすことが多く

  • And then after the tour was over,

    on the Never Gone tour in 2004, many years ago. 2004年の Never Goneのツアーのとき。

  • like "I wanted to go home"

    And then after the tour was over, ツアーが終わったら

  • Some of the guys were like...

    like "I wanted to go home" 僕は家に帰りたいと言ったんだけど

  • There was little qualms going on like

    Some of the guys were like... 一部のメンバーは、

  • "Nah, man, we got to stay out.

    There was little qualms going on like ちょっと不満っぽく

  • We gotta stay on the road"

    "Nah, man, we got to stay out. いや、もっと活動しないと。

  • and I'm like "No, you don't understand.

    We gotta stay on the road" もっとライブをしないと。と言ってきて。

  • I have a family."

    and I'm like "No, you don't understand. でも、僕的には「いや、そうじゃないんだ。

  • Now, everybody has families.

    I have a family." 僕にはもう家族がいるんだよ。」って感じで。

  • So now it's like that-give-and-take

    Now, everybody has families. でも、今は全員に家族がいて

  • where you understand

    So now it's like that-give-and-take みんなこのギブアンドテイクを

  • where each other is in their life

    where you understand 受け入れることができて。

  • outside of being a Backstreet Boy.

    where each other is in their life お互いのライフステージに理解がある。

  • We do a lot of things outside of

    outside of being a Backstreet Boy. バックストリート・ボーイズ以外のところでね。

  • just being a Backstreet Boy

    We do a lot of things outside of 僕たちはそれぞれBSB以外にも

  • So I think now that we're all family men.

    just being a Backstreet Boy 果たすべき役割があるから。

  • We get to talk about those stories and go

    So I think now that we're all family men. みんな家族を持つようになって

  • "Oh, I understand why I was so mad at you then,

    We get to talk about those stories and go そういう話もできるようになったかな。

  • but I get it now that I have kids."

    "Oh, I understand why I was so mad at you then, あの時怒っていた理由がわかったよ!

  • We've all been at those different stages in there

    but I get it now that I have kids." 子供が生まれてやっとわかった。とか。

  • and we will continue to be at those different stages

    We've all been at those different stages お互い様々なライフステージを経てるんだ。

  • at different times in our lives.

    and we will continue to be at those different stages 今後も色んなことを違うタイミングで

  • My husband and I, we have a daughter.

    at different times in our lives. 経験することもあるでしょう。

  • 7 months old.

    My husband and I, we have a daughter. 夫と私は、娘がいるんですけど

  • Pudding.

    7 months old. 7ヶ月の。

  • Pudding, yes.

    Pudding. プリン。

  • Oh my gosh Pudding! Brian knows your name!

    Pudding, yes. そう、プリン。

  • Ohayougozaimasu, Pudding!

    Oh my gosh Pudding! Brian knows your name! ブライアンがあなたの名前を知ってるよ!

  • She is like "That's not my real name."

    Ohayougozaimasu, Pudding!

  • She is asleep. She is out.

    She is like "That's not my real name." それ私の本名じゃない〜って言ってるかも。

  • I know it's a nickname, but

    She is asleep. She is out. 寝てるね。完全に爆睡中。

  • My husband and I are both terrible singers,

    I know it's a nickname, but あだ名だって知ってるよ。

  • but we love going to karaoke

    My husband and I are both terrible singers, 私たちは本当に音痴で

  • I'm sure you guys have gone to Karaoke

    but we love going to karaoke カラオケは好きなんですけど

  • in Japan before.

    I'm sure you guys have gone to Karaoke 日本でカラオケに行ったことありますよね。

  • And because we're both bad,

    in Japan before. 日本でカラオケに行ったことありますよね。

  • we don't feel bad singing.

    And because we're both bad, でも、二人とも音痴なので

  • in front of each other.

    we don't feel bad singing. お互いだけだと堂々と歌えるんです。

  • But while I was pregnant, I was like,

    in front of each other. お互いだけだと堂々と歌えるんです。

  • "Oh no! What if she hears our singing

    But while I was pregnant, I was like, でも、妊娠中は

  • and that transcends...

    "Oh no! What if she hears our singing 私たちの歌を聴いて

  • Well, she might already have it

    and that transcends... この子にもうつってしまったら...

  • because of DNA.

    Well, she might already have it いや、もう遺伝子でダメかもしれませんがw

  • But since you guys are amazing singers,

    because of DNA. いや、もう遺伝子でダメかもしれませんがw

  • I'm sure you sing to your kids a lot.

    But since you guys are amazing singers, でも、みなさんは歌声が素晴らしいので

  • What are some of your favorite songs

    I'm sure you sing to your kids a lot. お子さん達にもよく歌うかと思うのですが

  • to sing to your kids?

    What are some of your favorite songs 子供だちに歌うお気に入りの曲はなんですか?

  • That's not a Backstreet Boys song.

    to sing to your kids? 子供だちに歌うお気に入りの曲はなんですか?

  • Oh, I had so many BSB songs...

    That's not a Backstreet Boys song. BSBの曲以外に。

  • but then I'm like

    Oh, I had so many BSB songs... あ、BSBの曲ばっかり考えてたら...

  • That's the only stuff I know".

    but then I'm like BSB以外ね。

  • For me, it's interesting when you're a father

    That's the only stuff I know. BSBしか知らないよ。

  • and you pull out the songs that

    For me, it's interesting when you're a father お父さんになると面白いなと思うのが

  • these most random songs

    and you pull out the songs that こんな曲聴いてたっけ?と思うぐらい

  • that you wouldn't even think

    these most random songs 全然心当たりのない曲が思い浮かぶんだよね。

  • would be a part of your DNA as a person.

    that you wouldn't even think こんな曲聴いてたっけ?と思うぐらい

  • But for me, it's like some old,

    would be a part of your DNA as a person. こんな曲聴いてたっけ?と思うぐらい

  • classic, folk kind of songs.

    But for me, it's like some old, 僕の場合は、古い

  • Like almost classic rock and l'll sing like,

    classic, folk kind of songs. クラシックやフォークっぽい歌とか。

  • "Nights in White Satin" every now and then to him

    Like almost classic rock and l'll sing like, クラシック・ロックのような。例えば

  • I'll sing "A Horse With No Name" by America.

    "Nights in White Satin" every now and then to him 「Nights in White Satin」とか

  • All these like a guitar based songs.

    I'll sing "A Horse With No Name" by America. アメリカの「A Horse with No Name」

  • Or sometimes maybe a Gordon Lightfoot song.

    All these like a guitar based songs. ギターベースの曲ばっかり。

  • No, seriously! Like the most random stuff ever!

    Or sometimes maybe a Gordon Lightfoot song. 時には、ゴードン・ライトフットの曲とか。

  • When I think about it I'm like, Wow

    No, seriously! Like the most random stuff ever! いや、本当に!どこから来てるんだろう!

  • is that really deep inside of me?

    When I think about it I'm like, Wow たまに気づいて、わ〜

  • Is that really a part of who I am?

    is that really deep inside of me? こんな曲知ってたの?

  • And so... It's funny.

    Is that really a part of who I am? これが自分の一部なの?って思っちゃう。

  • When Baylee was little for me

    And so... It's funny. ちょっと面白いなと。

  • there was a young lady

    When Baylee was little for me ベイリーが小さい頃は、

  • that had just come on the market

    there was a young lady 当時出て来たばかりの若い女性で

  • named Norah Jones.

    that had just come on the market 当時出て来たばかりの若い女性で

  • We would put her CD in.

    named Norah Jones. ノラ・ジョーンズという方がいて。

  • He loved Norah Jones.

    We would put her CD in. 彼女のCDを掛けてた。

  • He also loved our music.

    He loved Norah Jones. ノラ・ジョーンズが大好きだったよ。

  • But my son is very eclectic.

    He also loved our music. 僕らの曲も好きだったけどね。

  • He loves like Tony Bennett and Lionel Richie.

    But my son is very eclectic. でも、息子は本当に幅広くて。

  • Just all kinds of different things.

    He loves like Tony Bennett and Lionel Richie. トニー・ベットやライオネル・リッチー

  • He knows rock music, pop music,

    Just all kinds of different things. 色んなの。

  • gospel music.

    He knows rock music, pop music, ロックも知ってるし、ポップも

  • He is an entertainer himself.

    gospel music. ゴスペルだって。

  • Yeah, he is.

    He is an entertainer himself. 彼自身もエンターテイナーですよね。

  • He is a pretty good singer, too.

    Yeah, he is. そう。

  • That might be in his DNA.

    He is a pretty good singer, too. 歌も結構うまいよw

  • I'm not sure. We'll have to test it.

    That might be in his DNA. DNA (遺伝) かもしれないけどw

  • Whenever I hear John Mayer's

    I'm not sure. We'll have to test it. どうだろう?試してみないとw

  • "Say What You Need to Say",

    Whenever I hear John Mayer's ジョン・メイヤーの

  • I used to sing that to Mason all the time

    "Say What You Need to Say", "Say What You Need to Say" を聞くと

  • when he was born.

    I used to sing that to Mason all the time メイソンによく歌ってたんだ

  • That song when I hear it

    when he was born. 生まれた頃。

  • It's like a snapshot

    That song when I hear it あの曲を聴くと

  • of when Mason was first born.

    It's like a snapshot その時の思い出が蘇ってきて

  • It gets me emotional.

    of when Mason was first born. メイソンが生まれた時の

  • He is 11 now and it goes so fast.

    It gets me emotional. 色んな気持ちが込み上げてくる。

  • Crazy.

    He is 11 now and it goes so fast. 今11歳で、本当に早いよ。

  • For me, my oldest, for Ava when she was young

    Crazy. 信じられない。

  • Her very first album that she loves is Frankie Valli.

    For me, my oldest, for Ava when she was young 上の子、エイバが小さい頃は

  • Then we moved into the Beatles

    Her very first album that she loves is Frankie Valli. 彼女が一番に好きになったのはフランキー・ヴァリ

  • because of my wife.

    Then we moved into the Beatles その後はビートルズ

  • She is the biggest Beatles' fan in the world.

    because of my wife. 妻の影響で。

  • and then I kind of subjected her to Prince,

    She is the biggest Beatles' fan in the world. 世界で一番のビートルズファンなんだよ。

  • Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder.

    and then I kind of subjected her to Prince, そして、僕の影響でプリンスとか

  • And then my youngest...

    Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder. マイケル・ジャクソン、スティーヴィー・ワンダー

  • anything Moana.

    And then my youngest... そして下の子は

  • I have heard Moana more than I want to.

    anything Moana. モアナならなんでも。

  • Any Disney princess movie, pretty much.

    I have heard Moana more than I want to. もう聞きたくないw

  • That or The Greatest Showman.

    Any Disney princess movie, pretty much. ディズニープリンセスの映画ならなんでも。

  • My oldest has a big crush on Zac Efron.

    That or The Greatest Showman. か、グレイテスト・ショーマン。

  • Is that what you sing to her?

    My oldest has a big crush on Zac Efron. 上の子は、ザック・エフロンが好きだから。

  • What do you sing?

    Is that what you sing to her? それを歌ってるの?

  • or whatever song you sing to Ava.

    What do you sing? 何を歌ってるの?

  • To Ava?

    from The Greatest Showman? グレイテイスト・ショーマンの曲で?

  • Well, sadly it's one of ours.

    or whatever song you sing to Ava. か、エイバに歌ってる曲ならなんでも。

  • She loves "Shape of My Heart".

    To Ava? エイバに?

  • That's her favorite BSB song.

    Well, sadly it's one of ours. 残念ながら、僕たちの歌なんだけど

  • That and "The Call", which is weird.

    She loves "Shape of My Heart". Shape of My Heart が大好きなんだ。

  • I don't know why she liked that one.

    That's her favorite BSB song. 一番好きなBSBの歌。

  • That helps her sleep.

    That and "The Call", which is weird. それと、ザ・コール。ちょっと変だよねw

  • I think for me,

    I don't know why she liked that one. なぜその曲が好きなのかは、わからないw

  • I don't actually do a lot of karaoke

    That helps her sleep. 眠くなるみたいw

  • because for the past 25 years

    I think for me, 僕は

  • the only songs I know is BSB.

    I don't actually do a lot of karaoke あまりカラオケとかしないんだ

  • Most songs that are on the radio.

    because for the past 25 years だってこの25年間

  • I don't know the words so

    the only songs I know is BSB. BSBの歌しか歌ってこなかったから

  • if anything, I end up making up words,

    Most songs that are on the radio. ラジオで流れている曲とか

  • changing up all the words.

    I don't know the words so 歌詞が全然わからなくて

  • So the kids don't really know the songs properly,

    if anything, I end up making up words, 歌うとしたら、替え歌だよね。

  • but I've even changed some of our BSB songs.

    changing up all the words. 歌詞を変えちゃう。

  • Wash your body, everybody

    So the kids don't really know the songs properly, 子供たちは正しい歌詞を知らないんだ

  • That's a good bath time song!

    but I've even changed some of our BSB songs. BSBの曲の歌詞すら変えちゃうよ

  • wash your body right

    ♫ Wash your body, everybody ♫

  • And when they were little, it was like

    That's a good bath time song! お風呂にいい曲だ!

  • You know, "The Wheels On The Bus"

    ♫ wash your body right♫

  • or "Peanut Butter Jelly Time", actually.

    And when they were little, it was like 小さい頃は

  • Peanut butter jelly time

    You know, "The Wheels On The Bus" The Wheels On The Busとか

  • Peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat

    or "Peanut Butter Jelly Time", actually. Peanut Butter Jelly Time かな。

  • They love that song!

    ♫ Peanut butter jelly time ♫

  • I actually put on "No Place".

    ♫ Peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat♫

  • Did she cry?

    They love that song! この歌は大好き!

  • I was singing the ABCs to her,

    I actually put on "No Place". No Placeを掛けたら

  • which I thought she liked.

    Did she cry? 泣いた?

  • and then she would cry

    No, she stopped crying! いや、泣き止んだの!

  • so I turned on "No Place"

    I was singing the ABCs to her, ABCを歌ってて

  • and she stopped.

    which I thought she liked. お気に入りのはずの

  • That's good!

    and then she would cry 泣くから

  • At least we know we've got a baby follower.

    so I turned on "No Place" No Placeを掛けたら

  • Our youngest fan.

    and she stopped. 泣き止んだの。

  • Love the video.

    That's good! いいね!

  • Thank you guys so much for sharing your families

    At least we know we've got a baby follower. 少なくともベビーふぁんはいるね。

  • and kind of something personal with us.

    Our youngest fan. 最年少ファンだね。

  • Did you always know you were going to have

    Love the video. 素敵なPV

  • your families in that video?

    Thank you guys so much for sharing your families ご家族の映像をシェアしてくれてありがとう。

  • We have families.

    and kind of something personal with us. とてもプライベートな感じを。

  • Like I said before, it's important to us.

    Did you always know you were going to have 最初から家族を出そうと思ってたんですか?

  • But we also have fans.

    your families in that video? 最初から家族を出そうと思ってたんですか?

  • This is actually the perfect example.

    We have families. 僕たちにも家族がいて

  • Fans like yourself who have families

    Like I said before, it's important to us. さっき言ったように、すごく大事な要素で

  • who are also going through

    But we also have fans. でも、ファンのみんなも

  • that part of their lives as well.

    This is actually the perfect example. 君が完璧な例だよね

  • We just thought felt it would be kind of a treat

    Fans like yourself who have families 君みたいに家族がいて

  • to give our fans a little glimpse into our personal lives

    who are also going through 僕たちと同じような道を歩んでいる

  • and show what it's all about.

    that part of their lives as well. 僕たちと同じような道を歩んでいる

  • What we've been doing at the same time.

    We just thought felt it would be kind of a treat いいプレゼントになるかと思って

  • and maybe in a way

    to give our fans a little glimpse into our personal lives 僕たちのプライベートを覗けたら

  • our fans can empathize with us

    and show what it's all about. 一体どんな感じなのか。

  • and see that they're just like who we are a

    What we've been doing at the same time. 最近どんなことをしているのか。

  • and so that's why we did that

    and maybe in a way そうすることによって、

  • with the music video.

    our fans can empathize with us ファンのみんなが共感できるかなと。

  • We've been traveling our whole lives

    and see that they're just like who we are a 僕たちもみんなと一緒だよ。

  • and we're getting ready to go on tour.

    and so that's why we did that そういう思いでPVを作ったんだ。

  • There's sometimes when we leave our families

    with the music video. そういう思いでPVを作ったんだ。

  • back home. We can't be there like right now.

    We've been traveling our whole lives 昔からずっと世界を回って

  • But when we go home, there is no place that

    and we're getting ready to go on tour. これからもツアーで旅立つ

  • we would rather be than with them.

    There's sometimes when we leave our families 時には家族を離れないといけないことも

  • They keep us grounded.

    back home. We can't be there like right now. 一緒にいられない時がね、今みたいに。

  • They're a very integral part of us as family men

    But when we go home, there is no place that でも、家に戻ると、家族より

  • and Backstreet Boys.

    we would rather be than with them. 居心地のいい場所はないし

  • I love it.

    They keep us grounded. 落ち着くし。

  • I think it's one of my favorites.

    They're a very integral part of 僕たちにとって欠かせない存在だよね。

  • I mean, I love all of them.

    us as family men and Backstreet Boys. プライベートにおいてもBSBにおいても。

  • But there's just this new feeling

    I love it. 大好き。

  • when I watch "No Place".

    I think it's one of my favorites. お気に入りの一つになりました。

  • Good, thank you.

    I mean, I love all of them. 全部好きですけど。

  • That's awesome.

    But there's just this new feeling 新しい感覚です。

  • Glad it turned out that way.

    when I watch "No Place". No Placeを見ると。

  • The videos that you've shot so far.

    Good, thank you. よかった。ありがとう。

  • Is there any funny story?

    That's awesome. 本当によかった。

  • I know a lot goes on behind the scenes

    Glad it turned out that way. そう感じてもらえて嬉しい。

  • because I make a lot of videos myself

    The videos that you've shot so far. これまで撮影したPVで

  • I have over 700 videos on YouTube

    Is there any funny story? 面白いエピソードとかありました?

  • and behind the scenes is where

    I know a lot goes on behind the scenes 裏では色んなことが起きると思うんですが

  • the juicy stuff, right?

    because I make a lot of videos myself 私自身も沢山の動画を作っていて

  • the funny stuff happens

    I have over 700 videos on YouTube YouTubeに700本以上の動画をあげているので

  • Is there anything in the last three videos?

    and behind the scenes is where メイキングの方が

  • Nobody split their pants or anything.

    the juicy stuff, right? ネタになるような、面白いことが起きますよね。

  • Has that happened before?

    the funny stuff happens ネタになるような、面白いことが起きますよね。

  • It was a very day.

    Is there anything in the last three videos? この3つのPVで何かありましたか?

  • It was a very long. It was a one day shoot.

    Nobody split their pants or anything. ズボンが切れちゃうとかはなかったかなw

  • It was funny because

    Has that happened before? これまであったんですか?

  • the surface that

    Oh yeah, it's happened before. 全然あるよ。

  • we were dancing on was very reflective.

    It was a long day. ものすごい長い1日だった。

  • It was like a black mirror almost.

    It was a very long. It was a one day shoot. 1日で撮影したんだけど、長いロケだった。

  • And after every take they'd have to clean it off

    It was funny because 面白かったのが

  • and make it look clean.

    the surface that 踊ってた床がものすごく反射するから

  • Because you want that reflection

    we were dancing on was very reflective. 踊ってた床がものすごく反射するから

  • and you want to have to do

    It was like a black mirror almost. 黒い鏡みたいな。

  • as little in post-production

    And after every take they'd have to clean it off テイク毎に拭かないといけなくて

  • as possible to get things to look right.

    and make it look clean. テイク毎に拭かないといけなくて

  • So that was kind of funny.

    Because you want that reflection 綺麗に反射するようにね

  • because there'd be some screaming matches

    and you want to have to do 撮影後の編集では可能な限り

  • going on between the people cleaning.

    as little in post-production 修正しなくていいように

  • But anything that's crazy or funny?

    as possible to get things to look right. 撮影でばっちりと決めないとで。

  • I just remembered while they were cleaning that off

    So that was kind of funny. ちょっと面白かったよ。

  • we had shot... I don't even know.

    because there'd be some screaming matches 怒鳴りあってて

  • Fifty to a hundred takes of that

    going on between the people cleaning. 清掃に人と(撮影側が)

  • dancing and we had done

    But anything that's crazy or funny? でも、クレイジーなことって何かあったかな?

  • I think maybe like a week before

    I just remembered while they were cleaning that off 僕が覚えているのは、床を拭いている間

  • or maybe two or three days of preparing

    we had shot... I don't even know. もう数え切れないぐらいのテイクがあって

  • that choreography for the video.

    Fifty to a hundred takes of that dancing 踊っているシーンを50回から100回ぐらい撮って

  • I just remember being so sore

    and we had done その前には

  • and tired by the end of that shoot.

    I think maybe like a week before 1週間ぐらい掛けて

  • Because we had gone to like 2 or 3 o'clock

    or maybe two or three days of preparing 2, 3日ぐらいかな

  • in the morning.

    that choreography for the video. 振り付けの練習をしてたから

  • I couldn't believe how many takes we did

    I just remember being so sore 筋肉痛がやばくて!

  • and how our bodies held up

    and tired by the end of that shoot. 撮影が終わったらヘトヘトだったよ。

  • but we were sore the next day.

    Because we had gone to like 2 or 3 o'clock 夜中の2, 3時ぐらいまでやってたからね。

  • It was a lot of dancing

    in the morning. 夜中の2, 3時ぐらいまでやってたからね。

  • over and over and over again.

    I couldn't believe how many takes we did 信じられないぐらい何回もやったよ。

  • I guess it gets you in shape

    and how our bodies held up どうやって体がもったのか謎。

  • for the tour coming up, right?

    but we were sore the next day. でも、次の日は痛かったよ。

  • Yes.

    It was a lot of dancing すごい量の踊りだった。

  • Chances, I mean, really...

    over and over and over again. 何回も何回も何回も

  • A.J., you directed it, right?

    I guess it gets you in shape ツアーの前に体を鍛える感じでしたねw

  • I co-directed it with my longtime friend,

    for the tour coming up, right? ツアーの前に体を鍛える感じでしたねw

  • René Elizondo


  • Nothing really funny per say

    Chances, I mean, really... Chancesは、まあ

  • but we definitely had to work around

    A.J., you directed it, right? A.J.がディレクターをやったんですよね?

  • the actual train station schedule

    I co-directed it with my longtime friend, 昔からのお友達と一緒に。

  • to wait for trains to come and go

    René Elizondo

  • to get certain shots.

    Nothing really funny per say 面白いことは特になかったけど

  • Union Station in downtown LA.

    but we definitely had to work around 電車のスケジュールと合わせながらで

  • Beautiful, beautiful location.

    the actual train station schedule 電車のスケジュールと合わせながらで

  • But we definitely were at the mercy of

    to wait for trains to come and go 一部のシーンでは電車が通過するのを待ったり

  • the actual trains being used

    to get certain shots. 一部のシーンでは電車が通過するのを待ったり

  • and there were some interesting people

    Union Station in downtown LA. ダウンタウンL.A.のユニオンステーション

  • there waiting to catch their trains.

    Beautiful, beautiful location. 美しい駅だよ。

  • Watching us shoot the video

    But we definitely were at the mercy of でも、電車にはかなり左右されたね

  • like 3:00 in the morning.

    the actual trains being used でも、電車にはかなり左右されたね

  • But that's downtown LA.

    and there were some interesting people あと、変わった人たちが結構いたね。

  • No place.

    there waiting to catch their trains. 電車を待っている人たちw

  • There's a lot of footage that didn't get used.

    Watching us shoot the video 夜中の3時ぐらいに撮影を見てて

  • All of our kids

    like 3:00 in the morning. 夜中の3時ぐらいに撮影を見てて

  • they love to be on camera.

    But that's downtown LA. それがダウンタウン L.A.だよね。

  • I'm sure there was quite a lot of funny stuff

    No place.

  • that happened.

    There's a lot of footage that didn't get used. 使われていないカットが沢山あるよ。

  • Was it like just shoot however you want

    All of our kids 俺らの子供たちは

  • Was there a lot of freedom there?

    they love to be on camera. カメラが大好きだから

  • It was up to us

    I'm sure there was quite a lot of funny stuff きっと面白いシーンも色々とあると思う。

  • what we wanted to do with our family.

    that happened. きっと面白いシーンも色々とあると思う。

  • Just something that we do in our everyday life

    Was it like just shoot however you want 好きなように撮ってくださいって感じでしたか?

  • like me and my family, we love to go hiking,

    Was there a lot of freedom there? 自由な感じ?

  • we like to play ball in the yard,

    It was up to us 自分たちで決めたよ。

  • we like to roast marshmallows on the fire pit.

    what we wanted to do with our family. 家族と何をするかは。

  • That's what we did.

    Just something that we do in our everyday life 普段やってることをね。

  • It's like your best interpretation of you at home.

    like me and my family, we love to go hiking, 僕の家族はハイキングに行ったり

  • You're always wearing that cooking hat?

    we like to play ball in the yard, 庭で野球をしたり

  • I'm always the chef.

    we like to roast marshmallows on the fire pit. 焚き火でマシュマロを焼いたりが好きだら

  • Chef Brian!

    That's what we did. そうした。

  • We wanted it to be inviting

    It's like your best interpretation of you at home. 家にいる時の自分の代表的なシーンて感じ。

  • and invasive in a good way

    You're always wearing that cooking hat? ブライアンはいつもあの帽子で料理してるのね。

  • where people see your home or see your pool

    I'm always the chef. 僕はいつもシェフだよ。

  • or see you laugh and joke and kissing your wife

    Chef Brian!

  • having a glass of wine.

    We wanted it to be inviting みんなをお家に呼ぶ感覚かな。

  • Just being a homebody.

    and invasive in a good way いい意味で侵入している感じ

  • My shots were supposed to be at the beach.

    where people see your home or see your pool 家を観れたり、プールを観れたり

  • But it ended up being the coldest day

    or see you laugh and joke and kissing your wife 笑ったり、冗談を言ったり、奥さんにチューしたり

  • of the year in Florida.

    having a glass of wine. ワインを飲んでたり。

  • I didn't even know that.

    Just being a homebody. アットホームな感じでね。

  • Last minute, change things up

    My shots were supposed to be at the beach. 僕のシーンはビーチのはずだったんだけど

  • It was supposed to be beach, pool and tennis.

    But it ended up being the coldest day その年で一番寒い日で

  • We ended up...scratching all that.

    of the year in Florida. フロリダでね。

  • I'm actually in a jacket

    I didn't even know that. 僕もそれは知らなかった

  • and wearing blankets on there.

    Last minute, change things up 最後の最後で変えることになって

  • Where was that playground at?

    It was supposed to be beach, pool and tennis. ビーチ、プール、とテニスだったんだけど

  • That's actually my backyard.

    We ended up...scratching all that. 全部なしにした。

  • Oh nice.

    I'm actually in a jacket だから、ジャケットを着てるんだよね。

  • If you look up "6, 9, 8, 4..."

    and wearing blankets on there. ブランケットも。

  • Nah, I'm just playing.

    Where was that playground at? あの遊び場はどこ?

  • It was funny, Howie yesterday

    That's actually my backyard. うちの庭だよ。

  • you were like "the blonde kid is mine!"

    Oh nice. そうなんだ。いいね。

  • You just kept saying it dude!

    If you look up "6984..." 6984 で調べると

  • He said it like three times.

    Nah, I'm just playing. いや、冗談だよ。

  • Because I know that, probably a lot of people

    It was funny, Howie yesterday 昨日のイベントでHowieが

  • were wondering about that.

    you were like "the blonde kid is mine!" 金髪の子も僕の子だよ!と主張してて面白かった。

  • At first I was like "He's really blonde!"

    You just kept saying it dude! 何度も言ってたよね。

  • Actually, he is my Irish twin.

    He said it like three times. 3回ぐらい言ったよw

  • or Scandinavian twin.

    Because I know that, probably a lot of people 多くの人が疑問に思ってるはずだからw

  • and I'm more Irish than you are.

    were wondering about that. 多くの人が疑問に思ってるはずだからw

  • Yeah, you're Scandinavian twin.

    At first I was like "He's really blonde!" 最初は確かに「すごい金髪!」と思いましたw

  • We just got our DNA tests

    Actually, he is my Irish twin. 僕のアイルランドの双子だよ。

  • and we're finding out a lot about ourselves.

    or Scandinavian twin. どちらかというと北欧か。

  • Can I get you guys to sing

    and I'm more Irish than you are. 俺の方がアイリッシュだよ。

  • a bit of No Place for everyone watching?

    Yeah, you're Scandinavian twin. 北欧の双子ねw

  • Oh, that's something that we haven't done.

    We just got our DNA tests 最近、DNAテストを受けたから

  • We've never done that live yet.

    and we're finding out a lot about ourselves. 自分たちのことを色々と知れてねw

  • Let's give it a shot.

    Can I get you guys to sing No Placeを歌ってもらえたりしますか?

  • "I've been" That's the key. Relative pitch.

    a bit of No Place for everyone watching? 見てるみなさんのために (自分のためだろうw)

  • ♫ I've been all around the world

    Oh, that's something that we haven't done. それはまだやったことないな。

  • done all there is to do

    We've never done that live yet. 生ではないね。

  • But you'll always be the home

    Let's give it a shot. やってみよう。

  • ♫ I wanna come home to

    "I've been" That's the key. Relative pitch. これがキーだよ。

  • You're a wild night with a hell of a view

    ♫ I've been all around the world ♫

  • There ain't no place, ain't no place like you

    ♫ done all there is to do ♫

  • ♫ I said, there ain't no place, ain't no place like you

    ♫ But you'll always be the home ♫

  • That's a first

    ♫ I wanna come home to ♫

  • OMG, I'm going to cry

    ♫You're a wild night with a hell of a view ♫

  • You boys can sing!

    ♫There ain't no place, ain't no place like you ♫

  • We're gonna do that at live soon.

    ♫ I said, there ain't no place, ain't no place like you ♫

  • We gotta start rehearsing.

    That's a first 初めてだよ。

  • Mr Relative, you were half step high.

    OMG, I'm going to cry うわ、泣きそう

  • No, I wasn't.

    You boys can sing! みんな歌上手いね!

  • Somebody is awake!

    We're gonna do that at live soon. 近々生でやるから

  • Look at that!

    We gotta start rehearsing. 練習し始めないとだね。

  • You're the perfect fan!

    Mr Relative, you were half step high. ニック、キーがちょっと高かったよ。

  • Can I hold her?

    No, I wasn't. 高くないよ。

  • You can spill all your food on all of our faces!

    Somebody is awake! 誰かさんが起きてる!

  • Come here!

    Look at that! わ、見てこれ!

  • I like them better on the radio

    You're the perfect fan! 本当にパーフェクトファンだ。

  • than it person.

    Can I hold her? 抱っこしてもいい?

  • Can you guys sing her the ABCs?

    You can spill all your food on all of our faces! 僕らの顔に食べ物沢山落とせるねw

  • Yeah!

    Come here! おいで!

  • What a treat! Oh my gosh.

    I like them better on the radio ラジオの方がいいね

  • Thank you guys so much!

    than it person. 実際会うよりも、って?

  • If you could say something to the fans

    Can you guys sing her the ABCs? ABCを歌ってもらえますか?

  • See you guys soon all over the world on tour!


  • We hope you love DNA.

    What a treat! Oh my gosh. なんて贅沢!

  • We've put a lot of love and heart

    Thank you guys so much! 本当にありがとうございます!

  • into making this album.

    If you could say something to the fans ファンの皆さんに何かメッセージがあれば。

  • We're very proud of it and it comes out very soon.

    See you guys soon all over the world on tour! 近いうちに世界中で会おうね!

  • Peace and love to our fans all over the world.

    We hope you love DNA. DNAを気に入ってもらえると嬉しい!

  • Arigato!

    We've put a lot of love and heart 愛と僕たちの全てを入れて作ったので。

  • Alright guys, thank you so much for watching

    into making this album. 愛と僕たちの全てを入れて作ったので。

  • and thanks to the Backstreet Boys

    We're very proud of it and it comes out very soon. いいものができたと思っている。

  • for the most incredible 20,

    Peace and love to our fans all over the world. 世界中のファンのみんなに、平和と愛を!

  • maybe 30 minutes of my life.

    Alright guys, thank you so much for watching では、みなさん!見てくれてありがとう!

  • Thank you for all that time

    and thanks to the Backstreet Boys そして、BSBにありがとう!!

  • and for sharing all of your stories.

    for the most incredible 20, 人生で最高な20分、

  • Alright guys, be sure to go get DNA

    maybe 30 minutes of my life. いや、30分間を!

  • by the time this video is out, it's in stores.

    Thank you for all that time 長時間、ありがとうございました。

  • I've already reserved it,

    and for sharing all of your stories. 色々とシェアしてくださって!

  • so I can't wait for my copy!

    Alright guys, be sure to go get DNA みんなも是非DNAを!

  • That's great. Thank you.

    by the time this video is out, it's in stores. これがアップされた頃にはも発売されてるよ!

  • Give us a big like!

    I've already reserved it, 私はもう予約したので

  • Bye!

    so I can't wait for my copy! 届くのが待ち遠しい!

  • Pudding. Show everyone.

    That's great. Thank you. 嬉しいよ。ありがとう!

  • "I'm the perfect fan"

    Give us a big like! いいねをお願いします!

  • She is the perfect fan!


  • 当たり前だろ!

    Pudding. Show everyone. プリン、みんなに見せて。

  • Alright guys. Thank you so much for watching!

    "I'm the perfect fan"

  • Give me a big like!

    She is the perfect fan!

  • Bye!


There ain't no place, ain't no place like you

♫ There ain't no place, ain't no place like you ♫


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