字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Rachel: Hey guys! Jun: Hey guys! こんにちは Rachel: Today, we're gonna talk about Japanese mistakes that Japanese people make including Jun. 今回は日本人がよく間違う日本語です But not me because I'm perfect. Junが話します Are u sure about that? 私は完璧なので Just kidding, my Japanese isn't even good enough to tell those things are mistakes so today- 冗談です。私の日本語レベルでは難しいので I'm just gonna stay here and shut up. 今日は大人しくしています All the mistakes 今回触れるのは全て私が過去に間違えていたものです We're going to talk about today are the ones that I have made in the past so basically today 今日は世界中に恥を晒します。笑 I'm gonna just tell the world how stupid I am as Japanese 間違いを沢山公開してね That's not true. 沢山後悔しそう… Rachel: Jun just really likes correcting people's grammar because he's a grammar nazi. Jun: I'm not 今回の動画はSquarespaceの提供です Anyways, today's video is sponsored by Squarespace the easiest way to get online with a website or domain. 最初は卵です So there are two kanji for eggs. One is this and the other one is this, do you know the difference? 漢字は2つありますが This one is hard boiled. 違いを知ってる? Yeah exactly, and this one is for raw eggs こっちは調理してある? Oh, this kanji is only used for cooked eggs, any kind of cooked eggs, but not just hard-boiled 例外もあるけど、基本的にこっちは生で、 Oh yeah, I think so yeah. Yeah, I was able to use this kanji for cooked eggs 調理済みのものは玉子 But I actually didn't think about the difference between these two so when I was asked by foreign students like hey ゆで卵は例外? What's the difference between these two words? うん、だね and I wasn't able to answer right away, which is a shame so this is the first mistake I made 使い分けは出来ていたけど、考えたことがなくて I didn't know. 海外留学生なんかに違いを聞かれて That's one of the biggest reasons, you know all these is because you've been asked by foreigners so many times. すぐに答えられなかった Yeah, who are learning the language -and every time they ask and I wasn't able to answer so I was just ashamed 恥ずかしかったな、あれは And then you look it- no it's good. Cuz then you look it up, and then you know yeah, good for everyone. 海外の人に聞かれて学んだ事って多いよね? I just wish that I should have known. うん All right Jun, what's number two. 聞かれる度に答えられなかったから、こたえたね… "Oji-san" and "Oji-san". Do you know the difference? でも、それで学んだんだから良いじゃない I do, because you told me this one before. でも、知ってるべきだったと思って So then what about this one ah this one- 次は? So weird there's nothing on the screen さて、違いは? While we're recording this, but I know which one Jun's talking about. 教えてもらったから知ってるよ This is the one for the uncle that is older, yeah. じゃあ、こっちは? So uncle- if your uncle is older than your mother or father, then you use this kanji. これ、撮影中にテキストないから分かりにくいけど、 And the other one is the other one 伯父は、年上の場合なんだとね? So the ver- the opposite so that's the uncle that is younger younger than your mother or father そう、父(または母)の兄に使う漢字です Then you have to use this kanji for uncle. 対して叔父は、弟の場合に使います Are both of these as commonly used as each other in Japan? どっちも普通に使われる漢字なの? Yes. It's just some people like me. うん、ただ違いを知らない自分みたいな人もいる Didn't know difference so sometimes people get confused so you just kind of use them interchangeably? じゃあ、使い分けないといけないんだね Yeah, do you think it's not as common knowledge anymore because it's not as important anymore, the age of birth? 年齢差が昔ほど重要視されてないこととか関係ある? I think it's still like a common sense that you should know if you Japanese. いや、ないと思う。知っておくべき常識 Though the rest of these are all kanji mispronunciations. 次からは読み間違いです A lot of kanji have multiple readings, yeah, and that's why if you don't know what the correct reading is sometimes 多くの漢字には読み方が複数あるので、 It's easy to make a mistake and read it one way when it's supposed to be read a different way 知らないと読み間違うことがよくあります Yeah, so that's what all of these are. Right. If you have Japanese friends- 日本人の友達がいる方は、 Then you can ask these questions and test how their Japanese- how good their Japanese is, but don't let them watch this video first. テストしてみてください。笑 There is a full kanji character idioms called "Kiki ipatsu" and the kanji "Kiki" means like a dangerous and the- この動画を見せる前に second half of kanji "ipatsu", so it's like one string of hair, like even slightest thinnest mistake as a string of hair 四字熟語に危機一髪というものがあります Can ruin everything 髪の毛一本程の些細な間違いで、 So you're like on the edge, on the very edge, yeah. 危機に陥るかもしれない瀬戸際という意味です For some reasons, I always thought the last kanji was not the hair but the kanji "hatsu". "Kiki ipatsu" 瀬戸際ね and as a lot of people know that's the name of this toy でも結構長い間、髪じゃなくて発だと思っていました "Pop-up Pirate" ご存知の方も多いですが、危機一発は… That's a dangerous game. That was so embarrassing. あれは、本当に恥ずかしかったな I think you should just use it that way, I think that's way better. 瀬戸際感はより伝わるけどね。笑 It's not serious anymore, it's just that guy- *puff* でも、黒ヒゲおじさんは御免かな… Did anyone else make that "pop-up pirate" mistake, like did you look that up online is anyone else doing that or is that just you? 危機一発の間違いって、けっこうよくあるの? Probably I'm the only one in this entire world who makes that kind of mistake. 世界広しと言えど、危機一発だと思っていたのは私だけでしょう… So the next one is a word for possible. 次は、可能性があるという意味の言葉で Which is this. Do you know how to read this one? 読み方わかる? "arieru" .That's what I thought too. 自分もそう思ってた。 But no, it's actually "ariuru". So that's how you read. 正しくは、ありうる、です。 You have- see I've never heard "ariuru" because you always say "arieru". We can say "arieru", too ありえるはよく聞くけど When you use this kanji, then it should be read "uru", although you can read this kanji as "e" ありえるも言うけど、 as well like "eru" means "gain" and これの本来の読み方はありうるだそうです That's where- that's how when you use this kanji. So that's why it's really confusing 得る、は「え(る)」と読むし、混乱しました But technically, it's "ariuru" yes, I "ariuru". ありうる、なんだ Have you ever heard someone say "ariuru"? ありうる、と人が言っているのを聞いたことある? Yeah? It's really common. It's just we didn't think about it when we didn't know or you use that- あるよ、自分でも言う You didn't think about it. Yes. I didn't think about it 考えてはいなかったけど alright, the next one is actually the name of a 次のは、日本の県名です Prefecture in Japan 茨城という県があります So there is a prefecture called: "Ibaraki". You're right, but- その通り Which we just went to, I have a lot of videos about them. If you want to watch they're on our other channel. この前行ってきました Yes, it's supposed to be pronounced "Ibaraki" but a lot of people pronounce this prefecture "Ibaragi". Really? Yeah, "Ibaragi" いばらき、と読みます Really yes でも、いばらぎ、と読んでいた事があります Why? なんで? Your question- I don't know exactly why but I a lot of people read this kanji "Ibaragi". 良い質問だね、知らん! In America, there's a state called "Arkansas" and when I was really really lil- yeah, Arkansas 結構知らない人もいるみたいです And when I was really really little I used to pronounce it アメリカにはアーカンソーという州があるんだけど、 Arkansas because I have the word Kansas in it and Kansas is another state. Uh-huh 綴りは「Arkansas」 It's not it's "Arkansas" 子供の頃にアーカンザスと読んでいました yeah, the last one Arkansas(アーカンザス)と読めなくもないから So embarrassing, but I'm gonna have to tell you guys so the kanji for perfect- ちょっと似てるかもね I know this one. This is like this is first year Japanese again too. 最後は Alright, if you know the kanji for perfect- 本当に恥ずかしいですが Please write it down now, like down now, and see if you're wrong or correct パーフェクトという意味の漢字です "Kanpeki" so this is how you write "Kanpeki" 1番最初の日本語授業で習ったわ very right bottom part of this kanji では、皆さん、今書いてみて下さい It's- a lot of people write "Suji", which means sand こう書きます It's the kanji for wall, and you can also read this kanji "Heki" or "Peki" too hmm, but it's actually not- 右下部分の所なんだけど、 If you type "Kanpeki"- よくある間違いで、土と書いてしまう人が多いです on your phone or your computer shouldn't it automatically select the correct kanji for you?- 壁という漢字です A lot of people write this kanji instead. 壁もヘキ(ペキ)と読めますが、 You see the difference? The bottom is different. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about so when they're physically writing it down 完璧の漢字は土ではなく、玉です。 Yeah, but you can't make that mistake when you're typing. Yeah, because your computer will tell you the correct kanji 携帯とかで、かんぺき、と書いたら変換されないの? Yeah, but a lot people didn't even realize because it's so similar- when you're writing it. Yeah, that's okay. No one writes anymore こっちの方を間違えて書いちゃうんだよ Rachel: Yeah, you really write when you have to fill out forms everything else is typing. Jun: That's when you get embarrassed like me, okay じゃあ、実際に紙に書く時に間違えるのね I type so much now that when I actually have to fill out a form in Japanese it really takes me a long time to remember the でも、タイピングでは間違えないよね Kanji and sometimes. I have to go look it up again because I've just forgotten 自動変換されるし Like you learn all of this stuff in school because you have to physically write it down, but then you never write again でも、よく似てるから気付かない人も多い Okay, later in life. I never write anything 現代社会なら、大丈夫じゃない? That's like a modern problems all these people are living in modern society have 用紙記入時くらいしかもう書かないし。 We just type and we just forget all this kanji when we learn when in school そういう所で恥をかくのさ I'm glad that I learned all of these was in college もう最近はタイピングばかりで before I graduated 書く時は必ず調べながら書いてるから、 I shouldn't have been able to make this kind of mistake after I start working for a company. いつも時間がかかります I think it's fine 学校で習ったのに、書かないから忘れちゃうんだよね Rachel: it's fine to make mistakes- Jun: it's fine to make a mistake, but you do want to keep making the same mistake 現代社会のあるあるだよね Yeah, that's it so you make a mistake, and then you learn the correct way to do it 書かないから忘れる And then you don't make the mistake anymore. Yeah, so hopefully this video is somewhat helpful for 在学中に恥かいておいて良かったよ Japanese people who make the kind of mistakes as me, too 会社に勤めてから同じ間違いをしなくて済んだ But let you know if you've made the same mistake so you can make him feel better 間違いは誰にでもあることだし I probably get a lot of comments. Why are you kidding me? Are you really a Japanese? 間違いは良いけど、それを繰り返すのは良くないかな This video is sponsored by Squarespace- そうね、そこで学べばいいのよ where June is creating his own website for Jun's Kitchen right now. Yeah まあ、この動画が多少なりとも日本人視聴者の役に立つかもしれないしね They're a very intuitive platform with tons of beautiful modern design templates, so you don't have to decide anything yourself Junと同じ間違えをしていたら、コメントで教えてください Which is really good for us because we're not the most design savvy people- yep, no experience きっと沢山コメントが来るよ。「Jun、嘘だろ?日本の恥さらしめ!」 They're very very lovely they have templates for anything 今回はSquarespaceの提供で、 You could possibly want whether you're an artist and you want a page to display your work and accept Commission's 今Junが料理チャンネルのウェブサイトを作っています。 Or if you own a restaurant and you want a place for people to make reservations 魅力的なデザインが初心者でも簡単にできる便利なサイトなので、 Anything you can want they have it check out Squarespace comm for a free trial 私達のような素人にはとてもありがたいです。 And if you're ready to get online go to Squarespace call 用途は様々で、ビジネス用、販売用、ポートフォリオ用など豊富です。 Rachel and Jude to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain 興味のある方は無料トライアルもあります。 Thank you guys for watching, and we'll see you later. Bye I コードを入力すれば、最初のウェブサイト(又はドメイン)を購入時に10%割引が適用されます。
A2 初級 日本語 米 漢字 日本 jun 間違い 危機 タイピング 日本人がやってしまう日本人の間違い (Japanese mistakes that Japanese people make) 94 2 minami.kuo に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語