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  • [MUSIC] Domics Introduction

  • A lot of us have been there.

  • You meet a stranger, you take an interest in them,

  • And they don't reciprocate; their eyes are locked on someone else and that someone happens to be your friend.

  • You don't want to ruin any friendships, so you back off. You then suppress your feelings,

  • And hope that one day, you'll move on or at least tolerate it just enough to no longer be a hindrance in your life.

  • This is my story with Estelle.

  • Technically this would be more like 2.5, but the break-up happened post Erin Kim. Technically. It wasn't exactly a breakup,

  • Technically it wasn't even a relationship, but she's earned her spot.

  • So you guys remember my involvement with Jessica,

  • And how we met. I mentioned she was with her group of friends at that town fair. There were four of them to be exact.

  • The tiny one was Estelle. In my endeavor to familiarize myself with Jessica, it meant getting to know her friends as well.

  • During all that. I ended up getting along pretty well with Estelle. At the time,

  • She was this tiny shrimp of a female; about 4'10. I used to be able to rest my chin on her head.

  • She was adorable. Our first encounters were pretty awkward at first.

  • I was trying to break out of my shell she remained in hers, the timid type.

  • I spent a lot of my summer hanging out with Jessica and her friends,

  • so I guess we all got pretty comfortable with each other. At the time,

  • I never really considered Estelle taking an interest in me because I always overheard her friends teasing her about some guy named..

  • Bradley. I assumed she had a crush on him. I was wrong, well partially.

  • Summer ended and my final year of high school began. Before Jessica

  • and I got together, I remember Estelle and I talking pretty often. We weren't best friends or anything, but we were tight!

  • However once the shallow prick and I started dating, my interactions with Estelle

  • lessened and eventually became very occasional throughout the school year.

  • I remained oblivious to her feelings, or,

  • maybe I didn't but chose not to make it apparent to avoid a confrontation.

  • There was one time

  • I was at Jessica's locker at the end of the day.

  • Estelle was walking by, and as soon as I was in sight, she suddenly ran up to me and gave me a hug.

  • I took it as a friendly gesture. I guess we haven't talked to each other much at the time.

  • Jessica, on the other hand, saw it as a threat - as

  • "competition". I assured her she was my only interest, but she took further precautions because she cray cray!

  • I guess she had her own talk with Estelle, because soon after Estelle and I kind of stopped talking,

  • as if our interactions were scarce enough already. When Jessica

  • and I broke up, I felt the need to distance myself from her and the others. My immature teenage logic dictated that I blamed them

  • All for Jessica's Decision, believe me.

  • Estelle and I completely stopped talking, in fact she got together with Bradley. They didn't last very long, but I was happy for her.

  • I met Erin soon after and you all know how that turned out.

  • I was then back in Canada suffering in a four-year university program.

  • I visited Virginia multiple times over the years, but because they weren't very extensive,

  • I only got to see a few people. And

  • then, in the summer of

  • 2010, I planned another visit to Virginia. By that time I drifted a bit from several of my friends, and a lot of their schedules

  • didn't exactly line up with my visits. Keep in mind Erin

  • and I were still kind of grudgy with each other, so she wasn't exactly someone I thought about visiting,

  • and then I remembered Estelle.

  • Hey long time no talk, or see, but do you have any plans next month?

  • [Music] To be continued..

[MUSIC] Domics Introduction


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B1 中級

ブレイクアップ 3.5 (Break Ups 3.5)

  • 73 0
    dnwsaa58 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日