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  • I promised you a flirting animation in the last video, so here you go.


  • Big shocker... I don't like it.

  • *Chuckle*

  • I'm assuming you all guess, based on my personality,

  • That I'm not one to partake in *SEDUCTIVELY* 'swooning' someone over with charming words of flattery...

  • I don't think I have ever flirted in my entire life, come to think of it.

  • Okay well, I did this one time by accident, but I-I'll get to that later on.

  • I'm more of a...

  • 'Make someone feel good and just, overall let them know I care about them' kind of person. (=‐ω‐=)

  • I have no courage to do anything else.

  • All I can imagine, is me just trying to approach someone, being like,

  • "Hey there."

  • .....*what da*

  • "I have a girlfriend..."

  • "OH MY GOD! SAME!"

  • "We have so much in common!" *Not really*

  • .... :| *D E E P I N H A L E* ._.

  • Agh, O F F

  • And even if I somehow got past the initial 'flirty introduction',

  • My low small talk skills won't get me very far with anything anyway.

  • Okay, so, the first time I ever tried to be a

  • 'confident flirty person' or whatever.

  • was with this one friend I had.

  • I liked them at the time and we hung out a lot.

  • And one time, we were just sitting on their bed, just chillin' and talkin'. Just buds being buds.

  • And my mind just starts going,

  • "Okay you've never done anything close to flirty in your entire life. Who even are you? Get your crap together.

  • Just do something, let's go, jeez, c'mon-"

  • I basically bullied myself into submission, which, I didn't even know was possible, but, congrats to me, I guess. :D

  • I peer pressured myself without any peers.

  • So, we were just talking and I just,

  • wrapped my arm around them.

  • Like, with no warning.

  • They were just mid sentence and I was like,

  • ANGH

  • And I IMMEDIATELY regretted it.

  • Like, okay-no this is not what I want anymore, why did I convince myself to do this. I'm-god dangit!

  • Cutting the story short, we just remained friends and honestly, I'm glad we did.

  • I realized that I prefer this person much more as a friend and I'm glad we didn't start a relationship.

  • If anything, we just become closer as pals.

  • They are literally one of my best friends now.

  • They also watch my videos, sooo,

  • hey.

  • You're probably expecting me to say this is awkward, but you're wrong!


  • WE'RE BEST FRIENDS! *swag intensifies*

  • Sorry, you can't laugh at my self-deprecation this time! HA!

  • Just a side tangent,

  • I don't understand why people just stop talking to someone just because they don't share mutual feelings with them.

  • like ok so...

  • You like someone enough to possibly consider starting a closer relationship,

  • which means,

  • you already enjoy their company, personality and overall, them as a person.

  • And just because they don't share the same romantic feelings back,

  • you all of a sudden, don't want to associate with them anymore?

  • That makes absolutely NO sense.

  • Minus the relationship, you two sound like you could've had a freagin' BOMB friendship.

  • Since you theoretically should be able to get along perfectly,

  • I mean, if you consider them as an adequate possible partner, I dunno, it just doesn't make sense to me,

  • eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh unless you're a douche bag and only like that person for their looks and nothing else.

  • Another part to flirting is,

  • The texting, the messaging, the sliding and the dms-ing.

  • And I don't really do that either, but I have something to say about it.

  • So, I guess I understand why you would want to wait a few minutes to text someone back,

  • because you don't wanna seem clingy or something.

  • But, why do people wait, like, more than ten minutes?

  • That's such a waste of time!

  • And it kinda comes off that you don't really care that you're talking to them.

  • Which is the opposite of what you're feeling.

  • Why can't we show when we appreciate someone anymore?

  • Also, I know people who what to text someone they like as little as possible,

  • because I don't know...

  • Again, it makes it seem like they don't want to be texting them or something.

  • They'll almost make it a competition to try and leave the conversation first.

  • Like, "Congrats! You win on finding a way to make them be the last text in your conversation!

  • You know what your prize is?

  • Not getting to talk to the person you wanna talk to!"

  • Putting it that way doesn't make it seem all that appealing, does it?

  • So, now I'm sure you're wanting me to tell you stories that make me kind of die a bit inside, but provide you with entertainment.

  • And you're right!

  • *Sarcastically Enthusiastic* Let's start with awkward first date, shall we?

  • During my junior year of high school after our homecoming dance,

  • my group of friends and I wanted to go bowling, because,

  • I didn't have a date.

  • Obviously.

  • At the bowling place, next to our lane, were a group of people around the same age as us.

  • And, out of the blue! One of my friends just goes;


  • *Silence*

  • "RACHEL!!"

  • So, we took pictures with these random people,

  • and the one that was my dat-

  • 'date'

  • was like, "Heh, you should send that to me."

  • And me being freagin' innocent and clueless, just goes;

  • "Okay!

  • Wait! I don't have your number

  • wait.

  • did I just.

  • how did I do that?"

  • So blah blah blah I had this person's number now.

  • And I was like;

  • "Oh yeah, I totally meant to be all smooth like that." to my friends.

  • But, in reality.

  • Ehh, technically, uh.

  • NAH.

  • I have no idea what I'm doing. :D

  • They end up asking me to the movies and I was like,

  • "ok"

  • But my parents didn't want me to go alone, so they made me invite Kate and her boyfriend at the time to go as a double date.

  • So we all go to the movies, and since I literally don't know anything about this person, we didn't know what to talk about.

  • The whole time.

  • It was all just, 'flop' conversations like,

  • "So, how was your day?"

  • Good, how about you?"

  • "Good."

  • "What's your favorite colour?"

  • uuuubttt


  • It was really...


  • I can't, uhbbt.

  • augggh.

  • It was scarring.

  • Like, I'm serious, I will never accept any movie invitations unless it's with close friends or family.

  • All that comes to my mind when I think about movie theaters are just, flashbacks...

  • Like, I don't wanna relive that!

  • I already lived through it once.

  • That's quite enough.

  • No more please.

  • So, that story wasn't too bad,

  • just awkward tension.


  • Awkward first kiss! *Oh dear god.*

  • WRONG.

  • (hint i'm bad at saying no to people)

  • Also, this is my second date ever.

  • Just putting that fact out there.

  • During my freshman year in college, this person invited me to go on a date, and yeaah, I didn't know them either.

  • at all.


  • We meet up and decide to eat at a restaurant, and heyo, I'll save some time just by saying,

  • It was going VERY simlar to my first date.


  • My college has this mountain near it called,

  • 'A mountain'.

  • and people liked to hike it.

  • Well, I-umm, it's really not even a hike, more like, walking up at a mild angle.

  • So we wound up walking up 'A Mountain' and sitting on a rock platform at the top.

  • And we continued attempting at a normal conversation

  • *not really succeeding.*

  • At one point, they put their arm around me

  • Come to think of it, all these stories are kind of coming full circle and I never realized

  • and I'm kinda freaking out.

  • And I kinda start just panicking to myself.

  • *Okay, I see where this is going, but I don't know if I want to end up kissing them.

  • Like, I literally know nothing about this person-AGAIN.

  • And I haven't kissed anyone yet, what is even happening right now? Oh golly jeez.*

  • And all of a sudden, they grab my face and turn it towards them.


  • Oh, well I ran out of time."

  • So anyone who just happens to take a date up to the top of 'A Mountain' and sits on the platform thing,

  • You'll be sitting on the same stop I accidentally got kissed by someone.

  • And if you're there,

  • take a picture and tweet it at me.

  • I'd say preferably if you guys kissing, but that's kind of weird, and I mean, unless you want to.

  • This last story isn't really about flirting or dates, but I think it's kinda funny.

  • I was hanging out with an ex-friend, and we were walking along our colleges main strip,

  • it's a street called 'Mill' and it's got a bunch of stores and restaurants along it.

  • And just because I like how all these stories are kinda connecting, the restaurant fist kiss that I went to was on this strip too.

  • We sat down at a bench outside a shop and these two passersby go,

  • "Awwww, relationship goals."

  • as they walk into the shop.

  • We kinda looked at each other and laughed and just kept talking.

  • Then, a few minutes later, the same people left the store and walked by us again and were like,

  • "So how long have you guys been together?"

  • And we were like;

  • "Et-umm"

  • Like, we froze.

  • And after a bit, I just go,

  • "He's gay."

  • Their faces were like, *INHALE* "WE MADE A MISTAAAAAAAKE."

  • So, moral of the video, don't overthink relationship stuff or dates or kissing or whatever you're overthinking.

  • If you like someone, tell them. If you want to date someone, ask them.

  • If you wanna kiss someone, give them more thinking time before you yank their head at your face.

  • Just be cool about it all.

  • If you can't be a couple, then show the world how BOMB you guys are as friends!


  • I'm gonna try and whip up a video explaining this a bit more, but basically,


  • A bunch of new merch stuff but more importantly,


  • There are Jaiden plushies, just AWAITING YOUR PURCHASE NOW.

  • More details in the official announcement video.

  • But if you're still here, that means you have early access to the new Jaiden merch.

  • >:D

  • I highly suggest checking that stuff out

  • especially since everything's on sale for a limited time right now.


  • Anyway,

  • new shop, go peep it out.

  • and yeah.


  • JAIDEN OUT. *hah.*

I promised you a flirting animation in the last video, so here you go.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

いちゃつく&私の体験談 (Flirting & My Stories)

  • 121 4
    dnwsaa58 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日