字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント - This guy told me he had pink eye. He had metal shards in his eye from welding. Oh my god. Can that happen? Hey, guys. Doctor Mike here. Welcome to the third episode of responding to Reddit threads. This week's response video is gonna be to the thread titled "Doctors of Reddit, what's your thank god they came in "for a second opinion moment?" I know mine. Are you ready for me to tell you? Bee-whoop. I'm working in an urgent care, and the last patients on my schedule happen to be part of a family. And when I walk into the room, they're covered in bruises. They looked horrible, like in horrible condition. It almost looked like they belonged in a level one trauma center. I asked what happened. They told me they were coming back from a road trip. Unfortunately, they got into a car accident driving, like, 70 miles an hour. They were treated, let go, but they were still having so many symptoms that they wanted to come see me. My first question was, "Give me your records." Show me what tests were done in this place where you were treated. They give them to me. I look and it's like, okay, scan one, scan two, scan three, labs, this, that. Everything looks decent. Where is the scan of the head to make sure you're not bleeding inside your brain? And they're like, "Oh, they told us we shouldn't do it. "We didn't need it." And I'm thinking to myself, "That's crazy." Not only is one of the family members on blood thinning medication, but they were involved in a 70 mile an hour car accident. So despite the fact that it was very difficult to get them to the ER for the second time that day, I made it happen. We got them there. And what do you know? They were scanned. One of the family members, bleeding into the brain, ended up staying in the neural ICU, and is effected to this day. Had they gone home, not seen me, went to sleep, the outcomes would've been much worse. So that's my thank god for a second opinion moment. Now it's time for me to read and react to yours. Well, not yours, but Redditors. Are people on Reddit called, ah, sorry. My dad went to the same ear doctor for around nine years due to poor hearing and was told there was nothing wrong. When he finally went to a second doctor, they referred him to the hospital and found tumors in his ears that had eaten entirely through his inner ear bones and ear drums. He needed four operations to remove them, one every six months. If the second doctor hadn't offered their opinion, he probably would've had tumors eating through the back of his skull into his brain. Well, I don't know if that's true, but the fact that you're going to see a doctor for nine years, and you have a loss of hearing, and they're telling you everything's fine, that's wrong. You have a symptom. If they're not curing the symptom or addressing the symptom or explaining why the symptom is there, they're not doing their job. Are you yawning during my Reddit thread? That's so rude. (Bear licks) ER nurse here. Had a lady in for simple pneumonia. Her 13-year-old son was getting bored, so I showed him some equipment. I connected a simple heart monitor to him and discovered he was in complete heart block. I printed a strip and showed it to the doc. We suddenly and unexpectedly got a cardiac patient. Yo, that's crazy. That's like in medical school when we're all listening to each other's hearts, practicing, and then we find out someone has, like, a serious heart condition. That's crazy. I had a doctor in high school who was unconcerned when I suddenly developed vertical double vision, which was freaking out everyone in the emergency room where I had gone initially, and I had lost 60 pounds for no reason. That's an insane amount of weight loss. It was only a year or two later when I told him that my arm would fall asleep much faster than normal when I raise to ask it a question in class that he thought there might be something wrong with me. MRI ordered. Brain tumor found. Bear, isn't that crazy. (Bear licks) Bear doesn't sound concerned. That's a crazy story to me, because the first question you ask, even if you're remotely concerned about a cancer history is, "Do you have any weight loss." Unintended weight loss, specifically. And when they say, "Yes," that encourages me to start scanning and looking for things that I normally don't check for. Having a 60 pound weight loss should automatically be a red flag. Raising your hand and having it fall asleep on you? Not a huge red flag. That could be simply an issue with cervical radiculopathy which means that your vertebrae, where the nerves come out between your vertebrae, can get impinged and cause symptoms that shoot down the nerve or cause it to get, for you to develop some numbness or tingling. 60 pound weight loss? (sharply exhales) That's major disease unless proven otherwise, and I think Bear agrees. (kiss) Dermatologist here. I have seen probably five instances of my other doctor told me it was fine that were melanomas. A lot of times people don't want full skin exams. There are lots of perfectly sane reasons for this, time, perceived cost, history of personal trauma. However, I routinely find cancers people don't know they have. Keep this in mind if you see a dermatologist for acne and they recommend you get in a gown. Yes, there's so many patients of mine that I recommend that we do full skin exam or maybe even offer them a referral to the dermatologist and they pass up on it. Melanoma's one of those cancers that's growing in diagnoses, and it's one that can be incredibly dangerous because it spreads when it metastasizes to really weird areas of the body like the eye, bone. Like, these are problems that you just want to avoid with careful screening. Psychiatrist here. A 30-year-old man with mild depressive symptoms was in and out of the hospital fairly quickly. He as under pressure from his home life, living with four roommates who were making life a bit difficult for him. No suicidal thoughts. He was cleared of all psychopathologies by me and two other doctors. A few months later he came back. Same symptoms, however this time he talked about five roommates. It felt wrong, and I digged into his story, tried to contact his roommates. He lived alone and was severely psychotic. I have no idea to this day how he hid it so well from everyone. When we scan for psychosis, we look for inconsistencies between the patient's subjective experience of thinking, being, and acting, and the objective reality