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  • Hi, it's Alfredo. In my work as a university professor, I often try to help students with

  • their study habits. In other words, how do they study? I remember talking to one student,

  • in particular. His grades were low. I learned that he had a plan for studying a few hours

  • every afternoon and a few hours every evening. This plan looked impressive.

  • I thought, well, the amount of time is not a problem. But what about the quality of that

  • time? So I asked him where he was studying. He said that he was studying in his room.

  • He lived in a residence hall on the campus of the university, so he had two roommates.

  • I asked him whether he ever gets distracted by his roommates or his roommates friends

  • who come into the room to have conversations with his roommates. He said that his room

  • is actually a very noisy place.

  • Now, on this college campus, there is a library very, very close to the building where this

  • student's room was. I said, study in the library. It's quiet there. People don't have loud,

  • distracting conversations in the library. In addition, it's difficult for people to

  • find you there at the library, even if they want to distract you.

  • The advice that I gave this student was about his learning environment. Abigail wrote an

  • article about getting rid of distractions in your learning environment. Take time now

  • to read the article, which is below this video. Also, in the comments at the bottom of the

  • page, answer these questions: "Where do you study? And how do you eliminate distractions?"

Hi, it's Alfredo. In my work as a university professor, I often try to help students with


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A2 初級

あなたの学習環境で気晴らしを排除するための3つのステップ (3 Steps to Eliminate Distractions in Your Learning Environment)

  • 339 80
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日