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Oh! Hi, everybody! Welcome back to Top
Words. My name is Alisha, and today we're
going to be talking about 10 sad words.
These are words that you can use to
express a sad feeling. So let's go!
Sad, the first word is sad,
anytime you feel down, you feel
disappointed, just to general not good
feeling, you can say, I'm sad. If someone
asks you, how are you doing? I'm sad.
The next word is disappointed, you can
use this with food, with people, with pets
if you like.
My parents like to use disappointed when
they wanted to express that I did not
live up to their expectations, they would
say, Alisha I'm really disappointed in
you, and I felt so bad because it meant
their expectation was here and my action
was here, so it's very effective.
But at the same time it's so
motivating. Lonely. The next word is
lonely, lonely. I don't want to talk about
this word, it's sad. Maybe you've been spending a
lot of time alone, or there's someone
that you really want to see, or you want
to see your family members, or maybe
you're working too much, I don't know,
whatever it is, maybe you just, you
feel like you want to talk to people, or
you want to see people, be around people,
but you can't, you can use the word
lonely to describe that feeling. I've
only been working for the last few
months, I haven't had a chance to spend
much time with my friends, I'm feeling
kind of lonely.
The next word is nervous. Nervous is used
for any tension, any anxiety, excited but
in a bad way about something. When I was
a child before my piano performances,
I would get so nervous, I would be so
nervous my hands would start to shake
and then I couldn't play the piece I've
been practicing for months.
That's why this is great because you're not here.
Forgive me! Don't be disappointed in me!
Upset is a really really useful word, anytime
you feel sad, angry, depressed,
disappointed, unhappy, in general, you can
say I'm upset, or he or she is upset.
It's just a general unhappy word but it
doesn't mean unhappy,
it just means something is wrong, there's
a way a person usually behaves, but I'm
upset means something's not right. In a
sentence, I might say, I'm really upset
about my performance last year, I was too
nervous and my parents were disappointed
in me, I'm sad now.
Frightened just means you're afraid,
you're scared of something, like when you
go to a movie and it's really scary, you can
say I was frightened. Frightened is not a
word that I'd use in everyday conversation
though. I might read this word in a book, I
suppose, but I can't remember the last
time I said "I'm very frightened," like, I
was frightened, that's a frightening movie.
It feels a little bit formal, so you
might read this word more often than you
actually say this word frightened.
Discouraged. The next word is discouraged.
If you're trying to do something, like, at
your job or as a hobby or whatever, but
it's really really difficult, or you're
receiving a lot of criticism, or it's
just not going as you planned, you can
say "I'm feeling discouraged."
that sad or that upset feeling of
wanting to do something but not being
able to, or having a hard time doing that.
I'm feeling a little bit discouraged
about my recent work project, for example.
Gloomy. Gloomy, i guess you could use
gloomy to describe someone's mood, just
they seem a bit down, they seem a bit sad,
they're not maybe saying very much, they
don't want to participate in things, that
might be someone who's gloomy. We also
use gloomy for, like, an atmosphere in a
room, or in a place, in a building,
something that's a bit dark, maybe it's
really, like, cloudy, you can
use gloomy to describe the weather as
well. Just something dark, cloudy, maybe
foggy, kinda, just a sad feeling, really.
In a sentence, my friend seems kind of gloomy
today, she hasn't said very much and
I saw her crying in the bathroom.
Hurt. The next word is hurt. If someone
criticizes you or if someone says bad
things about you, or you feel sad, you
feel down, but basically it's someone
else is the cause of that, you can say, I
feel hurt, or I was hurt by your comments.
So it can be used as a verb or as an adjective.
So as a verb, I was hurt by your comment.
As an adjective, I feel hurt. Another
expression that's commonly used is you
hurt my feelings, in that case it's used
as a verb, you hurt my feelings. So hurt
typically, maybe when you think of
the word hurt it means to wound or to
injure something, in this case your
feelings are the thing being injured or
being hurt.
So, you hurt my feelings is a very very
common one. Miserable. The next
word is miserable, she says laughing.
Miserable means very very sad, so maybe
here we have sad, I don't even know what
the next one is would be after sad, sad
and gloomy, miserable, depressed, I don't
know, these are just all very unhappy
things going on in this word spectrum
I'm building here with my hands.
Something bad has happened in your life
or in someone else's life and you need
a word stronger than sad to describe
that, you can use miserable. So, like, I
lost my job and I haven't been able to
find a new one, I'm miserable. Or my
boyfriend or my girlfriend broke up with
me, I'm miserable. It's usually for
something a bit serious in your life,
miserable. And that's the end! Those are
10 sad words, somehow that didn't get
too depressing, I hope. Anyway, give them a
try the next time you need to more
accurately describe your feelings, or to
describe someone else's feelings, they're
pretty useful actually, I think. Thanks
very much for joining us for this lesson!
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